Grace wasn’t paying attention to the debriefing.
The few people talking in the room sounded like muffled voices in a tunnel.
He was still buzzing from Mirage’s touch. His hands had been warm, sure, competent. If he made him feel like that with his clothes on, Grace could imagine what he would do if they were both…
His every thought since Valentine’s Day had been consumed by Mirage.
While in South America, the mission had kept him centered.
Now, he had time for reflection. And since then, all he could think about was the way Meridian had kissed and loved on his partner, the way he’d caressed Ex’s lips with a black rose.
How is Meridian so damn romantic?
He seemed so cruel and evil. It was well-known that the Blacks were lethal men with hearts of solid stone.
Except when it came to each other, Grace supposed.
He glanced across the table at Mirage.
Has he always been so handsome?
Mirage was discussing the images from the documents they’d sent to forensics, his calming voice the only sound Grace could focus on.
His mind was also on other things, like how soft Mirage’s sweater looked and the way it made his eyes pop, and the supple—
“Grace! Are you with us? That question was meant for you.”
Grace’s temple throbbed at his reaction to his name being blurted as he tore his gaze away from perfection.
He turned and glowered at the assistant director.
Hank was an irritating man with an atrocious combover and a suit that was in critical need of tailoring.
The assistant cleared his throat, appearing regretful he’d gotten Grace’s attention.
The others around the table stared at their notepads, avoiding Grace’s eyes.
“Um, sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“You didn’t,” he bit out.
Hank’s neck turned red before he cleared his throat again and pulled at the knot of his tie.
“Uh, I was saying. The director’s been quite impressed with the success of your missions, especially this last one. And he’s decided to elevate you guys’ ready status. Which means you’re gonna be going after the really bad guys now.”
Grace didn’t react.
“You’ve both worked hard to earn it.” Hank smiled with coffee-stained teeth. “How’s that make you feel, buddy?”
Grace got up and yanked his trench off the back of his chair, giving the AD a look of death.
Mirage also stood and interpreted Grace’s thoughts.
“He feels nothing.”
“And don’t ever call him buddy again, Hank, or it’ll be the last word you say.”
Spectre chuckled. “Well, on that note, I think the debriefing is over.”
Grace didn’t wait to be dismissed.
He went to the glass door and yanked it open but didn’t cross the threshold until he felt Mirage’s breath on the back of his neck.