Mirage’s words, his focus on him, slowed Grace’s pulse and softened the killer that lurked inside.
Grace honored the rule of the Ravens—to put his country over all personal gratification—but they were alone inside his sanctuary. No one could discipline him for his insubordination if they never saw it.
Only the city lights and the sprinkling of stars were witnesses to their passion, silent observers that would never tell of their forbidden touches.
Grace’s thoughts went to the ecstasy he’d witnessed through those dusty skylights on Valentine’s Day.
He wanted to feel that, and so did Mirage because it was written all over his face.
But first, Grace had to know where those feelings arose from. When had the switch turned back on for Mirage? Most importantly, how was it so strong?
He uttered one word that required an extensive answer. “Explain?”
Mirage seemed to know exactly what he was asking.
“I’m a scientist, Grace. In the beginning, I decided to alter and adjust the levels of my serums. Not the ones for enhanced strength and concentration…but the ones that would eliminate my parents or deny me my feelings for you.”
Grace frowned.
Mirage stared him down, challenging Grace to say it was wrong or deceitful.
But he didn’t say a word.
“In Saigon, Vietnam, I studied the properties of natural serums, antitoxins, ways to prevent diseases and to cure them. I did it so I could help soldiers that were exposed to toxins while trudging through the brush and sleeping in swamp-infested lands.”
Grace had few details about his partner’s background, but he knew their pasts were no longer of consequence. Only now mattered.
Mirage slid both hands up Grace’s arms until he cupped his face, stroking his cheeks with his thumbs, deliciously scraping the bristly hairs covering his chin.
Graced closed his eyes.
Mirage’s hands were rough and callused from mastering combat knives.
“I don’t remember any of this, Mirage. Kissing, touching…sex.”
It was an embarrassing confession, but not more so than kissing like an inexperienced teenager.
Mirage didn’t laugh at him, didn’t even crack a smile.
“It’s just like firing a grenade launcher,” Mirage murmured against his throat. “Once you do it, even if it was a decade ago…it’ll all come back to you once it’s in your hands.”
This was Grace’s first intimate touch from a man, and he was glad it was with Mirage, a man he respected more than anyone in the world.
Need reared in his groin and dominated all else.
Grace shuddered with excitement at what was about to happen.
Mirage held the back of Grace’s neck and pulled him close until their mouths were an inch apart.
The world slowed, leaving only the two of them.
Mirage’s breath was minty, his lips parted, blowing puffs of anticipation against Grace’s chin.
Fuckin’ kiss me already.
Mirage nodded at the unspoken order, his eyelashes fluttering, his full lips curving into a soft smile, as he kept them suspended in that moment…hanging over the edge of delirium.
Grace’s dick was stone, and his balls throbbed for a different kind of release. One that didn’t involve his right hand.
He didn’t know when he’d wrapped his arms around Mirage’s waist or when his hands had balled the fabric of his hoodie in a tight grip.
Mirage leaned in and tentatively touched his mouth to his, gentler than a warrior of his caliber should possess the ability to be. And Grace allowed all logical thought to slip away.