They had fifteen minutes before Ex and Meridian arrived.
Grace pulled out his phone and made an appointment with the same interior designer he’d used before. He’d convinced the owner of the costly firm that his job was the head of personnel for the architect firm on the first floor, and the designer, Giorgio, was none the wiser.
Mirage was standing at his counter, clicking away on his laptop, studying the layout of the lab and the director’s floor.
Grace couldn’t help but come up behind him and slip his arms around Mirage’s waist.
He relished the slight smile that played across Mirage’s lips while he stayed focused on the screen.
“Haven’t you had enough?” Mirage murmured.
Grace pulled down the collar of Mirage’s hickory-colored turtleneck and kissed behind his neck before he placed his lips against the inside of his ear.
“I’ll never have enough of you,” he moaned.
Mirage gave a fierce shudder before he spun and smashed his mouth over his, kissing him with so much energy that it was only seconds before Grace’s cock turned to steel.
“You know what your voice does to me, don’t you?”
“Mm-hmm.” He nodded, giving Mirage a little more.
Grace hefted Mirage onto the stool, grabbed his ass, and pulled him flush against his groin.
Mirage wrapped his legs around Grace’s waist, the heels of his combat boots digging into the back of his legs.
He wound his body between Mirage’s spread thighs, pressing his cock against his abdomen.
“Holy shit.” Mirage leaned back, his eyes lowered as he stared at Grace’s mouth. “More.”
Mirage cradled his cheeks, then licked his lips. “Give me more,” he whispered breathlessly.
Grace eased his hands up Mirage’s back, then leaned in until their foreheads touched.
“I think I’m feeling love for the first time in my life,” Grace confessed.
Mirage almost choked on his own breath.
“I don’t know what love is for sure,” Grace continued. “But I do know my whole world revolves around you. So if that’s love…then no one will ever love you more than me.”
Grace didn’t give Mirage a chance to reply as he kissed him with the weight of every word he’d said.
Given the way Mirage keened into his mouth and returned the passion ten-fold, there was no need for Mirage to say he loved him back. Grace felt it deep in his core.
They kissed, caressed, and loved on each other until there was a knock at the door.
Grace eased away and slowly pulled Mirage’s hood over his head.
That beautiful face was only his to gaze upon.