Blade (Silver Shadows MC #1) Chapter Fifteen 48%
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Chapter Fifteen


The second Rachel left the clubhouse, King, Cash, and Jack turned toward me.

King looked pissed.

Cash smirked at me, and Jack had the biggest fucking grin on his face. “Damn, brother, I thought for sure it would take you longer. Best bet I ever lost!”

Crossing my arms over my chest, I narrowed my eyes and asked, “What bet?”

“Pay up, assholes.” Cash had his hand out, and I spied Jack and King both groaning as they reached for their wallets.

“What the hell is going on?” I knew these fuckers weren’t betting on Becca and me. Not knowing if I wanted the answer or not, I asked, “What exactly did you bet on?”

“We bet how long it would take before you admitted you were still in love with her,” Jack confessed, slapping me on the back. “I thought for sure it would take at least a month. You can be a stubborn son of a bitch. Cash said two weeks, tops, and well, King didn’t think you would give in at all.”

I looked over at my president, and he simply shrugged.

“Fuck all of you,” I barked, flipping them off, then asked, “Was everyone in on it?”

“Just the officers,” King replied. “We need to get into church before the Mother Chapter gets here. Hopefully, Nav got ahold of that video from the parking lot.”

We entered church and waited for the others to join us.

There were nine officers in the Silver Shadows MC. King and Cash, the President and VP. Then there was Jack and me. Jack was the Secretary, and I was the Road Captain. Gunner, our Sergeant at Arms, walked in and took his place. Followed by Nav and his computer. The only ones not here yet were Colt, our Treasurer, and our Enforcers, Ghost and Jingles.

When I heard a throat clear, I looked around and realized I was wrong. Jingles was here. He was a silent motherfucker, something you want in an enforcer when you had to send him out to locate someone. When he prospected, every brother complained about how quiet he was. Banshee, who screamed like a little bitch when anyone snuck up on him, suggested putting a bell around his neck so we would hear the jingles before he showed himself.

Colt and Ghost shuffled in and closed the doors.

With everyone here, we could get down to business. When we had a problem that needed to be dealt with, it was the officers that decided.

A club this size didn’t work out well if there were two dozen brothers all trying to give their opinion. We decided what needed to be done and pulled the rest in when needed.

Before King could start, Jack piped up, letting the others know about the bet results. They all pulled out their wallets, handing money to Cash.

The fucker’s club name fit him to a tee.

“So, you gonna claim her now?” Colt asked.

“Yea, not until I tell her the truth, though. She might not want me to claim her after that. We’ll see.”

“Better do it soon, brother. The longer you wait the harder it will be to come clean,” Jingles added.

“Ok, let’s get started. Nav, do you have that video?” King asked.

“I have the video from the steakhouse, and the one from earlier when the sheriff was here. Which one do you want first?” Nav glanced at me before conceding to King for the decision.

“What aren’t you saying, man?” I knew Nav had already watched them both.

“Which one do you think we should watch first, Nav?”

Looking away from King, he glanced back in my direction. “The one from this morning. It would be better to hear her give the account before seeing what happened. She left a few things out.”


“Ok, cue up the first one.”

We all focused on the large screen at the front of the room. The video started and we saw Dec and Becca sitting at the table.

“How are you doing?” the sheriff asked.

“Ok. I really didn’t want to make this into a big thing.”

“That bruise on your face says it’s a pretty big thing.”

Becca looked away from the sheriff, not saying anything more.

“Let’s start at the beginning.”

The sheriff took out his phone and placed it on the table.

“Is it ok if I record this?”

The son of a bitch looked up directly at our camera.

I guess he also knew it was there.

“Sure.” Becca twisted her hands together.

Sitting up straighter, I wondered why she was so nervous?

“Please state your full name.”

“Rebecca Lynn Washington.”

“Miss Washington, you had dinner with Grant Nicholson last evening, correct?”


“Did Mr. Nicholson seem agitated or angry during dinner?”

“Not until the end.”

“Do you know what caused him to act this way?”

He had better not be blaming her for this bullshit.

King narrowed his eyes at me as though he heard my thoughts.

I held my hands in surrender, letting him know I understood him.

“Well, everything was going ok at first. We were talking about high school and sharing what we had been up to between when I left town and came back.”

“Why did you leave town?”

“I went to college.” The sheriff nodded his head, asking her to continue.

“I got distracted while we were talking and zoned out. I guess he didn’t like that. He ended the evening there, and when we got outside, he got pretty angry.”

“It’s ok, take your time.”

“He tried to kiss me. I told him I wasn’t interested in him that way and then he got even angrier. He, um, he punched me, and I fell. Then he just got in his car and left me there. I called Jack, and that was when Blade came and picked me up and drove me home.”

The rest of the video comprised a few more technical questions, and then they both stood and left the room. Before he stepped out, Dec looked up at the camera again and shook his head. He knew she lied. Everyone turned to look at me.

“She’s fucking lying. Why is she lying?” I grumbled.

“Blade, this next video shows what actually happened. Brace yourself, man. This one doesn’t have sound,” Nav warned me as he hit play.

Becca followed Grant outside to his car. He walked to her side of the car to open her door. Only when they got to the door, he just stood there. We couldn’t see him talking, and with no sound, we didn’t know what he was saying.

He took a step toward her, and she stepped back, bumping against the car. He shouted something at her. Grant was pacing now. Growing more agitated with every step.

Turning back toward Becca, he got in her face. He grabbed her face with his hands and kissed her. Becca tried to pull away, but he was relentless. Then his hands were no longer on her face. One hand wrapped around her back and the other squeezed her breast.

Everything escalated quickly after that as his hand went to her thigh. He grabbed the hem of her dress, lifting it up.

“FUCK!” I screamed, slamming my fists on the table in front of me.

His mouth was on her throat as she tried to push at his chest.

She was screaming. He slapped her across the face. Both his hands were on her dress now, pulling it up to her waist.

“Turn it off,” I begged.

Nav paused the video.


I looked at King.

“We are not watching her get raped!” I roared, standing from my seat.


I ignored Nav. If I looked at him, knowing he watched her get raped, I would fucking slice his throat. She told me he didn’t rape her.

“Blade, brother, look at me.”

Breathing heavy, I turned to the man I was about to kill.

“He didn’t rape her. Keep watching. I promise you won’t want to miss this.”

I nodded, not able to get the words out as Nav pressed play one more time.

Becca reached up and scratched her nails down his face. He screamed at her and punched her so hard her head turned to the side.

“Damn, don’t piss her off, brother,” Ghost commented. “Get him, girl.”

He shoved his knee between her legs and reached for the button on his slacks. She placed her hands on his chest and shoved, hard. He stumbled back enough for her to bring her knee up and she slammed it into his dick.

“OH!” Every man in the room winced, watching Grant fold over and hit the ground, taking Becca with him.

Scrambling to her hands and knees, she tried to crawl away. He grabbed her foot. Rolling over onto her ass, she kicked her other leg. Her foot connected with his head, and he fell back. She took off running toward the restaurant, and he got in his car and took off.

She disappeared from the camera, and that must be when she called Jack.

“Fuck, man, she let him have it,” Colt raved.

“Did you see her foot land on his head?” Gunner’s voice filled with pride for my girl.

“Those nails, man. You should have seen how deep the scratches were,” Jingles added.

King stood as Nav shut off the video.

“Why the fuck is he still alive?” He glared at Jack, Ghost and Jingles.

“Prez, all we knew was that he hit her. Blade called me when he got to her and saw the bruise starting. Until we knew what we were dealing with, we decided a beat down was enough. This also leaves him for Blade to have his shot.”

King nodded, agreeing with that assessment, and I was damn glad.

When I got my hands on him, he’d quickly learn why they called me Blade.

“Ok, we need to figure out how to get ahold of him. He’s chained up in the hospital right now. So we have to be careful.”

Just then, Cash’s phone pinged. He looked at the message.

When we started this chapter, one of the decisions we made was that officers kept their phones on silent during church. We didn’t want interruptions, but we needed to be reachable for emergencies.

In Arkansas, there had been times when important minutes were wasted. This sometimes led to brothers being picked up, or worse killed, because officers were in church when something happened, and no one could be reached.


“What is it?” King asked, and Cash glared at me.

“I don’t care if he is your friend, Blade. If Ryder doesn’t keep his lips off my woman, I will beat his ass.”

I laughed. I knew he did it to piss Cash off, knowing Rachel wouldn’t let him touch Ryder. He got up from the table and walked out, no doubt calling Rachel. King could fill him in later. My phone rang next, and it was the prospect watching over Becca and Rachel. I put it on speaker, knowing why he was calling.


“Hey uh, Blade.”

“Is it the prospect? This better be important enough to interrupt church.”

“Well, I mean I texted Cash. But well, you don’t have an old lady. At least not that I know of. But, um…”

“Spit it out,” I demanded, trying my hardest to keep the grin out of my voice. The others left in the room with me were having as hard a time as I was staying quiet.

“Well, I know Beck is yours. I mean, not officially, but Prez said she was off-limits, so I assumed—”

“PROSPECT!” Getting the anger to come through wasn’t difficult at all.

“Sir, Ryderishereandhekissedherwhenhewalkeduptothetable.”

I knew that was why he was calling. And I knew damn well Ryder saw the prospect and did it because he knew the prospect would tell me right after telling Cash.

“You let another man kiss my woman?”

“No sir. I mean, I was told to stay outside, and he just walked in and kissed her before I could even blink.”

“Who told you to stay outside, Prospect?”

“VP did, sir.”

“That was the right answer. I’m on my way. Text me where you are and don’t let any of them leave until I get there.”

“Yes sir.”

I disconnected the call and looked at my brothers. “That was fun.”

“What’s your plan?” King asked.

“Can you be more specific? I have four different things going on in my head right now that need my attention.”

Nicholson could wait. He couldn’t leave the hospital. The prospect needed to grow some balls. Ryder needed to be punched in the face, and my woman needed to be told not to let other men kiss her.

“Nicholson,” King answered, waiting.

My phone pinged, and I looked at the message from the prospect.

“Not much I can do at the moment. I do plan on heading into the hospital, just need to see what the watch schedule is.”

“Ok, keep me updated. The rest of you, get out of here. The Mother Chapter should be here in a few hours.” King slammed the gavel that he forgot to hit at the start, and we all shuffled out.

Striding outside, I climbed on my bike and drove to The Coffee Shop.

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