Leaving Becca to come to the clubhouse for church sucked.
I tried to get her to come with me, but she said she had plenty at the house to keep her busy, seeing as she wouldn’t actually be with me at church, anyway.
Maybe we should let old ladies in church. Someday they’d all have one, and they’d thank me for suggesting it. I had a scowl on my face when I entered church, and Colt took a chance with his life by trying to be funny.
“Hey, you fighting with the old lady already, Blade?”
“Fuck you, Colt.”
“No, he’s pissy cause he had to leave her bed for church.” Jack snorted.
King slapped the back of his head as he walked to the front of the room to take his chair.
“That’s my niece, Jackass.”
“So we can’t bust his balls?” Jack’s grin fell as he questioned King.
Glaring at Jack, he replied, “Fuck no, not about her.”
I turned toward Jack and grinned.
“Asshole.” Jack pouted.
“Alright, let’s get started,” King said, knocking the gavel against the worn table.
“Johnny’s been hearing some rumblings about Rohypnol making the rounds in some bars outside of town,” Gunner relayed.
“Anything here in town?” Ghost growled.
“Nothing yet, but we need to keep a watch out. Maybe mention something to Grace.”
“Grace pours the drinks. She isn’t drinking them. No need to bring her into it,” King said, shuffling through his papers.
We all looked at each other, wondering who was brave enough to correct him. Cash heaved a sigh, knowing he was the only one that could.
Cash waited for him to look up. When he finally acknowledged him, Cash continued.
“We aren’t worried about Grace being drugged, but being the bartender at the bar in town, she can keep an eye out and let us know if she sees anyone suspicious.”
“I said no.” King leaned forward on the table. “Johnny’s there every night. He can keep an eye out; that’s what he’s there for.”
“I thought he was there to make sure Grace didn’t go home with anyone,” Jingles said quietly.
We all chuckled at that.
“You have something to say, Jingles? Speak the fuck up.” King steamed.
Grace was a bit of a sore subject with him lately. As far as any of us knew, they barely talked to each other unless she was chewing his ass out for something. None of us really knew much about Grace other than she showed up two years ago and Rachel adopted her into the club.
Maybe King knew something we didn’t. Hell, he had a connection with Becca from the start, and she ended up being his niece.
“No, Prez.”
“Then shut the fuck up. We don’t bring the women into club business, end of story.”
My phone rang in my pocket. Some clubs didn’t allow phones in church, but we did. There were too many stories of things going bad, and the officers not being reachable. We decided they needed to be silent, and we could check who was calling and decide if it needed to be answered.
Becca’s name flashed on the screen. She wouldn’t call knowing I was in church unless it was important, so I answered.
“Hey, baby, everything ok?” I waited for her to answer. “Becca?”
My body stiffened when she didn’t answer.
“Maybe she bumped her phone,” Gunner supplied.
I shook my head. I could hear something, so I hit the speaker button.
My world came to a stop when I heard the conversation broadcasting through the phone.
“She told me I could have you. We had it all planned out.”
“She said we would get married. We would have babies. That would connect us forever. And there was nothing that asshole could do.”
“SHE LIED TO ME! Not only did she lie, but she took you away.”
“Grant, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Please let’s just talk. I’m sure we can fix whatever it is.”
“FIX? He had you! She promised me I could have you. She called me when you came back here. Told me you were still a virgin. Told me I could still have you if I hurried. If I got to you before he did.”
We forgot about Grant.
I looked at King, who stood, heading for the door.
It’d been one thing after another since the run with the Mother Chapter, and we let the fucker slip through the cracks.
“Go! I’ll call the sheriff,” Nav said, his phone already at his ear.
King and I ran through the club at full speed. Becca was at home across the street, so we skipped the bikes.
I heard my brothers behind us, but I didn’t need them.
Grant was a dead man.
I smashed into the door, my hand on the knob. It didn’t open; he must have locked it. Gunner pushed between us, slamming his foot against the doorknob, and it crashed open.
We charged through the house and found her on the floor near the stairs, alone.
“Find that motherfucker. NOW!” King bellowed, as he hit the floor next to me as my brothers fanned out to search the house and grounds.
“Becca, baby, open your eyes. Please, baby.”
I held her unconscious body against me.
I couldn’t lose her.
“Come on, baby. I just got you back. Don’t leave me, baby.”
I could hear the sirens getting close.
Declan stormed into the house; his eyes frantic.
He narrowed in on me. His voice was eerily calm.
“You are supposed to protect her, asshole.”
King jumped up. His hands landed on his brother’s chest, preventing him from losing his shit on me.
“This isn’t on him. It’s on all of us,” King said.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Declan directed his wrath at his brother.
“This was Grant. With everything happening with the funeral and finding out about Beck, we all dropped the ball on this one.”
King pulled Declan aside when the paramedics rushed in.
I moved to let them work, not wanting to let her go.
“She was unconscious. We found her like this. We don’t know what happened.”
I informed them of what we knew while they hooked her up to a monitor, checking her vitals.
“Ok, everything looks good. Do you know if she hit her head?” the first responder asked.
“I don’t. She was on the floor when we came in.”
“Let’s get her to the hospital. One of you can ride with her.”
“That’s me,” I said, following them out.
“Like hell.” I heard Declan say, but I didn’t slow down.
“Dec, let him go. You have the siren. We can follow right behind them.”
I didn’t wait to see what they’d do. I climbed into the ambulance and sat next to Becca, holding her hand. The ride felt like forever before we were pulling up in the ambulance bay. We climbed out and they rushed her in, telling me to wait. I stood there with my hands gripping my hair, watching them wheel her down the hall.
“She’ll be ok, brother.” King’s voice came from behind me. His hand squeezed my shoulder. Declan stormed by, ignoring me as he walked up to the counter.
“The girl they just brought in. I want an update,” he demanded.
“Sheriff, I—” the woman tried to address him.
“She’s my daughter and I am the goddamn sheriff!” he barked.
Cash and Rachel ran into the waiting room, stopping at the desk.
“How is she?” Rachel panted.
“I don’t know. They won’t tell me anything. What good is being the goddamn law if they won’t fucking listen to me?” He growled.
He was going to lose it.
“King, go to Dec before he does something stupid,” I whispered.
King walked over, trying to calm down his brother.
“Please tell us something,” Rachel pleaded with the woman who seemed immune to emotion.
“As I was trying to tell the Sheriff, there is no information yet. They brought her in about ten seconds before he—” she pinned Declan with an accusatory glare “—started barking. They haven’t even had enough time to assess her yet. I understand you are worried, but you will all need to sit down and be patient.”
We shuffled over to the chairs to wait.
“You too, Sheriff.” She pointed to the set of chairs we were congregating in.
He stomped over, slamming himself into a chair next to King.
We only had to wait a few minutes when the doctor came out to us.
“Family of Rebecca Washington?”
We all jumped up and rushed the doctor, eager for any information.
“How is she?”
“Is she ok?
“Can we see her?”
I stood there, quiet, watching the doctor. Expecting the worst. I couldn’t live without her.
How did she do it for so long? I couldn’t lose her.
I leaned back against the wall. Sliding down until my ass hit the ground, my head in my hands, not wanting to hear the words.
I failed her grandfather.
I failed Grams.
Failed King and Declan.
I failed her.
Rachel squatted down in front of me, pulling my hands away from my head.
I shook my head, no. I couldn’t hear her say it.
“Micah, she’s ok.”
My head snapped up to her red-rimmed eyes, which I knew mirrored my own.
“She’s ok. She’s asking for you.”
Rachel stood and stepped back. I looked up and saw Declan holding out his hand to me.
“Come on, son, let’s go see our girl.”
I grabbed his hand, and he hauled me up from the floor. We followed the doctor to her room and found her sitting on the bed like nothing had happened. I rushed past her father and gathered her in my arms.
“You scared the shit out of me,” I told her, with my face buried in her neck as she wrapped her arms around me, and I lifted my head to kiss her lips.
“I’m ok. It was just a bump on the head,” she said calmly, like she wasn’t just unconscious.
“You wouldn’t wake up, baby.”
I grabbed her face in my hands and kissed her forehead.
“That was the scariest moment of my life. All at once, I knew what you went through. Baby, I am so sorry. I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you.”
“I’m ok, Micah, I promise.”
“Do you think maybe I could hug my daughter?” Declan requested.
I moved to the side, giving him space but keeping my hand on Becca’s leg. Declan wrapped her up in his embrace and kissed her head.
“You sure know how to get our attention, baby girl. You want to tell us what happened?”
She took a deep breath.
“Can it wait until we get back to the clubhouse? I don’t want to say this more than once and…”
She looked back and forth between me and her father.
“What is it, baby?” I urged.
“We need to be somewhere a little more private when you lose your shit.” She smirked, biting her lip.
That was not a good sign.
The doctor came back, and after a thorough examination he released Becca. He didn’t see any signs of a concussion and didn’t feel we had anything to worry about. He believed her passing out had more to do with stress than the bump on her head.
Back at the clubhouse, we were ushered right into church. Ghost, Jingles, Jack, Gunner, Colt and Nav were waiting for us.
“Did you find him?” King demanded.
“We found him,” Ghost confirmed.
Ghost looked over at Declan. Nodding, he removed his badge and gun and walked out of the room. Setting them on the bar, he walked back into church, closed the door behind him and sat down next to Becca.
He glared at me when I pulled her up and sat down in the chair, setting her on my lap. I was in no hurry to let her go far.
“First things first, where is Grant?” King shot a look at Ghost.
“In the basement.”
“You question him?”
“Yea, Prez. You aren’t gonna like what we found out.”
He looked over at Becca and Declan.
“He alive?” Cash asked.
“For now,” he said, looking back at Declan again.
The sheriff simply nodded at King.
What that nod meant, only they knew.
“Ok, sweetheart, before they tell us what they learned, I want you to tell us what happened.” King softened his voice when he talked to his niece.
Becca took a deep breath. “Hold on to your cuts, boys, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.”