state university directory
Characters, Pets, adopted by gargoyle and witch parents; educated and previously employed at Swallowtail Academy; killed her dragon fiancé, Magnus; stood trial before Society and sentenced to clean up State U; has one unruly gorgon snake in her hair called Des.
Nicknames: babe, Salaadir, M, Lass, Lady M, Macushla
Channing Oswald (chan-NIN-g oz-wall-d) PR team member at State U; impresses Morgana and becomes her personal assistant; becomes assistant to legal team as well. Ice elemental.
Nicknames: Chan, sweet cheeks, Channie, Chan-o-rama
Slade Finn (slay-duh fihn) siren grad student who works at the campus coffeehouse; meets Morgana and invites her to dinner with his pined for roommate Ignatius Briarton; son of crime lord family in Bay City.
Nicknames: Pretty Boy
Ignatius Briarton (ig-NAY-shus bry-er-TON) professor and head of Witchcraft mage; womanizer; lived with Slade since they met when he was an undergrad; snobby elitist; rich old family.
Nicknames: Iggy, Professor, Prof, Magic Man
Lucas Wolfberg (loo-CUSS Wolf-berg) grandson of Wolfenberg dynasty; polar bear shifter; star hockey player for State U Bonecrushers; accused of murdering rival team member at State U rink; mates with Morgana on accident; gets poisoned; has shitty playboy/girl parents.
Nicknames: Papa Bear, cub, babe, big guy
Prince Liam Spéirgheal (Lee-UM Spur-jill) one of the Princes of the Daybreak Court; attending grad school for interspecies diplomacy Masters; lives in staff housing close to Morgana.
Nicknames: Prince, Li, Your Highness
Kaspar (cass-par) storm dragon; security detail for Liam; been with family since a kid; grumpy and suspicious.
Nicknames: Kas
Magnus Corona (mag-NUSS core-own-uh) Morgana’s cheating, crooked, thieving ex; former Dean of State U. Dragon.
Pierre LaMount (pee-air LAH-mont) rival team player murdered at rink; Lucas accused of killing him.
Duchess Gretchen Madeline von Wolfenberg (gret-chen mad-uh-lin vaughn wolf-en-berg) Lucas’s grandmother; member of German Council; Society maven. Grizzly bear.
Nicknames: Nana
Braden (bray-den) kidnapped little brother of Liam; happened when they were kids. Daybreak Fae.
Knaves (nay-vz) Daybreak Court spies; masked; only accountable to King.
Rhoda (Roh-duh) science building robot
Antares Simone (anTAR-ees sim-own) executive assistant to science department head
Professor Zuzanne Shadwell (zoo-zan shahdwell) B.S. in B Z
Beatrice (bee-uh-triss) undergrad work study assistant on Shadwell’s floor/
Coach Driftwood (drift-wud) Yeti shifter hockey coach.
Skye (sky) girl Iggy and Slade knew who was killed.
Professor Kimiko Nakamura (kim-eeko nah-kuh-mur-uh) is in charge of the greenhouse; head of Botany department; herbologist; wronged by Ignatius when he cheated on her; dryad/earth elemental hybrid.
Nicknames: Kimmi
Lailani Bergstrom (lay-lahn-ee berg-strom) is one of Magnus’ floozies; reported him missing in Egypt; confronts Morgana in Wally World.
Detective Kowalski (koh-WALL-ski) walrus shifter, detective on the LaMount murder case.
Nicknames : Detective Kaiser Roll
Jackson Thorne (jack-son Thor-n) Lucas’s lawyer; ties to the Hollow and Jolene; has a team he’s bringing for the defense; lion shifter.
Nicknames: The Shark, Jax
Eli Lindstrom (ee-lie lin-strum) Jackson Thorne’s hacker boyfriend, tech mage.
Rainier Milan (rain-ear mill-on) member of Jackson Thorne’s team; Ex-CIA; griffin shifter.
Nicknames: Rain
Foley McNamara (foe-lee MACK nuh mair uh) member of Jackson Thorne’s team; jury consultant; clurichaun from Faerie.
Nicknames: Leprechaun
Kendrick Noctem (ken-drik Nock-tehm) member of Jackson Thorne’s team; mysterious last member with unknown talents and species.
Nicknames: Shadow Daddy
King Alwyn Spéirgheal (al-wynn spearghal) King of Daybreak Court; Liam’s father.
Queen Iola Spéirgheal (ee-oll-uh spear-ghal) Queen of Daybreak Court; Liam’s mother.
Chief Ponylakitu (cheef poh-ny-lah-kit-oo) police chief in the precinct Kowalski works out of
Veronica Valencia (ver-on-ick-uh vall-en-see-uh) ADA for that district
Tracer Finn (tray-sur fih-nn) is one of the heirs apparant to the Sons of the Seven Seas gang; kraken; Slade’s brother.
Coral Finn (core-uhl fihn) Slade’s triplet sister; part siren, part mermaid
Isla Finn (iz-luh fihn) Slades’ triplet sister; part kraken and part shark
Roxy Finn (rocks-ee fihn) Slade’s triplet sister; part selkie, part mermaid
Beck and Duke Finn (behk and dook fihn) Slade’s hammerhead brothers
Axel Finn (ah-xul fihn) Leader of the Sons of the Seven Seas gang; runs with iron fist; Slade’s dad.
Azul Finn (ah-zuhl fihn) mother to Beck, Tracer, Duke, and Slade for sure; Old Lady of Seven Sons; Axel’s wife.
State U- college where it all takes place
Morgana’s house- previously Magnus’ filled with his gross shit
Swallowtail Academy- secondary academy in a hybrid enclave in England; where European lost ones are sent; Morgana’s alma mater.
The Beanery- campus coffeehouse where Slade works
Beauregard Fine Arts Building- Arts building dedicated to the Beauregard family
Miyako Academy- Asian secondary academy for lost ones in Asian enclave
Von Lichtenstein Science many residents come to State U
Wolfberg Winter Sports Arena- rink where LaMount died
City Police Station- where Lucas is taken
Daybreak Court- Liam’s home
Faerie- also called the Veil; where Liam and Kaspar are from
Bay City- supe city on West Coast where Slade’s Family lives
Hand of Morrigan- Fae rebellion group
Sons of the Seven Seas - gang in Bay City run by Slade’s family
Thorne Enterprises- Jackson Thorne’s family business
Mapleleaf University- LaMount’s school