Blood on the Ice (Secrets of State U #1) Truth Hurts 33%
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Truth Hurts

truth hurts

I t’s a damn good thing I’m strong as an ox.

Otherwise, hefting the tall, muscled hockey player from across campus at the science building to my house would have been unsuccessful. We all agreed that as long as I could make it, we wouldn’t bring anyone else into this mess. Including Beatrice and the lab techs working on her ‘secret project,’ there were already too many people involved.

What did that human say? ‘Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead?’

This is where we stand currently. Iggy and Zuzanne are working their angles and I’m carefully toting the weakened Lucas up my stairs. I honestly couldn’t tell you how many people saw us on the trek, but I’m hoping that paying no mind to the lookie-loos discouraged them from filing the image in their head for later. Sometimes, simply pretending what you’re doing isn’t weird makes everyone else accept that as reality.

“Just a few more steps, big guy,” I grunt, as I help him up the final few stairs on my porch.

He’s still pale and all the effort has exerted the hell out of the sick shifter. “You didn’t have to do this, Morgana. I could have found someone to?—”

“Shut up and get inside.” I give him a crooked grin. “I know your big, manly self can’t stand that I half-carried you across campus, but I’m not a wilting flower. Gargoyles are incredibly strong. Get used to it.”

“I have to get used to it?” Lucas asks, his face looking heartbreakingly hopeful.

Son of a goat swilling deity, how am I supposed to say ‘no’ to that face?

Pressing my lips together, I give him a stern expression. “We need to talk, but not until we’re inside.”

“Okay.” His steps are slow as he shuffles into the house. I watch him look at the stairs to my bedroom and shake his head. “Nope. I want to go, but I’m exhausted.”

Thank fuck.

I nod, guiding him to my nest in the back living area. “Good choice. I think it’ll be easier if we need to get you to the bathroom.”

His eyes widen. “Hell, no. I can do that myself if necessary.”

“Lucas, it’s not like I haven’t seen you?—”

“No way.” His voice is a low growl, and it makes my body light up like a candle.

Rolling my eyes, I finally maneuver him to the couch where I’ve been sleeping, and he drops onto it with a groan of relief. That, too, makes my lady bits sing and I bite my lip. Should Zuzanne’s information be accurate, the situation will deteriorate. Our issue is even more significant, but his survival is crucial. “Fine, but you’re not walking there on your own.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he says with a weak salute.

I sigh as I look at him, sprawled in my only personal space in this entire museum, to my douchebag ex. Honestly, I’m shocked. I acquiesced to Zuzanne and Iggy’s suggestion for him to come back here. I’m already a popular gossip topic and so is he—people finding out he’s staying here wouldn’t be good. Frowning, I pull out my phone and quickly text Professor Shadwell about the ‘meeting’ we’re all supposed to attend this evening. Carting Lucas back and forth isn’t the smartest plan, and we may have to change the venue to my place. Luckily, the back porch here is massive and has a nice built-in firepit, so if the temperature changes, we won’t freeze.

Also, I’d prefer all those people not to realize what a ridiculous mess I’m being forced to live in.

“What are you doing?”

Walking around the end of the couch, I smile at the handsome man. “I’m asking Zuzanne to get our co-conspirators to meet here tonight, rather than trying to sneak you to Slade and Iggy’s place. I think we’re better off with fewer witnesses, don’t you?”

He lets out a slow breath, closing his eyes. “Probably. However, I understand your reluctance to have others present.”

I shrug. “We’ll meet in the back. Don’t worry about it, Lucas.”

“But I do!” His vehemence shocks me and I meet his gaze in confusion. “There’s this thing in the pit of my gut—not the sickness, but a feeling that I have to protect you. It’s making my bear lose his damn mind. All my thoughts during practice revolved around finding you and removing that expression from your face after last night.”

A shiver runs down my spine and heat floods my veins. Des pops out, bobbing her head back and forth as she slips from under my hair, and I can feel my wings burning at my back. The emotions his words are evoking have completely shattered my long perfected control. If I doubted what Zuzanne told me earlier, this would have convinced me immediately. Her assessment of what happened between Lucas and me was spot on—but how do I tell him?

He’s far too young and we’re both in complicated situations.

“You know why I came to that building?” Lucas whispers. “I wanted to see the prof, too. My bear is telling me things I wanted to ask her about, and then there you were. Is that because you know?”

“Lucas, I?—”

“Don’t think, Morgana. Just tell me what you feel.”

Whirling around, I give him my back as I try to plan the right words. I know what he means, but it makes everything so much harder. It’s not in my nature to force people into paying for my mistakes and if he’s tied to me by the fucking Fates, he’s definitely going to have a target on his back. Nothing about this is fair—not to either of us. We missed the chance to explore and make deliberate choices.

By the decree of the Universe, Lucas Wolfberg and I are mated.

“I know what happened, Lucas. Zuzanne and I spoke about it. But… it can’t be.” Turning around to face him, I look at him pleadingly. “I have so many enemies because of my choices. You have a bright future both in hockey and because of who you are. Having people know you’re attached to me will be like a giant stone around your neck.”

His smile is bright for the first time since he arrived at the office. “Fuck those haters. I’ve got enough money and good looks to charm anyone I please. Plus, I can promise once Nana wraps her head around this, she’ll slit throats if people come for either of us—literally and figuratively.”

Frowning, I shake my head. “Your grandmother will not want you mated to a convicted criminal.”

“I bet you a shiny hundred that she says it’s better than a bubble headed bimbo like my father.” He snorts and shakes his head. “Nana’s tough, but she’s always had my back despite my parents constantly fucking off to Hades knows where.”

Scrubbing my hand over my face, I give in and drop on the couch to sit next to his legs. “I don’t know. There will be a scandal if I’m suddenly tied down to one person again. The trial wasn’t that long ago and people have already vilified me.”

He shrugs and grins broadly as he stacks his hands behind his head. This conversation seems to distract him from the poison, and I’m glad about that. “So date the stuffy magic dude and his roomie. No way they aren’t interested in you if they invited you over to their house.”

I blink at him. “What?”

“I’m not shy, nor do I have self-esteem issues, Morgana.” Lucas shifts as he meets my eyes with a serious expression. “Poly families are pretty common where I’m from and if you think we need to keep our mating a secret until the heat dies down, I’m fine with you dating them.”

“But what about… you?”

“Uh, no fucking thanks. I hit the lottery. I’m not interested in jumping back into the shallow end of the pool.” He pauses and thinks for a minute. “Though I could be convinced to experiment. I like new experiences.”

My eyes go wide as that movie plays in my head and I slap my hand over my mouth.

“At least you’re not denying that you might be a smidge interested in the arrogant wand waver. That makes it easy. As long as I get to be with you and we’re bonded, I’m surprisingly okay with whatever you need.” His brow furrows and he shakes his head with a laugh. “I’ve never felt like this in my entire life. It’s so fucking weird.”

You’re telling me, buddy.

“Maybe we should take a beat and think about this? You’re sick and who knows? You might even be delirious,” I say carefully. I prefer not to form attachments that can be abruptly taken away, like Magnus. Both gargoyles and dragons live in communities similar to what Lucas described, but Magnus dangled the carrot until he had me locked down—then he tore it away with fury.

“Naw. If they fix me tonight, I’ll even show you,” the blond says as the corner of his lips quirk up. “Scout’s honor.”

I have no idea what he means, but since I don’t think this is going to be solved by this evening, I just nod. “Okay. For now, let’s prioritize water and the threat to your safety.”

He pouts, making me groan internally. I wait and he finally nods. “Fine. I’ll sit here and be good while you change into something less formal than an Armani if we can sit together.”

When did this become a negotiation?

“Sweet baby Hermes, Lucas. You’re a spoiled brat.”

“That’s true, but I’m a cuddly, adorable one.” Winking, he waves his hands at me. “Scoot. Go change, and I promise to be an obedient patient from now on.”

It won’t do any good to argue with him; that much is clear. Besides, I don’t want to wrinkle up my suit sitting around the house just to spite him. So I nod and rise to my feet before I say, “Behave and I’ll be back in a moment.”

Leaving the prone polar bear in my living room, I stride through the hall to the stairs. When I get to my room, I kick off my heels and pad to the closet. I grab a comfortable shirt and lounge pants, then take off my work clothes. I’m not going back to the office and I’ll need to make sure Channing brings my stuff from there when she joins us tonight. After I dress, I text her quickly and walk back into the room.

I didn’t get the chance to use all the lovely things Lucas had delivered yesterday, but I’d like to set it up when I have time to pack up the rest of Magnus’ bullshit simultaneously. It’ll need to wait a few more days. I surely don’t have time now and though I’d love to sleep in a proper bed, I don’t want the taint of my ex touching what’s going on now.

I have an actual mate—one who wants me however he can get me.

The entire situation is almost laughable—that’s how far-fetched it feels. I’d committed to Magnus because I loved him and thought he loved me, but I knew we weren’t mates. Frankly, I figured I didn’t have any because I’ve lived such a long time without once feeling the slightest twinge that would make me think one existed.

Reaching up to smooth a hand over my hair reflexively, I realize Des has receded and the others are staying quiet. Did accepting Lucas do that? I have no idea, and I definitely don’t have anyone to ask. Gorgons are rare and secretive, as Iggy mentioned. There aren’t a lot of records of the true shifters, only human myths.

Who can I ask to find one who might know more about that side of me and mating?

It comes to me in a burst of brilliance: playboy lawyer to the rich, Jackson Thorne.

Getting him to answer me is the trick.

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