hot to go
T he pair of supes advance on me as we get further into my house, and I smirk. “Boys, I’m not sure if you know this, but you’re not my first group rodeo. And I’m not exactly docile.”
Lucas chuckles softly as he looks over at the prince. “Did you think Morgana was going to be a compliant submissive, Your Highness?”
That earns him a responding laugh as the Fae pulls his shirt over his head in that stupidly hot dude way. “Not at all, mathan òg . In fact, I rather hoped she’d take charge. I prefer learning what my woman likes from her own lips.”
If that’s true…
Darting forward, I yank Liam closer by his waistband, kissing him hard and fast. A thrumming zings through my veins when we touch and I groan when my ursine mate moves to press against my back. The Prince lets me control our kiss, twining his tongue with mine while Lucas wraps his arms around me. I lean into his hard cock, rubbing my ass against him while I brush my tongue against the small points of Liam’s Fae fangs. Most people don’t realize the royals have much more pronounced canines than other fair folk, but I’ve had enough interaction with them in the past to know.
When he finally breaks away, the magic in his eyes is so bright I can feel it on my skin. “ Salaadir , you are playing a dangerous game.”
“Am I?” I grin at him playfully as Lucas runs his large hands up and down my torso. He cups my breasts, and I moan when he tweaks my nipples. “Perhaps I enjoy games as much as you, but I only play them in private.”
“That would be a pleasant surprise, indeed,” he murmurs as he watches me writhe into the bear’s hands. “We should move this upstairs. I fear there are far too many pieces of clothing in our way.”
Winking, I turn in my mate’s arms, waiting for him to heft me up. My legs wrap around his waist and I have to hold my breath as he starts up the stairs. I’m not a small woman and trusting that he can not only hold me up, but carry me up this incline is a big leap. But Lucas handles it without breaking a sweat and I hear Liam rumbling behind us.
“Your bear has one of hell of an ass, Salaadir . He’s flexing muscles most people only dream about.”
Lucas stiffens for a moment, then suddenly relaxes as he looks down at me. “Don’t be jealous, Princey-poo. Maybe our girl will share.”
I’m sorry…. what?
My voice is soft as I look up at the hot hockey player gripping me close. “You don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with, baby. A group dynamic doesn’t require you to experiment.”
His grin is brilliant but a little shy as he flushes. “Maybe I’ve been curious before, but the environment I’m in wasn’t conducive to admitting it. It might be awkward at first, but… if I trust anyone to make sure I’m comfortable, it would be you, Morgana.”
“You know I can hear you both, right?”
Lucas chuckles and looks over his broad shoulder. “Then you should be very gentle with me because our girl will not.”
I pinch his arm, grinning as he kicks the door open wide so we can enter. “You’re an adorable brute, Lucas Wolfberg.”
“I am, but I’m your adorable brute. Now get naked, woman.”
Liam closes the door behind us, stalking over to the bed to watch me pull my clothes off slowly. His hungry gaze makes the gorgon inside of me slither in delight and Desi pops out from under my hair to hiss excitedly. “She’s poisonous, yes?”
“Not to her mates,” Lucas says as he pulls his shirt off to reveal the small snake bites at the tops of his biceps. “It’s trippy and a bit like an aphrodisiac.”
My face turns bright red as the Fae looks even more like he’s going to devour me. “Lucas! I don’t tell everyone that. People would hunt us down like they do Cubi and vamps.”
“Not true if it’s only mates who don’t get poisoned, lass.” Liam undoes his pants, dropping them to reveal a gorgeous, muscled body simply glowing with tattoos from head to toe, “It’s like these. Most women will never see the markings of a royal like this.”
Licking my lips as my eyes roam over every inch of him, I croak, “Why?” The mattress dips when Lucas’s naked body presses to my side and I shiver in pleasure. His heat and the hard jut of his dick make my thighs clench in anticipation. “What’s the big secret?”
“Fae Royals can only share magic like this with their mates. If the tattoos are visible on us, they will also appear on our mate or mates. Obviously, my magic knows this isn’t simply a fun little afternoon delight.” He pauses, tilting his head at me with a worried expression. “Is that okay?”
I’m about to answer when a throat clears. My blonde bear gives me a sheepish expression as he murmurs, “I think the better question—’cause she’s obviously going to say ‘yes’—is whether it’s cool that I can see them, Prince.”
Holy shit waffles.
I’m shocked when Liam’s eyes widen with delight. His lips curve up as he darts forward without a word and yanks Lucas into a deeply sexy kiss. I press my thighs together with a groan of pleasure, knowing I’m so goddamn screwed. They’re a study in light and dark in terms of personality and appearance, but the savagery of the kiss is making my whole body hot. Despite his inexperience, Lucas is handling this awakening like slipping on a perfectly tailored coat.
“Mother of stone and magic,” I mutter as they finally break apart. “That was so completely hot and totally unexpected today. I need someone to touch me before I implode.”
The shy look my mate gives the other man makes my chest tighten, but his mouth drops to my shoulder to suckle at the healing bear bite soothingly. It ramps up the flood of wetness leaking from me and I arch up against the Prince. When he starts on the other side, working his way down my chest in tandem with Lucas, I whimper low.
These men will be the death of me, I fucking swear to Medusa’s girdle.
Liam continues making his way down to my stomach, nibbling each of my ribs before tracing his tongue around my belly button. His hum of appreciation vibrates over my skin when Lucas’s dick jumps on my thigh. I bury my fingers in his hair with one hand, then tug my mate up to kiss him thoroughly. The small groan that escapes in my mouth makes me smile against his lips when the Fae’s hand snakes over my body to stroke him while he suckles on my skin.
“Does that feel good, big guy?” I breathe against his mouth. His eyes flutter and he nods before swooping in to kiss me again. The amount of lust in the room makes me want to tie them both down and tease them until they beg, but that’s for another time. Letting Liam discover us together while Lucas experiences his first time with a male is so fucking hot that I can’t describe it. I’ve never been part of someone’s first anything before and watching is addictive.
“Yessss…” he says with a sharp exhale.
His hips jerk against mine and I’m about to reply when the warmth of the Prince’s mouth hits my pussy. It destroys my focus as he spreads me open and dives in, licking me from front to back before heading for my clit like he’s on a mission. Lucas grunts in pleasure, inhaling again before he buries his face against my mark. I feel sharper teeth grip it and I know he’s being worked just as thoroughly as I am.
“The smell of you two together is intoxicating,” Liam murmurs against my soaked cunt. “I could do this all fucking day, you know. Mathan òg , I’m going to taste you now. Be prepared.”
Lucas doesn’t respond, but the moan that echoes from his chest makes me squirm. Skilled fingers replace the mouth he’s using on my mate, and I ride them, pushing against the thumb positioned just so to make me shiver in delight.
“Odin’s fucking balls, Liam…. that’s….”
I grin, leaning in to nip Lucas’s ear while Desi strikes his shoulder. He shivers hard against me and I let the intensity of this moment coast over me. Our Prince may be in the driver’s seat, but every bit of this encounter is about pleasing me and I know it. “Baby, he wants us to come for him. He needs it so we can fuck until this pretty new bed breaks with the ferocity of your bear.”
A finger slips out of the wet heat between my legs, teasing my ass, and I arch into it, gasping as it enters me. The teeth on my mark dig in deeper and a small whimper escapes my mate before he answers in a gravelly voice, “I’m so close, M. And I want it. I want the… three of us… to… holy fuck, that’s…”
When Liam doesn’t answer, I know his mouth is occupied with my big guy’s big dick, so I drop my head and do something he hasn’t experienced yet. I close my eyes and let out the other side of my supernatural powers until my skin turns to smooth, cool stone. My tail whips around to cup his balls as Liam licks and sucks him, teasing just enough to make him shudder. Rocking my hips harder and faster on the Prince’s hand, I bite with all four elongated fangs as the wave of orgasm crashes into me.
As stars explode in front of my eyes, I feel the air heat and a breeze coasts over me. The scent of flowers and sunshine fills the room and by the time I open my eyes, I’m shocked to see my bedroom turned into a veritable meadow of blooms, vines, and Faerie flora. A buzzing sound precedes the soft brush of a pair of beautiful bat wings that drape over Lucas and me until we finally come down.
Letting go of him with a soft ‘pop,’ I watch as Liam slithers back up to us with a very satisfied look on his face. “That was so delicious that I couldn’t stop the visual effects. Are you ready for more, mo chàirdean gràdhach ? Because I cannot wait much longer to allow my full essence to release.”
What the actual fuck does that mean?
I don’t get the chance to ask, though, because Lucas grabs his face and kisses him hungrily. His response is good enough for me because my chest aches again. “Yes, Liam. Please, now.”
“Where?” he says with a slow, possessive grin that makes me gush again. “Would you like to have us both while you… show our bear what else you can do? Or….”
“Both of you inside of me this time,” I rasp as he immediately slicks his cock with my juices. “Lucas, get the lube for him, darling.”
He obeys without pause, handing the small bottle from the nightstand to the prince before settling against me. “I’ve done nothing like this before, but it’s…”
“It feels perfectly natural? It is, mathan òg ? 1 . I can feel it with every bit of my magic and all my connection to the Earth.” Liam flips me to my side, lifting my thigh to rest on Lucas’s so he can line up and sink in. Once he does, I can barely breathe until I feel the Fae’s cock at my ass. “See how she’s aching for us? It was meant to be.”
Everything feels so fucking amazing that I can’t even panic about his ‘forever’ talk.
When his dick pushes into me until I’m completely full with both of them, I moan low and dark. Desi hisses and then a chorus of hisses respond to her. I know it means the entirety of my powers will release soon, which normally I don’t allow. But with them…. I won’t have an option. The things I withheld from Magnus will come out, and hopefully, the Prince is correct. If we’re all supposed to be together, it won’t make them run.
“Lucas, you start and I’ll follow.” Liam growls softly against my ear, and I remember what I’m going to do. My tail darts between us to gather as much slick as possible before heading towards Lucas. “Morgana, my fated, relax. You’re so tense and I know why…. let go for us.”
I don’t know if he truly gets what that means, but as they rock in tandem and the shocks of pleasure flow through me, I do as he asked. I close my eyes and savor every shiver, groan, and snarl as we move together. The tip of my tail slips into my adorable bear to give him the first taste of what he’ll eventually feel and he damn near crushes me in his grip, but I don’t back away. Tendrils of magic zip around us, and every inch of me focuses on chasing the enormous climax barreling closer. When it’s almost too much, the glow of my heart heats my chest and I know the crest is going to hit.
“Bite…. now….” I gasp as my head falls back to expose where they need to be. My claws dig into Lucas’s hips, my tail pushes in deeper, and all the snakes make their move when teeth touch my skin again.
In a blinding flash of power and magic, it feels like my entire world explodes and I scream into the aether, clutching the two men who seem to have captured my soul without even trying.
Despite the consequences, my glow grows until it melds with Liam’s and my eyes flutter closed.
I don’t care what the cost is; this was meant to be.
1 ? Young bear