“W hat the fuck are you doing back here?” His tone is low, menacing. Stalking toward me, he grabs my wrist and pulls me out of the doorway.
Pointing to the bathroom, I state, “Peeing. That’s allowed, right?” My voice is full of sass. He wants to intimidate me by acting aggressive, but all he’s doing is turning me on. I am not afraid to shed a little blood.
Closing in, he pins me against the door with his body. “This is private. The facilities for guests are back that way.” He points to where I just came from, but I can’t think with every part of my body nearly touching his.
“Why’d you come here tonight?” He holds both hands beside my head, caging me in. His breath is minty fresh, like he just brushed his teeth or spit out gum.
“I was invited.” A waver in my voice makes him smirk. Checkmate. Dammit. He will be my undoing. It’s terrifying to feel such an intense pull toward someone who has the potential to destroy you.
Guilt and lust fight for dominance within me.
“You want to fuck a big bad biker, is that it?” He licks his lips and drops his gaze to the crook of my neck. Arrogant prick .
I snort, looking up at him. “Why, have you seen one?”
He pushes his body farther into mine, and I fight to not reach up and grab the lapels of his cut to keep me steady. Lust douses every part of me.
“Why’d you come here tonight?” he repeats, resting his forehead against mine. It’s an intimate move, confusing me.
“To have a good time.” My voice is barely a whisper.
“You want me to show you a good time?” It’s an offer any woman would tear their right arm off to have, but I can’t go there.
“No,” I croak, an ache throbbing between my legs.
“No?” He appears taken aback, his face contorting in confusion.
“I’m not going to fuck you. It’s not who I am.”
“Then who are you?”
It takes me a second to think, his intoxicating presence is muddling my thoughts. “Just a girl trying to forget for a while.”
“You’re a woman, not a girl.” He inhales my scent, a predator about to feast on his prey. “What are you running from? A job, parents, a man?” The last word comes out like a cuss word.
“Life.” I shrug, biting my lip. I can’t think. I can’t think. I can’t think.
“You can’t outrun life, sweetheart. It’s pulsing in your veins.”
“What about you?” I ask, trying to keep myself talking. I’m seconds away from giving in and letting him make me too sore to walk tomorrow.
“What about me?” His voice is hoarse. His dark eyes penetrate mine. Kitty’s words play back in my head. “I’ve never seen Callan act like that with a woman before.”
“What are you hiding from back here in the shadows with a woman you don’t know?”
His panty-dropping, heart-stopping smirk is delicious. Being shown a private viewing of it up close and personal is special.
“Shadows are where I thrive, not where I hide.”
He spins me around, planting my front against the cold pane of the door. His large frame shrouds me. Strong hands snake around my waist to the buttons of my jeans, tugging them open.
“Wait.” I gasp, my mind whirling as it tries to battle the need pulsing through me. My hands tighten around his. His movements still, waiting for permission. I remove my hands and place them on the door to steady myself. Permission granted .
He drags one side of my jeans down over my hip, the fabric scraping my sensitive skin. My breath catches, willing him not to lower them any farther. “What are you doing?” The words pant from my lips, a warning, an invitation—such a contradiction.
“Marking you,” he growls, lowering himself. The burn of his teeth biting into the flesh of my hip sends a wave of shock and pleasure coursing through me. A warm throb vibrates through every inch of me. His inviting, hot tongue swipes over the wound he’s created. My pussy aches. The breeze of his cool breath as he blows across my sore flesh steals the air from my lungs. It feels good, too damn good, being alone with him. Seconds later, he’s standing over me again, the outline of his hard, thick cock pushing against my back.
“I want to fuck you,” he admits, and I wonder if that cost him something. Control. Inhaling, he groans. “Taint every inch of your skin with my teeth. Make every nerve ending come alive under my tongue. Stretch you deep and wide with my cock, until you’re limp and soaked in both of our cum.” Can you cum without being touched? I’m pretty sure I just did. “But I don’t have to fuck you to leave you thinking about me all night.”
He traces his mark with the pad of his thumb before slipping a small bottle of Jameson from his pocket and flicking off the cap. He pours the fire over the teeth imprints. A luscious burn prickles my skin before he slaps his palm against it. “The sting won’t let you forget.” I wouldn’t forget anyway. I’ll be spending the night staring at his image with my fingers inside me.
“You taste like forbidden fruit, Rogue.”
Excitement and panic wash through me. “What does that mean?” I’m trembling all over. My voice wobbles, betraying me.
“It means I can sniff out danger, and you’re a red, glowing beacon. Am I going to regret inviting you here?”
Did he invite me? Looking over my shoulder up into his eyes, I speak truthfully, sure he’d sense bullshit if I didn’t. “Yes, probably.”
Wrapping his fist in my hair he tugs my head back, and I let out a needy moan. “You chose to come here tonight, but only because I allowed you. Make no mistake about who’s in charge here.”
Fuck, I can’t tell if he’s a man or a monster—and part of me doesn’t care which.
“Open your mouth,” he demands, and my thighs clench. My tongue swipes out to wet my lips while I debate whether to obey or not. “Open,” he growls, and my lips part as I gaze up into his possessive stare. Taking a gulp from the bottle, he leans forward, bringing the liquid to his lips. He drips it into my mouth, smearing the pad of his thumb across my bottom lip. “If I want to own you, I will. You can play hard to get all you want, but your body betrays you, Rogue. I can fucking smell your need.” He kisses me on the forehead and then he’s gone a heartbeat later, his heavy strides disappearing down the hall.
I feel completely addicted. High on his potent elixir. He owned my body without even fucking me. The actions were utterly soul shattering.
I blow out a nervous breath, righting my clothes and head straight for the exit, needing to get away and clear my head.
Getting to the foyer, I look around. Diamond isn’t here, so I head to the closet. I debate going back inside and seeking Diamond out when Georgina saunters toward me, my purse dangling from her finger.
“Lose something?” She narrows her eyes on me, giving me a once-over.
“You want to give me that back?” I yawn, too tired to play bitch-fight.
“It’s not nice when people touch what’s yours, is it?” Her gaze is steely and meant to scare. Bless her heart. She’s far too beautiful to be vying for any man’s attention. “I hate when people do that.” She chucks my purse at my chest, and I narrowly catch it before it tumbles to the floor.
Folding her arms, she leans against the wall. A short, black dress hugs her long, svelte figure. She has legs for days ending in a pair of stilettos that would cripple me.
“Don’t be a cliché,” I groan. “If Callan’s your boyfriend, then maybe you need to remind him of that, not me.”
Kitty made it clear that Callan had admirers but not a girlfriend, so whatever Georgina thinks she is to him, it’s one-sided. I’ve seen this time and time again with women around Tyler sniffing out power and wanting to feed on it.
Straightening from the wall, she prowls toward me like a cat wanting to back me into a corner so she can swat me with her talons. “Don’t be a child,” she chastises. “He’s not my boyfriend, but make no mistake, he won’t be yours either.”
I get it. The appeal to be his…fuck. I just met him and I’m already enthralled, but it’s tacky to go around warning other women away.
“Well, I’m glad we got that settled.” Turning to signal that I’m done with the conversation, I push the button to release the exit door. The drunken haze is almost gone. Callan burned it off. All that’s left is exhaustion and frustration.
“Hey, Princess,” she calls out to me. I don’t turn around. “Watch your fucking back.”
An unamused laugh trickles up my throat. “Now, who needs to grow up?”
Pushing out the door, a shiver racks over me. I pull my phone from my purse and see five missed calls from Tyler and one from Bear, plus a barrage of angry texts. Reading the last one Tyler sent, I roll my eyes.
Tyler: Don’t you think you’ve been a brat long enough?
“What are you smiling about?” Tim asks, leaning against the Jeep smoking what looks to be a vape.
A cloud carries the scent on the wind, assaulting my nostrils. “You look like a badass but smell like a Sugar’ Donut,” I inform him. I hadn’t realized I was smiling. I put my phone away and gesture to the gate. “Are they going to let me leave?”
Following my gaze, he kicks off the car and opens the door, “I’ll take you where you need to go.”
Frowning, I look back to the club where the rowdy noise of the party still going strong hums around us. “Are you sure?”
“It’s why I’m here. Come on. Get in.”
Climbing inside, I buckle myself in and blow out a breath. Tonight was intense.
Once outside the compound, I ask, “How long have you been a prospect?”
“Nine months.” He shifts in his seat, hands grasping and ungrasping the steering wheel. I make him nervous.
“I’m sorry about getting you in trouble earlier with Kitty,” I say, rubbing my arms, the heat now cooling and leaving me chilly.
Tim fiddles with the thermostat until warm air begins billowing into the car.
“Kit was right. It’s not something I should have spoken on.”
“Is it a secret?”
Snapping his head in my direction, he says, “No, but it’s just personal. The pres is Kitty’s dad, so it hit her twice as hard.”
“Right. Well, I’m sorry for your loss.” It’s hard to feel sympathy for them. I’ve been taught to hate the Kings my whole life. After Harley, all I wanted for them before tonight was death and carnage. But Kitty is such a force of nature, boundless and bright. And Callan? I can’t even admit to how he makes me feel.
“He was old school, reminded me of my dad.” He seems to drift away into memories, and the ache of my own dad resurfaces, throbbing under my ribcage.
“I lost my dad too.”
I offer his shoulder a squeeze, and he shakes his head. “Oh, my dad’s not dead. I just haven’t seen him in a while. I came here to be closer to my brother. His road name is Green. You may have seen him inside.” I’m pretty sure it’s his tooth in my jean pocket.
“Maybe. Aren’t you worried about what happened, like, a killer being out there somewhere?” I shudder, giving him my best damsel act.
“Don’t worry, you’re safe with me. And if that cunt does come out from whatever rock they crawled behind, the club will deal with it.” Unlike Callan, all of Tim’s emotions play out on his face.
“Are there any suspects?”
A layer of tense silence blankets the car. Tim taps his finger on the wheel, keeping his eyes trained on the road. “I shouldn’t be talking about this stuff with an outsider.”
“Ouch.” I place a hand on my chest.
“Seriously, though, don’t tell Kitty we spoke, yeah?” He anxiously rubs a hand across his forehead.
“Yeah, ’course.” I play with the strap of my purse. “I hardly know Kitty anyway.”
Flitting his gaze between myself and the road, he raises a brow. “Well, she must like you. It’s rare for outsiders to get an invite to the clubhouse. Especially right now.”
I think back to Callan saying he invited me, the memory of his bite still burning on my hip. My stomach rumbles, steering the conversation to a lighter subject.
“Didn’t they feed you?” He looks to my stomach, then my face, and I cringe.
“I heard about Diamond’s famous chili dogs, but I didn’t get one.” The streetlights make it hard to hide my mortification.
“There’s a place down the road. I’ll get you a burger.” He chuckles.
“I have money,” I find myself saying in defense.
“It’s fine. It’s on me.”
I don’t know what I expected from the Kings of Sin, but this isn’t it. It’s playing havoc with my emotions.
“Can I get fries too?” I smile over at him.
Grinning with his teeth, he says, “You keep what we spoke about tonight to yourself, and I’ll get you an entire meal. How’s that?”
“Sounds like a deal to me.”
We pull up to the order screen, and I point to the double-burger meal. He orders the meal, handing it to me with a cup of soda at the next window.
“I hate these paper straws,” I grumble.
“It’s one of those biodegradable ones. They’re saving the turtles.”
“Yeah, it starts degrading in my drink. They suck. I do love turtles, however. Thanks for being cool.” I nudge his shoulder. “You can just drop me here. Thank you,” I add when he pulls out and drives a little down the road.
“Didn’t you leave your car back at the bar?”
“No, I walked over from the motel.” I point to the other side of the street, where the motel sign lights up the walkway.
“Is that where you’re living?” He cuts across the road, entering the parking lot. A car blares its horn at him for doing so.
“For the moment. I just moved here.” I shrug, stuffing a fry into my mouth.
“Right. Well, be careful. These places are cesspools for criminal activity.” I think his heart may be too gentle for a biker club.
“I can take care of myself.” Grabbing his phone on a charger on the dashboard, I type my number in. “Give that number to Kitty for me, yeah?”
“Sure thing.”
“Thanks for the ride and food.” I press a kiss on his cheek and hop out. He doesn’t drive away until I’ve unlocked my door and closed it behind me. I don’t want to like him—them—but they’re making it hard. This is going to end badly. I get the feeling I’ll be a casualty of my own war.
My phone buzzes again. I pull it out and my stomach drops.
Me: Don’t do that! Just give me some time.
Heading straight for the shower, I peel the clothes from my body and leave them in a pile on the tiled floor. The water pressure is amazing, blasting over my sensitive skin. Memories of the night play on repeat in my mind. I grip the wall to steady the tremble in my legs. My hand dips between my thighs, finding my swollen clit. A rough breath hitches in my throat. I feel like I’m going to burst. The pressure built so much that I want to scream.
I circle my clit with the pads of my fingers, picking up my pace. Slapping the bite mark to reignite the sting, my body quivers. It only takes a few strokes before heat expands and waves of pleasure zap through my nerve endings, leaving me panting and on the verge of collapse. Callan has ensnared me. With the way I feel when I’m around him, I don’t think there’s any hope of freeing myself.
Unless it’s him I need to kill.
A pit widens in my gut.
I never expected Kitty, but that’s nothing compared to how much Callan’s attention shocked me. It was like he already knew me. Like our souls had intertwined long before this night. It’s ludicrous, but the recognition pounds in my chest all the same. I wasn’t supposed to make connections. The plan was to mingle on the outskirts, listen, learn, and get out. I’d built them up over the years in my mind as monsters. You should fear the boogeymen, the Kings, but they’re just people: Brothers, friends, lovers. They are just like us or what I thought we were—a family.
They killed Harley .
Turning off the tap, I pull my towel from the hook, wrap it around my body, and squeeze the water from my hair. After raking a brush through it, I sit on the bed and unwrap my burger. Grease drips through my fingers and down my chin when I bite into it. The fight and Green’s tooth in my pocket flash into my mind. I should probably get rid of that in case someone finds it and thinks I’m collecting teeth as trophies.
I finish my food and wash it down with the soda, guzzling straight from the cup. Pulling on a pair of shorts and a tank top, I try not to itch once I crawl into the bed. This place isn’t the worst I’ve stayed in, but it could use a deep clean. I stroke my finger down the picture of Callan, and a deep sigh leaves my lungs.
Kicking the comforter off the bed, I go stand in front of the full-length mirror and turn my hip, drawing my shorts down. His bite mark hasn’t faded one bit, the redness stark against my pale skin. I paint my finger over the indents. An ache fills my pussy, and my nipples harden once again. I’ve never been more turned on than I was tonight. My Devil tattoo catches my eye, dousing me in ice. My stomach knots. My fingers dance over the ink. Memories of Harley assault me, almost buckling my knees. I can’t forget why I’m here.
I won’t.