“R ogue?” The word bleeds into my brain and pops every vessel. Why the hell did this have to happen now? I’ve barely even gotten through this shit with Callan and now Kitty knows my secret too.
“I can explain.” Can I? Anxiety obscures my thoughts. The air thins between us. It’s been such a short amount of time knowing her, yet like Callan, I can’t face her hating me—us not being friends. She’s saved me from my sorrow swallowing me up and consuming me.
“Oh, can you? Because it looks like the Devil Skull Rider’s insignia.” She shakes her head, shifting her wet blonde hair around her shoulders. Blonde? She doesn’t seem to care that she’s naked. She’s smaller in height but slightly curvier around the hips than me. A couple cute tattoos decorate her abdomen, and her nipples have piercings.
“What the hell are you doing with Tim?” I deflect, flitting my gaze to his over her shoulder. He’s been standing there stoic, like a freaking statue caught in the eyes of Medusa.
“Fuck.” He winces, exhaling. “You can’t tell anyone about this,” he races back into Kitty’s en suite, leaving her and I to face off.
“Were you showering?” I wrinkle my brow, crossing and uncrossing my arms. Nervous energy makes me feel restless. Keg winds himself around my ankles, his soft fur offering comfort.
“Don’t change the subject,” she seethes. Marching to where I’m standing, she bends to pick up Keg and moves away from me like I would do something terrible to him.
“Can we put clothes on to have this conversation?” I ask, pointing to her naked form. I have a bra and panties on—which is still more than I ever wanted Tim to see.
“I’m freaking the fuck out and don’t know what to do,” Kitty announces, plopping Keg down next to his food bowl.
“I’m still me, Kit.” We’re more alike than she first thought. Both raised as biker brats. I couldn’t help that my daddy was a Devil, just like she couldn’t help that hers was a King. And a killer.
“And who is that?” She rubs her hands down her face and groans.
“Your friend,” I state.
“I’m freaking out,” she repeats.
“You already said that.” My stomach twists, the alcohol I’ve consumed today sloshing around. I take a step toward her, but she holds her hand out to stop me.
“Don’t.” She shakes her head, waving her hand. Walking to the pile of dirty clothes, Kitty begins shifting through them, pulling on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I follow suit, tugging the jeans up my thighs just as Tim reappears fully clothed, his cheeks bright pink.
“So, I didn’t see anything, you didn’t see anything, and no one speaks of this again, right?” He scratches the back of his neck.
“Just fuck off, Tim,” Kitty barks.
“Fair enough.” He fiddles with the door before unlocking it and leaving through it.
“Do you want to talk about that,” I ask, jabbing a finger in the direction of Tim’s exit. Her gaze follows mine, and she whines into her hands.
“Cutter has his fucking wife here. I needed to forget him for a little while.” She’s pissed, and I hate that it’s directed at me.
“How was it?” I ask, grinding my teeth together.
“Rogue, explain the tattoo before I go find Callan.” She begins moving toward the door, and my stomach bottoms out. I want to reach for her and pull her back. How quickly she’d rat me out . I will lose her over this. The black pit that opens in my chest at the thought makes me gasp for breath. Watching me with dazed eyes, she exhales, exasperated. “Explain.”
“My daddy was a Devil.” A quick lift of my shoulders before I add, “And I was engaged to one.”
I wince when her mouth drops and she finches. “Oh my god. Why the hell did you come here?”
“I really did need to get away and adjust to a new normal for me.” I hedge, imploring her to believe our friendship is real.
“What the hell does that mean?” She crosses her arms, narrowing her suspicious gaze on me.
“My kid sister was killed.” I choke on the lump in my throat. “Murdered,” I add, hating the word. Hating everything.
She takes a step toward me, her brow creasing. “They killed her?”
“What?” I wince. “No.” Everything is getting muddled—and doing this while we’re intoxicated isn’t helping.
“Then who?”
I worry my lip, tucking my hair behind my ear. “That’s why I’m here. She was found with one of your patches on her.”
“Wait,” she holds up a hand, pausing me, “one of ours? Like, a King killed her?” Disbelief is written all over her face. She doesn’t believe it either.
“That’s what I need to find out.” It’s alienating being the only one who thinks the patch is enough to place blame here. It’s going to make me lose my damn mind.
“Wait, did you say a patch was found on her? Like…on her body?” She turns away from me toward her bed, her hand raised to her mouth.
“The top rocker, yes.” She stiffens. Her reaction tells me she knows it’s missing from her dad’s cut. What if I’m right and he killed my sister? He’s dead. I may never get the answers I seek.
“Why would your sister be involved with a King?” Confusion laces her tone. Her hand brushes through her hair before tightening a fistful.
“She wouldn’t.” Bitterness creeps into my voice. “She hated the Kings,” I admit. Harley was only six when our father was killed. Her hatred was a root that only grew with age. Harley loved the club life, loved what our dad was, and being loyal to him meant loathing the Kings. She was a Devil, through and through.
“Why?” Kitty snorts, a crazed look glossing her eyes, her pupils expanding.
“Why what?”
“Why would some girl hate us?” She’s defensive, and I get it. Maybe I should have used better tact, but I don’t want more lies between us.
“Because you’re a rival club and there are old wounds there.”
“Rivals?” she chortles. “Devils are like a flea on a dog. Their bite is mildly irritating, and they’re easily exterminated.”
My heart thunders. Sweat coats my brow. It’s too warm in here. And my temper flaring at her description of the Devils isn’t helping the situation. “Is that what I am—what she was?” I fume, wishing Georgina was around so I had something to punch.
“You’re missing the point.” Kitty rolls her eyes and throws her hands up.
I walk toward her, needing to be close to hear her point.
“Your club doesn’t even flicker on our radar. We couldn’t give a fuck about the Devils. We certainly wouldn’t go to the trouble of killing a female club member for shits and giggles.”
My pulse pounds in my head. The way Harley is just nothing to her, unimportant, hurts me deeply. It’s irrational—Kitty didn’t even know Harley existed until a few moments ago—but she was my damn baby sister, not just some female. She was my firefly—a person with dreams, hopes, a future.
“So, why are you here, lying about who you are?”
“Because I want to know who killed her. When I find out, I’ll kill them,” I seethe. We’re almost nose to nose now. She smells like a brewery. How she’s managing to hold up a conversation is staggering.
“That sounds like a threat against my club.” There’s violence in her eyes, and that stings.
“Only if your club killed her.” I hate this. I don’t want this bad energy between us, this hostile back and forth.
Breaking eye contact, she gestures toward the door. “Callan won’t like your ulterior motive for being here. We fucking trusted you.”
“And I’ve helped this club. I’m not the enemy, Kitty.” I reach out for her wrist, circling my fingers there. Her pulse flickers against the pads. Her heavy exhale makes me want to hold her. “I like being here. I like you. I’m just in pain. My baby sister was fucking strangled to death. Her tattoo was carved from her skin like she was a slab of meat going to market. If someone did that to Callan, wouldn’t you do whatever it took to find them?”
She pulls out of my hold and sits on the end of her bed. “This is a fucking mess.” She looks me up and down, frowning. “What were you doing in here anyway?” Tension snaps between us, and my lungs soak in a breath.
Wiping a hand across my brow, I sit next to her. “Georgina threw red wine over me. I needed to borrow more clothes. I didn’t hear you in the bathroom.”
“Clearly.” She throws herself back on the bed and massages her temples. “Your knees are bleeding.” My brow furrows. I hadn’t noticed the blood, but I remember the pain when I mounted the table.
“I may have threatened Georgina with a bottle to her throat and got some smashed glass embedded in my knees by accident.”
I feel her chuckle before I hear it. “Why am I never here for this shit?” she huffs, turning her stare to me. I lay back next to her.
“Because you’re always too busy getting busy.”
“Oh god.” She cringes, covering her face. “I can’t believe I let Tim eat me out.”
“What?” I cackle, holding my stomach.
“It’s worse. He was fucking good at it.” She bites her lip, nudging me. We’re going to be okay. My emotions churn like they’re on a spin cycle, but if this is the outcome then it’s been worth it.
“Georgina is going to have a field day when she finds out you’re a Devil,” she muses, rubbing at her eyes.
“She already knows.” I grimace.
“What?” She bolts upright, her mouth gaping.
I lean onto my elbows. “She found out and told your brother.”
She pauses then sighs, shaking her blonde locks. “That’s why you three were acting fucking weird. How are you still here? Did Callan not throw you out?”
“No.” I sit up and shrug. “He showed me your dad’s cut.” I hedge, immediately regretting it when her face falls and shoulders stiffen.
She stands, looking down at me. “Why the fuck would he do that?”
“Because that’s where the patch came from.” She already knows. I saw it on her face earlier.
“If you’re suggesting what I think you are, you can get the fuck outta here right now. My dad is many things—but the murderer of young women isn’t one of them.”
Isn’t or wasn’t? Both her and Callan speak of him as if he’s still here.
“What if he was provoked? Harley had a temper.” Harley was hostile and feisty. She had zero fear and would have happily given a King a mouthful if she happened to cross paths with one.
“No,” Kitty says with finality.
“You won’t even listen—”
“I know he was killed too. The same night. That can’t be a coincidence.” Surely, she must recognize that.
“Are you saying the Devils are the ones who shot my dad?” The rage simmering from her pores has me gentling my tone.
“That’s not what I’m saying.”
“We need to have this out with Callan.” She doesn’t seem drunk at all now, just mad. We have that in common too. She’s out the door before I can blink, moving like the hounds of hell are after her. I chase her down the hallway to Callan’s room.
She barges through the door so violently, it bounces off the wall with a heavy clunk.
We both enter and pause. “Fuck off,” Kitty hisses.
Callan’s head whips around, his back to us by the bed. Bare legs flash through the gap in his slightly parted legs. Georgina leans around his thighs and wipes a hand across her lips.
Callan turns, his fly undone.
I flinch back worse than taking a punch to the face. My chest constricts. My vision blurs. Sickness stirs.
Game over.
I’m done.