Forget fear. Anger rushes to the surface, heating my face. “Get out. Get the fuck out!”
This time when he looks at me, every plane along his sharp features hollers that he’s won. “Very well. If you prefer things the hard way, that’s exactly what we’ll do.”
He calmly strides across the room and leaves, shutting the door quietly behind him. It would have been less menacing if he’d come at me with the knife.
My body feels numb, and I swallow several times, so unnerved that I can’t move right away…until the prickly feeling of being watched creeps over my skin. I rush to the window that overlooks the garden. No one is here.
But I’m not alone. I feel it in my bones.
I back away in the direction of the open bedroom.
It doesn’t make a difference. It’s already too late to hide. The door opens.
A royal guard with dark hair stands in the doorway, eyeing me like something he’d rather taste than respect. He leans against the frame, rubbing his jaw as he takes in my barely covered body. “Good morning, Princess.”
A second guard laughs and joins him. His hair is all silver and hangs in two braids past his waist. Now a third with deep-red hair waits just outside the door.
Fear should incapacitate me. I’m a woman, and these men can’t wait to hurt me in the most sadistic of ways.
But I won’t be afraid.
Not in my own home.
And not when my family needs me.
“Get out,” I hiss.
They laugh, crossing the threshold into my cottage.
“I don’t think we will, Princess.” The first man reaches for the collar of my nightgown, and I smack his hand away.
The dark-haired guard sidles up behind me, leaning close to whisper in my ear. “Guess what? We just broke down the doors of the manor.” He drops his voice. “How shall we celebrate?”
He yanks me by my hair and slams me against my workstation. The sharp and painful blow spills blood from my nose.
“Tie her up,” the red-haired one instructs. “Our future king is waiting.”
Invading my home was their first mistake.
Making me bleed is their second.
Not securing me hard enough is their third.
And their last.
My heart pounds against the table, my body ready to respond with the skills Vitor himself ingrained in me.
Fight anyone who tries to hurt you , he told me. Fight dirty. Make them bleed. Make them pay.
I wait for the guard to reposition himself.
And then, like Vitor taught me, I make him pay.
I break free and snatch the two very long knives hidden beneath my table and whirl. The first knife slices across the neck of the dark-haired soldier who held me down. The kill should have been instant, but it’s not deep enough. Blood gurgles between his fingers as he stumbles back. The second, I flip in my hand and plunge deep into the other man’s groin. He collapses, screaming, the color draining from his face to match his pale silver braids.
The one with red hair jumps from my reach and circles back, punching me in the face. Throbbing pain overwhelms me as my back slams against the wall.
I choke on blood and swipe my face.
The dark-haired guard comes at me again. I step away from his swinging arm and the punch that follows. I can tell he’s losing blood fast. I drop into a crouch and rebound upward with a fist. The guard’s head snaps back, skin and armor stained a gruesome shade of red, and he falls unconscious to the ground.
I dive into the bedroom and reach for the sword I keep under the mattress.
Strong hands clasp my ankles, pulling me out from beneath the bed and dragging me across the floor. I throw my weight to the side, spinning and breaking the soldier’s hold.
I can’t confidently fight him hand to hand. The man is bulkier and better trained than I.
Except my hands are no longer empty.
The red-haired guard who ripped me out from under the bed goes pale and tips over.
It’s understandable, seeing as his shins were sliced clean through when I swung my sword.
“You bitch!” the guard clutching his groin hollers from the ground. “That’s my twin. You’re dead. You’re dead!”
“We need her alive, Tav!” his twin screams.
Slice .
His mouth stays open as his head rolls away.
I slip out the back door.
Thick black smoke billows from the manor. My stomach sinks, and my pulse quickens. Oh, phoenix, why did it have to be fire? I look around. The long way through the forest is the safest way, but there’s no time to be safe.
Every member of my household who’s not at the arena is in the manor.
I start for the trail, doubling back when seven guards on horseback thunder toward me. They crash through the natural flora and my well-kept gardens, their steeds trampling everything in their path.
There are too many. I run to the other side of the cottage. Three of them laugh and turn their horses, intent on chasing me down. The other four stay put, expecting to catch me when I round the other side of the cottage.
I run as fast as I can, my muscles straining from the effort. I round the side of the house and head back to the front. I start for the path to the manor but not before lifting the planter of lilies and slamming the hidden match into the stump soaked with serpent oil.
My body is flushed with heat from the wall of fire that immediately erupts behind me, encircling the perimeter of the cottage. There are frightened neighs and shrieks as the guard in the lead is launched into the flames when his steed abruptly stops. The rest of their horses refuse to move any closer to the flames, backing away and balking when urged to skirt around them. This buys me time to sprint to the manor unfollowed.
My bare feet press over pebbles and sharp forest debris as I cut to Pasha, Musy, and Sonu’s house.
Sonu is the first I see, his face pressed into mud, the hilts of four daggers protruding from his back. Musy, dear sweet Musy lies on her side, her body spilling blood from deep gashes across her chest.
Her mouth is stuffed with a soiled rag, and her blank stare is fixed to where Pasha’s body swings from a tree.
Pasha’s feet dangle above the brush, her toes disrupting the leaves as she sways in the breeze. Instantly, I fall to my hands and knees, bile burning a path through my throat and nose and onto the blood-soaked ground before me. No, please! Let this be some cruel dream. Please.
But it’s not.
They weren’t fighters. They were friends. A scream claws its way up my throat, and my eyes burn with tears I don’t have time to shed. I must keep going. Damn it, I must! I drag myself from the ground and take off at a sprint. I fucking hope I run into soldiers now. I will kill every. Last. One.
My ears twitch when I’m halfway to the house. Knight is neighing in panic and kicking at the stable doors. But there’s more—he’s in pain. I glance to the left of the house, where a separate and smaller cloud of smoke is building. It wasn’t enough to set the manor on fire. The guards are burning the stables.
“Knight, we must protect our home!”
His frightened neighs morph into fury, fueling the adrenaline soaking my veins.
Splintering wood never sounded so sweet. My brave moon horse is taking action.
And I follow his lead.
A guard on horseback charges up the forest path toward me, and I run right back at him. I spent every summer in this forest. I played beneath the trees and napped on its cool floor. No one knows this place better than me.
With the war cry of my female ancestors, I leap onto the flat rock ahead and push off it.
Anger makes me strong. We collide, both of us falling away from his horse. He gets to his feet first, raising his sword. I’m right behind him, bringing my blade up to meet his when he tries to gut me.
My next few strikes are defensive. Once I gain a sense of his pattern, I become the aggressor. I spin, slicing across his stomach. He’s injured, but his mail protects him from mortal damage. I try again. He blocks my strike, cutting into my right arm in the process.
The gash burns.
I suck in air through my teeth, and using both hands, I drive my sword underneath his mail and through his torso.
Knight barrels through the brush, kicking the guard’s falling body furiously away. There are burned patches on his skin that I’ll need to fix. But there’s no time to see to my friend.
My head pounds with what I need to do.
Make them bleed. Make them pay.
I grab Knight’s mane and swing my leg over his back. He takes off like a shooting star. We break from the dark forest, riding uphill and into the full sun.
Make them bleed. Make them pay.
I lift my sword and sever the head from the body of the first guard we encounter. He drops an armful of jewelry that belonged to my grandmother.
He was trying to hide it from the others.
But it’s not his to hide.
Make them bleed.
Knight races to the rear of the manor. I choke out a cry when I see estrellas lying dead.
They were scared. Why didn’t they run?
I think about how loyal estrellas are to those they consider family.
We’re their family. We’re their home. They didn’t want to leave us.
Ahead, a guard is stabbing Toso. I scream with heartache and hatred.
Toso hisses and snaps his sharp teeth, fighting back until his wounded body collapses.
The guard looks up, his eyes widening as he sees my blood-soaked sword. “I don’t want to hurt you,” he tells me. The feeling isn’t mutual.
No. He wants me alive so Soro can do it himself.
His hesitation costs him. I punch my sword through his skull.
Toso, my dearest Toso—so dedicated to protecting us, he took on an elf four times his size.
“Maeve!” Neela calls to me from the roof, a cast iron pan clutched tight in her hands. She doesn’t care about the raging fire eating through the house. She only cares about us.
“Maeve, they’re after you.” She looks the opposite way. “They’re coming, child. Run! ”
She’s bleeding and covered in soot. Her anguish is thick in every word. I guide Knight with my knees to cut to the left, trying to make my way to the front, where I can help.
My stomach lurches as we pass the stables, the smell from a slew of tiny burning bodies curling me inward. All these babies, all these estrellas, hiding in the stables only to be burned alive.
Grief overwhelms me. I don’t see the cluster of guards rushing me from behind.
Father does.
I barely have time to lift my sword.
Their helmets were of no use. Father’s arrows angle through their eyes and out the bases of their skulls.
I’m almost to the terrace when I glance behind me and see our bench. The one where my family and I watched the sunsets. Back when Papa was free, we lived in peace, and the manor was our summer home. But now…now our home burns, and I can’t save it!
That moment of distraction is all the guards need.
One races across the terrace, striking me with a heavy dining chair and knocking me from my horse.
Another guard jumps from the ledge and prowls forward. A tiny estrella leaps at his face, biting and scratching the guard to try and save me. He smacks her away, and the crunch of tiny bones makes me scream.
Something knocks me in the head.
“Fool!” a deep voice barks. “You were told not to kill her.”
I open my eyes, I think. It’s hard to tell with the shadows framing my vision.
Something chitters. Another estrella.
She bats at my nose.
Tibeta .
“Go,” I tell her. “Go, now.”
My voice is slurred. I hope she understands.
I roll to my side. It’s the best I can do. Around me, the house is falling apart. Glass shatters, and smoke pours out. We’ve lost the east wing, the closest part of the manor to where I lie.
The central hall follows, the wood whining before it snaps, caving my home inward.
Elves heal faster than humans. It’s the only reason that my vision begins to clear. Ahead of me, Knight bucks and thrashes, kicking away the guards trying to capture him. He doubles back, trampling the fools who jump in his way.
My eyes close for a moment or maybe longer.
I awake to the crunch of breaking skulls.
Bodies land beside me. Some with arrows, others with indented faces. It’s Father. He’s helping me. He’s here for me, as always.
Knight nudges me with his nose, urging me to my feet.
I try to move my hand. It’s hard, but I’m able to push myself to sitting. There’s so much of me to heal, even my elven body can’t keep up.
Knight nudges me again when I make it to a knee. I lose my balance and fall right back to the ground.
Everything hurts.
I start to take deeper breaths, I start to hurt a little less, and I start to hate a lot more.
Good. Hate will fuel my vengeance.
And I have plenty to unleash.