Bloodsong Chapter 64 93%
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Chapter 64

F or the first time in days, it was just Quinn and myself. We lay in bed, her in my arms, our bodies warm from feeding just hours before. We’d hunted with Carlos, and I was impressed with her acceptance of his presence with us. Now that she was a vampire, there was an amusing banter between the two of them, a growing friendship replacing the fear she’d once had of him.

“We had another join us, Celeste. Which makes Carlos very happy.” I kissed the back of her neck. “I’m pleased to see you and Carlos are connecting.”

“He’s not so bad,” she had a smile in her voice.

The two most important people in my life were bonding. “ You have a fondness for him?”

She turned over to face me. “I do feel an attraction. Not like what’s between you and me, but there’s something there.”

“I’m sure Carlos would appreciate that. He’s fond of you, too,” I gave her a soft kiss. “Carlos is known for his unique cravings.”

She frowned. “Unique cravings?”

“I don’t think I have the right word. Um, he takes both men and women to his bed,” I explained.

“You mean he’s bisexual?” Her eyes lit up with amusement. “That’s not unique. Lilith’s bi. Even I experimented in uni.”

“No, I know he’s bisexual.” I tried to find the words. “I mean, he has a fondness for multiple lovers. Equally. He may take one to his bed on one night, then someone else the next. He has a closeness with Celeste, as well as Lorenzo and Annika.”

Quinn’s laughter burst from her. “I think the word you’re looking for, my sweet vampire, is polyamorous. How have you lived this long and not known the word?”

“Polyamorous,” I repeated. “I’m sure he’d find amusement that there is a word for it now.” I gave her a gentle squeeze. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah. Are you?” she returned.

“You’ve gone through a substantial change in your life.” I kissed her forehead “You gave up your entire life for me; don’t think that has no meaning. I’m sorry for everything that you’ve lost. Do you want to talk about it?”

She chuckled. “You speak as if either of us had a choice,” she gazed into my eyes. “I Called you with my magical Siren Song, binding us together, and sealing my fate into becoming a vampire. ”

“Do you have regrets?” I asked.

“Only Mia’s death.” Her eyes shifted across my face. “I knew exactly what I was giving up. Besides, I can still sing. I probably just have to be more careful when I do, now. Siren vampire and all.”

The day I’d painted her naked, her voice had done something to me, and in the cell she’d pulled me out of a feeding frenzy by singing. She’d also broken Gabriela’s hold over all those who’d heard her. We suspected that sharing my blood with her had enhanced that power in her voice. Her abilities as simultaneously a siren and as a vampire would be something she’d need to learn herself, as she was the first of her kind.

She pressed her lips against mine in a soft kiss that quickly became ferocious.

I tightened my arms around her, growling as I rolled us over, pinning her beneath me. When I pulled away, she gazed up at me, her eyes red. I laughed. “That’s something you’ll need to learn to control,” I said. Confusion crossed her face, so I lifted my hand, indicating my eyes. “Hunger and arousal tend to change your eye colour. Anger can too. You can’t be out in public flashing red eyes at humans.”

She grinned. “That’s fine, I’ll just stay in here with you.” Lifting her head, she licked my neck as I’d done to her so many times. I let out a deep rumble of contentment, and I lowered myself to give her easier access to my throat. She struck fast, without hesitation, biting deep. I couldn’t hold back the moan as her venom flooded through from her bite.

She smiled up at me, showing her fangs. The sight of them sent a thrill through me.

“ Mi amore ,” she murmured. I tried not to flinch at her poor attempt at the words. We could work on her pronunciation; we had plenty of time. That she’d tried was everything.

I trailed kisses from her jaw, stopping at her throat. I didn’t move, lips pressed against flesh. Frustration surged through her. ‘ Beg me to bite you.’ I commanded.

Before she could, the presence of another approached and I lifted my head, hissing in warning.

Carlos stopped in the doorway already shirtless, showing a wolf tattoo on his chest, one eye blue, the other red, and a flaming sword down his right arm. “She is yours.” He didn’t move, waiting. “But you and her are both mine.”

It wasn’t unusual for a vampire King or Queen to stake claim over underlings within the clan. Nor was it a surprise that Carlos might claim many in our clan. He was a man generous regarding with whom he shared his bed and affections.

Quinn caressed my face. ‘ It’s okay with me if he wants to claim the two of us .’ When I still didn’t relax, she smiled. ‘ Matteo, the two of you have a bond, are you really surprised that he wants to claim you? ’

She did make a good point. I could not deny our new King.

“Mine,” I reminded him.

“Yours,” he agreed, and pointed to the both of us. “Mine.”

Quinn reached out to him, but he waited for me. “We are yours,” I said, and held my hand out to him. He unclothed completely and joined us on the bed as I bit into Quinn’s throat, and he took the other side. The animalistic sounds that came from her pierced through me. I growled in response and moved to kiss her hard. She moaned against my lips, squirming under me. Carlos lifted his head, and I moved back to let him in .

I couldn’t deny the sight of the two of them kissing did things to me. I found it captivating.

‘K nife? ’ Carlos asked.

I knew why he was asking. This was normal for him. I’d seen such play, but I never took part in it myself. Without a word he was gone, only to return three seconds later with a knife from my kitchen. He pressed the blade against my chest, and I lay back. Quinn’s eyes widened. As he sliced, it stung briefly, and blood seeped from the wound. He guided her to drink. She ran her tongue across the cut slowly. I shivered, my growl of pleasure low as I held her to me.

When the cut in my chest closed, Carlos handed the knife to her, pointing to his own chest. She glanced at me, hesitating.

“Go on,” I whispered in her ear, reassuring. “It’s okay.” I drew a line down my chest with my finger. “Cut down here, where he did. Draw blood.”

She sliced deep and started to lean forward. I tensed, but Carlos was firm before I could react. He pushed at her shoulder to stop her.

“Not you, young one. You can never drink from me. Only Matteo can. Guide him to my chest.”

My blood was still on her lips as she pressed them to mine, before nudging me towards Carlos. His hand grasped the back of my head.

Then it was her turn, and I licked a line down her abdomen before slicing. I gave Carlos’s chin a lick before pushing him towards Quinn. She squirmed under his tongue, and I moved down, kissing her inner thigh before biting her. She whimpered, her hand clamping down on the back of my head. I licked, eliciting a deep shudder from her. Carlos kissed her again as I moved my tongue through her centre, knowing exactly how to draw the most pleasure from her. I licked her, swirling my tongue and pulling her clit between my teeth.

I knew she was close to climax when her back arched, pressing herself against my mouth, her moans getting louder. Carlos simply watched, stroking himself.

She screamed her way through her orgasm.

Carlos laughed in my head. ‘ You have a screamer. She really is suited for you.’

‘ No, I made her a screamer. ’ I boasted with pride.

I pressed myself against her body, deep tremors still ripping through her. She moaned into my mouth as I kissed her again. I rolled us over onto our sides, pulling her leg over mine. Carlos embraced her from behind and reached down, his hand sliding through her, before smearing her own juices over his cock.

I entered Quinn with a rough thrust, driving hard as we moved as one. Carlos spoke to her in Spanish, as he eased into her ass. Her eyes rolled back as we both drove into her. We found a rhythm that she seemed to enjoy. She clung to me, tensing as her second orgasm neared. I pressed our lips together, speeding up to drive her closer, almost on the verge myself. I moaned at the feel of her muscles pulsing around my cock.

Pleasure spread through her, and she threw back her head, as she tried not to scream. Her throat was exposed, so I bit her as I came, and Carlos clamped onto her shoulder in his own orgasm.

The three of us lay there, breathing hard. None of us moved, just holding on, hearts racing.

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