Bold As Brass (Elementally Yours #3) 10.Tangled Up in You 53%
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10.Tangled Up in You

10. Tangled Up in You

“Are we calling it a night?” I ask the man in the driver’s seat.

“Might be a good idea.” Liam drums his fingers on the steering wheel.

After a pair of dragon shifters crashed our evening, it seems like there’s been a change of plans. He’s in no hurry to escort me to the restaurant anymore. Bloody dragons ruined the mood.

“What I have planned may be too heavy now. I’ve been teasing you and working us both up all week. If we continue, I’ll be pushing you quite hard, in fact…” A thoughtful expression crosses his face as he thinks.


He shakes his head. “Nothing, it’s supposed to be a surprise.”

Of course. I roll my eyes. “You do like surprises.”

He laughs. “I hate being surprised, but I love surprising you.”

Since we had a scare, it’s smart he’s checking in before getting back on track. But I don’t have an answer for him.

“Alright, time out,” he says. “Why don’t we take a pause and go somewhere else for dinner? We’ll find something more low-key. Then we’ll decide what we’re in the mood for afterwards.”

Good idea. I nod and Liam turns on the engine and we go searching for somewhere else to eat.

When we pass by a tiny late-night diner that advertises specialty milkshakes, Liam sees my sweet tooth react. We go in and eat there, and he insists on a giant milkshake with two straws like we're going steady in the 1950s. Then he scans the menu and loses his entire mind when he sees curly fries listed.

The tension starts to evaporate and we start enjoying ourselves. We even play some footsie under the table. It’s fun, almost like something a couple would do on a date.

It’s not a date! Remembering that is important. Liam is only mine—or maybe it’s more accurate to say the reverse—I’m only Liam’s for a limited time. He’s the kind of man who seems incredibly easy to fall for, so I must remember that’s not an option .

When we’re back in the car and finished with dinner, he asks, “Am I driving you home, or do you feel like coming back to my place?”

Without a doubt, I know my answer. We head back to his place.

We should absolutely get our evening back on track. I’ll need to be careful and mindful of my surroundings in the future as we wait to see if the dragons get bored with harassing me or actually have a serious agenda, but it doesn’t seem likely anything else will happen tonight. The diner was too public, and a caster’s own home isn’t a smart location to stage an attack.

Dragons have nothing to do with why I’m rushing inside when we arrive at his apartment. The only clue for tonight is that he intends to push me 'quite hard.' I can’t wait to find out more.


“Come on in.” Liam smiles as he opens his apartment door for me.

Then the door shuts and we’re alone.

“Get naked,” he demands.

Liam set up some materials beforehand that are waiting for us. His living room coffee table and couch have been pushed aside. Instead, an assortment of metal sheets, scraps, and spare parts wait for us. Nothing is really put together. Some pieces look vaguely like sex toys but all missing the final components to be functional.

"What is all this?" I wonder.

"Nothing,” he says. “Not yet. That’s up to you."

"It is?"

"Well, I have a few requirements.” Of course. “Do you know what all this is for?"

I shake my head.

He gives me an excited grin. “You’re going to build your own restraints.”

"O-oh." Of course I am. Of course his kinky, devious mind dreamed up something like this.

Is it hot in here? No, it's just me getting hot. Tying me up and restraining me isn't enough, he wants me to chain myself up for him. I need to invent the very restraints I'll soon be cursing about as he uses them to inflict delicious torment.

He tells me the requirements.

"You have control of your magic right now, Oliver. Whatever you build needs to hold you securely so you can’t escape with your powers gone. Tie your hands behind your back and leave enough space for me to access you from the front and back. The rest is up to you."

My eyes are fixed on the metal items in front of me, seeing them in a whole new light. I've used all these metals and parts before. Metalbrands tend to develop related talents for machinery, engineering, masonry and metalwork, anything related to the metal and magic we love. I’m no exception. I’ve just never used my powers for this .

"If you need any other materials, I’ll provide them if I have them. You can also connect your creation to the ceiling or the beams in here, as long as we’ll be able to take it down later."

Metal isn’t always easy to work with magically, but any metal influenced by my powers once becomes easier to control again, so cleaning up afterwards shouldn’t be a problem.

“Are there any other requirements?” I ask.

"Not for now." Liam has moved behind me, and he puts a hand on my chest and pulls me back into him. I inhale sharply when I feel his erection nudging against my lower-back. He bites the shell of my ear. “What are you going to do? Play it safe and maximize your comfort? Or will you try to impress me?”

Evil, evil man. We must both know I can’t resist. If there's a chance to impress him, I have to try. Liam already being hard means he really loves this idea and that's all the motivation I need to go all out.

I start by giving him a little show.

Applying liquid metal to my flesh doesn't hurt since I'm blessed by the element, so I grab metal bars and tip them over and the metal drips down like candle wax. The metal goes from solid to liquid as it warps and melts, dripping down my arms and legs and pooling around my wrists and ankles.

Liam mostly manages to cover his gasp as he watches the metal melt and swirl around my body, but I feel his stare. He can't look away as I bring my arms together behind my back and kneel down. My magic shapes the metal into thick cuffs and I allow them to harden and then use a bar to connect the cuffs around my ankles.

Silver- and brass-colored metals are applied next to create a harness around my chest and hips to support me and bind me further. The restraints are all connected by chains to a tall square frame I create that supports itself. There should be enough give for Liam to adjust the chains according to his whims.

For the final touch, decorative metal accents twist around my body in the shape of long, thin metallic vines. They should look appealing, like delicate, glittering leaves lining my skin. Metallic gift-wrapping and I'm the present he opens. Places Liam might like access to like my nipples, groin, and ass are framed by metal but left exposed.

With a command from my magic, I tighten any loose pieces and lock myself in place. I won't be able to get back up on my own or wriggle free when the nightbrand takes my magic.

The apartment falls utterly silent aside from his slow footsteps as he circles me and evaluates everything. I stare at the floor, head bowed, unable to look until I know for sure whether he's impressed or not.

The chains rattle when I jump in my bonds as his hand settles on the top of my head .

"You're even more gorgeous than I dreamed," he praises. "Look at you, locked up nice and tight for me."

My chests warms with pride at the awe in his voice.

"Such a perfect little toy," he murmurs darkly. "Congratulations, you have the ability to come."

Yes! The gratitude pours out of my mouth naturally. "Thank you, sir. Thank you—"

Liam chuckles and my words dry up. There must be a catch. “There's more, isn't there?”

He gives me an innocent look. “I don't know, should there be?”


“Oliver. This looks great.” He makes such a fake gasp, he isn't even trying to fool me into thinking he's just realized something. “Wait, you are missing something. There’s one detail I forgot to mention."

One detail he intentionally left out, more like.

He shows me a small box made of dark wood that he opens with a flourish to reveal... metal. Metal nestled in a satin cushion like an important piece of jewelry, except it's just a chunk of metal. Shiny and polished, but nothing more than a thick square.

“Do you like this? I ordered it just for you.”

I inspect the composition of the strange metal square with my powers and sense its properties... the square of metal has the same finishing as my antique pocketwatch. It looks like my watch, but the metal is made entirely of brass.

Brass for a Brass.

Designed just for me alright, but what does it do?

“W-what-what is it for?”

Liam grins. “This goes around your cock.” What??? "Don't you like your gift? Special metal that matches my special boy."

"Uh..., thank you?"

"You're so very welcome. Now go on, use your special metal to create your own cockring."

I stare at the special square in its special box while its special purpose sinks in. My own bespoke cockring, created by me, for me and me alone, with metal that matches me. So bloody special. That's why he gave me the ability to come, because I have to create the very device that will restrict my release.

This is terrible, but it also feels like my body is too small to hold all the desire that rushes over me. My skin prickles with gooseflesh like I'm cold yet inside my blood is red hot.

All this and he hasn't even touched me yet.

Drawing in a shaky breath, I focus my magic on the square. I sculpt carefully, trying to not let my hardening cock or insatiable desire overwhelm me, until the metal transforms into a thick circular band.

The ring rises in the air under my direction, floating over to Liam for his inspection.

"Go ahead, Oliver. Put it on. "

"Y-yes sir."

The cool metal encircles me, and only a few tweaks are needed until it wraps snugly around my flesh.

Once the ring is in place, awareness of my powers fades away. I have no control of my magic anymore. I do have control of my orgasm, but I can’t come. I just made my own cockring.

"Let me check it for you," he murmurs, his blue eyes holding mine captive as he steps closer. His fingers barely brush against my skin, touching the metal more than me. I still whimper at the light caress, cock throbbing in its ring at his examination. I wish with every fiber in my being that I could push forward into the touch. Held firm by my own bloody restraints.

Liam takes a deep breath, and his rock-hard erection is the only clue about how much he enjoys the sight before him.

I watch him eagerly, waiting to see if he'll crack as he watches me squirm and go nowhere in my restraints. His eyes dart to one side and his hands clench. His mouth tightens. What? That wasn’t the reaction I was hoping would slip out.

What's wrong? Think, try to think. Something isn’t perfect yet.

Oh, once I realize where he's looking, I have my answer.

“You can touch it,” I say.

“I can touch you wherever and however I want,” he reminds me sternly. “When I decide to. ”

“True, but you haven’t touched my brand.” Most wizards consider it off limits without explicit permission, which I didn’t give him. Surprisingly, he never asked.

His eyes roam over the mark on my wrist with hunger even now. Metal binds the top of my wrist and forearm, leaving part of my brand exposed and peeking out from under the restraints and chains.

“You can touch my brand, Liam. If you choose, whenever and however you—”

He’s already moving before I finish speaking, adjusting the chain and maneuvering me so that I rise up and my wrist basically flies right into his hand.

"Really didn’t mean to stare,” he murmurs, tracing the mark connecting me to metal magic with the tips of his fingers, the light touch almost reverent. “Feels uncomfortable when anyone touches mine, so I wasn't even going to ask...” His fingers encircle my wrist and close with deliberate purpose. “But your brand is a fucking chain around your fucking wrist, Oliver. Practically irresistible, couldn't be more enticing even if your brand spelled out 'Fuck me, Liam Monroe.'

"G-glad you like it," I whisper.

His fingers squeeze my wrist possessively. Then he adjusts the chain to put me back on my knees and he starts exploring the rest of my body. Trailing his fingers over the metal vines along my arms or that trail down my shoulders and back. I make a very high-pitched sound and start trembling, literally trembling.

"See, this is why I love denial. The longer you go without what you're craving, the stronger even the smallest sensation feels. Doesn't that feel good?"

“Please,” I beg.

He reaches out to put a gentle hand in my hair and like he's doing me the favor asks, "Oliver, do you need to suck my cock?"

A moan escapes my lips, and I nod so furiously I'm a bit regretful there's nothing restraining my head because it's so wildly obvious how desperate I am for him. “Can I? Please?"

"Why should I let you?"

It takes a moment to form words. Is that a trick question? The answer is obvious. "You'll enjoy it?"

"Naturally," he agrees with a devious smirk. "But you're going to need to do better than that."

"I-I've been thinking about it."

"Fantasizing," he corrects with a sly grin.

"Y-yes." Unable to hold back longer, I confess my desires. "Fantasizing about getting you inside me for so long—"

"Oh god," Liam groans.

"—your fingers, your cock. Anything, anywhere, I don't care anymore. You just need to be inside me.”

The silence extends long enough that I wonder if I’ve done or said something wrong. When Liam cards his fingers through my hair again, the touch is practically gentle.

"How are you so perfect?" he murmurs, almost to himself.

"I'm not," I protest weakly.

He only shakes his head and continues stroking my hair with gentle fingers. "Nope, I'm the boss. And I say you're perfect."

"Not sure that’s how it works."

Liam tilts my head up towards him so I can see the ridiculous authority on his face. "That's how it works."

"If you say so."

"Now then, where were we?" His hand trails down my face and softly cups my cheek. "Do you wanna suck my cock?"

I nod eagerly. Liam smiles and takes a step back. He slowly undoes his belt buckle. I'm mesmerized by the movement, unable to look away as he slides it through each loop of his trousers. He tugs at his waistband and the slacks fall to the ground, revealing tight black boxer briefs.

I swallow hard, unable to take my eyes off him.

He slips off his boxers, revealing his hard cock. He guides the tip of his erection towards my waiting lips. I part my mouth, ready to take him in, but he tilts back just before his hardness touches my lips.

"Go ahead. Get to work."

Trusting the chains to hold me, I basically just open my mouth and fall forward, only to find the chain doesn’t extend far enough. Liam is just out of reach.

I groan in frustration. “Come closer, I can't reach you."

"Oh, I thought you were desperate to taste me. Are you trying hard enough?"

I thrash and press forward, but it's useless. I'm getting nowhere.

"Ha, looks like you're right," he says.

"You're teasing me.”

He shrugs nonchalantly. "Kind of what I do."

“Please, Liam…”

"Aw, it's alright," he says as he watches me struggle. "Bet you could reach if you had your powers. You could adjust the chain length."

I growl in frustration. "Then give me my powers back."

"Now that wasn't asking very nicely," he chides.


"You can do better than that," he challenges.

"Please, sir? Please let me have my magic back."

Liam's lips twitch upward in an almost amused smile. "Sure you can handle it?"

"Yes!" I cry out eagerly. "They're my powers, of course I can handle them."

"Are you sure?"

"Oh, just give me my bloody powers back."

"It's hot when you get all British. "

"Please!" I shout. “I need my powers! Give me my magic.”

And with a flick of his wrist, my powers are returned to me. I direct my power, and the chain adjusts itself as I move forward. He sinks into me about halfway, and I can't help but groan in pleasure at the first taste.

His hands stutter against my face, surprised by my eagerness and the noises I'm making. I try to push myself further onto his cock, and he swears under his breath. It only fuels me more, knowing that I can make him react like this.

My cheeks fit perfectly in his hands, and he cradles them gently without trying to guide me. I close my eyes and let myself relax into his touch.

When I open my eyes, his are fixed on me with the moon's glow reflecting in them. I must look like a mess—drooling and flushed—but he doesn't look away. He keeps thrusting into me while speaking.

"You can come anytime, Oliver, as long as I’m in your mouth. But once I finish down your throat and pull out, I'm taking control again and you won't be able to come."

The clock is ticking. I know I don't have much time left.

His fingers tighten on my face, and he starts moving my head as he pushes more of himself into my mouth. Liam is holding back curses and struggling to hold on as he slides in deeper .

I use my magic to reach for the chains around my wrists to free them, and I start to loosen the ring—

"Keep your hands behind your back." His eyes flare up with power, and it holds me back. "Adjust the ring. Let it glide over your pretty weeping dick, and be quick about it. I doubt this will take me long at all."

My mind is a jumbled mess, and it feels like my powers are just as desperate to listen and follow orders as I am, obediently loosening and refitting the ring around me. Less snug and now able to move, the ring flows up and down my cock with a little magical direction.

"Good," he purrs. "I feel you using your magic."

The ring moves over my erection as fast as I can guide it, doing its best to push me over the edge. Only the tip of his cock is in my mouth before he pushes further, holding my head in place.

"Your time is almost up," he warns. A few seconds later, he releases in my mouth.

He holds me there, swallowing his release while the metal ring encourages me. My cock jerks and the ring slips off as my own orgasm hits hard. My cock pulses and releases onto my stomach. I think I smile around his softening dick, proud of myself for making it in time. I relax into my chains, happy and satisfied .

The last thing I register before Liam starts taking care of me is his gentle hands brushing over my face.

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