Bold As Brass (Elementally Yours #3) 15.Sins of the Family 79%
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15.Sins of the Family

15. Sins of the Family

The aroma of coffee causes me to stir. A fresh cup sits on the nightstand near me.

A moment later, Liam appears and gives me a kiss. His breath is already minty fresh, meaning he brushed his teeth.

“I’m about to take a shower for work. How are you feeling today, darling?”

“Great. Thanks for the coffee.”

Since he canceled everything yesterday and we played during the day, I’ve had plenty of time and attention from him. I’m not lying. I feel great.

“There’s no hurry if you’d rather sleep in. Just lock the door when you leave.” Liam places another quick kiss on my lips. “Suddenly I regret not using up more sick days. Our arrangement is ending, and I still have so many delicious ideas in mind for you. Where does the time go?”

Liam leaves the room, and I hear the shower turn on a moment later.

Going back to bed was tempting a moment ago, yet now I’m wide awake.

Liam is right. The next waxing moon happens tomorrow night. Our arrangement is almost over.

Liam and I are almost over.

We fit so much into a month’s time. I feel so much calmer and more confident. My powers and I are making peace. Liam has helped me soothe my guilt and realize that I'm not responsible for my family's sins. I only have a say in what I do. I won't hurt others with my powers. I'm beginning to suspect I'd like to use them to help others somehow.

It turns out that a month under the control of a patient, caring, and sometimes devious nightbrand was all I needed to get my life back on track. I still may not know what the future holds, but I feel more prepared than ever to face it.

Which means… it means I don’t need Liam anymore.

Just the idea of it has me jumping out of bed and throwing on clothes. “Oh god. I need to go.” I can’t stay behind and risk running into him. He’ll see everything on my face. I scrawl him a quick note and get out of there.

This past month, I have been in awe of Professor Liam Monroe. Amazed by how the dirtiest words flow from his lips and he exhibits his iron will one moment, then he acts attentive and sweet the next. He utilizes our powers in brilliant ways, he's kind and clever, and he has gone through so much, just like I have.

He's incredible. I've felt this several times during our month together. I thought my fascination and affection for him came from him assisting me through a difficult time, came from him introducing me to this wonderful and kinky world.

But now that I'm at risk of losing him, it is quite clear. I'm not just admiring him. I have feelings. His gentle hands and strong arms, the hypnotic glow of his eyes under the moonlight, how he can make me feel so many things from safe and cared for to exhilarated and more daring.

What if I never hear him call me darling again?

Oh my gosh. I've been falling for him practically since the beginning of this whole thing. I just hadn’t fully realized it and now I’m in too deep. I wasn’t thinking about what would happen when it ended.

When the bus takes me to the right stop, I’m still freaking out internally. What should I do? Should I tell Liam we should continue our partnership?

No, repeating this month won’t work for me. Not if it’s only a sexual arrangement. I'm not sure if Liam even does serious relationships or if he wants one with me. But now that I’m aware of my own feelings, I couldn’t bear going through another month’s arrangement and trying to hide them. I’d only grow more attached too.

But can I really tell him how I feel? I’ve made progress… but can I really face the possibility of rejection from the one person I’ve been able to count on during the most difficult period of my life?

Oliver Brass is a new metalbrand with no job and barely anything to his name except a bad reputation. Would Liam really want more from me? Would he really want to keep me?

Though I've discovered many things about myself in the past month, those are two questions that leave me utterly clueless.

My mother is in her bathrobe when I return to the apartment, and it looks like she just woke up.

“Did you sleep somewhere else again last night?” When I start fidgeting and mumbling several things, she holds her hand up. “Wait. I need coffee first.”

Seeing her reminds me of the important conversation I’ve been dreading. I need to find out more about why the dragons are after us. Fortunately, questioning my mother also provides a much-needed distraction from fretting about my situation with Liam.

Okay then, time for a tough conversation.

I march into the kitchen, ready for anything I might encounter by stirring this hornet's nest. “Mom, we need to talk.”

She snorts. "No kidding. "

“Do you know what this is about?” Okay, I wasn’t exactly expecting that.

Mom fills the coffeepot with her back turned to me. She flicks the switch and pivots towards me. “What else could this be about? You're gone all the time, you're jittery this morning…” She grabs her favorite coffee mug from the sink and gives me a frank stare. "This must be about a boy."

"Mom, no."

“Oh, I'm sorry, a man."

Mother leans against the counter as she waits on the coffee pot. Given that she never leaves the apartment and has nowhere to go, she has all the time in the world to interrogate me. This is supposed to go the other way around.

"Will you spare a few details for your poor mother?"

"There really isn't much to tell."

"I don't believe you for a second."

I shrug awkwardly. "This really isn't what I wanted to talk about."

"Well, you should talk to someone before you explode."

Opening up to her may help break the ice and make it easier for her to confide in me too… and I'm curious to know what she thinks.

“Okay. There’s a guy I like, but I'm not sure he likes me too and wants something serious.”

“Ah, that’s tough.” She taps her nail against the countertop as she thinks. “But there’s only one solution. Tell him and find out whether he feels the same.”

That’s what I’m afraid of. “He might say no.”

“There are many things that could go wrong,” she agrees. “Don't let that stop you. Your world already turned upside down and you survived. You can handle his answer, whatever it is. Tell him how you feel." Then she realizes that sounds too much like parental advice, something I haven’t been eager to hear from her lately. “That's my suggestion. I'm not telling you what to do. Lord knows I have no right to advise anyone.”

"No, I asked. Thank you,” I say awkwardly but manage a sincere smile. “I could use your help with something else too."

Coming to her with two questions is two too many these days, apparently. She instantly goes on high alert. “What's going on? What's wrong?”

I startle when she comes closer, moving far too fast for someone half asleep. “What? Nothing is wrong!"

"Must be serious if you want my opinion."

"No, no. It’s a hypothetical situation, that's all."

“Uh huh.” She does not believe me. I don’t blame her given my terrible lying skills.

Her doubts have to wait because the coffee is ready.

Once she has her cup, we sit down on the couch in the living room to talk .

"I met a dragon the other day," I start, which is technically true, just not nearly the whole story. "What do you know about them?"

Mother sips her coffee before she answers. "Well, it depends on the type of dragon and the horde they belong to. There are a few commonalities. Dragons are nomadic because they spend a lot of time flying and can cover a great deal of distance in a short time, so they can end up on the opposite side of the world in a day."

"Does that mean the legends aren't true, they don’t guard a secret stash of treasure?" I ask as innocently as possible.

"Are legends ever entirely true? Modern times have made the supernatural far less colorful. Ogres, leprechauns, and dragons no longer have hidden caves full of riches. They use banks like everyone else." Mom smiles at me over her mug.

She seems more informed than me. All I knew about dragons was that a group of them led a horde, supposedly because dragons fighting to see who the alpha should be would lead to too much death and destruction. That alone terrified me enough that I never tried to learn more.

"However,” she continues. “Given that dragons are liable to end up anywhere in their travels, hordes do carry a small cache of valuables like precious metals, gems, or anything they're able to sell universally. Dragons are incredibly hesitant to admit this, of course, but it makes sense. Finding the same banks or a reliable internet connection to access their other resources can get tricky in foreign countries and remote corners of the world. They need something on hand to sell or trade if they find a place they'd like to stay for a while."

“Then that leaves them vulnerable to theft,” I say, filling in the blanks.

“Maybe, if you consider 20-foot creatures with incredibly tough hides who are capable of breathing fire 'vulnerable.' And many hordes are willing to overlook human laws.”

“Is that so?”

“Antagonizing dragons isn’t wise," she stresses, giving me a stern look and making me wish I had my own cup of coffee to hide behind. “Dragon values do not always clash with the law, but many hordes still believe in handling their affairs in kind. That means that matters that begin legally end legally. Anything done through formal supernatural channels are settled through the same channels. Matters started illicitly are ended illicitly."

Here comes the moment of truth.

"Do you know all this from experience?" I wonder.

"From experience?” She shakes her head with a laugh. “I'm a seasoned witch who used to travel in supernatural circles more than human ones—that's how I know about dragons. Our family had no business dealings with any hordes."

"Are you sure? It was a big enterprise."

"I can't say no dragon ever used our company. As far as contracts with hordes, not to my knowledge. If we were getting into bed with dragons, especially if we planned to deceive them or engage in criminal activities with them as partners, those are very risky propositions. Too risky to leave me in the dark about something like that.”

Mom may have only had one cup of coffee, but she's alert enough, her eyes trained on me and ready to read me like a book. “Why are you really asking all this?”

"No reason,” I offer hurriedly. “I’m just wondering."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes?" Oops, that sounded much more hesitant than I intended.

My phone beeps in my pocket, and I jump on the distraction. “Better take this.”

“Why, is that him?” Mom’s eyes light up as she gazes at the phone.

“No! No, it’s just a friend.”

At least that is the truth. Toby isn’t saying much, though I act like I'm responding to a very important text.

Toby: Thanks for filling up the tank.

Oliver: Least I could do after borrowing your car.

I’m just glad I was able to return the car in one piece.

Toby: Hey, you wanna hang out later?

Toby and some friends are getting dinner at a sushi bar after their class tonight .

The idea of doing something with other people is mildly frightening, but I can’t hide forever. If people are going to have a problem with me, there’s nothing I can do about that. Liam and Toby have shown me that not everyone is going to judge me for the sins of my family. The people who matter are willing to get to know me and see for themselves who I am.

And I am free tonight. Tomorrow, I’m busy. Tomorrow is the last night of the moon cycle. Obviously, Liam and I are spending the night together... it might be our last night together.

When I finish texting, I look up to find my mother in the exact same place. She’s sipping her coffee and patiently waiting for me to finish. Darn.

"Tell me what’s going on,” she demands.


"Oliver, if you're in trouble, let me help."

"You sound worried," I point out. "Maybe because of your own experiences with dragon hordes?"

"No, like I said. We didn't work with dragons. Too much hassle to take on such potentially dangerous clients." She sighs. "You don't believe me?"

"I didn't say that." I'm not totally sure yet anyway. "I have to go."


I rise from my seat and move towards the door. Can Liam pick me up? If not, I’ll take the bus. I really need to discuss what I learned with him. "Sorry, we can talk later."

"Come on, don't you want to talk? This is the closest we've come to talking about..." Anything. Anything important, that is.

“Yeah, I do.” It's the truth. “Really. But I can't talk now.”

“Oliver are you sure everything's okay?” she speaks to my back as I make it to the door.

I glance at the table nearest to the door littered with mail and see a book on top of the clutter and bills. “Hey Mom, I got you a book.”

"Excuse me?"

She's totally bewildered as I walk back and place Magic and the Bard by Liam Monroe in her hands. Mother loves Shakespeare and magic. Maybe this can keep her company while her powers are gone. I saw it on one of Liam's bookshelves, asked to borrow it, and he let me have it.

Well, a wicked smile lit up his face and he decided he'd like to trade. To get the book, I had to...nope, no! Can't think about that around my mother.

"The book seems interesting," I say. “I think you'll like it."

She looks at the book, then me, then back at the book. “This is a terrible attempt to change the subject!"

“I know. Thanks for talking," I say. Then I rush out the door.


My eyes watch the setting sun as the car moves on the road, my mind a thousand miles away.

"Do you believe your mom?" Liam wonders.

Tha t’ s the big question. I sigh instead of answering.

Dealing with our dragon aggressors really seemed like more of an 'in person' conversation than over the phone, so he picked me up. But after filling him in, I do n’ t know what else to say.

I do n’ t even know where w e’ re going. I check my phone as I go over my thoughts again. No messages.

Going over and over this, only one answer makes sense.

“ I believe her , ” I answer eventually. “ My parents largely stuck to white collar crimes through their company. Tax evasion. Embezzlement. Father used other people to do his dirty work." Including my own brother. "But I ca n’ t see the point in blatantly stealing from a dragon horde, whether doing it himself or ordering someone else. Why risk a war with an angry horde when he had other means of profiting from less dangerous sources ? ”

“ Yeah, I agree." Liam nods as he makes a turn. "Sneaking into a drago n’ s space and stealing, tha t’ s so direct and risky. The payoff would have to be worth it, and your family had money back then. This cache would n’ t be life-changing for them. It just seems like too much trouble . ”

“ So where does that leave us ? ” I whisper.

Liam sighs. “ W e’ re missing something . ”

Bollocks. Back to square one. I check my phone again.

"That's the fifth time you checked your phone in ten minutes." The sharp edge in his voice surprises me. The situation is serious, but his hard tone doesn't seem related to what we're discussing.

"Are you counting?" I try to cut the tension with a joke. "Shouldn't you keep your eyes on the road?"

"I'm multitasking." H e’ s gripping the wheel tightly. Why is he upset? "Do you have plans for tonight?"

“ Yes . ” I think so. I subtly try to check my texts again.

Liam brakes sharply, and I lurch forward in my seat before the seatbelt yanks me back. It would seem he notices me checking my phone for the sixth time.

He's pulled into an Arby's when I look up, an American fast-food chain that seems so greasy and excessively fattening to me. He knows I don't care for the food here, curly fries and all, and I wonder if that's why he chose to eat here.

“ Fast food ? ”

“ Gotta grab something for myself quickly since apparently I'm chauffeuring you to another engagement . ”

“ Well, I might be free since he isn't texting me back . ”

“ Oh, so I'm your second choice ? ” he asks, reaching a new record of restrained frustration just when I thought his voice couldn't hold any more.

There are a few cars ahead of us, so we have time. I turn towards him and wait until he does the same before explaining, “ I made plans with Toby tonight. Did I do something wrong? If yo u’ re not comfortable with us hanging ou t —”

The tight expression on his face melts almost instantly, resolving into something softer. “ Toby? I t’ s completely alright if yo u’ re friends. You can see whoever you want . ”

Right, because we aren't serious. Our arrangement is almost up.

“ I'm just surprised , ” Liam continues. “ And alright, a bit upset that you made plans on the last night of our agreement . ”

Oh, suddenly it all clicks into place, and I give him a sheepish look. “ That was an accident, I swear. I thought the waxing moon was tomorrow . ”

Liam punches the steering wheel, not hard, as he's huffing out a laugh, reaching the same conclusion as me. “ Silly metalbrands. You don't do much work around the moon phases, do you ? ”

"We aren't as tied to the natural life cycles as much as others, that's true." Apparently, my calculations were off by a day and the moon cycle ends tonight instead of tomorrow.

“ I'll have to buy you a moon calendar i f …” Liam trails off. “ Here I was thinking what a lousy job I must be doing if you're planning on spending the last night of our agreement with anyone else . ”

"You're doing fine," I say quickly. What was he saying about a calendar?

"Fine?" He arches an eyebrow, seeming playfully offended this time.

“ Um, you're doing great , ” I correct in a hurry. “ Great job! No complaints . ”

There are at least a million complaints that arise while we play because he never makes anything easy or gives me what I want in a timely manner, but I'm always extremely satisfied with our arrangement afterwards.

“ Where does that leave us ? ” he wonders. “ I really want to see you tonight, but I don't like you bailing on Toby for me . ”

“ No, it's no trouble to reschedule with him. I'm not even sure we're still on since he never texted me back . ”

My phone buzzes in my hand. I glance at the screen to see Toby's name flash across the display. I answer immediately with a smile. “ Hey, I was just talking about yo u— "

"Oliver!" Toby's frantic voice interrupts. "Is Liam with you? I need hel p— someone's after me ! ”

Liam and I exchange alarmed glances. Toby sounds terrified, and we hear a loud clatter in the background. Ther e’ s no mistaking this, something is terribly wrong.

“ I'm at home, please hurry!"

Over the phone, I hear the sound of something shattering, followed by muffled shouts. My stomach drops as I listen without being able to help.

Then, suddenly, the line goes dead.

“ Hold on , ” Liam warns as he twists the steering wheel. He veers out of the drive-thru line, tires screeching against the pavement as he speeds toward Toby's home.

The drive passes in a blur of worry about wha t’ s going on and hope that we are n’ t too late. Liam breaks several speed limits to get to Toby as fast as possible. Either we get lucky and run into no law enforcement or the growing darkness in the sky and the faint sliver of the moon is enough to give him shadows to shield us from notice.

The dread clawing at my chest grows when we reach the house. Toby's car is parked diagonally in the driveway, the driver's side door hanging open. The keys dangle from the ignition.

Jumping out of the car, we find a note left on the passenger seat of Toby's car. The words 'this is your last chanc e ’ are scrawled across it.

Bill stumbles out from the house, his face pale and eyes wide with fear. "I screwed up," he gasps. "Dragons have taken Toby!"


The realization crashes over me like a tidal wave. The dragons aren't after my family, as we had once believed. The vengeful horde has a problem with Liam and Bill's family instead.

We were looking at this all wrong. Now the horde has Toby.

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