Bound and Betrothed. Vol. #1-3 Chapter 7 46%
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Chapter 7


The ninth day of the men’s sojourn on the island

Perched on a stool close to the open doorway, Gunnar sat with one foot propped in Elin’s lap. As always, Frida was close by, watchingas Elin applied more of her unguent and wrapped fresh linen about his ankle.

‘Twas the first day he’d been given proper clothes to wear—a simple tunic and braies Elin said had been her husband’s.

She gently pulled theends of the bandage into a securing knot. “Rotate the joint again, if you please.”

Gingerly, he did so, making sureto conceal any expression of discomfort. There was a stiffness there, but it painedhim less each day. The sooner these women let him up and about, the happier he’d be. None had ever cossetedhim so, or at least not since he was the youngest boyling. While he was grateful, he found the attention stifling—along with the close confines of the hut.

Elin nodded. “Thecut heals, as does whatever crack mars the bone. We may soon provision you with a crutch.” Shereplaced his foot to the ground.

“‘Tis good to hear.” Gunnar looked hopefully at Frida. “I’m eager to make myself of better use. Give me a hoe and set me to work tidying where your vegetables grow. The tool shall act as my support. Or, with help, I mightrepair the thatch on this roof.”

There had been two bouts of rain since his arrival, and it hadn’t escaped his notice that there were several places where the water came through.

Elin tutted. “You get ahead of yourself. ‘Tis dependent on many things.Be content to rest, as you’re told, and we shall see how you get along.”

Gunnar bit back his protest. For now, it would serve him better to earn his freedoms piece by piece, but one thing in particular he did wish for.

The night before, while Frida had been absent, his jarl had come to him with strange notions of having been tied up and speaking of escape. Little had made sense, and he half thought Eldberg to be suffering from some fever, so peculiar had his manner been.

As Elin rose, Gunnar captured her arm.“What of the others? They continue well?”‘Twas not the first time he’d asked after his shipmates, and Elin had been kind in letting him know how they fared, though she was always vague in her reports.

“Aye.” She patted his hand before removing it from her person. “Well enough.”

“And I might see them?” While Gunnar kept his gaze upon Elin, she averted her eyes.

“By and by,” she said at last. “Like you, they need their rest.”

From what he’d seen of Eldberg, rest seemed far from his plans. Elin was hiding something, he was certain, though whether she knew of his jarl’s nocturnalwanderings, he couldn’t say.

“I must go.” Elin embraced Frida briefly before making for the door. “If you need anything, either of you,”—she looked pointedly at Frida—“you need only summon me.”

Frida appeared about to say something in return, but glancing worriedly at Gunnar, she seemed to decide against it.However, upon Elin’s leaving, sheattempted a brighter aspect.

“Twilight is close. We shall have a bite to eat, then retire, yes?”

“As you say, though ‘twould be preferable to lie beside you rather than upon my pallet. The comfort of having you near will help me sleep.” Gunnar cocked his head to one side, assessing the effect of his words. The maid had been gone a good portion of the night before and continued to be agitated all the day. Something played upon her mind, and he’d a fair idea of what that might be.She’d made no mention of the incident of herhandling his cock, but her furtive looks in the direction of his groin revealed the turn of her thoughts.

Frida might have little knowledge of what occurred between man and woman between the bed furs, but her womanly instinct served her well. If she but invited him, matters would take their natural course. Of that, he had no doubt, and he’d do all in his power to see she enjoyed the experience. A woman well-satisfied was always eager for more, and it seemed he had all the time in the world to show her what “more” could involve. Besides which, his cock had spent the whole night, morn, and afternoon letting him know it ached for her touch. His loins would give him no peace until he’d sheathed himself inside her sweetness.

To his surprise, she answered abruptly.“Aye, why not?Now is as good a time as any.” However, her blush came just as quickly. “That is, once we’ve eaten, and perhaps we might talk a little, as we did before. I shouldn’t mind hearing more about your horses, that is, before we...”She turned away, looking out the open door.

Still skittish and so much to learn. Gunnar smiled to himself. She wants me but is too shy to put her desires into words.

“Of course, talking is always a pleasure. Perhaps we might sit in the evening air.” He indicated a secondstool nearby. “‘Twould be good for us both, don’t you think?”

As keen as he was to bed the beauty, the idea of sitting in the freshness beyond the four walls of the hut was a great lure. Now he was clothed, and Elin had pronounced him almost fit and able, Frida could hardly object.

She stepped outside momentarily, placing a seat for herself there, before returning to help him rise. Gunnar did his best to stand upright without leaning too heavily on the arm she offered. To his chagrin, his progress involved much hobbling, but they were soon settled.

He gave a sigh of contentment. He’d missed seeing the great sky above and the open vista of the sea. The tide was coming in, he’d vouch, from the loudness of the waves beyond the dunes, and the tang of salt was strong this eve.

A trail of huts followed the curve of the shore, of which Frida’s was the last. Far off, toward the other end, some women were about their business, but all else was quiet.Hills rose behind, their lush green tinged by the last rays of amber sun.

“A picturesque spot.” He nodded approvingly. “‘Tis not so different fromSkálavík, my own home, though we have a long fjord leading out to the sea, rather than this open coastline.”

“A fjord?” She leaned closer. “What is that?”

Gunnar blinked in surprise. Didn’t everyone know what a fjord was? Clearly not, if they’d lived only upon an island. He was reminded again of how limited her knowledge must be, having not set foot beyond this place. Although he could hardly call himself a great traveler. Until now, the only places he’d ventured had been as far as a horse could take him, and there was little reason to make such journeys whenSkálavík offered all a man could want.

“‘Tis a beauteousthing.” Gunnar thought of the length of water that led into the trading town. “Like a river, but enclosed by the steepest crags, the cliffs plunging verticallyinto the water, which stretches deep beneath. In summer, the surface sparkles with the sun’s reflection, while winter frosts bind it with ice between snow-encrusted mountains.”

A crease appeared across her brow. “Snow? ‘Tis another thing I’ve not heard of.”

This Gunnar could hardly believe. The winters were long and hard inSkálavík. They hadn’t sailed so far as to escape the turn of the seasons. ‘Twas impossible.

“It comes when the weather is cold.” He scrutinized her, wondering if she was jesting. “A white powder that falls from the sky. You have some other name for it, perhaps?”

Still, she looked puzzled. “Nay, I think not. Though we have cooler temperatures around the time of Jultide , I’ve never seen this whiteness you describe.”

“Strange.” He rubbed his chin.

If she spoke truly, he could only think ‘twas some aberration of the island. He’d heard of something like it, where certain places had weather unlike others, but only in more southern climes.

“In any case, Ilookforward to seeing more of this island when I can walk.” He stretched out his leg. “You might show me yourfavorite places, that is if you don’t mind the notion of sharing them.”

Gunnar could but hope.

He didn’t think of himself as a prisoner, as Eldberg had inferred, but his liberty was being curtailed far more than was desirable.

Frida looked at him curiously. “I think, even when your ankle is better, you’d have trouble reaching the places I like to visit. They are very much out of the way.”

“All the better for making sure you’re alone?” It was a chance remark, but he saw at once he’d hit home.

She looked away, across to the sea. “I prefer it that way, usually.”

“But there’s joy in bringing a friend to see such places, don’t you think?” Gunnar nudged again.

When she turned, he was caught by the wistfulness of her expression.

“There is a certain place, which no one knows of, I think, except myself and my grandmother. She was the one who showed me how to find it. A cave of sorts, well-concealed, but I don’t think you shall ever see it. It’s very far, behind the furthest ribbon of water that falls upon the hillside above us.”

“A hidden cave!” Gunnar gave a teasing whistle. “Filled with priceless treasures?”

She frowned. “No, nothing like that. It’s...” She shook her head. “I shouldn’t have said anything. I don’t know why I did. It’s just a place I go, sometimes, on my own.”

“Forgive me, sweetling.” Gunnar had no wish to make her uncomfortable. She was too susceptible, lured into sudden confidences, which he could see she regretted. “Forget I said anything of the kind. ‘Tis your place, and I would not intrude, even if my sorry foot would allow me to traverse the distance.”

“Nay, the fault is mine.” She summoned a smile. “I’m not used to so much chatter. But ‘tis a pleasing thought for us to be friendly, for I must ask again the boon of you I mentioned.”

Gunnar gave her his attention.

“A child that is,” she went on. “And I hope you’ll show me as soon as possible, for I’ve no wish to wait. Of course, I’ll do whatever you ask to make sure it happens.”She still could not speak of having stroked him to a very satisfying tumult and was reddening in the cheek.

He decided he rather liked it.

“But I must make myself clear. I know you’ll want to return to your own home... if such a thing can be.” She had the grace to look bashful at that, for they both must be aware it was not entirely certain such a thing would be possible.

“In the meantime, you’re very important. Not just to me, but to all the women here.” She bit at her lip, as she seemed ever to do when nervous.“When we have performed the act of child-making, youmust understand that I have a duty to let you go.”

“Indeed?” Had he heard right? In return for tumbling her, she was willing to give him more freedom? He was eager to see his comrades fromSkálavík and to take a walk as soon as he was able, but he hoped she’d still invite him to the comforts of her bed and feed him.

There was only so much freedom a man needed.

“Aye.” She nudged her stool closer, so her knee neartouched his. “For there are others in want of a child besides me. Once you have put the babe within me, ‘twould be kindly to do the same for the other women as wish it. Some have even had children afore, so ‘twill not be difficult, I’m sure.”

Gunnar was speechless.He’d had his share of women and been asked to do a thing or two in his time, but this was beyond all reason.

Was he to return toSkálavík, leaving a whole brood behind him?

“Nay!” Gunnar folded his arms.

Her business-like manner fell away, replaced by obvious disappointment.

He fixed her with a penetrating gaze. “I won’t mount you like a stallionbefore being passed along to the next filly. A man has his honor, you know, and it goes against mine to sire a host of children who won’t ever know me as their father.”

Assuming I do get off this island and back home , Gunnar reminded himself.

“Oh.” Her lip trembled. “I thought you liked what I did when I was... bathing you and that we might try again, but in the proper way this time. Then I needn’t trouble you again. As for the other women, I suppose you could take some time to think about that.”

“I suppose I could, but I doubt it will change my mind. As for the other thing, I most certainly did like it.” Reaching for her, helaced his fingers between hers.“I liked it because I like you.”

“Oh.” Her more hopeful tone was replaced by rapid breaths, her chest rising and falling as she processed his words.

Though they’d experienced far greater intimacy than the mere holding of hands, his heart gave a peculiar sort of leap as she squeezed his fingers.

He took a moment, savoring the sensation. When he spoke again, he tried for a softer tone.

“If you really do have your heart set on a child, I’ll do my best to give satisfaction, but I must warn you, I believechildren should be conceived from joy. If you want to make use of my cock, I plan to enjoy it, which means I need you to enjoy it, too.Besides which, babies don’t always come easily. One tupping is very unlikely to do the trick. We might take a tumble every day for several cycles of the moon without gaining a result.

“Every day?” Frida gulped.

“Aye, and the nights would be good, too.”

Her eyes widened.

“Kissing is advantageous, so we’ll need to maketime for that.”Gunnar was definitely going to enjoy this. “And ear nibbling.”

“You want to bite my ear?” She looked incredulous now.

“I do.” He smiled. “Believe me, it’s very conducive to the success of the endeavor.”

Leaning over, he nuzzled into her neck.Shesmelleddelicious.His heart madethe strangeleapingagain as he breathed her in.She shivered but didn’t attempt to wriggle away, as he’d thought she might.Instead, she gave a moan and tilted her chin slightly, inviting him to graze her throat some more.

It was his pleasure to oblige.

From there, he moved to her ear, capturing the dainty lobe between his teeth before brushing along her jaw all the way to her lips. They were already parted, and her eyes were closed, waiting for his kiss.

Most gently, he pressed his mouth there and was rewarded by her enthusiastic response. When he tugged her lower lip between his, she gave a soft groan and opened to him, welcoming his intrusion.

He slid his tongue slowly within, as in the act of leisurely lovemaking.He’d crept his other hand about her waist, pulling her closer, but she was tilting her body into his entirely of her own volition.

“Your kisses are sweet, dearling.” Grazing back along her cheek, he found her ear once more andlet his breath pass over the inner coil. “You’ll soon have my tongue in other places.” He gave her lobe an exploratory lick. “Upon your breasts, lapping at your taut nipples.”

She shivered again.

“Then between your beautiful legs. I’m going to feast there, sucking yourtiny nub while you press hard into my mouth. You’ll ride my tongue, just as you’ll soon be riding my cock.”

With a mewl, she twisted about, dragging him once more into a kiss deep and long.

Gunnar laughed to himself.

By the time he did get her under him, she’d be as pliant as newly kneaded dough, his to shape any way he wanted.

His cock had never been harder.

He wasn’t used to playing a waiting game, but he sensed this would be worth it, and he was going to enjoy every moment of bedding this virginal beauty.

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