“Awake, my love?” Gunnar’s voice carried through her half-waking slumber.
This time, when Frida reached for him, he was solidly beside her, lying upon the grass, and the sun was already a good portion in the sky. They were naked, as from the night before, and the warm rays of morning were welcome upon her skin.
Gunnar’s hand snaked about her waist to find the small of her back. Nuzzling her neck, he whispered of what he wished to do and bit her ear playfully.
He was thickened for her, pressing to where she still ached, just a little, from their lovemaking. The rhapsody of their bodies had been the best way to express all she felt—having found one another, they must never let go. She’d been innocent of all the ways a man might enter a woman’s body, but she was beginning to understand, and she loved him for showing her—patiently and always with her pleasure in mind.
Five times, the visions had come, but they were no longer as they had been. Flames and destruction, yes, but no longer coupled with a sense of despair and hopelessness. Instead, she was filled with certainty that she would endure, that they would endure!
Returning the press of his mouth, she shifted her leg to let him enter her, and with languid slowness, he rocked her to a slow, satisfying peak. In her mind, she removed herself from the images of blazing trees and liquid fire, viewing them as if from far away, across an expanse of water.
Moments later, when he took his own release, she made herself focus on the spurting of his seed, traveling from the depths of his body, transferring to hers. Who knew what divine miracle brought about the conceiving of a child, but it came from this. Something within Gunnar reached out to her and joined to create something wholly new.
Perhaps they’d made a child this night, or perhaps not, but Frida believed it would happen before long—such bliss as they knew together was no ordinary thing.
Freyja did have a purpose for Frida, and Gunnar would be part of what was to come.
At last, they rose and dressed, and she helped him return to the place that felt more like home, now that it was his, too. Then, Frida kissed him farewell, just for a while, because there was someone she had to visit.
Elin deserved to know what Frida had seen in the runes. Her happiness might be at stake, and Frida would do all in her power to help her friend.
For love was worth fighting for, however hard it sometimes seemed.
There was nothing else to compare.
Frida knew that now.
Gunnar has promised to keep no secrets, but how long will he wait to tell Frida of his jarl’s plans?
And what of Frida’s visions?
What lies in store for the island and its inhabitants?
Ready for Elin and Rangvald's story?
Heartache and great passion await…