There was no pain at first. Only shock.
Elin stared into Rangvald’s eyes. There, disbelief fought with terror as she fell forward, clutching at his tunic.
“Nay!” He made a strangled sound as he caught her.
“What have you done!” From somewhere, Eldberg’s voice called. “You mean to kill me, and it’s your woman you murder! May all the gods curse you!”
Elin’s legs no longer supported her, but it didn’t seem to matter, for Rangvald was holding her. Gently, he eased her to the floor, his expression still frozen.
Eldberg stood behind, looking down. “Not like that. Sit her upright. Against the bed. Here, let me?—”
“Don’t touch her!” Rangvald shouted.
Nevertheless, he dragged her a little until she felt something hard against her back.
Elin glanced down.
From just beneath her collarbone, the hilt of the knife protruded. ‘Twas only a short blade—the one she used for cutting vegetables—but Rangvald had driven it with force.
She was still breathing and her heart beating, for she could feel that well enough, feeling more with each passing moment.
Is there blood?
Her dress was a dark russet. She tried to see, but ‘twas hard to tell, even with her chin on her chest. There was something wet and a darker patch…
“Elin!” Rangvald was trembling, not just his fingers interlaced with hers but his voice. “You’re going to be alright. ‘Tis nothing.”
“‘Tis not nothing!” Eldberg was still there. “I’ll call for help, then it shall be upon her own kind to tend her.”
“Wait!” Elin knew this was important. “It must be Bothild. No one else!”
“Aye, I’ll fetch the old woman.” Eldberg peered down, his face grim. “She’ll sew the wound. If this one dies, the whole rabble will be after us!”
Elin swallowed.
I’m not going to die. I want to live!
The quiet was consuming as Rangvald held her hand, though she could hardly feel him. Her fingers were cold, as were her feet.
“What did you hear of my conversation with Eldberg?” Rangvald whispered.
“It doesn’t matter.” Elin tried to smile, but pain was seeping in, no matter how she pushed back.
“It matters!” Rangvald’s eyes were wide. “You must know I never meant to hurt you. I never want to… It’s you I…”
“What’s this!” Bothild’s voice rang out. “What did you do?” Bustling in, she pushed Rangvald aside.
Elin was aware of Bothild speaking, while Rangvald said naught at all. There was pressure upon her chest, pads of linen held there. Then, Hedda’s face was next to Bothild, who was slapping Elin’s cheek. She was saying something, but Elin didn’t want to be awake if there was going to be pain. She’d had enough. Couldn’t she just sleep?
“Take him away.” Bothild’s voice came again. “Eldberg, go with Hedda. Secure him, but let no one see. I can manage here.”
Take him away? Rangvald? Nay! Do not hurt him!
Elin took a jagged, deeper breath, and with it came a stabbing, searing pang. There were no more words, for the peace of darkness came at last, and she knew nothing more.