Bound to the Crime Lord (Dark Mafia Tales #2) Chapter 3 10%
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Chapter 3

Chapter Three

Juliette POV

“ A lion doesn’t live in the jungle, well at least not now. They used to be located in all corners of the globe, before hunting and global warming came into play.” Ethan, my little brother, continued his explanation. “Now the lion, or African lion as it is called, can only be found within the borders of Africa. We do have a few varied species of lions, but the ones considered to be the true apex predators are the golden ones.”

“Like Simba?” I tried to suppress my smile when I saw his frown. “I’m kidding, E. I know what you’re talking about.”

“I can’t have my sister embarrassing me in society like this. It is unbecoming.” He stared at me in disgust. “You’re standing in the presence of a Nobel Peace prize winner.”

My heart softened. “Oh, I know. Why do you think I’m keeping you close? I want to make sure I get showered with all the wealth.”

My brother rolled his eyes. “I guess I could spare you one of my many mansions.”

“Only one?”

“Don't be greedy.”

I couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled out of me. I loved spending time with my brother. He had a way of keeping the darkness at bay.

The machine behind him beeped, signaling the end of his treatment. I reached back to the blood cleaner and switched it off.

“How are you feeling?” The reality of why we were even here in the first place set in. This was his third visit to the Grace Memorial in the past week.

“Better, I think. But we never know until the first 12 hours go by.” He reached for his iPad and started scrolling through the screen. His blue eyes took on a much somber light. He tried to put on a brave face, but I knew that these treatments also put a strain on his body.

“Things will get better, Ethan.” I didn’t really know that for sure, but I was hopeful. I had to be hopeful. That was the only thing I could do. I had read up on his condition countless times, but less than 500 people in the world had what he had. It was incredibly rare, and very difficult to treat.

What good was a medical degree for if I wasn’t even able to save my brother?

Ethan was only 19 years old. People his age were out partying and getting wasted with their friends. They talked about the future and being hopeful for what was to come in their lives. He shouldn’t be in a hospital bed fighting to make it to next week.

Life was so unfair.

The door to Ethan’s room opened and in walked Adam, his doctor. “Juliette, can I speak to you outside, please?”

The smile slipped from my face, but I made sure to place it back on when I turned to Ethan. “Sure. Hey, E, I need to head out, you can go ahead with the documentary if you want.”

“Okay.” He pressed play and dove into the exciting world of jellyfish.

I stood from my seat, my chest already feeling heavy from the conversation that was about to take place. I walked out of the room, leaving Ethan to watch his video. Adam stood on the other side of the hallway with a grim expression on his face.

“He’s not getting any better, is he?” My heart sank.

Adam let out a heavy sigh. “Juliette, we can try some other?—”

I held my hand up, stopping the little speech he wanted to give me. “Don't talk to me like I don’t know how the medical field works, Adam. Tell it to me straight, please. What are we looking at here?”

His eyes softened further, the sympathy flashing across his features. “He’s not responding to the medication. His white cell count is high, meaning that his body is already trying to fight off an infection. So, we will need to get him on antibiotics again. But as you know, that will likely leave him even sicker than he already is. We can try another bone marrow transplant, but I’m afraid you can’t be a donor again, and with his blood type… it could be a while.”

My heart sank to the floor. “Jesus.”

I placed my hands on my knees, the gravity of the situation weighing greatly on my chest. I could feel the walls closing in on me. My heart rate picked up, and my body started heating. The world tilted on its axis as I stumbled to the side.

“Juliette? Are you okay?” Adam’s voice sounded far away, like he was underwater. “Juliette?”

Breathe, Juliette. In and out, nice and easy. Fill your lungs with oxygen and breathe it all out. In and out… in and out… in and out…

“Okay,” I breathed.

I stood at my full height. I pushed back the flood waters that threatened to break past my protective walls. I would not come undone now. Not when Ethan needed me present and strong.

“So, we get him on antibiotics and then we get him the transplant. I’m sure there will be a donor available soon.”

Adam blinked. I was sure that he was shocked at my complete 180 flip. Only a few seconds ago I had looked like the entire world was coming to an end and now I was composed.

“Well, we can do that.” He shook his head, turning his attention to the file in his hand. “But I was doing some research, and there is a clinical trial that uses stem cells in order to rebuild the marrow. It’s still fairly new, but I talked to one of the doctors there and they can take Ethan in. The cost is quite steep, though, I have to warn you.”

“Just as the hope started to bubble up, it was quickly squandered. “How steep are we talking?”

“120,000 dollars.”

My heart nearly exploded. “You’re joking.”

I knew the price of medical care was exorbitant, but that was insane. That was more than my yearly salary, not to mention the cash he would need after. Would I also need to take time off to be with him? But in order to afford such a steep bill, I would need to work.

My mind turned, trying to come up with different ways to make this all work out.


“I hear you, I just… I want him to be a part of the trial. I will make the payments. Is there an installment option?”

He nodded. “I can put you in touch with the program head, and you can discuss everything with him.”

“Okay.” I offered him a weak smile even though, inside, I was seconds away from self-combustion. “I should head back inside.”

“Of course.” I knew that look on his face well. It was that deep sympathy look that I offered patients when their situations looked bleak.

I walked back into the room and found Ethan completely immersed in his video. When he was researching something or reading, the world around him faded away. He was always so hyper-focused on what he was taking in, making sure to cement all information he gathered.

He flicked his gaze upward. “All good?”

My heart squeezed at the innocence on his face. The world was such a cruel and cold place. This boy had done nothing to deserve the cards that life had dealt him. He was all things good, and if I could trade places with him that instant… I would.

“All good, E.” I walked back to the chair beside his bed. “What else did you learn about jellyfish?”

He paused his video and started listing off all the cool things that he had learned about jellyfish. I listened to him carefully, knowing full well that he was going to test me. But in the back of my mind, my brain ticked away, trying to come up with a solid plan on how I was going to come up with 120,000 dollars in a short amount of time.

At this point, I was willing to make a deal with the devil himself.

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