Chapter Thirteen
Manuel POV
I pushed my cock into her wet pussy and began my steady rhythm. Linda pushed her plump ass against me while she moaned in pleasure as I continued to fill her.
Linda was on all fours as I fucked her from behind, in an attempt to rid my mind of all the troubles that had been plaguing me for the past two weeks.
“Yes, Manuel. Oh God yes, fuck me!” She was putting on quite the show for me, but it did nothing for my arousal. All I could think about was that damn woman’s lips. The sweetness of her kiss, the searing nature of her lips.
I pounded harder into Linda’s pussy, doing my best to push that woman out of my brain.
“Yes, Manuel!”
I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to rid the blue from my mind, but no matter how hard I pushed into Linda’s pussy, her image seared itself deeper and deeper in my mind.
It was her hands that I wanted clawing at my skin. It was her screams that I yearned to hear in my ear as I punished her pussy.
Why? Why was she plaguing me like this? Why could I not get her out of my mind? She was just another pussy.
But she was more than just another pussy. I knew that better than anyone. There was something about Juliette Ballard that called to me. She was a siren, and I was nothing but a helpless sailor.
Lavender and lilies. The memory of her sweet scent filled my senses. I couldn’t take it anymore.
“Fuck.” I ripped my cock from Linda’s pussy and laid on the bed.
I snapped my eyes open, looking at the ceiling as if it could cure my obsession. She was just a woman, like all the rest, and yet she had managed to subdue my mind where many others had failed. She didn’t need to use a gun or knife to get my attention. No, all she had to do was look at me like she did, and I was hooked.
“Shit.” I hissed under my breath.
Linda crawled on top of me, her hands tracing my chest up and down. She kissed my jawline slowly, peppering sweet kisses up and down my neck.
“What’s wrong, Manuel?” she whispered in that sweet voice of hers. She had perfected her craft well. She knew how to present herself in a way that would entice ordinary men. The problem was that I was no ordinary man. “You haven’t seemed yourself for some time, now.”
Her hand traveled lower to meet my hardened cock, but much to her dismay, I was flaccid. My hard-on was gone.
I didn’t miss the slight sadness in her features when she noticed I wasn’t turned on by her. She was laying on top of me completely naked, and yet my cock was as soft as cotton candy. But whatever momentary sadness she felt withered and she plastered on a seductive smile.
“I think I can fix this.” She trailed wet hot kisses down my body until she came to my soft cock. She kissed the tip and slowly drew me into her mouth.
I closed my eyes, willing the blood to pour into my dick. But like previous days, every time I closed my eyes I was met with a pair of haunting blue ones.
I pried my eyes open again, my gaze looking up to the ceiling.
“Mm…” Linda worked my cock, trying to bring the dead thing to life.
I stared at Linda trying to work my flaccid cock into hardening, and knew that it would be of no use. There was only one person's mouth that I wanted around my dick, and that was Juliette’s.
Her blue eyes had haunted my sleep for the past two weeks. After that kiss, I had done nothing but think of her. When I jerked off in the shower, it was her lips that I imagined. When I slept, it was her pussy that I would wet my dick with. She had bewitched me in a way that I was not prepared to admit.
I had my pick of the crop. There was no woman that had ever come before me and not dropped their pants in front of me.
Except for her. She was the one that eluded me. She was the one whom I couldn’t quite get a hold of.
“Enough.” I withdrew from Linda’s mouth, much to her dismay. I rolled off the bed and reached for my pants. “You may go, Linda. I’m not in the mood today.”
“What’s wrong?” She sat on her haunches and stared at me with that perfectly rehearsed innocent look in her eyes. I knew Linda well enough to know when she was putting on a show to entice a man. “Would you like my ass today? Or perhaps I could suck your balls, that always gets you off quickly.”
“No.” I didn’t even spare her a glance as I got dressed.
“What is with you these days, Manuel? You ran out the other day like the world was on fire, leaving me again.” The act dropped, and her annoyance filtered through. “Have you found someone else to get you off? You know that no one can fuck you better than I can. Come back to bed and I’ll ride you just how you like.”
She reached for my hand, but I pulled out of her hold. She scowled at my actions.
“Why are you being like this?” she snapped. “Don’t tell me you’ve found love.”
I snapped my neck in her direction, my jaw set hard in annoyance. “Watch yourself, Linda. Need I remind you of your place? You are nothing more than mere property that is passed on from one paying client to the next.”
Hurt flashed across her features, but I didn’t care. She was acting like a claimed woman, when she knew her role was to be nothing more than a whore. There was no shame in what she did. She had chosen this life, and I had never once forced her to stay.
“Surely I mean more to you than just some profiting tool?” The slight crack in her voice only confirmed what I assumed. She wanted to be my woman.
I finished doing up the buttons of my shirt and turned to face her. I moved onto the small cuffs on the sleeves.
“Linda, in what world would you ever be fit to be a Boss’ wife? You’ve worked in a brothel since you were 19, and you are 24 now. More men enter your pussy on a daily basis than they enter a bar. What is mine will not belong to the masses. I have never shamed your work, but you are not a woman I would take as my own. You’re a good fuck, but don’t you ever think that I would walk proudly with you on my arm. You’re a whore, and whores belong behind closed doors.”
Tears pooled in her eyes as she stared at me. Her chest flinched like I had just plunged a knife into her heart.
This may have seemed cruel to others, but I was doing her a service. This was my version of mercy. She needed to understand that beyond this brothel there was nothing that she could get from me. I would not love her, nor would I choose her.
“Must you be so cruel?”
“The truth is cruel, Linda.” I put my shoes back on and rose to my feet. “If you don’t want this life anymore you are free to leave. But if you still choose to be here, don’t be angry with me that I cannot offer you something you think you are deserving of.”
With those last words, I left the room without so much as a second thought.
I had only made it three or four steps out of the bedroom when my phone buzzed in my pocket.
It was Rigo.
“We have a problem. it’s Juliette.”
My footsteps stopped. “What about her?”
“She’s at the club, and she’s dancing on the tables, Boss. I don’t know if I should go down there and get her out of there, or if you wanted to come and handle the issue yourself.”
Juliette Fucking Ballard .
Annoyance mixed in with my blood at the thought of her drunk and dancing in the middle of my club. I knew how far things could get a Club Vortex . That was where we pushed some of our product, and the last thing I needed was some asshole trying to drug her and take her home.
“I’m on my way,” I barked. “And if any asshole is touching, make sure you have the cleanup guys ready. I may just end a life today.”
I hung up the phone and raced to my car outside the building of the brothel. Not only had this woman avoided me like the damn plague, but now she had found new ways of pissing me off.
God help whoever had their hands on my woman, because I was going to slice them clean off.