Bound to the Orc Warrior (Brides of the Moon Blade Clan #5) CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX(Untitled)Wranth 52%
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Naomi and Zephyr pop out of existence, and I have a split second before a giant invisible hand picks me up and hurls me across the world.

I land directly behind my bride, springing forward as her knees give out.

“Naomi!” I dive, plowing into the ground with outstretched arms to catch her. Agony flares through my elbows, but the pain doesn’t matter as long as I keep her safe.

I pull her limp form close and roll up to sitting with her on my lap. Why did I let my moon bound do this? Why? Why? Why? We could have ridden instead. Sure, it would have taken a week, and who knows what foe might have found us along the way, but it wouldn’t be this—it wouldn’t be her so unnaturally still in my arms.

Finding my parents no longer matters. Visiting Avalon no longer matters. Nothing matters except my bride, happy and healthy in my arms.

Rage fills me, all directed inward. I had misgivings—why didn’t I heed them? She’d be fine if I had. How could I be so foolish? How could I let her risk herself?

Zephyr’s head comes over my shoulder. When she presses her horn to Naomi’s upper arm, it doesn’t glow. “Well, that’s good,” my friend says. “If I can’t heal her, it means she’s not at death’s door.”

“It doesn’t mean she’s all right, though,” I grit out.

“Help!” Zephyr raises her head and bellows. “We need help over here.”

Light footsteps patter across the ground.

“Mist warned us you were coming.” Selena drops down beside me and flicks her long brown ponytail back over her shoulder. “It’s going to be okay.”

She’s almost as tall as Naomi, but not as lushly curved. Her orc tunic, leather pants, and boots make her look at home in the village. Normally smiling, her tan face now wears the solemn expression she adopts whenever acting as a healer. Since she’s married to Sturrm, my friend, who used to be in the king’s guard with me, I know her the best of all the human witches and have always liked her.

“Please help Naomi,” I say. “I think she used too much magic.”

Selena nods and reaches for Naomi, moving aside the shirt collar to press her fingers to my bride’s neck. The healer’s expression goes distant, as if she listens to music only she can hear.

She’s quiet for several seconds, but those seconds feel like years, and I have to fight down the rage that boils through me and wants to lash out, demanding answers.

“Ay! I agree it’s magical burnout,” she finally says. Magic tingles through the air as she presses her hand more firmly to Naomi. “I can take care of some of the side effects, but she’s going to need to rest.”

“What about the red crystals?” I ask. “Won’t they help?”

“They should.” She jumps to her feet. “I’ll get a few from Gerna’s.” She hurries across the village green to the heart tree cottage that holds the herbalist’s apothecary. Now that Selena lives in the village, it’s been turned into a full medical center that they share.

Sturrm crouches in her place. Seven feet tall and built of solid muscle, my friend is about a decade older than me, though the only way you’d know it is by the tiny streaks of silver in his otherwise black hair. “How are you, my friend?”

“Worried,” I growl and meet his eyes.

“There’s no better healer in all of Alarria than my bride,” he says, his voice full of pride. It’s still strange to see him like this. I used to think he was the only orc grumpier than me, but all of that’s changed since the Moon Goddess brought him Selena.

“I know she’s an excellent healer.” And yet… Selena used her magic on Naomi, and Naomi’s still not awake. What does that mean?

My arms tighten around her, and I brush the curls off her face, ignoring the twinge of my elbow.

When Selena returns, she lays two of the red crystals on Naomi’s skin, right above her collarbones. The crystals are a recent find, brought back from the dragon lands by Selena and Sturrm. The human witches can channel magics greater than their bodies can stand. These crystals help soothe that burden.

“Wranth is also hurt but trying to ignore it,” Sturrm says. He must have seen me wince.

I bare my tusks at him. As if my injuries are of any importance when my moon bound needs me!

Selena touches the back of my hand, and a thread of warm magic whispers through me for a few moments. Then a second, stronger burst flows straight to my elbows. The pain winks out as if it had never been.

I grunt in sudden relief. Then the worry riding me forces me to speak. “Why is she still unconscious?”

Selena rests her hand on Naomi’s forehead. “She’s not unconscious, not any longer. She’s deeply asleep because she’s exhausted.”

Sturrm removes the saddlebags and saddle from Zephyr and slings them over his shoulders. “Come. Let’s get you settled. We prepared a guest cottage.”

I stand and turn, holding my bride all the while.

The other human women have been standing back, waiting while Selena does her work. They surge forward now.

“I think she’s about my size,” Ashley says. The short redhead is indeed as pleasantly plump as Naomi. “I’ll get her a change of clothes, so she has something right away.”

Taylor pulls off Naomi’s human shoes and waves them at me, the smallest human wearing an infectious grin. “I’ll have the leatherworkers get started on new boots.”

Grace, the tall blonde built like an orc, says, “I’ve got an extra tub of that conditioner I had Gerna whip up for me. Maybe Naomi could use it.”

“Ask her if she wants coffee or anything else when she wakes, then send for me.” Olivia places a hand on my arm. “I’m going to go and make some of my Nonni’s special feel-better cookies for her.”

“I will.” I nod. A touch of familiar human food would do my bride good.

They scatter, all off to run errands to make my bride welcome. Here may be the very reason the Moon Goddess keeps gifting brides to the orcs of Moon Blade Village. The women have created a solid friendship group among themselves that expands outwards to the other villagers as well. It must offer extra comfort to each new witch who arrives. I certainly hope it will do so for Naomi. Perhaps it will encourage her to stay in Alarria even after the doors of Faerie are open.

Since I alone may not be enough inducement.

Selena and Sturrm lead me to the cottage.

“I’m off to graze,” Zephyr says when we reach the door. “But if you need anything…”

“Thank you, my friend.”

I stride through the main room, past the fireplace and couches on the right, the dining table and kitchen on the left. Everything is molded from the honey-colored living wood of the heart tree. The bedroom is the same, with floor, walls, and ceiling all made of the golden wood.

I lay my moon bound gently on the side of the bed, which is covered in clean linens. But my bride deserves the warmth of my furs.

Selena and Sturrm follow me in. He carries my packs, and she checks on Naomi one more time.

I take the saddlebags from him, pull out my furs, and spread a layer across the bed. Once I’ve moved Naomi onto them, I cover her with another layer of furs. They smell like both of us, and I hope the scent speaks to her even in her sleep.

I long to crawl in beside her and hold her until she wakes, yet I also feel too restless for that. The anger I felt at myself earlier comes creeping back as I stare at her still face.

I pace beside the bed, stopping to check every so often to see if her chest still rises and falls as it should. Then I start pacing again. How could I let this happen to her? It’s my duty to protect her. Being a warrior is all I’m good at, and I don’t know how to fight something like this.

After several minutes, Sturrm scowls at me. “Will you cease that infernal pacing?”

I scowl right back.

“Selena, would you watch after Naomi for a while?” he says. “I need Wranth’s help with something.”

My hands ball into fists, the anger riding me. “I’m not leaving my bride.”

“Yes, you are.” He jabs a finger at me. “Because you’re certainly not creating a calming, healing atmosphere for her.”

Fuck. He’s right. I bare my tusks at him and growl before giving him a reluctant nod.

“That’s settled then, if you’re okay with staying?” he asks his bride.

“Of course.” She smiles up at him and crooks her finger, and he bends over so she can press a kiss to his cheek.

Goddess, I want what they have! I want my Naomi happy and healthy and leading me around with the tiniest flick of her finger.

If it means she will stay.

If she’ll be mine forever.

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