Declan spends nearly all the drive on the phone with Rory and Tristan, the three of them practically speaking in code, so I don’t understand. With nothing else to do, I stare out the window, reading the signs and watching the city grow smaller with each passing mile.
By the time Declanisfinally off the phone, we pull up to a tall, wrought-iron gate. He rolls down the window and pushes the buttons on the call box, causing the gate to open. We pass through and drive toward the massive home.
It’s gorgeous!
Absolute overkill for an Airbnb to be used as a safehouse, but still gorgeous.
The sprawling mansion before me is modern and minimalist. Instead of being boxy with shutters and flower boxes, like most of the homes we passed as we drove through the suburbs, this one has curves and walls of windows overlooking the beautifully maintained yard. With its sculpturesque shape and the oversized black front door, it looks like a home out of a magazine.
“She’s out cold, Dec,” I murmur after glancing into the backseat when he pulls to a stop in the driveway. Normally, I would want to wake her, but she already ate dinner. The boys made sure their favorite little niece got the pizza she wanted while we were all still at the apartment. I’m a little worried that I’ll never get her back to sleep because she’s had a day.
We all have.
“It’s okay. I’ll get her,” Declan whispers before climbing from the car. He carefully helps her out of her car seat in the backseat and pulls her into his arms without waking her. With Fiona’s head resting on his shoulder, he leads me toward the front door. “Shit,” he huffs. “The key for the house is in my pocket.”
Reaching into his pocket, I playfully search fora little longer than needed before retrieving the key. Unlocking the door, I push it open and shove the key into the pocket of my sweatshirt. Declan walks through the dimly lit house with a clear destination in mind. I follow behind him, very surprised when we arrive at a pale-purple bedroom filled with all of Fiona’s favorite things.
Probably all three-year-old girls’ favorite things.
With Fiona still in Declan’s arms, the two of us work together to clear the bed of stuffed animals, pull back the rainbow-printed covers, and tuck her in. We both place a few extra kisses on her forehead before leaving.
“I’m going to grab our bags,” Declan quietly informs me as he shuts the door to the bedroom. When he reaches the stairs, he whisper-shouts, “Our room is the one with the double doors at the end of the hall.”
Walking toward what is going to be our room for the duration of our stay, I glance through the open doors.All of therooms have floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking to beach, illuminating them with moonlight. Each of themisempty,excluding some remnants of painting supplies.
Pushing open the double doors, I step into a stunningmaster bedroomand feel along the wall until I find a light switch. A tiny gasp blows over my lips when I flip it on.
Like the other rooms, an entire wallis built from windows overlooking the water. The other walls are deep charcoal, with matching trim work and minimalist sconces spread along them. All the furniture is black, decorated with dark-gray linens and throw pillows. It’s dark, but the light bamboo floors and plants somehow make it feel welcoming.
Pulling off my sweatshirt as I stare over the water, something clatters against the hardwood floor. Looking down, I realize that I’ve dropped the front door key. I read the engraving on the keychain as I pick it up.
Build a life with me and fill this home with more love than itcould possiblyhold.
Declan startles me when he drops his car key on the dresser. Turning around, I timidly ask, “Dec? Whose house is this?”
“You weren’t supposed to find out like this,” he dodges my question as he closes the distance between us. Slipping his fingers under my chin and tipping my face up toward his, he stares at me in silence. The moonlight dances across his eyes like it’s flickering over the ocean, and they have a sparkle to them as he says, “It’s yours, mochéadsearc.”
“This house is gorgeous, but it’s way too big, Dec. We don’t need this much space.”
“I’m not just giving you a home. I’m asking you to grow a big, beautiful family with me, filling this house with little versions of you. I want everything with you, mochéadsearc. With you as my wife.”
“Yes,” I muster the response as tears trickle down my cheeks. Declan kisses them away as he pulls me into his embrace. His peppered kisses fall over my lips, the soft, wispy kisses growing languid. Declan kisses me slowly and deeply, and I moan into his mouth as he presses me against the cool glass wall.
His fingers deftly ball my dress into his fists until it’s around my waist andmy bare ass is pressedagainst the cold sheet of glass. His lips trail up and down my neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses and the sting of tiny nips from his teeth. Reaching between us, Declan rubs the palm of his hand over my pussy.
“First, I’m going to take care of you and give you what you need, like I promised.” He slides his fingers inside of me and works them at a leisurely pace as he continues to kiss up my neck. Reaching my ear, he presses his lips to it and whispers, “When I know you’re good, I’m going to spend the night filling you with cum as I fuck my babies into you.”