Brave as It (Hellions Ride On #7) 1. Emmalee 13%
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1. Emmalee



Life lessons with Emma: If only I knew in this moment what was to come … don’t we all wish we had the gift to see the future.

Another day in paradise. Diem dumped the douchebag boyfriend Walker last week and we finally get to go out tonight!

“The best way to get over a breakup is to get lost in the lips of another guy!” I explain as I apply one more layer of mascara. “There are studies to prove it.”

Diem laughs while we are side by side in her bathroom applying makeup. “First things first, trashy lashes. The best way to get over a breakup is to cloud my vision with the best mascara a girl can get at the drug store!”

This causes us both to laugh and reply in unison, “the thicker the lashes, the closer to God!”

Since middle school age when we both started wearing makeup, we have been obsessed and I mean obsessed with mascara. Tonight, is a full-face makeup night, but even days I don’t actually wear much makeup I will always put on at least one coat of lash booster. It gives me the confidence I want and need.

Diem and I have tried every type of serum, wand, and product we can get our hands on. Some have been wins and others have been absolute fails. It’s our thing, though, and we love trying them all. Tonight, we are getting dolled up with the mission to forget Walker and all the drama he brought with him.

There isn’t a time in my life that I can remember when Diem Reigns hasn’t been my very best friend. Maybe it’s because our entire lives have been so sheltered. From private schools together to her dad being my dad’s boss which means dinners and other functions together, everything we have done is always as a pair. We are both only children and our whole lives are entwined together in the best of ways.

Diem’s warm beige skin with her deep, dark hair are a beauty to envy without makeup. She has this natural curly hair with volume and body I can only dream of having. Tonight though, she is straightening it leaving this gloss shine that will absolutely glow under the club lights. All of this leaves me paling in comparison with my standard brown hair that falls just below my bra line on my back when straightened against my alabaster skin. Summer after summer, Diem and I spend as much time as we can at the beach. She tans beautifully while I scorch even with copious amounts of sunscreen.

She tells me I’m gorgeous with an understated beauty because I have a perfectly round face. Without much effort my eyebrows always match symmetrically along with any makeup I apply. I can give myself credit for the ‘art of putting on my face’, as my grandmother called it. The rest of it, well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I guess. I don’t see what Diem sees. I’m not saying I’m ugly, I consider myself average. She’s my best friend, of course, she says I am beautiful. She has to, right?

Since tonight is special, we are going all out with hair, makeup, and new outfits. It’s New Year’s Eve and what a better way to ring in the new beginning then dancing the night away with my best friend.

While the clubs here are small compared to Raleigh or Charlotte, we will have a good time. No need to drive hours away and get a hotel when we can make do here at home. This time of year, it’s mostly locals where in the summer the spots fill up with tourists. Booty’s is the club we will hit up here in Emerald Isle. We could go to Jacksonville, but that means a farther drive home. Normally, Booty’s is casual, but tonight they are enforcing a dress code to make it special before they close for the off season. I love any reason to dress to the nines like this.

We are both twenty-two-years-old, single and sassy. And spoiled. I’m sure that is how most people describe us both. I wouldn’t say we have a silver spoon in our mouths because we both have very strict parents, but we are privileged. Neither of us have to work and have not had a job yet. Her dad gives my dad a very generous salary allowing my mom to live a life in comfort. We go to college, and both decided to stay at the community college in order to remain home with our parents. We have it made, why rush to get out of the house? Plus, for me, I have many years of school ahead of me, no need to rush off yet. My doctorate won’t come any faster being away from home versus staying here.

People make a lot of assumptions about money and what they perceive as wealth. I don’t know what it is to worry about buying something. That doesn’t mean I don’t see what other people go through. I have compassion and empathy. I wish I wasn’t judged so easily based on where we live or the car I drive.

Sure, when I was little, I didn’t understand that other people may not live like we do. I didn’t realize that a beach house or nice cars weren’t available to everyone. In all honesty, Diem and I have been so sheltered we were in our early teens before we really took in that some people worried about keeping their lights on or where their next meal would come from. Now, I get it and I appreciate the life I have, and I try to give back where and when I can.

We have seen our fair share of jealousy even going to a private school. The mean girls spreading lies and rumors are everywhere. It’s made us stick together and keep our circle small. I have to admit Diem catches more flack than me. I think it’s because her dad’s name is practically everywhere. She takes it with poise and grace, where I have to bite back all the things I want to say in retaliation.

Diem will be my best friend until the end of my days. I know it to my heart. We will end up our own version of the Golden Girls .

Sometimes we get ready at my house, but most of the time, especially when we are really glamming it up, we get ready here. Diem has these custom vanity lights that are the best.

Although, I spend so much time here, the Reigns have set up a bedroom for me. For as long as my dad has worked for Diem’s her parents have treated me like family. She’s the sister I never had. Since my parents travel frequently and some of it is for the Reigns’ businesses it was this simple answer that I stay with Diem. Which is how over time I ended up with my own bedroom in their home.

If I’m honest with myself, I’m more comfortable here than at home. Diem’s mom is amazing. She’s accepting of us in a way I know my mother is not. The bar is set very high in the Van Etten household and most days I don’t measure up. I love my parents and they will literally give me anything in the world. I can’t explain it, our connection isn’t what I see other people have. I know my parents love me, but they don’t engage me. It’s like we go through the motions together. They give me everything I could ever need or want, but I don’t feel like they see me or hear me.

We live in Diem’s old house. Where Diem has the beach right outside her bedroom balcony, I have to drive over to have the true beach access. Mom wanted to live away from the hustle and bustle of the beach life, even where we are was a huge compromise to her. Sound side life means I can see the water, feel it, hear it, but it isn’t crashing waves on the sand type of thing. We do have a gorgeous view from the rooftop deck.

It’s a common thing in Emerald Isle for the houses that aren’t directly on the water. It’s four bedrooms, three bathrooms, with a full outside shower. The house is on stilts giving us the view from the rooftop. Mom hates our house. She didn’t want to live on “the island”, as the locals call Emerald Isle. She wanted to be on the other side of the high-rise bridge with space between the houses. To my mom, everyone and their brother can hear every conversation in our house because they are so close. I think that is a bit dramatic, but I have to admit, the neighbor’s house is really close.

It surprises me really that our moms aren’t the best of friends. I know my mom doesn’t like Thomas Reigns. She has never given specific reasons for the way she feels. She hasn’t hidden her feelings though either. It’s a regular argument between my parents that we live in Thomas Reigns’ house. In fact, that is mom’s biggest complaint. Thomas Reigns has all the power over my family. Since my dad is employed solely by him all of our income is because of Reigns. Our house is not a traditional mortgage. While I don’t actually know much about the house buying process, I know that my mom bitches loudly every month when my dad gives the check to Thomas for the house payment.

I know it’s their business, not mine, but when they argue so loud and often, I kind of can’t avoid the knowledge. Outside of my parents arguing, I really live a good life. There isn’t a thing in this life my dad doesn’t work to give me. My mom while she’s not what I expect a mom to be as far as involved or comforting for me, she doesn’t deny me anything either. We won’t be having any long talks or walks or much of that. They live their lives and I have mine. We are like two ships passing in the night some days and that’s okay with all of us.

Alas, this is our family dynamic and I’m grateful for the escape to Diem’s where things feel easy and normal. Tonight, being a holiday, we’re both donning new outfits we ordered online. I’m in an all-black jumpsuit with flared legs that is form fitting through my waist and top with only one shoulder. The accent to my look is my leopard-print pumps. Diem is wearing a little black dress with teal heels that draw the eyes to her lean, long, tan legs.

I have spent the last hour straightening my naturally wavy hair before adding in a few hot-pink extensions. Diem has this natural jet-black hair that has a coarse texture with volume that at times drives her nuts. She spends time at the salon regularly getting a blow out to make it faster for her to manage. Tonight, she’s opted for a tight bun adding a peacock feather sticking out of the top to bring out more of the teal from her shoes.

With one final coat of mascara, we are headed out to Booty’s full of excitement and anticipation for the night ahead.

I don’t know what it is about a nightclub that make everything else disappear. Walking in just like every other time, it’s dark with only neon lights illuminating areas. The music is already going, and the bar is filled up along with the pool tables. As soon as we enter, Diem and I both begin to sway with the sounds of the music as we go directly to the bar. Being local has it’s perks as the bartender sees us and comes over before we can even signal, we need a drink.

She is wearing booty shorts and a vest in all black. “What’s gonna be your poison tonight?” With every move she makes I worry her boobs might fall out of her top. Hopefully she’s taped them in place. I can respect her hustle. In the summer, I’m sure this get up earns her more tips than a tank top or t-shirt would.

“I’ll take a dirty martini and she’ll have a Cosmo,” I answer pointing to Diem beside me.

In moments the drinks are in front of us and we quickly down them as we take in the vibe for the night. This is the thing about the beach life, some nights it’s rock and roll, other nights it’s beach music swing, and tonight it’s club music with a deep bass. Everyone around us seems to be in a mood to mingle and celebrate. The energy is exciting and intoxicating all its own especially with the people on the dance floor wearing glow bracelets and necklaces drawing my eyes in as my body is ready to dance the night away.

Everywhere we turn there is another New Year’s decoration with hats, glasses, and bead necklaces laying around for anyone to wear. With all the movement, we stay put dancing near the bar or relaxing on bar stools as we take in a few more drinks.

The song changes to one of Diem’s “jams” as she calls them. Instantly, she downs the last of her most recent Cosmo. She grabs my hand to pull me off the bar stool leading me to the dance floor with us both swaying to the rhythm tossing our hands in the air as we move. With the alcohol in our systems leaving me a little tipsy, I am absolutely ready to dance like no one is watching.

Diem and I dance together often. Back and forth we switch things around as we lose ourselves in the movements. Everyone around us is dancing. The bartender being on top of things keeps our drinks coming out to us even on the dance floor. She will be getting a great tip when I close out our tab tonight.

For the briefest of moments, Diem changes her movement throwing me off. I follow her gaze to see she’s watching a man in a wheelchair dancing. He doesn’t have a bulky common wheelchair. No, this one doesn’t have sides, giving him more freedom to move. Just wheels and a low backed seat.

Taking him in, he’s beautiful in an indescribable way. He has long hair that is down around his face in waves. He’s wearing shorts that cover to the ends of his thighs where his legs stop. He has on a black t-shirt that is flush to his skin showing his defined ab muscles as he moves. The leather vest he’s wearing is covered in patches but with every move it reveals parts of his torso showing how defined all of his muscles are even in the dark of the club. He’s smiling and moving the chair along with his body in complete sync with the song playing. The way he works it, him being in a chair is like this secondary thought. I can’t explain it, but the pull is something I can’t deny or turn away from.

Generally speaking, I love to meet new people. Feeling like I need to meet this man, I take Diem by the hand and lead us to him. We don’t speak upon approach. His eyes lock to mine and I get lost into the depths. He has the most crystal blue eyes I have ever seen. Extending my hands to him, he takes them immediately and we begin to move together. His arms are covered in tattoos down the tops of his hands, but I can’t decipher details in this lighting.

Diem dances beside us, but the man in the chair doesn’t even notice her. He is giving me his total attention. While I know I am attractive in my own way, Diem typically steals the show. Her exotic look with the level of confidence she carries leave most men drawn to her first. His attention is nice.

Tucked away in our own little corner of the club the rest of the world ceases to exist as he leads me and sets the pace for each song. He pulls me to his lap, with his hands on my hips moving me against him in rhythm with the song. I’m mesmerized. He holds me where he wants me and leads in a way no one has ever done before. The confidence he has is alluring. With each passing moment, I want to have more time with him. Without even speaking it’s this intense connection between us I can’t explain.

Diem dances beside us as a man approaches. He has similar facial features to the man with me, but his hair is short and spiked on top. He settles in dancing with Diem.

A hand snakes around my waist right before I’m leaned back against the wall of his chest, my head falling to his shoulder as he spins us around in his chair. His hand climbs up across my breast as he holds me to him.

As he settles us back down his hand roams down the side of my suit where the skin is exposed just as I feel the touch of his lips to my ear.

“Most beautiful woman in the room, right here with me.” There is a rasp to his voice that hits me down to my core.

“Mmmmm,” I mutter as the song changes to a slow one. His right-hand roams up and down my thigh tempting me while his left sits across my waist under my breasts as he uses his thumb to rub my protruding nipping through the material.

Between the teasing of his hands on my body, the music, and the alcohol, I’m hot like I’ve never been before.

“Baby girl, relax into me,” he whispers, and I find myself wiggling in his lap. His hard length pressing against my ass. “I bet you taste delicious. Smellin’ sweet, moving your body like you own the world, and gorgeous like an angel from Heaven, yeah, baby girl, I bet you taste better than a dessert.”

His words turn me on.

“Thinkin’ about you riding my face, damn girl, killing me here. I wanna lick you from pussy to ass and nip your pussy lips before sucking on them. You ever had your lips sucked baby?”

In the dark of the room, I don’t care that he has me blushing.

“If we weren’t here, I’d undress you nice and slow before pulling you to me and kissing that sweet cunt of yours. Before I even kiss you I wanna taste you there.”

His hand glides up my thigh between my legs. “Gonna let me taste that pussy, baby girl? Gonna let me see how wet you are? Gonna let me send you over the edge,” his voice is this sexy gravely that only has my body on fire as he presses his palm against my heat. His teeth graze my neck softly before his lips press against the same spot. “Wanna mark you. Wanna taste every inch of you. I’ve never wanted to drink someone in like you. But damn, if you have me ready to break my own rules.”

“Rules,” I murmur. “I’m sure the rules are meant to be broken.”

I arch into him as he moves his hand through the side of my jumpsuit now his digits roam my flesh. His fingers slide under the elastic of the shelf bra. The touch of his skin to mine has me craving more. I feel every inch of him against me with only the denim of his jeans and thin fabric of my pants between us. I skipped panties tonight not wanting lines.

His hand goes around the front part of my outfit and finds its way to home base. Pressing my back into his chest, I open my legs leaning my head back against his shoulder and his lips come to my neck. His fingers slide over my mound as I whimper wanting him to finger me. I’ve lost track of the songs and the movements as his hands have explored my body lighting a fire inside me. I rock into his fingers wanting him, begging him silently to slide in. He doesn’t. This slow tease is a beautiful torture.

“Greedy, girl. You want more?”

I nod.

“Say it,” he encourages, and I bite my bottom lip.

“Yes,” I pant.

“Wanna feel your cream coat my fingers then I’m gonna lick it off.”

I turn my head to him wanting to cover my face with his neck because it sounds so naughty, but in this moment, I want it all. The noise of the club, the dark ambience, and the way we are off to our own space gives this illusion we are alone. Or maybe it’s the alcohol surging through my system. Either way I simply don’t care as my body is climbing higher seeking a release.

Lifting my head with my face to him as he looks to me, his lips crash to mine as he surges two fingers inside of me. I stop breathing as he begins flicking his fingers back and forth inside me. The sensations are too much as I climb higher and higher. How does he know my body when I don’t even know his damn name?

I can’t think as he kisses me like I’ve never been kissed before. His thumb comes to press against my clit as he works me in and out.

“Happy New Year,” is yelled out around me as I feel myself tighten and come right there on his fingers.

I’ve never had an orgasm before. I feel my pussy pulsing as he slows the pace letting me come down. His fingers come out as I am whimpering wishing we were anywhere but here so I could have more. He brings his fingers into his mouth and smirks as he thoroughly licks them moving them in and out not at all hiding his own delight.

“Good to the last drop, baby girl. Best I’ve ever tasted,” he whispers as I try to drop my head to hide from the intensity of his gaze.

“Oh no, don’t you get shy now. I’m nowhere near done with you. Tonight is just a taste.”

“Huh,” I whisper.

“You think I’m gonna taste you on my fingers and let that sweetness go. Nah, baby girl, I’m gettin’ your number, and this is gonna be the first of many orgasms I’m gonna give you in every way possible.”

“Oh,” is all I can manage. He wants my number, I’m too dizzy from my release to take it all in.

He spins us around in his chair again. “Next one you’re gonna be sittin’ on my face.”

Heat flushes me.

I’ve never encountered a man this bold before. He leaves me speechless.

If I’m honest, he leaves me wanting more.

So very much more.

If this is the beginning of my new year, this one is going to be one full of experiences. I once read somewhere, whatever you do on New Year’s Day will be what you do all year long. Holy shit, a year of orgasms? I’m not sure I can take it.

I guess time will tell. I wonder, though, will he actually call when the light of day comes around?

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