Life lesson with Emma: When a road splits and you have to choose a path, don’t think just go.
My phone rings and I grab it from my back pocket. I don’t use this phone often. Everyone here has my prepaid flip phone I keep going to call me for work or my room. The only people who call this number are Diem, my mother, and the people who are in charge of my life until they get whatever the hell it is they want from me. Having two phones is a pain in the ass I never realized I would have to deal with.
The caller ID says it’s him. My heart beats faster, my palms get sweaty, and my mind races. In the beginning he called frequently. I didn’t answer. I got to the point, I even called Diem from prepaid phones for a while trying to let him think I cancelled this number. Whatever number I would call Diem from, he called me back. I didn’t answer. Eventually, he quit calling, and I made peace with it. I also started video calling her from my laptop rather than a phone which cut back on him trying to reach me. Seeing his name, all these feelings well up inside me.
I don’t answer and send him to voicemail.
He rings again.
I can’t do this. Tears fill my eyes. I’m at work. I have things to do. He can’t be calling. We have nothing left to say. I keep this phone on me for Diem, my mother, and the strangers only. Wesson is none of those people. I can’t change things. There is nothing for either of us to say to each other.
I send it to voicemail.
He rings again.
I send it to voicemail. I’m not doing this. Plain and simple. If he calls again, I’ll turn it off. I have a life here, one that isn’t perfect, but it’s mine … sort of. These few decisions I’ve made are mine to own and I do. This is far from perfect, but I like where I’m at mostly.
The chime on the door gets my attention as I watch Stone walk in. He scans the space and there is a hard look on his face I’ve never seen before as he approaches me.
My phone still in my hand, it rings again. I look down and send it to voicemail. Before I can tuck it away in my back pocket it goes off again.
This can’t be happening right now. I have it good here, the Sinister Sons pay me in cash, they don’t ask questions about me and where I’m from and I don’t share. Stone is in my space when it goes off again. He looks to me, looks to the phone, and takes it before I can react.
“Hello,” his voice is firm. There is a pause while Wesson speaks. “Way I see it, she didn’t answer this shit the last two times you called, she doesn’t want to talk. That’s a you problem, not a me problem, and not an Emmalee problem. Give it up and don’t call again.”
I can hear Wesson through the phone now, “I don’t know who the fuck you are, and you don’t know who the fuck I am, but Emmalee is mine.”
Stone smirks as he moves closer to me making it easier for me to hear. Then he goes right in on Wesson. “I don’t give a flying fuck who you are. I don’t think Emmalee agrees she’s yours seein’ as her ass is here with me and been with me for months.”
I gasp as he lets my secret out. I haven’t been traveling like Wesson thinks. More than that, I have a feeling Wes will read into what Stone said since he lets there be this unspoken thing that I’m with him, like with him.
I’m not, but how can I tell Wes that? Does it matter? It doesn’t but it matters to me. I don’t know why but I don’t want Wes to think he wasn’t important to me. He was. It’s just complicated.
“I’m a motherfuckin’ Hellion and it matters she’s mine. Back off biker,” Wesson comes back.
Stone laughs, “Hellion, don’t start a war. Sinister Sons won’t let you walk away unscathed. Seems our Emmalee has a type and it’s the biker variety. You know the life. This is the only warning you get and it’s only because you got history with someone who means something to me. You make your way here, it’s war. Emmalee is free to answer her phone as she chooses. She didn’t choose you.”
“Put Emmalee on the motherfuckin’ phone. War doesn’t fuckin’ bother me.”
Stone clicks to end the call instead. Handing the phone back to me, I’m dumbfounded.
He calls again. I send it to voicemail.
There is nothing I can say to him. Even though I don’t like the way Stone made things seem, he’s right. I’m free to answer my phone or not and I didn’t. He calls once more. Now I’m getting mad. Take a hint. This is over before it could begin. If I wanted to talk to him, I would call him.
Okay that’s a lie. I want to talk to him more than I want to breathe. I can’t. He doesn’t need to be a part of this mess. A complete disaster that is getting worse by the minute.
“Never took you for an ol’ lady,” Stone says to me with a smirk like he didn’t just threaten a war with my ex. His entire demeanor has changed.
“It’s complicated.”
“I can see that. You runnin’ from him? He hurt you?”
I jerk my head back in shock. “Wesson, God no! He’s the safest place for me to be.”
“Then why are you working for cash, living in a dive motel in a throwaway town if you got a man to keep you safe back home?”
“We don’t talk about these things, Stone. I like my job. I like where I’m at.” I look down as the shame washes over me. “Where I come from, my past, it doesn’t matter.”
He gives half a smile before stepping even closer, when I didn’t even think that could be possible. In my space, he lets his thumb trace my cheek.
Like someone who cares.
“Emmalee, you are a beautiful woman. If you weren’t my employee, I’d want to have a taste. I bet your cunt is sweet, babe.”
I blush and want to crawl in a hole.
“Didn’t ask questions because can’t have nothing come up here.”
His honesty shocks me. Stone is attractive in the bad-boy, rough around the edges way. I’m not his type. He doesn’t know me. I’ve been here months without so much as a second glance from him. Is he one of those men who like the thrill of the chase for a woman they can’t have? Is this some ‘whose dick is bigger’ game?
“Not tryin’ to rattle you. I don’t want in your head. Just wonderin’ why you got a man who is that fired up for you back home, and yet, you’re here cleaning floors and scrubbing toilets?”
“I’m trying to protect him,” I tell Stone the truth.
He leans down tipping my chin to make me look up at him, “babe, learn something quick, any biker that’s half a biker, outlaw or not, they don’t want their woman protecting them from shit. That man through the phone, he doesn’t strike me as one needin’ protecting from anything you could have possibly gotten into.”
“It’s complicated,” I whisper still looking up at him. He studies me in a way that makes me feel vulnerable.
“Came here to black out the cameras because someone hacked. Now I see who and why. I’ll leave ‘em up. Let your Hellion have a show.”
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry.” I freak out hoping he doesn’t fire me because somehow Wesson has found me.
He watches my reaction. I’m not sure what he sees but a smirk slowly plays on his lips. Stone’s phone rings breaking the moment. Before he answers, he leans down pressing his lips to mine. He leans in and whispers, “answer the man’s call, darlin’. I’m sure that just sent his ass over the edge. If not, I’ll come back later and really lay it on thick for him to see.” He reaches down and grabs my ass firmly causing me to jump closer into him.
Oh my God, Stone knows Wesson is watching the cameras. Without hesitation, he lifts the phone answering his call and walking back out of the laundromat like he didn’t upend my entire day.
A text comes in and I’m stuck in place reading it.
I look to the bench and sure enough, there is a child. Being consumed in my own problems and job, I didn’t even look to see who was in here today. His mother is pacing the space clearly on something as she keeps mumbling to herself.
How does he know where I am? How can he see the people with me?
He rings again.
“Hello,” I answer trying to control the trembling in my voice.
“Take the phone and go to the janitor’s closet. You’re gonna go in there, don’t shut the door all the way. Pay attention to that woman and the boy.”
What the hell? I don’t understand why he’s worried about the woman and boy. I nod and make my way to the closet.
Is this what my life has become? Just blindly following instructions?
“Is the woman there on something?” He asks and I can’t stop the hurt from bubbling up inside me
I look out and pay closer attention to her behavior. Her eyes are puffy like she’s been crying, and she’s pacing like she’s paranoid. Drugs, I’m not sure. I don’t have experience in any of this. I like science. Chemical compounds, biology, and anatomy. Ask me the science behind something, it is facts. Psychology of people, the why, the how, there are too many variables. I’ve never been high in my life. I haven’t even smoked weed. Drunk, yes, but even that isn’t something I do regularly.
“I don’t know. She looks tired.”
“I need you to stop the washer she’s using.”
“What!” I whisper yell. “I’ll lose my job if I mess with the machines for no reason.”
“Fuck your job, Emmalee. Come home and go back to school.”
I sigh, is this some ploy to get me back? “That isn’t going to happen.”
He pauses. “We are once again at a can’t versus won’t. Fine. I can’t do this shit right now. Hollis needs to be safe. I need you to talk to her, stall her. I’m getting some guys together to come there and get Hollis.”
“Um, you can’t come here. This is Sons territory. They don’t live by the Hellions codes, Wes. They take outlaw to a whole different level.”
I hear what sounds like him hitting something. “Right now, I don’t care if the devil himself tries to stop us. Karma’s son is not supposed to be taken out of the Carolinas. His mother has kidnapped him, and we are riding in to get him back. That’s gonna take us some time. Need you to stall her in place with the kid.”
“This isn’t my place, Wes,” I argue.
“You can help and be part of this family like I know you are, or you can turn your back and show me that you aren’t worth shit. Choice is yours. Either way, we’re on the way.”
Before I can respond, he ends the call.
What the hell am I supposed to do to keep a stranger here? My mind races. From the moment he muttered the words ‘be part of this family like I know you are’ , I am all in. Should I use this as my window to close off that part of my life? Yes. Can I do that? No, and I won’t. I can live without Wesson Vaughn. I can’t live with him thinking I’m not driven for family.
A thought hits me, and I go for it.
“Hey,” I greet her, moving out of the closet and back to my jobs. She stops pacing and looks me up and down. “I’m Emmalee. I noticed you have two loads going. I wish I had gotten here earlier; I would have told you the dryers are slow at this location. We have a guy coming. That was my boss that came in, he’s getting the repair man. Our other place is much better and will go quicker for you. Less cost that way too.”
Her eyes grow big.
“I work at both locations. I can help you carry the clothes over. I’m new to the area myself. Haven’t found a long-term rental yet. I have a hotel room just down the way from the other one. I can watch your stuff and you can take your kiddo and use my key card to get in the gate for the pool. I’m sure he would like that to pass the time.”
She looks to him then back to me.
I keep laying it on. “They have the most comfortable lounge chairs. He can swim and you can catch some sun or take a nap.”
Without asking, I go grab a basket right as the washer ends on her first load. I automatically start taking the clothes out.
“I didn’t think this through,” she mutters to herself. “Fuck. He’s gonna get him and I’ll never get him back. I need to think.”
I reach out and she jumps, and I back off. “I’m sorry. You look like you could use a break. I don’t know who you are, and I don’t need to know.” I pause deciding if I’m really going to do this. “I get it. I got something I gotta run from too. My place, they don’t have cameras, they don’t ask questions.”
She takes in my words.
“Look babe, woman to woman,” I look to her son, “mother to mother, “I lie, “we are shit if we aren’t well rested. Let me help you and at least you can get a little sleep while your clothes finish. If you want to go, I’ll pack you and your boy a snack bag and send you down the road. If you want to stay, I’ll book a room for you under my name. No questions asked.”
Her eyes light up. “You would do that for me?”
I look to her son, “for him, yes.” I tell her the truth. I’m not a mom. I don’t know what she’s feeling. What I do know is Hellions take family to heart. That boy of hers, he’s family. For him, I’ll do anything including face my ex.
I don’t know much about Karma, but everything anyone has ever said is he’s a good dad. I don’t know this woman and I don’t know why she has taken off. What I do know is her son seems sad.
The Hellions coming here means I can’t stay even though I want to.
I can hold her off and bolt just before they come. If I time it right, I’ll be in the wind before Wes can pin me down and ask questions I don’t want to answer.
That is my plan. While I get her situated at the Oasis, I’ll pack my shit and hit the road as soon as they get close. This was good while it lasted, but this is the life I’ve chosen.
For Wesson to be untouched by my baggage, I’ll stay on the move until I can find a solution for everyone.
Gathering her things, I load them in my car trying to do anything to keep her on the path to stick things out with me. She doesn’t question it. The more I study her the more I don’t think she’s on something. I think she’s exhausted. Without asking for details, she gets in her car with her son and follows me down to Suds for Ya Duds. We put her clothes in the dryers as I give her the directions to my motel and the key card.
“I usually walk. Since we have your clothes, I’ll take you over to Oasis. Leave your car here, when the clothes are done, we can put them in your car. Your son, I’m sorry, I didn’t catch his name or yours, he can swim until they are done.”
She smiles softly, “Hollis, his name is Hollis. My name is Anna.”
“I’m Emmalee, I told you that already, but it seems to fit in as the proper reply.” I try for nonchalance. “Although, I’m not good at proper.”
“Your child? Boy or girl,” Anna inquires, and I’m stuck.
I don’t have a kid. I did tell her that, though, another lie has to be told. “I have a daughter. Sophia. She’s with my mother.” The lies roll off my tongue but inside it burns to do this.
“How old?” She’s really trying to be sincere. I study her son and take a guess.
“Nine, your son?”
She smiles while wrapping her arm around him, “he’s nine too. Maybe they can meet.”
“My mom doesn’t live here,” I explain. At least that isn’t a lie. “She’ll bring Sophia back to me soon though.”
Anna smiles brightly, “it’s never fun to be away from them even with family.”
I nod moving about the task of getting the dryers going for her. Leading the way, I get her and Hollis in my car to go the block to the motel. How am I going to get word to Wesson and how will I know when they get close?
Questions go crazy in my head. How can I convince her to stay overnight? It’s going to be at least ten hours before they can get here driving. And flying, well, I don’t fly enough to know how long a flight will take to book much less arrive.
I’m in too deep.
Anna and Hollis look around as we exit my car. “I’m in lucky number seven,” I explain leading them to my door. “It’s not much but it’s home for now.”
I unlock it and guide them in. “The bathroom is in the back,” I tell Hollis who takes off to it while Anna studies my room.
“Do they all have two queen beds?” she asks, and I nod.
“Two queens in every room, a mini fridge, microwave, and of course a full bathroom. The television comes with basic cable and WIFI included.”
She sits on my bed. “It’s comfortable.”
I smile, “yeah, I do sleep well.”
“I’m so tired,” she yawns. “Drove all night with him. Didn’t actually have a plan. Thought it would be an adventure with my son.”
“I get that,” I concede.
Hollis comes out still watching his phone continually like he has this entire experience. I notice him staring at my door and begin to wonder.
A knock comes to the door Anna jumps. I look to her and her son. I motion for them to go into the bathroom while I answer the door.
I assume it’s Stone, Racer, Hunter, or one of the other Sinister Sons but check out the window as a precaution and habit.
Two crystal blue eyes meet mine as I peek through the curtains. She watches me as hard as I watch her.
Dia fucking Crews is here.
How in the hell is this my life today?