Life lessons with Emma: Family betrayal puts everything into perspective. Blood doesn’t mean anything.
“Who’s there?” I call out like I didn’t lock eyes with her.
How is this happening? I know Dia and she is a Hellion through and through. Sure, women don’t wear a cut and we are ‘in’ by association to one of the brothers. But Dia is a whole different class all to herself. She is important to every single one of them. The respect each brother has for her is unmatched. I know Wes considers her his baby sister. Honestly, I’m pretty sure they all do.
“It’s Dia and Maritza, Emmalee. Can we talk?” She says through the door like this is an everyday thing and I didn’t completely run away from home.
I look back to the bathroom and Anna has the door closed. “Just a minute, I call out and move to the bathroom door. “Some friends from home are here. Stay put and stay quiet,” I tell Anna hoping to avoid any need for introductions. Plus, I don’t want Anna to catch me lying since Wes told me to stall her. She thinks I’m a mom. Maybe I was supposed to stall her for Dia to come. Although, that doesn’t really seem like something any of the Hellions would do.
One thing I learned when shit hit the fan last year, women are treasured to the Hellions. Outlaw bikers or not, they have a code and a level of respect for women I have never experienced before. They may be brash in their language and actions, but not one of them has ever stepped out of line with a female. At lease not to my knowledge.
I don’t have a lot of experience as ol’ lady stuff goes. I only know what Wes had told me and shown me. His actions speak as much as his words. He’s always been gentle with me. Thoughtful. And words, well, the man took his time truly getting to know me.
“Sure thing,” Anna says keeping the door closed.
Quickly going back to the front, I open the door to Dia looking like the angel she is and Maritza looking distraught. What is going on? Now I wish I answered Wesson’s calls earlier and had more time to discuss everything with him. Right now, I feel like I’m completely in the dark and there is definitely something not okay going on.
“Come in,” I invite unsure what I should say.
“Thank you,” Dia replies as they step into my room. She looks back to Maritza who follows with her eyes glued to her phone. “We’re um,” Dia pauses, “sorry to bother you.”
“It’s no bother,” I lie. It’s a huge problem. I am not supposed to be in Florida. My last call to Diem, I was heading to Tennessee for a Hippie festival. Dia is loyal to a fault. She will tell Diem she saw me and where I’m at. In all of this mess I’ve gotten myself into the very last person I ever wanted to hurt was Diem. When she finds out I’ve been lying to her, I don’t know if our friendship can withstand it.
We have been through everything together. I should have told her what happened. I didn’t because I wanted to keep her safe. A lot of good it did. It’s all coming crashing around me now. How can I make her understand?
“It says he’s here,” Maritza whispers. “I don’t understand why it’s saying here. Maybe a different room? But he sent the number seven. Maybe it was supposed to be seventeen.” She seems to be talking more to herself than to me or Dia.
“I don’t understand. Why are you two here?”
I can’t believe neither of them have asked me why I’m here. Clearly something is on their minds. Dia is blunt and not one to hold back … ever. Yet, I haven’t been asked about anything concerning my absence from Haywood’s Landing. Has Wes moved on? Is that why they aren’t pressing me with questions? If so, their presence in my hideaway is even more confusing.
Maritza looks to me with tears filling her eyes. “Hollis and I have a code.” She shakes her head. “Never mind, I shouldn’t have come. I’m sorry we bothered you, Emmalee.”
“Zizi,” comes from the bathroom.
It’s Hollis. Shit.
Fuck me. Why didn’t I put it together sooner? I’ve been so wrapped up in hiding my own secrets I didn’t think about who was right in front of my fucking face.
Maritza’s eyes light up as she looks to the bathroom.
“He’s here? How? Where is Anna?” She asks me making her way back to the bathroom door. “I’m here buddy.” She tries to stop the hiccup of her crying.
“The fuck you are,” Anna yells opening the door and ushering Hollis out with a gun to his head.
His eyes are as big as saucers and Maritza lets out a scream.
“Oh my God, what is wrong with you?” I yell out locking eyes with a little boy scared out of his mind with tears going down his face.
“You three, sit the fuck down,” Anna orders and we all oblige. She clearly has all the power since she’s holding the gun.
There is too much at risk not to listen.
“What is going on?” I ask because I don’t know this woman before today. I’ve heard of Hollis being Karma’s son, but I’ve never actually met the kid. When Anna told me his name, I had no clue her Hollis was Maritza’s Hollis. Maritza is always going to a baseball game or a school function for the boy. Hell, most of the Hellions rally around to go to his games and awards. I’ve been invited but between recovery from being shot and then needing to get the Hell out of Dodge I haven’t made it to one.
“This isn’t how it’s supposed to be,” she states, and I can only nod. “Why are you here, Maritza?” She asks with a snarl.
Maritza looks directly at Hollis trying to calm the boy. “I have a system for Hollis. Our code. If he needs me, he sends me the word. No questions asked, I use our app chat to pin his location and come to him.”
“Aren’t you fucking clever.” Anna remarks still keeping a gun to her own son’s head. “Always thinkin’ you’re a better mom than me. He came out of my body. I gave him life. You should remember that and know your damn place, Maritza Castillo.”
“Momma, please don’t. I didn’t want you to get in trouble.” Hollis whimpers.
I know that feeling. My father brought his troubles down on me. My best friend and I almost died because of his transgressions. The worst day of my life happened because of my father’s greed and selfishness. How can someone be a parent and not think of their child first? How can this woman call herself a mother when she’s using her son to manipulate us into bending to her will.
I’m not scared like I was before. Now, I’m pissed.
How dare this woman call herself a mother and do this to her son! Mothers are supposed to nurture and protect, not hurt.
“Phones, turn them off, and hand them to Hollis.”
Again, we do as we are told. With the gun still on her son’s head, she guides them both to the bathroom sink. “Drop them in the sink, baby and turn on the water.” Hollis looks over his shoulder to Maritza who nods encouraging the boy on.
“Maritza, you have the most to lose if you don’t follow directions.” A sly smile plays on Anna’s lips. “You won’t have a single tie to Dillon if I take his boy away from you. Take the handcuffs from my purse,” she orders Maritza directly, “you’re gonna cuff Emmalee’s hands behind her back and Dia’s.”
Maritza doesn’t hesitate to do what she’s told apologizing as she does it.
“It’s okay,” I console. Right now, the three of us have to do anything and everything Anna wants for Hollis.
“Dillon, cuffed you yet? Huh, Zizi.” Anna taunts her.
“We aren’t in a relationship, Anna.” Maritza tries to explain. “I’m more like the nanny. Everything is about Hollis between us. Our dynamic is about your son. Plain and simple.”
Anna lets out a laugh turning Hollis back around and moving from the sink. “You’re missing out then. He’s a lousy husband, but amazing in bed.”
Maritza gets a stone-cold look, “not in front of him.”
“Oh yes, you know what’s best for my son. That’s right I forget. Excuse me.”
Maritza tries to soften her face, but it shows she’s still angry. “I am not a replacement for you. He loves you, Anna. He texts me for you.”
“If he loves me, why are you here?” Anna fires back.
“Because he didn’t want you to get in trouble with Dillon. He texts me our code because I have a deal not to tell his dad unless he wants me to. Dillon doesn’t know we are here.” Maritza’s admission makes my heart drop.
The Hellions aren’t close like I assumed.
“We aren’t in competition, Anna. I can never compare to you with your son.” Maritza tries to reason.
“You want my life. Don’t think I’m stupid.” Anna challenges.
Maritza keeps her eyes on Hollis as if he might vanish if she blinks. “Hollis woke up and saw a sign for Georgia. He got scared that his dad wouldn’t let him visit you anymore. He sent the code. I followed our rules, me and Hollis. I’m here for him to be safe” She blinks as if trying to communicate something to the young boy. “In fact, once I can calm him down and let him know I’ll get this all cleared up with his dad, I can go back. We don’t have to even mention what’s going on right now. Just let me explain things to Dillon and let Hollis know for himself you aren’t in any trouble. We can get on our way after.”
Anna gives out a huff, “why then is she here?” She looks to Dia.
“Sisters before misters,” Dia chimes in not letting Maritza explain. “We were having girls’ night in, spa style at my place. She got the text, and I was bored. Figured it was time for a trip. Thought we could take Hollis here to Disney World once we met up with you. Get the word back to Karma and keep us all out of the hotseat with all the Hellions. See, Anna, we had half a plan to get you outta trouble. If you hadn’t drowned our phones, I could even show you the tickets we bought for Magic Kingdom. We got one for you. Even got the photo package. I love when you can just stop and let the people take the pics for you and boom, they pop up in your email.”
The way she keeps it casual and upbeat is mind-blowing. I’m terrified and here Dia is talking like they had this trip on the calendar. She’s not missing a beat while I am trying not to puke or pee my pants.
“I don’t believe shit either of you say.” Anna retorts and Hollis looks up to his mom. “They’re telling the truth. I text Zizi. Check my phone, it’s not broken. Dad doesn’t know, I swear. I didn’t want,” he begins to stutter as the tears start to fall, “I didn’t know I was going to get anyone in trouble. I’m sorry, Zizi,” he looks to Maritza and my heart breaks. “I was trying to help, momma. I just messed it all up.”
“It’s okay, buddy.” Maritza soothes. “No one is in any trouble. Your mom and I’ll work this out. Make sure your dad is okay with this little vacation. Don’t worry, honey. Your momma, she loves you and wanted more time with you, that’s all this is. I know it scared you that your dad would be worried and upset, but I’ll handle that okay. Don’t be upset, please, bud.”
“Take the other pair, put the one on your wrist and come over here,” Anna keeps at it, ignoring her son’s emotional breakdown. “Hollis you’ll hook the other one on your precious Zizi.”
Maritza does as she’s told, hooking one handcuff on her right wrist. Once Anna is close for Hollis to hook the left, Maritza takes her chance before Hollis can secure the other cuff. She reaches out, literally shoving Hollis away from his mother and putting her body between Anna and the boy. Anna reacts raising the gun into the air and coming down across Maritza’s face.
She cries out in pain as Dia and I move to guide Hollis away from the two women. “Run,” Maritza calls out as she goes at Anna again. “Dia get him out of here!” We are stumbling to get Hollis as he instinctively wants to go back to the two women fighting in front of him. Our hands are bound in metal handcuffs behind our backs because Maritza knew she couldn’t not follow Anna’s orders. We have no way to hold onto this boy who is desperate to help two women who matter to him.
I remember standing in the living room with my dad and Diem. Two people who mattered the most to me in the world in that moment. Feeling like I had to choose because we didn’t know at that time what my dad had done, I didn’t understand why Diem wouldn’t let him take us out of there. Her hesitation caused me to pause. That lead to her dad killing my dad by firing a gun shot into a window. All the emotions from my trauma invade and I don’t know how to process anything.
Fight or flight has kicked in. I want to yank Hollis up and flee, but he won’t leave. I’m going to have to fight. My hands may be bound, but my mind, I can think of something. I will think of something.
There is a pop. The gun goes off. Instantly, Maritza cries out in pain as Anna looks in shock. Maritza drops to the bed, her lower abdomen bleeding. Hollis takes off from standing behind Dia rushing to Maritza. His mother yanks him up again with the gun pressed to his head once more. Hollis cries out in fear.
“You two stay right where you are, or I’ll shoot her again and him.”
How in the hell can I get help?
“I’m okay, buddy,” Maritza chokes out grabbing her stomach while trying to calm Hollis. “Just do what your momma says, okay?”
Hollis shakes his head while trying to get out from his mother’s grip that is now around his neck. He kicks back hitting her in the shins, but she doesn’t release him.
“Hollis,” Maritza focuses on the boy. “Remember when it’s a foul ball and the ball is caught, it’s an automatic out. Right now, we hit a foul ball, and your momma caught it. We gotta take this as an out. I’m okay, but I need you to calm down.” She’s gritting her teeth to get the last words out.
“Why?” I ask Anna. “I don’t understand how you came here. I get wanting time with your son. Of all the places you come here, to me?” It’s been plaguing my mind since Dia and Maritza arrived.
I don’t believe in coincidence.
She looks to the ceiling like she’s losing patience. “I have a debt to a man. He said he would clear the debt if I got to you and got you to Key West.”
I look to Dia and then back to Anna. “Me? You came here for me?”
She nods, “I don’t know what makes you worth the headache, but in order to clear my debt I had to get you to Key West. I couldn’t come up with a plan until I got a second call from the man I owe. He said you were a sucker for kids. Since you’re an ol’ lady and my kid is a little Hellion, he said you wouldn’t resist a chance to keep my boy safe, even from me.” Tears begin to roll down her face and I’m in shock that the bitch has any emotions.
“What the hell does anyone want with me?” I ask flabbergasted.
Dia clears her throat. “Why did you leave Haywood’s Landing, Emmalee?” I turn to her. “The truth. Not what you want Diem to think.”
I sigh because I really don’t want to say anything in front of Anna. But we need answers to get out of this.
“I got a call from my mother,” I begin, and Dia’s mouth drops open. “I don’t know how much you know of what my dad and Diem’s dad did. I still don’t even know the truth. Anyway, my mom told me there would be some instructions coming. I needed to follow them precisely or she would be hurt. She said my dad did more than I knew about, and they had her.”
“Who is they?” Dia asks.
“Patrick O’Leary,” Anna answers for me.
“How do you know him?” Dia questions her. “Is that who you owe?”
“I owe one of his guys, yes. And I know her dad stole millions from O’Leary in a money scheme that caught up to him and Thomas Reigns.”
“What else do you know,” Dia continues to interrogate.
I’m rather shocked that Anna is even answering questions since she has all the power here.
Before she can answer though, the door flies open, and Dia lunges her body at me pushing me to the bed and covering me with her body while Maritza rolls off the bed yanking Hollis from his mother and down to the ground with her trying to use her body as a shield.
A pop sounds.
I freeze thinking Anna has fired again as I hear a woman’s scream. Twisting my head, I watch Anna fall to the floor with half of her face blown off. Maritza moves to shield Hollis from seeing it as she moans in agony.
“Buddy, close your eyes,” I hear her say.
Dia is lifted off me with a yelp as she’s brought to her feet by a large man in a button up shirt and dress pants. Before I can sort myself, I’m being lifted in the air by another man holding the gun that just ended Anna Jacoby.
“Time for a road trip,” the man holding me states.
“Wait,” I beg. “Maritza and Hollis and Dia aren’t part of this. Let them go and I’ll go with you and do anything I need to without a fight.”
The two men study each other. “There wasn’t supposed to be a kid. Just two women. She was supposed to send the kid back.” They are talking like we aren’t standing right here.
Dia is the one to pipe up still wiggling trying to get free. “Alright fellas, take me and Emmalee. Leave Maritza and the kid.” She’s talking like they didn’t just shoot a woman in the head in front of us. “She’s gonna bleed out and he’s in shock won’t be saying shit.”
Before I can try to argue another man rounds the corner also wearing dress pants and button up shirt. I don’t know who comes to kidnap and kill dressed for church but I’m not about to ask them.
“Take that one,” he points to Dia, “she’s our ticket out of town after. The Hellions will give anything for her.”
“Emmalee Van Etten,” he looks to me and approaches. “I have been waiting to meet you. You and I need to take a little trip together. After which I know your mother is dying to see you.”
“Umm, I haven’t seen my mother and I’m not sure what you think I can do for you, mister?” I try to look dumbfounded.
“Patrick O’Leary dear. I’ve tried to let other people handle you and it seems you are quite clever.”
What the fuck am I going to do now?