Boomerism: Patience is practiced, it never comes easy.
There are moments in life where things feel so close and yet so far away. This is one of those times. I can see her in the distance by using the binoculars the prospect handed me. One thing about the sons they seem to be prepared for everything. These are military grade special ops level field glasses and cost whack for the everyday civilian.
I have to ready myself for what I may or may not see. Emotions cloud decisions. Every decision in this moment is life or death for two woman I care about. I can’t react on how I feel because I’m knotted up inside as it is. I have to assess and plan. Pushing aside who they are to me is impossible, but I can compartmentalize.
Blinking, I reset my mind and look to the scene through the tiny lenses. Emmalee and Dia look uninjured, but by the body language Dia has-she’s pissed. One thing about her, everything she feels shows on her face and in her stance. Emmalee, she looks stressed and confused. Her head keeps turning side to side like she doesn’t know where exactly to look and what she should be doing.
A plane has come to a stop not far from them, but still, some distance away. A black SUV is pulling away making me curious as to who that happened to be. There are two men pacing the group guarding as O’Leary stands with Emmalee, Dia, and another female. Who is that? Why is there a third woman? Looking harder, I realize it’s Emmalee’s mother. We weren’t notified of her presence originally; she must have arrived in the vehicle.
Mia Van Etten is a woman with no real history of anything. No criminal background, no employment background. She has no family left alive except Emmalee. Until Paul Van Etten’s death, she was the picture-perfect housewife. They met in college, got married, and she didn’t even finish getting her degree. Paul has been her financial lifeline from the moment they said, ‘I do’. She doesn’t have close friends that had anything significant to say about her. No dirty little secrets could be found.
Why is she here?
More than that, why does she look exactly like a Woman’s Day magazine model. There isn’t a fucking hair out of place. The signs of distress visible to anyone aren’t present. If I had to judge her appearance, she is unsurprised and unphased. The thing that stands out to me the most, she is not handcuffed. Emmalee and Dia are secured in metal cuffs with their hands behind their backs. Mia Van Etten is free to move as she pleases.
I dropped my guard. I gave her an all clear and didn’t think she posed a threat to Emmalee. Once Emmalee and Diem’s dad were in the ground, I didn’t find a single piece of evidence that made her mother look as if she had any part in their dealings. This thing runs deeper than I ever expected. How far back does Mia’s involvement go? Is she working with O’Leary? Did she put Paul up to the money scheme in the first place? Pillow talk in the Van Etten home must have been some serious shit. I have too many questions that may not have answers.
I was blinded by Emmalee’s injuries after Paul’s death. Giving my entire focus to supporting her recovery, I didn’t put in the time and resources to doubling back on her mom. I had a quick scan done on Mia. Given the lack of anything standing out, I let it go. I shouldn’t have obviously. How did I let this happen?
“Yo,” Stone answers the call coming through on the van’s speaker phone.
“Tower and Hangar are all clear. Vehicle pulled away after Mrs. Van Etten cleared it. There are two guards on the ground and O’Leary. The pilot is ours no need to make a move there. Three targets when you’re ready.”
The call ends and I have zero clue who was speaking and truly don’t give a fuck. I’ll give Stone credit he runs a tight ship and covers every angle. Obviously, his club respects him and they work together. Everything takes time and this is no different. Having most of his club on a support run, Stone did what any good leader does and calls in additional chapters. Dropping everything for their club, the Sinister Sons stepped up to the plate big time. The Sons snuck in and covered the tower and hangar while we made our way to the location. We have been waiting down the road for the final assessment of the situation.
O’Leary underestimated the location. He didn’t let this play out in Haywood’s Landing because he knew we would roll in on it deep with numbers. I don’t know why Florida and why a plane, but I do know he didn’t plan to need numbers on his side. This is good for us, and most certainly bad for him. His miscalculation has tipped the scales in our favor.
Waiting is not my strong suit. Patience is practiced, Boomer used to tell Colt and me that when we didn’t want to wait for something. It didn’t help us then and isn’t helping me now. I don’t give a shit how much I ‘practice’ I don’t have patience, especially when the people I love are in trouble. It is unnatural. Frankly, I don’t know that many people who are able to wait easily in my life. Consider it a character flaw. It is what it is, and I can’t calm myself down.
My time in the Army taught me to compartmentalize. Push things into the appropriate box for the appropriate time. Mission focus means mission ready. Clear my mind and remain steady on what lies ahead. On missions, waiting felt like hunting. I could do that. This, there is too much on the line.
Boomer took Colt and I hunting a few times when were younger. He said it was to teach us certain life lessons. One of them is showing up and putting in the time. Hunting is never quick. Learning to fail, not every hunting trip ends with a kill. Some days are spent simply sitting with your thoughts. The biggest lesson Boomer wanted us to understand: you miss all of the shots you don’t take. Deer hunting in a stand is hurry up and wait. We had to get in position in the blind. Our trail had to be covered and then we had to sit in silence waiting. Silence typically leaves me to my own thoughts. A place I don’t like to be anymore.
Right now, there are no thoughts. My mind is blank, and my entire body is focused on the scene in front of me.
What can I do to save her and Dia?
Stone and Racer are both using binoculars making their assessments on things in front of us.
I’m helpless as the shot rings into the air around us. I watch the other female fall. Relief washes over me that it’s not Emmalee or Dia. But time isn’t our friend right now as Stone stomps the gas pedal. We are riding in, and I can only pray we get our shots off in time.
O’Leary is smart to leave no loose ends. He has gone too long with too many outsiders dipping into his organization. The Reigns dilemma had traction in the underground circles. The loss of the money hit O’Leary’s street credit making him seem weak. Between losing the money they stole and loss of income as some people now view his association as unstable, he is struggling.
Easy come, easy go.
“That was Emmalee’s mom. Get ready,” he orders what I already know.
I roll my window down as does Racer and we get our guns set with eyes locked to our targets.
“Em and Dia are too close, handguns only,” I tell Racer and he puts his AR up. The risk is too great to use a semi-automatic. We have to do this clean and precise. One shot, we have one opportunity to get this done without getting anyone innocent hurt or killed.
“I got the two guards, you get O’Leary,” Racer tells me.
Moving the slide, I ready the round into the chamber. Stone stomps it again and jerks the wheel. We are coming in fast, but not fast enough as O’Leary and his two men close in on Emmalee and Dia.
Dia fights using her thumbs in the one man’s eyes as the other one tries to grab her waist. She kicks out. As the man she got in the eyes backs off, she twists landing a kidney punch to the back of the other man. I want to yell, “atta girl,” but right now isn’t the time.
Racer fires. He hits the eyeball man in the neck as he quickly fires another round into the other one as Dia drops to the ground away from both men as soon as she heard the pop.
Damn all those times we all took her shooting and the self-defense classes BW insisted she take have paid off.
O’Leary grabs Emmalee exactly like we expected him to, not leaving me an open shot. He has a gun to her head, but he won’t fire. He can’t. He did all of this for her. Link sent me an entire breakdown of why the interest in Emmalee came to be.
Without her, O’Leary can’t get his money. Our plan after learning this is to end the security he has in place and leave him alive knowing he can’t kill Emmalee yet.
Once she gets him access to his money, she is as dead as her mother laying in front of her.
Stone comes to a stop in front of them as I pop the door open. Racer already had his window down. As much as I thought I could shoot from the window I don’t like the feeling of a door closed between myself and Emmalee. Even though it increases the risk that a shot hits me, I don’t want anything between me and the woman I love, no matter the level of the threat.
“There’s money in it for you, there is enough to go around. You let us go, it’s a deal.” O’Leary begins trying to bargain. “I just want what’s mine. The other shit her father stole, it’s all for you.”
I laugh. Like any of us would ever believe a word that comes out of his mouth. O’Leary looks out for himself. There is no loyalty or family in his organization.
Emmalee locks eyes to me. I try to give her confidence and comfort without words. She nods as if she understands. I need her to focus on the cues I can give and try to read between the lines. That is the only way we can get her out of this unharmed.
“Dia, get in the van,” Stone orders and she shakes her head. He lets out an exasperated huff. “Dia, get in the fucking van. We can’t be worried about you doing something dumb. We will negotiate with Mr. O’Leary here and sort out a reasonable solution for all. It’s a man thing, darlin’, you wouldn’t understand.”
“Busted, who’re your new friends?” Dia asks like there weren’t people killed right in front of her. “I don’t ride with strangers except against my will.” She glares at O’Leary challenging him. “And these guys you happen to be with aren’t clued in to reality. As a woman, I understand far more than a man ever will. And the first thing a man should understand, if you want a woman to listen, keep the insults and overall meathead comments inside. Just because you think it doesn’t mean you have to say it.” She shrugs casually.
I swear that girl has bigger balls than any man on the planet.
“Get in the van, Dia. I’ll give introductions later.” She raises an eyebrow like even my instructions don’t satisfy her. Loyalty- she has it in spades.
She looks to Emmalee and back to me. She’s holding firm to her position. I shake my head. Dia shakes hers back.
“Can’t do this standoff thing with you right now, babe. Need to sort out O’Leary and have Emmalee back on my lap.”
Dia looks to Emmalee like she’s breaking some kind of sisterhood code.
“Dammit, Dia, get in the fuckin’ van. I promise you I’m fuckin’ here for you, but her too. For the love of everything, get in the van. I would like to take care of my woman without the distraction of you doin’ something stupid because you’re fucking crazy like that. Stone here, he gets it. You aren’t gonna be pushed around because he has a dick, and you don’t. We got it.”
At my harsh tone and only after a nod from Emmalee she makes her way into the van sitting in the seat beside me. She lets out a huff making sure I’m aware of her dislike for the situation.
With the van door open, O’Leary takes in my cut. “Hellion, you can hitch a ride with us. I am not here to hurt Emmalee. She didn’t ask to be part of this.”
“You’re right she didn’t.” He underestimates me and thinks I’ll ride along to my death while giving him leverage over Emmalee because she cares for me.
I don’t lower my weapon that is aimed at him while his is on Emmalee. We are locked into a true standoff. Emmalee keeps her eyes to mine. I try to convey so much without words.
“Baby girl, you okay?”
She gives me a soft smile. “Okay isn’t the word I would use, but it’s good to see you, Busted.”
“This little reunion is cute and all,” O’Leary firmly speaks. “We got places to be. You got the offer, Hellion.” He looks at my legs. “Not sure you can keep the pace after all, Hellion.”
He begins to back them towards the plane. I keep my eyes on Emmalee as she is the one to speak. “Shouldn’t underestimate him. You’re making an assumption that’s gonna get you killed, Mr. O’Leary,” she says to him softly.
“Baby girl, you’re makin’ me hard when you’re talkin’ all sweet to this fuckface. Don’t think he’s gonna heed your warning.”
She gives me her shy smile that I have missed. I don’t take my eyes from hers hoping she can read my unspoken cues.
“Three things you should know O’Leary. There are only two things I kill for in this world anymore. The first is family, but the single most important is in your arms. That’s not where she belongs.” I give her a nod. “One,” I say the word in the countdown I was giving her, Emmalee drops, and I fire the kill shot.
“It only takes one shot to end it all,” I whisper as she runs right into the van jumping in my lap.
Cupping her face, I press my lips to hers. Stone or someone presses the button to close the van door while I kiss the woman I fucking breathe for. I get lost in her mouth while Stone makes a call to his guys to finish clean up.
I hear Dia beside us. “Could I use someone’s phone, please?” I don’t pull away from Emmalee. There is movement and I think Racer gave her his phone. She begins dialing.
Giving my attention back to my woman, I can’t believe she’s here. I’m touching her. Holding her. Emmalee’s lips are soft and her in my arms again is like coming home.
“BW, it’s me,” Dia says her voice cracking.
As much as I want to keep kissing Emmalee and feel her here in my arms, I break away for a moment, “fuckin’ love you, Emmalee. Need you to know that through and through.”
“I’m sorry,” she whispers pressing her lips to mine.
“No apologies,” I tell her kissing her back. “This is behind you and the rearview is no more. Look ahead, baby girl. Whatever it is, you look ahead.”
In an instant, Dia is beside us chatting with her brother like she didn’t almost die. “Tell dad I’m okay. I’m with Busted.” She pauses. “BW, I know we’re gonna get shit for takin’ off. I’ll deal with all you hot headed alphas when I’m home. For now, I got shit to do here in Florida. Just tell Dad, I’m good so he can calm mom down. The rest of you will be fine ‘til we get back.” Dia pauses again, I assume BW is talking. “Busted’s tangled up with Emmalee right now. I don’t know about Maritza,” her voice halts as she lets out a sob.
That is Dia Crews. The danger is over and she’s taking in how bad things are and could have been. She’s also eating herself up with guilt about getting separated from Maritza and Hollis.
Emmalee stops our kiss and looks to me. “She’s gonna be okay,” I whisper as Dia takes in what BW is saying.
“Karma is with her. You know all this already, BW? How? Right okay. Hollis, is he okay?”
“I’ve caused a mess to your whole family,” Emmalee says dropping her head to my shoulder. “God, I’m so stupid. I should have known when my mother left, she intended to leave me behind. She didn’t even visit me in the hospital when I got shot in the head.”
“Baby girl, you are my family. This is our family. You haven’t done anything. It’s on him not you.”
She shakes her head as the tears fall down. “I knew better. Deep inside there was more to this than I was seeing. I just didn’t know what to do. And in the end, I made every wrong choice there is to make.
“Don’t do this Emmalee.”
Dia reaches over and gives Emmalee’s hand a squeeze. “Emmalee, you’ve been brave today. Brave as a Hellion’s ol’ lady. Don’t you take that away.”
She lifts her head to look at me. “Always brave, baby girl. You’re always brave.”