“How does this work?” Emmalee asks as we finish packing the van.
“Well, it’s an annual ride. The way Danza shares it, this is tradition. Deals Gap, North Carolina is a tiny town on the edge of the Tennessee border. Roundman loved to ride curves. Straight roads were okay, but if you could give him a backroad with curves, then he was happy. The Tail of the Dragon is three hundred and eighteen curves in an eleven-mile stretch.”
She gasps, “that doesn’t sound safe.”
I laugh, “For some it’s not. People do die. This ride though, it’s something every Hellion does. It’s our rite-of-passage. The final rocker is given to the prospects who earn it here.”
“You rode this? I didn’t think you patched in until after your accident.”
Pulling her to my lap, she falls effortlessly. I press my lips to hers. “Thank you,” I whisper.
“For what?”
“Before, I couldn’t do this and enjoy it. Before you, I couldn’t easily talk about life before my accident. You take me as I am, broken parts and all. I patched in after my accident. Technically I rode the tail, but I was in a sidecar while Colt drove us.”
She nods. “When we get there, are we taking the van? You said we are doing this ride together like all the ol’ ladies do. I’m just confused. I don’t want you to feel like we are missing something. We don’t have to go Wes. I’m fine staying here. As long as I am with you, we don’t have to do everything like everyone else.”
I press my lips to her cheek. “Do you trust me?”
“With everything, yes.”
“Finish loading so we can go.”
“Aye, aye, captain,” she mutters climbing off my lap.
“I was a soldier not a sailor, baby girl.”
“Everything is set up,” Colt says at the door of my room. “You good with this?”
I nod taking the bag from him. “Never been more ready for anything in my life.”
He smiles. “Fuckin’ can’t wait, Wes. Ain’t one motherfucker stronger or braver than you. I’ll be waiting.”
I smile feeling the confidence wash over me. Only Boomer and Colt know what I’m doing today.
“Diem is with Emmalee getting ready, you text when you are ready, and I’ll get them.”
I nod and wheel back into the room.
It’s go time.
Once tucked away to myself, I lay the bag on my bed. The same hotel we always crash at, but for me it’s like a brand-new experience. Last time I did this I had nothing but anger and self-pity that I locked away for no one to feel. This last two years I’ve learned I don’t have to carry the load alone. I can feel and I can let my family help me.
Looking down at the prosthetics I take a deep breath.
When Emmalee left, I had all these emotions and didn’t know what to do. I felt like something had to change. I had to give myself back something I lost. I went and got fitted for two prosthetic legs. Hours of physical therapy and months of practice, I have mastered using them. I can walk, I can run, and I can do almost everything like I wasn’t in a life shattering accident.
Once I got proficient in using them, I made the call to Boomer. Dad being the man he is, immediately took charge. Colt and him are the reason this is all coming together today.
Sliding the appendages on, I get them secured on my nubs. I don’t hide my disability to I stay in shorts. The ends of the prosthetics already have shoes on, so I don’t have to do anything more once they are on.
Lifting myself to stand, I take a moment to breathe. I’m upright, on my feet so to speak, and wearing my cut. I shoot the text to Colt before I exit the hotel room door.
The pride washes over me as I look to the Harley Davidson trike that has been outfitted for me to ride without needing my legs. Black cherry metallic with every feature available and more, she is pure perfection in a motorcycle.
I climb on, settle in, braid my hair quickly, and put on my helmet.
Emmalee walks out with Diem casually. Her hair is braided and she’s wearing jeans, a Hellions tank top, and boots. She twists looking for me. When her eyes land on mine, she smiles before running over.
“Wes, what is this?”
“We’re gonna ride, baby girl.”
She cups her face and I watch her excitement build. I hand her a helmet and Diem helps her secure it. Approaching, I take her hand in mine stopping her just before she climbs on.
“Gonna ride through life with you, Emmalee. Proud to be a Hellion, but prouder to be yours. I love you.”
Tears fill her eyes. “I can’t believe you’ve done all this.”
“Remember when you started school, and you came home crying. You said to me you wanted me to be brave enough to dream for myself again.” She nods, “Well, I did, and this is because of you. I want to feel my bike and my babe on this ride. I don’t want to feel less than a man because when I’m with you, you make me feel like a fucking superhero. Ride with me, Emmalee?”
She leans in kissing me. Our tongues dance and I fight to pull away. “Makin’ me hard, baby girl.”
She laughs, “you always say that.”
“Baby girl, you breathe near me, I’m fuckin’ hard. Can’t help it, my body is yours and always ready for you.”
“You want me to ride on your motorcycle? You better quit tellin’ me how ready you are or I’m gonna ride you.”
I smile because she isn’t usually one to be so open with wanting me. “Baby girl, get on the bike. We finish this ride and then you’re gonna ride me later.”
She settles in behind me, her arms wrapped tightly around my waist, and her front pressed to my back. Colt just looks at me in awe as he approaches. He gives my shoulder a squeeze and looks to Emmalee.
“Thank you,” he tells her. “This wouldn’t be if it wasn’t for you. Our whole lives I’ve waited for the day we could ride together as brothers and Hellions. You make all his dreams come true, Emmalee, and I’m glad your family.”
Diem squeals, “Emmalee, we really are sisters.” Then she grabs Colt’s arm and pulls him to her. “Come on, Kick, time for you to take me on a ride.”
They get on his bike, and we look around as the others emerge. My dad looks over and gives me a nod as my mom steps out behind him. Looking to where he is, she sees me, and I watch the tears fall down her face before she gives me a nod. One by one, my family takes notice, and gives me different signs of approval.
I press the button, firing the engine. Emmalee gives a slight jump behind me to the new sensation. “Been practicin’ months. You are safe with me,” I tell her.
She leans in tight. “Doesn’t matter if you had never done it before. There is no place safer for me than with you. We ride through all of life together, Wesson Vaughn.”
“Damn straight.”
Lining up, I inhale. My woman, my club, my bike, and my fucking ride.
Ride until I die… I’m a motherfucking Hellion.
The End
Until the next ride…