Braxton (Station 47) Chapter 6 46%
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Chapter 6



A quiet knock on the door where I’m hiding and trying to finish updating my charts for the day before I finally get to go home startles me, and I look up to see LeeAnna standing in the doorway.

“Christina’s parents just arrived. I put them in the smaller waiting room. I’m pretty sure they’re thinking the worst though, so you should probably go talk to them.”

Every muscle in my body protests when I straighten from the hunched over position I’ve been sitting in with my tablet, and I groan, loudly. Raising my arms above my head, I arch my back, trying to alleviate even a small amount of the tension I’m carrying around, but I’m not very successful. A massage after this day would be so, so nice.

“See if you can chase down the attending that took over when they took her upstairs and get an update on her condition while I go explain what happened to get us to where we are today.” Lee nods, turning to leave and do what I asked, but me saying her name has her head twisting back in my direction. “Let Braxton know they’re here, but don’t put them in the same room, okay? The last thing we need is one of them starting World War III while we’re trying to keep Christina stable.”

With a quick agreement, she hurries away and I suck in a deep breath, dreading every bit of this conversation. If I have any luck at all, and I’m fairly sure I don’t, whatever doctor took over when she left the ER will show up quickly to give a status update and my part in this whole mess will be done.

Chancing a look down at my phone, I can see it’s just about time for me to leave, which means I only have to deal with this and I’m done for the next two days.

Thank God .

The older couple is standing in the waiting area, and it’s obvious the man is attempting to keep the woman with him calm, but failing miserably.

As soon as I step into the room, they both turn to face me and the woman, who looks like a much older version of Christina, hurries to me. Seeing her, and knowing Christina will never reach the same stage in life breaks my heart, and I have to steel it against the multitude of emotions I’m feeling, and have been all day.

It’s so hard not to put myself in her shoes. Mallory and Madison are much older than Nathan, but I can only imagine what it would do to them, and honestly, me, if we had to deal with what Christina is. I can’t even begin to imagine what must be going through her head. Really, I don’t want to.

Her mother grabbing my hands in hers brings me out of my morbid thoughts, and I look down to see her panicked gaze searching mine.

“My daughter… please… tell me she’s okay.”

The husband reaches us just as she starts asking questions, his hands landing on her shoulders in a small attempt to comfort and quiet her. “Grace, give the woman a second to talk to us before you start quizzing her.”

Her head snaps up and she glares back at him. “Mark Davis, don’t you tell me what to do. We got a phone call that our daughter was in the emergency room in a hospital over an hour and a half away when we didn’t even know she was planning to leave town today. Don’t you dare tell me to calm down.”

He releases his hold on her to hold up his hands as he takes a step back. “Whoa now, woman. I never said for you to calm down. I know better than that.”

My laugh is so inappropriate at this moment in time, but I can’t help it. These two remind me so much of my parents. In fact, I’m pretty sure they’ve had this exact conversation more than one — or a hundred — times.

And, since my parents are exactly like this, I know I need to step in before a true argument starts. Emotions are high, and I know better than anyone what happens when you speak without thinking. That kind of damage can’t be taken back.

“Mr. and Mrs. Davis,” I start, bringing their attention back to me, “my name is Hannah Rhodes. I’m the doctor in charge of Christina’s care while she was in the emergency department. Your daughter was brought in earlier this afternoon after her car went off the road and hit a tree.”

Mrs. Davis gasps, her pupils dilating with horror, while her hands both fly up to cover her open mouth. “Is she… oh my god , and Nathan! Where are they?”

She’s starting to spiral with all the possibilities, so I hurry to reassure them both. “Christina and Nathan were both unharmed.”

“Then why was she brought into the ER? They wouldn’t have brought them both in if they weren’t hurt.”

Mr. Davis intervenes again. “Gracie, please. Let her finish explaining before you interrogate her.” His wife takes a deep breath, forcing all the questions down.

“They wrecked because Christina lost consciousness. She knew she didn’t feel right, so she slowed down to pull off onto the shoulder, but passed out before she could put the car in park. Luckily, there wasn’t much of a decline, so the car didn’t speed up much. It basically just coasted until it came to a stop against the tree.”

I pause for a moment to see if either of them have any questions, but they both stand, so still I’m not quite sure they’re breathing. When nothing is said, I continue. “They were both brought in so Christina could be examined. She didn’t regain consciousness at the scene.” Her mother gasps again, but this time it’s more choked due to the tears racing down her cheeks.

“She did eventually, and was able to tell us what happened, and also about her diagnosis. We did contact her doctor after seeing the bracelet on her wrist, but she was alert and able to tell us before Doctor Faulkner returned our call. Nathan was brought in with her, but thankfully, one of nursing staff was able to keep him occupied. I’ll bring you to him shortly, I just wanted to talk to you first.” I don’t mention Braxton on purpose, because based on what Christina said, that’s a can of worms I don’t even want to open yet.

Now, Mrs. Davis does speak without prompting. “Can you finish explaining everything to Mark and let me see my babies? I need to get to my daughter. Has Christina been admitted, or can we take her home now? How long until she can leave this place? No offense, it’s a lovely hospital, I’m sure, but she’s spent enough time in hospitals recently.”

Knowing I have more to say that’s going to cause them both pain is awful, but I have to do it. “We’re actually waiting for the physician who took over her care to meet us.”

“Took over her care? Why did someone else have to take over her care?” Now her father is starting to panic too. I’m not explaining things very well, which isn’t normal for me. Usually, I’m the calm, cool, collected one that everyone defers to. But, considering the brother of my best friend, and someone I guess I consider a friend too, is caught up in all of this mess, I’m more than a little out of sorts.

Luckily, before I have to try to explain further, the door opens and a tall figure walks through and I blow out a relieved breathe knowing someone else is here to take over and I can escape to go check on Brax and see if Kaydence is here yet.

When I see who it is though, I instantly regret even a moment of relief.

“Good evening,” the arrogant asshole says, an unnecessary and inappropriate smile on his stupid face. “I’m Doctor Percy. You’re Christina’s parents?” He doesn’t even give them a chance to give an affirmative answer before he goes into a way too technical explanation on what’s wrong with their daughter, ending with, “Essentially, her body is trying to fight a strong infection. I’d like to at least keep her overnight to make sure we’re able to get it under control.”

Knowing I was right about her condition doesn’t make me feel any better about the situation. If anything, I feel worse. Sepsis doesn’t give a shit what your body is already going through, and Christina’s body is already fighting hard against the cancer and all the poison being pumped into her body to help that fight. It’s going to make it even harder for her to fight off this newest infection when her immune system has already been so compromised.

My thoughts are turned so far inward I don’t pay attention to the rest of Landon’s conversation with the Davises, so I’m startled when he brushes past me to presumably lead them upstairs to their daughter. Mrs. Davis is still asking about Nathan when they walk through the door, so I know I need to hurry if I’m going to get to Braxton and the little boy before someone else does. Unfortunately, when I make it into the hallway, asshole Landon is leading the couple straight to the room where I left them.

Following them into that room would be the height of unprofessionalism, so I’m forced to stay out. It doesn’t stop me from looking around for help, stopping when I see Sadie, the nurse who distracted Nathan earlier while we were taking care of his mom, standing at the nurse’s station chatting with one of the other newer girls.

“Sadie?” She turns quickly when I say her name, a guilty look crossing her face at being caught talking instead of taking care of patients, but we all deserve a few minutes to breathe between leaving one room and entering a new one. I’m not about to lecture her for it. “You were the one Lee tasked with babysitting Nathan, the little boy who came in earlier with the ambulance, right?”

Her body sags a little in relief, but she nods, a small smile gracing her pretty face. “Yeah, he’s such a sweetheart.” Sadie’s soft voice has an almost lyrical twang, and I can see why Lee would pick her to play with a likely traumatized child. Comforting vibes practically ooze out of her pores.

“I’m sure he is.” Smiling back at her relaxes her further, making her quick to agree to my next request. “Would you mind going upstairs with him and his grandparents who just arrived? He won’t be able to go into the room where his mom is, but I know they’re going to want him close. I’ll make sure the rest of the nursing staff knows to cover your current patients and take you off the rotation for the rest of your shift.”

With a quick nod, she turns back to her friend to apologize for cutting the conversation short before following me across the room to the door Christina’s parents entered a few minutes ago.

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