Breaking through the Bond (Espen Jetties #2) 4. Hayes 9%
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4. Hayes



Light filtering in from the side of the curtains woke me. I turned to my side and stretched, forgetting I put music on sometime during the night. Whoever created noise-cancelling earbuds should get a fucking award.

I was sound asleep when King came home with his latest conquest, not waking until the sounds of them yelling in pleasure hit me. He normally went to fuck them at the other person’s place. Whoever he brought here, he must have thought they were safe. King loved to have a good time, but he would never bring someone crazy home.

Popping out the earbuds, I sat them on the nightstand and picked up my phone. Nine in the morning. I was usually an early riser but with the sounds of sex coming from across the hall, King interrupted my sleep.

I rooted around on the blankets for my shorts. I always slept naked. Hated the feel of clothes constricting me while I was in bed. I was about to put them on when my dick jumped slightly, reminding me that my morning wood wanted attention.

Palming myself, I debated letting it die down on its own, but then thought better of it. I wanted coffee and if King’s guest slept over then I didn’t want to give them a show in the kitchen with my dick tenting my shorts. King wouldn’t care. Hell, I’d walked around naked countless times.

In my nightstand drawer, I found the bottle of lube I kept there. After squeezing a bit onto my palm, I gave my dick a few strokes and it solidified I made the right decision. Maybe I should have gone out last night with King. Found someone to sink deep inside of and taken this edge off. It had been a while since I was with someone.

Just as the thought hit me, it quickly left. I had to remind myself that wasn’t what I wanted. I didn’t desire a random woman for the night. I wanted more.

Various images played through my mind as I worked myself over. Highlights from my favorite porn videos. I loved getting my dick sucked. There was this one video of a woman on her knees while a guy palmed her head and used her mouth. He was in control while she was along for the ride. He’d hit the back of her throat and tears would leak from her eyes.

I moaned low as precum formed on my tip. My strokes sped up. I wished I could find someone who was the total package. I wasn’t a Dom but I loved some control in the bedroom. Not everyone wanted to give it over though.

The guy using the woman for his pleasure played out in my mind like I was watching the video. Only, when he moaned as he was about to come, I didn’t hear him. I heard King. King’s moans. King’s shout of completion as he came. Just like he did last night as I was scrambling to put my earbuds in.

Before I knew what was happening, I came hard enough for my back to arch off the bed as cum landed on my stomach and chest. My breath came fast. My heart raced.

What in the ever-loving fuck was that?


I was about to scrub my hand over my face when I remembered it was coated in cum. Cum I shot out while thinking of my best friend doing the same thing. I’d never done that before.

Sitting up, I took a minute to get my bearings as my release cooled on my body. Nope. I had to wash this off. Wash the whole damn thing down the drain, memories and all.

The shower was hot, and steam quickly filled the room. One of the nice things about our place, King and I both had our own en suites. No need to go out of the room to get clean.

My cum mixed with soap as I washed it off my stomach and chest. How did King work into my fantasy? How did his moans become the guy’s I saw in the video?

It must have been because I heard him last night. That was the only explanation. It was fresh in my mind when I woke up.

But why now? It wasn’t the first time I’d heard King having sex. He wasn’t louder than normal.

Fuck’s sake, I shouldn’t know how loud King was when he had sex.

Quickly, I finished up the shower, dried off, and got dressed in the basketball shorts on my bed and a T-shirt I had lying next to them. My stomach growled letting me know I needed food. To do that, I had to leave the bedroom. Hopefully, King’s guy was gone. And it was definitely a guy I heard with him last night, moaning long and deep.

When I left my room, King’s door was still closed. I moved quietly through the condo. In the kitchen I turned on the expensive coffee machine King loved. He could be a barista with the thing. I didn’t even know all it could do. I just wanted a cup of coffee.

The scent of fresh brew filled the room as I watched it go into my mug. It was less than a minute later when King’s bedroom door opened. I swore he was like a bloodhound when it came to coffee or food. The second the scent hit his nostrils; he was on the trail until he found the source.

King’s dark auburn hair was kept on the shorter side, mussed from sleep and sex. His beard wasn’t as perfect as when he left last night. He was shirtless, only in a pair of shorts similar to mine when he entered the kitchen. He scratched his stomach absently, fingers moving through the sparse hair there.

“Morning,” he grumbled, a bit hungover if I had to guess.

I doctored up my coffee to the way I liked it and lifted it to my lips, hiding my smile at King’s state. “Have fun last night?”

That got a grin out of him. “You have no idea.”

Another set of feet sounded until the other man was revealed. White jeans, black mesh shirt. His hair looked a little neater than King’s, like he tried to tame it before he left the bedroom. “He doesn’t, but I do.” His grin matched King’s as his eyes fell to the man he spent the night with.

“Hayes, this is Jamie. Jamie, this is my roommate, Hayes—”

“Garner,” Jamie supplied and reached his hand out to shake mine.

I nodded and shook his hand. “Nice to meet you.”

“Coffee?” King asked Jamie.

“No, I’m going to get going.” Jamie leaned down to kiss King on the cheek but King turned so their lips could meet.

I shifted from one foot to the other, not sure why I was uncomfortable. I’d seen King kiss a lot of people. What was it about him kissing Jamie that bothered me?

Oh, wait. It was the fact that I jerked off to the memory of King moaning while they fucked.

I took my mug and stepped out of the kitchen and into the living room, sitting on the suede beige couch. The fireplace in front of me sat dormant since it was mid-June. The big TV we had mounted over it was off. The rooms weren’t all open to one another except for the dining room and kitchen.

King walked Jamie to the front door, his hand sitting on the small of Jamie’s back. They kissed a couple of times. I heard whispered words but couldn’t make out what they said.

The door shut and King padded his way back to the kitchen. The sound of pans being used reached me; eggs being cracked. King loved to cook. No matter how many times I told him I could feed myself, he made me leave the kitchen so he could do it. I gave up trying to cook a while ago. The only time I did so was when he wasn’t home.

It wasn’t long before he was calling me to the table so we could eat. There were two plates with huge omelets on them. I knew he stuffed them with fresh vegetables. Glasses of water sat on the table as well. I refilled my coffee then took a seat.

“Thank you for breakfast,” I told him. “Looks great.”

“Anytime,” he mumbled after shoving a bite of omelet into his mouth. A little piece of egg got caught on his beard near his lip. He’d get it eventually. “What did you think of Jamie?”

I paused with the fork halfway to my mouth. “Huh?” He’d never asked me what I thought of his hookups before.

“He seemed nice, right? And he was so fucking hot.” I didn’t miss the faraway look in his eyes, like he was remembering what it felt like to be in bed with him.

“I hardly spoke to him.”

“Hot though, right?”

I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, King. He was good-looking.” He was. I wasn’t lying about that.

He grinned then it slowly slipped from his lips. “I’m sorry I brought him home. I don’t usually do that but there was something about him. He felt so comfortable to be with. It was easy. And he didn’t care that I played hockey. Well, he knew who I was, just didn’t make a big deal about it.”

“You know you can always bring people here. I don’t care as long as they don’t turn into stalkers.”

“No, we don’t need that. I’d never put you in danger.”

“I know.”

“You’re not getting out of dinner tonight though.” He pointed his fork at me.

“When have I ever bailed on dinner at your mom’s?”

“Never, but there’s a first time for everything. You bailed on me last night.”

I sighed and put my fork down. I knew he was going to give me shit for not going last night. “With everything we did yesterday, I was tired. I’ll make it up to you. Tuesday night, let’s go out.”

His face lit up. “You mean it?”

“Yeah, I do.”

It was Sunday. That gave me more time to relax and run or swim tomorrow and Tuesday morning. Even though the season just ended, we couldn’t let ourselves fall apart. We had to stay in peak condition. Come July, it was back to pushing hard. We hired a strength and conditioning trainer to work with us and Devon. We had a massive gym in the building thanks to Kasper, who lived here as well and owned the building, putting in nothing but the best. We made sure to reserve time there five days a week for our sessions.

“Where should we go?” he asked.

“I’ll leave that up to you, but I’m going to hang out with you, not hookup. So don’t try to find me someone. I’m serious.”

“Okay,” he mimicked my tone and kept his expression stern.

I balled up my napkin and threw it at him. “Asshole.”

If I didn’t give in to him every now and then, he’d be relentless about going out. I was sure he’d invite some of the guys to go with us too.

King was one of the best men I knew. He was a solid friend, always there for me no matter what. When I had a shitty day, bad game, anything, he always lifted me up. I’d seen him do it with the other guys too, but he seemed to know when I needed more. I was sure that came from us being with each other all the time, but whatever the reason, I was grateful.

Tonight, we’d see his family like we did every Sunday we were home. It was a big thing that everyone in his family tried to attend. There had to be a good reason if we didn’t. I’d seen King’s mom get angry when one of her kids missed it for a reason she didn’t think was worthy of it. She was a lovely woman, but I’d never want to cross her and get on her bad side. Lucky for me, I wasn’t. She loved me like a son. She was like a second mother to me. She always knew when I needed a hug or a word of encouragement. Bound by blood or not, I was part of their family.

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