Breaking through the Bond (Espen Jetties #2) 31. Jamie 72%
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31. Jamie



The text from Hayes said that they were on their way about thirty minutes ago. Over the last week or so we’d spent more time at my place when all three of us were together. Something I didn’t mind in the least. I’d designed my home to be my sanctuary. The one place I could be me without any judgment. It was the same with King and Hayes. They gave me the freedom to be myself, and I loved every minute.

Molly alerted me on the screen that someone had taken the elevator up. I shut down the computer and left the room. Unless Hayes and I were playing games, I always wanted to give both men my full attention and not let myself be distracted by a screen. By the time I reached the bottom of the stairs, both men were coming down the hall toward me.

The affection between the three of us had grown since the night King and I had shown Hayes what it meant to be in bed with a man, or in this case, two. I kissed Hayes first then King. King practically bounced on the balls of his feet when he stepped back.

“What are you so excited about?” I asked King.

He wrapped his arm around both our waists and led us into the living room. King let us go and Hayes took a seat. There was a slight wince on his face as he sat down. I knew they’d been working hard on the ice. I was sure his muscles needed a break. “He’s dying to ask you a question.”

I turned toward King with a smirk on my face. “What is it that will make my King happy?”

“A ride—”

I palmed my dick. “You can have a ride anytime you like.”

He took a few steps toward me. “As tempting as that is, I was actually thinking about a ride in your car.”

“Well, that’s disappointing.”

Hayes leaned his head back. I liked that he was growing more and more comfortable being in my home. “All either of you think about is sex.”

“You know you love it.” King grinned. “But I can’t get that gorgeous car of yours out of my head, Jamie.”

King seemed bent on pulling one of his ‘let me leave Hayes and Jamie alone together’ moments. After the first time he’d done it, I found myself expecting it now.

“Keys are by the front door. It’s parked on level seven, space two eleven.”

King kissed me and Hayes quickly and practically skipped to the door. “I’ll be back soon.”

I laughed and sat down next to Hayes. “How long has he been talking about driving my car?”

“Pretty much since the night you told him he could.”

I laid my hand on his thigh, which had become almost second nature as each day passed. “You look sore after working out all week.”

“Yesterday was brutal, but I’m used to it.”

“Bullshit. No need to suffer.” I stood and held my hand out to him. “Molly, turn on the hot tub jets. I have an extra suit upstairs. We’re going to get you to relax for a bit.”

I led Hayes upstairs to change. He was a bit bigger than me, but I figured I had to have something that fit his waist. We found one and both changed. “You two need to bring bathing suits over to leave here.”

Hayes scoffed. “Like King would ever let us swim in anything but our bare skin.”

“True, but if we need them, then we have them.”

Hayes followed me downstairs and out onto the roof deck. “No towels?”

“I have a closet of them out here. Go get settled in the water. I’m going to grab us each a bottle of water.”

I didn’t miss the way the corner of his mouth kicked up as he turned in the direction of the hot tub. Behind the outdoor bar, I pulled two bottles of water out of the fridge then went to join Hayes.

He sat with his eyes closed and head resting back on the edge. Fuck, was the man sexy. This was the perfect opportunity to stare at him and imagine much more than we’d done so far. Blowjobs were great, but seeing his cock, my ass clenched just thinking about him taking me. After the first time we fooled around, Hayes became demanding in bed, something that riled King up even more.

When I’d looked my fill and really wanted to touch, I started forward and down into the water. “Here.” His eyes opened, and I handed him the bottle.

“How many workouts do you have left?” I knew the baseball schedule by heart, but my hockey knowledge wasn’t as strong.

“Training camp begins in September.”

“And the season starts in October?”

Hayes lifted his hand to my face, caressing my cheek with his thumb. “Yeah, and a shit ton of traveling, but I know King and I want to spend every free moment we have with you.”

“I could travel to see some of your games. It’s not like I have to worry about going to work right now.”

“I would love that and so would King.”

I leaned forward and pressed my mouth to his, tasting the essence that was all Hayes on his tongue and lips. Like usual, Hayes took control of the kiss, his tongue darting into my mouth in a rhythm that made me want to climb onto his lap.

At the sound of the door closing, I ended the kiss and shielded my eyes to see if King had returned. It would have been a quick drive, but I knew he’d want to join us. Instead, the voice worked like cold water, dousing any erection I had.

“We have a ton of work to do, James, and you’re relaxing in the hot tub?” It seemed to take him a second to realize that I wasn’t alone. He turned his attention to Hayes. “Hello, we haven’t been introduced yet. I’m Preston Deary, James’s father.”

Hayes’s eyes darted to me then he moved to get up out of the hot tub. I placed a hand on his shoulder. “Stay here, I’ll be right back.” I pressed a quick kiss to his lips and pushed up out of the hot tub. I could feel Hayes’s eyes on me while I walked around the side of the pool and went to the closet for one of the towels.

It wasn’t that I didn’t want to introduce Hayes and King to my family, but right now, with my dad’s sole focus on my career, or lack thereof, I didn’t want to tarnish what I was building with Hayes. We didn’t need my family drama while we navigated this new and unique relationship.

I wrapped the towel around my waist and met my dad where he stood near the door.

“Dad, this is Hayes Garner. We have plans for today. How about we talk inside for a minute?”

“Nice to meet you,” Dad said as I led him inside.

The door shut behind me. I was half tempted to have Molly drop the tinting on the windows, but I didn’t want Hayes to feel like I was hiding something. Getting Dad inside meant he was a few steps closer to the elevator.

“I’m glad to see you’ve moved on from the man you were seeing. I hope that means we can now evaluate the company options I left for you to look over.”

There was too much to unpack about my relationship with Hayes and King to get into it with my father right now. “I don’t want to leave Hayes out there too long.”

He tightened his hand around the handle of his bag. “Did you get a chance to look over the options I left with you? Since I haven’t heard from you, I figured I’d stop in so we could talk. I hope we can move quick on one of these places and get the paperwork handled prior to me leaving.” He set his bag on the table and opened it, reaching in for a folder. “Most of the choices I gave you are private corporations that want to sell quickly. With the right dollar amount, I’m sure we could have you as CEO by the end of the month.”


“James, you cannot continue sitting around this house forever. You need to build a career for yourself. So many years wasted.” He shook his head as he continued to look through the papers. “We have to make up for lost time and the fastest way to get you into a position you should have had years ago is to buy an already established corporation. After you’ve made a name for yourself, you can make any changes or acquisitions you’d like.”

“That’s not what I want.”

He stood up straight with narrowed eyes. “Then what do you want? To stay here and tinker with the technology in your home? How is that living up to who you’re supposed to be? You’re a Deary and much more than an hourly nine-to-five employee. Your brother started running his company by thirty-five. You had the brains and the talent to do it by thirty and it’s time to stop wasting it.” He scanned through the folders in his hands.

My mind raced. How the hell was I supposed to get out of this situation? For years, I’d avoided my dad’s pressure to do what he wanted. I’d had a job in an industry I loved. It may not have been a job I liked, but it still allowed me to be involved with technology and software. Now, I’d thrown that all away with one angry tirade. Owning a technology company was a possibility, but with most of them being publicly traded, I doubted I could convince my father that was the smartest option. Hell, he hated my love of technology from the beginning.

In the end, I didn’t want to be a CEO. To be the person in charge. The likelihood I could find a job working at a technology company, doing the things I wanted, was very low. Allowing myself to be photographed and in the papers took many of those options away. No longer was I a twenty-year-old looking for a startup. I was a forty-year-old multi-millionaire. Every person that could possibly hire me would always wonder if I was attempting a corporate takeover from the inside.

This would never stop. I’d never be able to live my life without constant interference from my dad. The incessant questions or reprimands about what I could be doing or what I could have achieved. My father was seventy-six years old. Did I really have it in me to continue to disappoint him? With Hayes and King, my nights would be filled with so much pleasure that what I did all day wouldn’t matter.


Hayes sat out in the hot tub, and I didn’t want to keep him waiting. This was not the time for this discussion. “You’re right, but I don’t want to keep Hayes waiting any longer. I have plans tomorrow. We can have lunch on Monday and discuss the best options then?”

He pulled out three folders. “I had a feeling you hadn’t already looked. I took it upon myself to go through the choices. I believe these three are your best options. We’ll talk more at lunch on Monday, and get the process started.”

I took the folders from his hand and opened the top one. Inside was paperwork from an analysis about the business to future income predictions. There were monetary terms, building lease terms, and Letters of Intent to sell. Anything and everything you would need to buy a company quickly.

“Dad, this information takes months if not years to get.” I may not own my own company, but I was there when my brother purchased the Sandpipers. It was not a simple process.

“Every six months I’ve had a company do an analysis on the businesses that are for sale. I knew one day you’d leave the simplistic job you had and be ready for your future. I wanted to have everything prepared for that day, knowing that time wouldn’t be on our side.” He shut his bag and picked it up off the table. “I’ll make lunch reservations and send you the information.”

With that, my father was down the hall, the chime from the elevator echoing through the space. I glanced at the other two folders. All three were some sort of financial corporation, similar to what my dad used to own. I could almost guarantee if I looked at the others he’d left last week, I’d find more of the same.

I took the folders to the den and placed them in the same drawer of the desk I’d put the others in. On my way back to the roof deck, I grabbed a bottle of vodka and two glasses with ice. I dropped the towel onto one of the lounge chairs. Hayes’s eyes followed me as I approached.

“Drink?” I poured vodka into one glass and handed it to him. He set it down on the ground behind him as I poured the other and took a drink.

“Everything okay?” He gestured toward the house.

“Yeah, he left. We’re going to have lunch on Monday.”

Hayes took the glass from my hand and set it on the ground before cupping my face, forcing me to look at him. “Is that a good thing?”

“Apparently, I’m buying a financial corporation as my next career.”

His gaze searched mine. “Is that something you want?”

I closed my eyes. “Does it matter?”

“Jamie.” His voice held so much concern.

I didn’t want to talk about it anymore. I leaned forward and captured his lips to distract us both from the conversation. Hayes and King were my light. I didn’t want to tarnish that. At first, he froze, then melted into the kiss. This was what I needed. What I craved.

Like King, just being with Hayes could bring me from the lows to the highs. It wasn’t just King, I needed both men.

I leaned back, breaking our kiss. “You’re perfect.”

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