Breaking through the Bond (Espen Jetties #2) Epilogue 100%
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The Following June

I was nervous. Worse than I was when we were playing for the Cup. This was next level nerves, and it was ridiculous because this was a sure thing. There was no game to play. No goals to score to get the prize. I already won. I had the most amazing men in the world. Today, we were going to commit ourselves to each other.

It wasn’t just my nerves though. It was a mixture of that and more. But it felt like everything was culminating and I was a mess.

It was a gorgeous June day. Not too hot, which I was grateful for since we were having the ceremony outside by the pool.

There was no football this time of year, ensuring Tim could be here for Jamie. No hockey so our closest teammates were coming. Kasper would be here. Marcus would be arriving late. The Emperors had an afternoon game at home.

Since this wasn’t a wedding, we didn’t feel the need to have the traditional customs that came with one. We decided to do this our way, which meant never leaving each other’s sides all day. Taking our time getting ready while people we hired made the outside area look sophisticated but not overdone. Subtle and tasteful.

King came over and slipped his arms around my waist from behind. “It’s okay to be nervous.” He placed a gentle kiss on my bare shoulder. The three of us showered together, got each other off one last time before everyone started arriving. I left the two of them in the shower. Even getting off couldn’t quell my feelings for long.

I let out a long breath. “I know but I don’t get it. I have no reason to feel like this about today.”

“It’s a big thing we’re doing. No, it won’t be legal, which fucking sucks, but that doesn’t make it any less real. Are you having second thoughts?” I hated the hint of worry in his voice.

Turning in his arms, I reached up to grasp the sides of his neck and held his eyes. “No. Never. When it comes to you and Jamie, there’s nothing I’ve ever been so certain of in my life.”

“Then what is it?”

“It’s not one particular thing. It’s me worrying I’ll say the wrong line. That I’ll go in for the kiss with one of you and miss and get your nose. That I’ll disappoint either of you one day or that I can’t offer as much as you two can.” I closed my eyes. I said too much.

“Look at me, baby.”

I shook my head.

“What do you think we have that you don’t? You love us fiercely. You’re always there when either of us needs you. And you never make us feel like we aren’t equally important to you.”

Could I tell him what was really bothering me? What was I thinking? Of course I could. It was King. He knew me better than anyone else except Jamie. Over the past year, we’d talked so much. Spent all our free time together. When King and I were on the road, we talked to Jamie every night. It worked for us. It was perfect.

“Family,” I whispered and opened my eyes.

Confusion crossed his face a second before understanding dawned on him. “Hayes, we’re your family. Me, Jamie, all the damn Walkers.”

“The Dearys too,” Jamie said. I glanced over and watched him come toward us in nothing but a towel tied around his waist. I let my left hand drop from King to welcome Jamie in close. He wrapped an arm around each of our waists. “Talk to us.”

“You both have these amazing families, and I can’t bring that to our relationship. I don’t have anyone here of blood supporting me. My mom…” I couldn’t finish the sentence. Emotion choked me and tears built in my eyes.

“She’d be so proud of you,” King said. “Every day of your life, you’ve been nothing short of amazing. Your mom loved you. She’d want you to be happy.”

“I am.” A tear tracked down my cheek. “I wish she was here.”

“So do we.”

“But not just her. Why couldn’t I have people who wanted to be here for me? Family who’d love to witness the happiest day of my life?”

Jamie’s grip on my waist got a little tighter. It helped ground me. “Your dad isn’t worth your thoughts. Neither is anyone else who hasn’t been in your life.” He was right, yet I couldn’t help but wish I had people here for me like King and Jamie did.

I shouldn’t focus on it. But I guess that was what happened when you were about to do something life-altering. I wished this could be legal. That others understood a relationship didn’t always mean only two people. Although I wasn’t surprised. People were still fighting to marry who they loved, regardless of how they identified.

My head dropped forward, coming to rest on King’s shoulder. “I’m sorry.”

“You have nothing to apologize for,” King said quietly, his lips near my ear.

“I miss her.” If she were here, I wouldn’t think about not having anyone else. She’d be the only one I’d want to witness what we were going to do.

“She’s here.” Jamie leaned down and kissed the side of my neck. “She’s watching.”

What did I do before these two men were in my life like they were now? I was lonely, that was for sure. Not nearly as happy. I felt settled with them. Like I was right where I was meant to be.

I held on to them as tightly as I could. “I love you both so fucking much.”

“We love you too,” King replied. “Now lift your head, give us both a kiss that will make us want to go at it again, but not enough to where we’re fully hard because we do have to get dressed, and let’s commit our lives to one another.”

King was the perfect balance to Jamie and me. Always knew when we needed the situation lightened. Some might think he was dismissing my feelings but that was the farthest thing from the truth. King knew what I needed. I couldn’t stand here and dwell any longer about what couldn’t be. I had to look forward to my future with the most amazing men by my side.


Thank fuck we decided to do this in June and not July or August. I didn’t want to stand out by the pool with my balls sweating and me trying to get comfortable standing there under the hot sun.

After the three of us finally got dressed in slacks and button-downs with the sleeves rolled up, because we didn’t want formal and Hayes said no to my idea about doing this in shorts, we went downstairs to make sure everything was ready, both inside and out. The ceremony was going to be outside, but we were having drinks where the air-conditioning was.

This wasn’t going to be a big affair. Our closest friends and family. Having a big event wasn’t what we wanted.

We did debate on when to have the ceremony. We were ready last year but trying to coordinate between hockey and football seasons, we decided today would work. This was our best bet at trying to get as many people we loved together.

I leaned against the wall, watching the two men I loved more than anything in the world mingle with our family and friends. Hayes broke my heart every time he talked about his mom, but Jamie and I were there to lift his spirits, just like we’d always be. And if he wanted to be sad about missing her, we’d be there to hold him while he was.

“Excited?” Jansen McKenna asked when he walked over to me. He looked good in tan linen pants and a white button-down. How did he not have a wrinkle on those pants? Linen was the worst. Did he make his love drive while he laid down carefully in the back?

“Hell yeah, I am.” I lifted my drink to my lips. Hayes, Jamie, and I were only having one before the ceremony. Just enough to take the edge off and allow us to relax. Though I didn’t need to. I knew everything was going to go just as we hoped.

“I’m happy for you guys. You deserve this.”

Elbowing him, I jutted my chin toward the person who Kenna couldn’t keep his eyes off of. “You sure you don’t want to tie the knot soon?”

He laughed. “Nah, we’re good. We’re in no hurry to rush down the aisle.”

I leaned in close and whispered, “Tell me, is there a ruler in your bedroom so you can be taught naughty lessons from the teacher?”

Kenna started choking on his drink. I couldn’t have timed that better if I tried. “Fuck’s sake, King.”

“If you’d give me something then I wouldn’t have to ask.” I patted him on the back.

“Listen, you and Hayes might like to talk shit in the locker room about how active the three of you are in bed, but that’s not me.”

“You used to have no problem sharing your adventures with us.”

“Yeah, well, shit changes.” His eyes strayed again.

I looked over and latched my gaze on to Hayes then to Jamie who was by his side. “It sure does.”

Kenna hugged me before going over to the love of his life. No, not everyone needed to say I do or whatever to prove they were committed to someone. I supported my friends, no matter what.

Hayes and Jamie walked toward me. They each stole a quick kiss then kissed each other.

“How’s Knox doing?” I asked.

“Good.” Hayes sat his drink down and linked his fingers with mine. I knew he wasn’t going to finish what he had. “What a difference a year makes.”

“I’m glad we got him back. Not that he wasn’t still our Knox when he was drinking and brawling, but this is the real him. Our giant teddy bear.” I said it loud enough that Knox looked over and flipped me off. I laughed.

“There you three are,” my ma said as she came bustling over. “Kingston Walker, you are not getting married looking like that.”

I glanced down at my shirt and slacks. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing? Jamie and Hayes have the same things on.”

“Yes, but unlike them, you decided to show off more skin than necessary.” She started to button my shirt higher. I swatted her hand away.

“Ma,” I hissed, trying not to draw everyone’s attention. “I can dress myself. Leave me be.”

Instead of responding, she turned to Hayes and Jamie. “I’m amazed you talked him into pants.”

“It was a struggle,” Hayes deadpanned.

I dropped Hayes’s hand, sat my drink down next to his, and crossed my arms. “I’m right here.”

“We know you are.” My ma patted my arm. Just then, Maia’s daughter made a sound loud enough to draw my ma’s attention. Saved by the child. She was off without another glance at us.

“Thank fuck,” I muttered then proceeded to undo the two buttons she thought she fixed.

“She’s going to give you shit for that,” Jamie said.

“Yup.” She would and I didn’t care. My ma wouldn’t be happy unless she was fussing all over us, making sure everything was as it should be. Or as she thought it should.

“You ready to do this?” Hayes asked. I glanced down at my watch and noticed the time. We only had a handful of minutes before guests would start making their way outside to the pool area.

“Never been more ready for anything.”

“You?” he asked Jamie.

“Best day of my life.”


The roof deck was filled with members of our closest friends and family, and I’d never felt so content. The two men waiting inside with me had changed my life. I’d gone from a man who didn’t care about the person whose bed I was in, to a man who couldn’t sleep without the same men every night. They were my rock, my world, my everything. And today we would promise our lives to one another. Even though our union wouldn’t be legal, we’d always see it as our permanent connection to one another. Our official tie together.

We waited for everyone to get settled. While we didn’t have traditional seating in rows, there were a variety of chairs to choose from or places to stand. Hayes and I knew we’d eventually have to move everything inside to keep King from jumping in the pool or bitching about how hot he was.

Traditional ceremonies hadn’t interested the three of us. We wanted something unique, something that fit our personalities. When it looked like everyone had taken their places, I held out my hand to Hayes, who placed his in mine, and held his other out to King.


Hayes smiled, but I could still see the underlying nerves. “Yeah.”

King grinned. “Let’s get this show on the road before I melt out there.”

I laughed and opened the door, navigating us out the door without breaking our connection. “Molly, play.”

We hadn’t bothered with specific sides, letting everyone take whatever spots they preferred. My mom had found her way over to King’s mom, while my dad had managed to corner Oscar. Poor man. I’d have to save him later. Hopefully, Dad was congratulating him on our first successful launch of a digital home service system, or Molly 2.0 as I liked to call it. The music began and the three of us walked up the aisle side by side where Tim and Devon waited for us.

Smiles wreathed everyone’s faces, which meant more to me than anyone on that deck could imagine. Not everyone always agreed with our lifestyle, but the only two opinions that mattered were those of the men next to me.

When we reached the front, we turned to face the crowd. King squeezed our hands, then began. “We decided against having someone perform a ceremony. It was too traditional for us. And if we were going to commit ourselves to each other, it was going to be done our way. We’re going to recite our own vows. And I’m on deck.” He turned to Tim. “That baseball reference was for you.” King winked.

I didn’t mind being last, but we both knew Hayes would be more comfortable being in the middle.

King looked in my direction first. “Jamie, words can’t describe how I felt that first night we met. It was like my world shifted. Everything changed for the better. I never thought I’d settle down, yet the thought of not seeing you again made my chest ache.” He looked at Hayes. “And you. My best friend for years. The man I never thought I could have. You confessed your love for me. I knew I would do whatever it took to keep you both in my life. I couldn’t lose either one of you. I’ll always stand by your sides. Always be someone you can lean on. And I’ll always love you both unconditionally.”

Hayes’s eyes shimmered in the sunlight. “Life doesn’t always go like we plan. Things change and we have to roll with it. But with you two, it was as simple as breathing. You make me whole. You give me everything I could ever need. And I’m eternally grateful to have you both in my life. You’re my family. The ones who chose me and who I chose back. I will love you both forever.”

Now it was my turn. The words I’d practiced every day the last two weeks sat right on the tip of my tongue. “For as long as I can remember, life had been just one big party. The two of you brought out the real me. The one I’d hidden below the surface. The one who wanted the easy way. Life isn’t always easy for the three of us, but it’s worth every minute. Hearing the two of you say I love you will always be my favorite memory.”

“I’m sure we can add another,” Hayes said as he slipped a ring from his pocket.

King and I followed suit. We made a circle of the three of us. King on my right and Hayes on my left. I held my hand out to Hayes and turned to focus on King’s left hand held out to me. Hayes held his left hand out to King. Hayes nodded and we slipped the rings on each other’s fingers at the same time. The metal was a welcome weight on my finger. We stepped back out of the circle, facing the crowd again, lifting our hands up for everyone to see before we linked our hands together in an awkward hold and placed them in front of us.

Tim and Devon came forward with a long piece of leather cord. Devon began wrapping it around our wrists from the center out, stopping when there was about eight inches left. Tim did the same. They stood face-to-face.

“Let this cord tie you together,” Devon began as they tied the ends. “And never let your bond break,” Tim finished.

The two men stepped back to their spots. We held up our tied hands, our friends and family clapped and cheered. King didn’t waste any time pulling us both in for a kiss.

“I love you,” we said at the same time before the congratulations came in hugs from our guests.

It wasn’t easy with the cord around our wrists, but I’d stay that way forever if I had to. As long as the three of us were together, we could do anything. Love wasn’t always as simple as being a couple. Sometimes there was enough love for more than two. Three sounded like the perfect number to me.

Next up in the series is Jansen’s story. When he falls, he falls hard. Except this time he’s falling for his ex’s father. Read Breaking Through the Past to find out how they navigate their relationship and get their HEA.

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