“Today we die,” Janet bellowed.
She broke the head off a mop, twirling the wood shaft about her. I turned to the HeroApp?. Scientists fled the lobby, bolting for the nearest fire escape. Other than the information desk, nothing separated us from the bad guy. I snapped a photo of the man in head-to-toe red and black spandex. A second later, it brought up his profile along with his origin story and powers.
“Prowler’s a pyrokinetic.” Fire? That wasn’t so bad. I had been in a burning building before, and it hadn’t hurt me. It tingled as my costume caught fire, but it didn’t leave a lasting mark. What if Prowler’s fire had special abilities? I could withstand normal fire, but his could be different. I didn’t want to rush in and find out this knucklehead could burn me alive.
Janet let out a war cry. I tried snagging her by the collar but missed. Arthur would be angry if I didn’t stop his twin from being incinerated. Biting my lip, I had to decide between her demise or mine. I wish it was bravery that started me running, but that, too, was driven by fear. If I didn’t save Janet, I wouldn’t have a job.
My feet hardly touched the floor as I sped forward. Prowler raised his hands, and blue fire coated his arms. I picked up my pace as he hurled a fistful of blue flame. Janet had the staff to her side, ready to strike. She only needed to dodge the barrage of liquid fire.
Feet off the ground, I barreled into Janet, knocking us to the floor. The fireball passed overhead.
“Big guy to the rescue?” Prowler’s high-pitched voice didn’t match his muscular body. “Things are about to get hot in here.”
Prowler needed to work on his banter. I sniffed the air as I pushed off Janet. I scanned her body to see she had been unscathed. Something burned, and my nose scrunched up, ready to sneeze.
“You’re on fire.”
My shirt would end up in the trash. She helped pat the tiny flames until they vanished. A moment later, the world vanished in a cloud of white dust. I inhaled and coughed. It tasted horrible. My lungs struggled to breathe. Could this be it? Poison? This is what did me in? Oh, my goodness, it was the beginning of the end.
I hyperventilated until Janet slapped me. “It’s from a fire extinguisher.”
That didn’t mean it couldn’t kill me. Something meant to save humans could be my downfall. I tried to recall a time when I had?—
Another slap. “Wyatt, get it together.”
Through the cloud of white, I could make out an ominous figure. From the floor, he appeared like a statue, taller than the average human and poised, ready to strike. I balled my fist, ready to save Janet… if I must.
“Are you okay?”
That voice.
“Oh,” Janet tipped her head back, arching her back so her breasts stood out. “It’s you.”
I ignored her heaving bosom. “Dustin, you need to get to safety.” I could make out the fire extinguisher in his hands. His eyes were locked on Prowler. I got tingly feelings as he glanced in my direction. With a waggle of the eyebrow, a grin formed.
“Get her to safety, I’ve got Prowler.”
“You can’t?—”
“Don’t worry about me.” Dustin didn’t show an ounce of fear. He stepped around us, putting himself in the way of Prowler. His bravery in the face of danger made me?—
“That better be your phone in your pocket,” Janet mumbled.
“No, it’s my—” Oh, I see what she meant. “We can’t let him face Prowler.” The fear tightening my chest didn’t dissipate, but I couldn’t let him die to save me. Noble? Yes. Dumb? Absolutely.
“Who the hell do you think you are?” Prowler growled.
As I got to my knees, it didn’t appear the villain had any intention of fleeing. Dustin might wear a security guard uniform, but I don’t think he had the training to take down a villain with powers.
“I’m the security guard.”
“You’re not the one I’m after. But,” he laughed, “I’ll throw you in for free.”
Dustin moved closer to Prowler, the fire extinguisher in his right hand hanging by his side. I wasn’t super fast, but I’d still be able to reach Dustin and pull him to safety. If I did that, I’d not only put myself in harm’s way, but I’d give away my alter ego.
“You think you can stop me?”
“We’re going to find out.”
“Are you two going to talk or fight?” Janet’s zeal wasn’t helping.
Prowler threw up his hands, and the blue light wrapped about his arms as he prepared another fiery volley. Dustin didn’t wait, charging toward the man with the fire extinguisher, held back, ready to swing.
The lobby lit up, his blue fire drowning out the afternoon sun pouring in from walls of windows. Dustin dove, sliding along the ceramic tiles between Prowler’s legs. Janet cheered before the fire turned toward us. I pulled Janet behind me as I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth. Arms protecting my face, the smell of burning filled my nostrils. By the time I stole a peek, my upper body was all but consumed.
I hadn’t died. “It tickles,” I whispered.
I dropped my arms to see Dustin unloading the fire extinguisher on Prowler. Bursts of light appeared, but no fire. This human had rushed into danger, and in a matter of seconds, crippled a villain. I felt foolish that I feared the bad guy.
“Take him down!” Janet wanted blood. “Show him who’s boss!”
We couldn’t make out anybody in the cloud of white. There was plenty of grunting and a loud metal clang. I expected to see Dustin’s bloodied body hurled across the lobby, but the man knew how to fight.
“Go help him,” Janet said.
“I— I?—”
She reached from behind, pulling the charred remnants of my shirt off. Did she think I wore my suit all day long? Spandex wasn’t comfortable, and it left me incredibly sweaty. “I’m not wearing my suit,” I whispered.
“I know,” she said. “It’s hotter fighting shirtless.”
“Want me to take my shirt off? I will.” I didn’t doubt it.
A clang echoed throughout the lobby. A figure rose into the air, and I expected to see Dustin. I’d never forgive myself if he?—
“Prowler?” The villain landed a few feet away. Licks of flame erupted along his shoulders and back. He groaned but didn’t get up. With the bad guy out of commission, I needed to make sure Dustin was okay.
I ran into the cloud. “Dustin?”
Spinning about, I scoured the floor, looking for— I smashed into somebody. Even in the white cloud, I could make out dark scruff along his jaw. Covered in a layer of sweat and panting, he didn’t have a scratch on him.
“You could have gotten hurt.” I continued scouring, refusing to believe he hadn’t been burned… or at least scratched.
“It’s my job,” he said.
As I turned his head to the side, I realized we were still touching. He didn’t pull away. Neither did I. After saving me and Janet, I wanted to touch him in any way he’d allow. Though I wish his shirt had been burned away as well.
“You’re…” I didn’t understand the feeling bubbling in the pit of my stomach. I wanted to cheer and crush him in a bear hug all at the same time.
The extinguisher hit the floor with a clunk. His hand moved to my chest, fingertips grazing my muscles. He gave me a couple of quick pats. I blushed as cheering took place in my pants.
I moved without thinking. A hand gripped his hips, pulling him in tight. He didn’t resist as I leaned in for a kiss. Dustin’s hand snaked behind my neck as he returned the kiss with fervor. This wasn’t how supervillain showdowns went, but I wouldn’t argue.
I liked kissing. I liked kissing Dustin.
His tongue grazed mine, and my eyes shot open. When his thigh brushed against my cock, I thought I’d lose control and turn into a vibrating heap. At the same time, I didn’t want it to end. He pulled away, and my lips chased him, refusing to let go.
With a final peck, he leaned back. My eyes blurred from the powder, but I wanted to keep looking at him, my hero. I couldn’t wait to tell Earth Mom I had my first kiss.
“If you ever need rescuing, let me know.” The words were soft as he patted the side of my face. “Or maybe next time you can rescue me.”
I blushed. Scared to stop Prowler, I had let a human confront a supervillain. Embarrassment turned my cheeks hotter than the pyro. Next time, and knowing Vanguard, there would be a next time, I wanted to be the one doing the saving.
“You dare come into my house?” Janet’s shouting brought me back to reality. Dustin stepped back, straightening his uniform. If he thought I missed him adjusting his package, he was sorely mistaken.
“Try it again, and you won’t be walking out of here.” Janet brought back her shoe and, with a swift kick, sent Prowler rolling onto his back. The villain brought up his arms, defending himself from her next strike.
“We should save him,” Dustin said.
I didn’t want to, not if it meant no more kissing.
“Tell your bad guy buddies to be on alert.” Janet held out her elbow and jumped into the air before slamming it into his chest. “I’ve got plenty to go around.”
I dashed over, pulling Janet off Prowler. Dustin whipped out zip ties, cinching them around the villain’s wrists. Grabbing him by the arms, he hoisted the man to his feet. Cheers erupted around the lobby. The scientists had inched their way inside. Had they seen our kiss, or had the cloud hidden us?
I dipped down, flipping Janet over my shoulder. She pounded at my back before she slapped my ass. I should have seen it coming.
“We make a good team,” Dustin winked.
I agreed. Though it had nothing to do with tackling bad guys, just tackling one another.