Breathless Recruiter (Grunts of Vanguard #1) Chapter 10 42%
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Chapter 10


“Hello, beautiful creatures of Earth!”

I arrived at the office just in time for our morning staff meeting. I cheated and flew to work, hoping I’d beat them to the break room. I clutched a rubber container to my chest, reminding myself to take a deep breath. Since I got up this morning, I had all but danced around my apartment.

“Did you accidentally drink another five-hour energy drink?”

I ignored Orion’s comment.

“The sun is shining. The birds are singing. Everything is right in the world.”

“Possessed by the ghost of a motivational speaker?”

Not even Drew’s skepticism dented the glee radiating from every pore. After my time with Dustin on the boardwalk, everything seemed a bit brighter. We ended with a lengthy hug and more than a little kissing. It saddened me to see him go, but that vanished as I thought about bumping into him today.

“Do I smell cupcakes?” Orion asked.

I hoisted up a Tupperware container filled with chocolate cupcakes, chocolate frosting, and a healthy dose of chocolate sprinkles. I had followed Earth Mom’s recipe to the letter. I brought one for each of them. There would have been more, but I couldn’t resist having one or two… or six… before bed.

I popped open the top and sat one in front of Drew. “What has gotten into you?” I made sure to give the boss man the biggest cupcake. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t work here, and that meant I’d have never been terrorized by the hell beast that introduced me to Dustin.

Arthur sat down at the table, his jaw slack as he stared at the oversized cupcake. I sat at the opposite end of the table, making sure Orion got his confectionary treat. All we needed was?—

“Wyatt got laid.”

Janet hovered in the doorway. I put the final cupcake next to the empty chair. She rarely attended the staff meetings, but I didn’t forget our lovable and often insufferable administrative assistant. She shrugged and joined us at the table.

“What’s his name?” asked Drew.

“Is he a sleeper agent?” asked Orion.

“Is he human?” asked Janet.

Everybody leaned in, all eyes fixed on me. I wanted to burst open and shout about my date with Dustin. Excited outburst. Kiki had curbed me of them during our early sessions. I took a deep breath, trying to keep from vibrating in my chair.

“Dustin. No. Yes.”

“The security guard?” asked Janet.

The security guard? The burly man with tattoos weaving along his arms and poking out from his t-shirt. The huskular guard who risked his life to save Janet and me from a supervillain. The alter ego of Discord, an eager superhero wanting to learn the ropes. The oversized teddy bear I wanted to squeeze and kiss until my lips chapped. He was so much more than a security guard.

Instead of speaking, I gave her a simple nod.

Janet sniffed the air. “No sex. Shame.” She snatched her cupcake and got up from the table. “I’ll be back when you two bang. Until then, my trolls need a haircut.”

Once she left, Arthur shook his head. Drew and Orion were already diving into the cupcakes, mouths covered in chocolate. Arthur covered a finger in frosting and took a lick. I should have brought more. They’d have made a perfectly acceptable lunch.

“Can we get to business?” asked Arthur.

Drew held up a finger before turning back to me. “Does he give you a weird squishy feeling here?” He poked me in the chest. I couldn’t wait for my next session with Kiki. I didn’t have words, not for the turbulent storm raging in my chest.

Drew smiled. “It looks like he does. Don’t let that go.”

“Unless he’s working for the government.”

Drew slapped Orion on the shoulder. “Let the man have his crush.”

Crush? I didn’t understand the word. Apparently, I took too long to reply, and Arthur stepped in. “A crush is when you have feelings of affection for somebody. They’re strong, confusing, but if he feels the same way, it’s amazing.”

“You and Ricardo?”

He nodded. “Had a crush on him for years, even after we broke up.”

I had forgotten that he and the CEO of Synergy had dated once before. He didn’t speak about their early relationship. Something had broken them up, and somehow, they found one another again. Every time Arthur mentioned his boyfriend, he blushed, and for once, I understood where the heat came from.

“I hope this isn’t because of the chemicals they’re pumping into the drinking water.”

Drew gave Orion an elbow, causing the cupcake to smear across his goatee. Under the table, I gave Drew a slap on the palm. If Orion knew we talked about his conspiracies, I’m sure that would somehow turn into a conspiracy in and of itself.

“Now that we’re?—”

“Are you going to ask him out again?”

Now I understood their custom of asking out. It didn’t necessarily mean I’d be taking him to an outside location. I wanted to leave my apartment and rendezvous with Dustin again. After our last kiss, he said he’d like to do it again. I did, too.

“I am.”

“What about Zaster?” Janet shouted from the other room.

Even the mention of his name gave me shivers. Arthur raised an eyebrow. “The scientist Ricardo is about to fire? Be careful with him. Something about him is off.”

“Very off,” I whispered. I shouted for Janet, “I won’t see him out again.” I’d prefer not to see him again. Period. While Dustin made me want to shake my booty, Zaster had the opposite effect. I’d prefer to not feel like an outsider again.

“There’s only Dustin,” Drew said with a smile. He turned to Arthur. “You can continue.”

“Thanks. I was starting to wonder why I paid you people.”

“Because you enjoy our company,” I said.

“Because I keep your printer from going on strike,” Orion said with a flash of a smile.

“All of you need to stop hanging out with Janet.” Arthur pulled his chair in close to the table. When he folded his hands on the table, it meant he was about to turn into the boss. Orion mirrored the gesture, then Drew. Finally, I crossed my hands, squaring off against the table.

“The launch is tonight. Wyatt, I’ve seen the guest list. You’ve been busting butt.” My butt didn’t feel busted. “We need more heroes. I know a lot of the big names are off saving the galaxy. I’m going to need you to come as Mr. Supreme. You might be the most well-known hero there. Think you can handle it?”

If I showed up as Mr. Supreme, it meant I wouldn’t be able to talk to Dustin as Wyatt. Being two people made life complicated. I wanted to put on fancy clothes and eat fancy cheeses. Instead, I’d have to sign autographs and pose for photos. But… if that’s what the boss needed, I’d do it.

“Sure thing, boss.”

“Don’t call me boss,” he said while turning to Orion. “I’m going to need the news crews there. Think you can make that happen?”

“Legally?” Orion’s back straightened as the devious smile spread across his face. Orion’s relationship with technology often meant him doing things that danced around the law. Mostly, Arthur tried to ignore the bad things Orion did.

“How about somewhat legal?”

Orion nodded. “Done.”

“Drew, you’re in charge of the investors. I want you to treat them like they’re royalty. Introduce them to every hero. Make them feel famous. If they want Wyatt to fly them around the lobby, make it happen.”

Drew gave him a thumbs-up while he shoved the last of the cupcake in his mouth. I hoped he didn’t make me give the investors rides. They always got sick, and I didn’t want to spend the night covered in millionaire spit.

“What about you?” asked Orion.

Arthur got up from the chair, picking up his cupcake. “I’m going to try to not hurl when I get on stage. That’s my only job, and right now, I’m not sure I’ll manage.”

“Do you need a hug, boss?” asked Drew.

Arthur shook his head, holding up his hand to keep Drew in his seat. “Let’s hope everything goes off without a hitch. This could be the start of something big for… for all of Vanguard.” With our work cut out for us, Arthur exited the break room.

“Back to Dustin,” Drew said. “Is he as dreamy as he looks?”

Orion’s eyes flared a bright blue. Somewhere in the room, he talked to a machine. “He received straight A’s in high school. His resume includes a lot of boring jobs. This is the first time he’s ever worked security.”

“Stop snooping!” Drew said.

Hmm. Did the security job come at the same time Dustin gained powers? The two might be linked, but I didn’t want to give away his identity. Just like I wouldn’t tell him about Orion and Drew. Secrets were safe with me.

“We kissed.”

Orion’s eyes returned to normal. He and Drew leaned forward. The wide eyes suggested they needed more details. “Are you going to tell us about it, or do I have to pull security camera footage?”

“On your date?” asked Drew.

“Before, when he saved us from Prowler.”

“Oh,” they said in unison.

I blushed as I thought about kissing the man in a cloud of white dust. “He’s brave.” I didn’t know what else to say. Did I tell them about the tingles every time we touched? Would they understand the whirlwind of emotions I couldn’t label?

“He’s crushing hard,” Drew said. “Big guy, that’s wonderful. Enjoy it.”

“What if he hired the villain to attack? What if he’s a mastermind? I’m going to need to probe?—”

“No!” Drew never raised his voice. He wanted to be everybody’s best friend, and he worked hard at it. His statement was out of character. “The only probing will be between Dustin and Wyatt.”

“But what if?—”

Drew’s usual smile faltered, his lips pursing as he turned to Orion. “You heard me. Take your conspiracy theories elsewhere.”


The moment he agreed, Drew’s smile returned. His head bobbed back and forth as if he listened to music none of us could hear. Gobbling up the last of his cupcake, he got up and patted the top of my head. “I expect to hear about this probing.”

Humans were obsessed with aliens probing them. I think Drew meant sex.

Orion pushed back from the table. “I still say there’s a conspiracy here. Maybe not Dustin, but it is suspicious that a villain would attack here.”

I shrugged. Conspiracies were his hobby. I took the last cupcake out of the Tupperware and bit into it. I froze half-way into my second oversized bit. Shoot. I should have made some for Dustin to share with the other security guards. When I got home from the launch, I’d make more. Then I’d surprise him and his co-workers. I hoped he thanked me with more kissing.

Kissing Dustin was the only thing better than chocolate.

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