Breathless Recruiter (Grunts of Vanguard #1) Chapter 12 50%
Library Sign in

Chapter 12


Drew: Front page of every paper.

Wyatt: That’s good, right?

Orion: Highly suspicious.

Drew: Ignore him. It’s amazing.

Drew: Btw, can I see your workout routine?

Orion: It’s the growth hormones in the drinking water.

Wyatt: Alien. Sorry, can’t help.

I stood in the lobby, or what was left of it. They had removed the stage and chairs, but the custodians were still sweeping glass. Seeing the aftermath of a superhero showdown, I understood the importance of Arthur’s vision. It gave people a chance to flee, or at least those smart enough to do so. At the same time, somebody had used it to lure away the other heroes. The rest of our good guys needed to wrap up their off-world adventure and get back.

“Penny for your thought?”

“You don’t need to pay me.”

Dustin snuck up behind me without making a sound. I had been impressed before, but knowing his identity, I suspected he used his abilities. Had he figured out I kept staying late at the office as an excuse to bump into him? Seeing him during the sunset had become the best part of my day.

“It’s crazy what happened.”

“Too bad we weren’t here. I bet we could have taken him.”

“I don’t know. That Discord fellow is pretty impressive.”

“Yes, he is.”

“And that Mr. Supreme, he’s downright delicious.”

I coughed, hiding my gulp. I wanted to confess that I knew his identity. It ate me up inside that I had a secret… ironically, his secret, and I couldn’t say anything. I didn’t want to break a cardinal rule of heroing and have the community judge me. I bit my lip, fighting the urge.

“Can I walk you home?” His voice was soft, which was hard to believe after his screaming broke the remaining windows in the lobby. I suppressed the giggle.

“Don’t let me take you away from work.”

“I got off an hour ago. I was waiting for you to come down.”


He puffed out his chest, arms wider than necessary as he stopped in front of me. “Sir, I can’t let you walk home alone. There are dangerous people out there.”

By myself, I might agree. With Dustin at my side, the dangerous people didn’t seem all that worrisome. I didn’t say that, of course. I’d take any excuse to go for a stroll with him. If I got lucky, maybe it’d end with more kissing.

When we got to the exit, he held the door open despite there being no glass. We walked down the path past the water fountain and reached the sidewalk. With each step, he grew closer until our hands touched. At this point, I didn’t care who caught us. I gripped his hand, lacing my fingers through his. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught that infamous smirk.

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

I glanced upward, not sure why he expected my height to increase.

“You’re a goof. I mean, when you were a kid, what did you see yourself doing?”

“Oh, I get it.” His laughter didn’t have the same condescending tone as others. He corrected me without making me feel out of place. I wish I could have put into words how much I appreciated it. I didn’t have an answer, at least not one that felt entirely my own. Having your entire species decide your role in life made the answer complicated.

“At first, I wanted to be a doctor. Then, I realized I wasn’t very good at chemistry. I thought about a fireman, but I complain when the temperature gets above seventy. Then, of course, I went through a phase where I wanted to be a back-up dancer.”

“A dancer?” I had never gone dancing. Earth Mom and I would listen to the radio while we read books but never danced.

“I should consider it.” He gave me a bump with his hips. “Though I’d most likely wind up being a stripper, but not a good one. I’d be the stripper at the Tuesday buffet.”

“Janet took me to see strippers once. That was… uncomfortable.”

“Men taking their clothes off and giving lap dances?”

“I liked that part.” I couldn’t help but laugh at Janet’s over-enthusiastic participation. “It’s when Janet got escorted out for taking off her top and pole dancing. Arthur forbade us from going again.”

“Arthur sounds like a smart man.”

“He’s the smartest. But don’t tell Orion, he’d argue.”

“Your office is far more interesting than Synergy. When I patrol there, it’s just a bunch of scientists in their labs—” I cringed. I must have tensed, tightening my grip on his hand. “You okay?”

“The L-word.”

He raised an eyebrow.

I shook my head, more to shake out the images of them standing over me. This close to Dustin, I didn’t want that clouding my mind. Yet another secret I couldn’t explain. I knew the rules of being a superhero, that I had to keep my secret identity safe for the sake of those around me. Did it matter when almost everybody around me had powers of their own?

“I had an unpleasant experience when I was younger.” A hint of the truth. Saying it out loud… I could feel the tension in my shoulders relax.

“In that case, I’ll make sure they stay on their floor.”

Dustin… protected… me? How many Halorians had their own personal protector? I didn’t know if they’d approve, but something about it warmed my belly. If he protected me, I’d have to return the favor. For Dustin, it wasn’t as scary as when I did it by myself.

“I wanted to plant things.”

“Like a farmer?”

I shrugged. “I like vegetables. Not peppers. Too spicy. I enjoy planting flowers, too. Mother always said I had a green thumb.” I eyed the thumb on my free hand. “My favorite time of year is when the flowers bloom.”

“I can see you in overalls and a big floppy hat. Hell, throw some dirt in the mix, and it’s downright sexy.”

I blushed. We walked in silence to the end of the block. Next block over, I spotted my apartment building. I thought about going the wrong way to prolong our time together. If that was an option, I’d walk with him right out of Vanguard and claim we had taken the scenic route.

“I wanted to talk to you about?—”

“Discord?” His grip tightened enough my knuckles hurt.

“What? No. I mean…” He spun about, facing me. “Mr. Supreme.”

My eyes widened. We entered a staring contest where the only thing that moved were our eyebrows. The last time somebody claimed to know my heroic occupation had been Arthur. I had denied it. It wasn’t until he caught me changing into my costume in the office bathroom that I had to admit the truth. I didn’t deny it to Dustin, but I had no idea how to proceed.

“When did you figure it out?”

I stuck my tongue out of the corner of my mouth and pointed to it. “Yourthocutewhenyoudoit.”

He shook his head. “I knew my cuteness would be my downfall.” He took off my glasses and poked his finger through where the lenses should be. “I suspected it when you didn’t know about the infamous hand turkey. Later, when I saw you in the sky, I couldn’t resist talking to you.”

The floodgates had opened. Secrets had poured out, but where did I draw the line? I had only known Dustin for a week. I needed Arthur or Kiki to help guide this new experience.

“How did you get your powers?”

“Blame Sampson. I was patrolling the Synergy la— offices. The mouse had gotten out of his cage, and I chased him into a room. Boom. A weird laser thing went off and made this unearthly noise. When I woke up… ta-da.”

I thought of Zaster’s experiment taking powers and transferring them to another person. Had there once been another banshee and his powers had been stolen? That wasn’t Dustin’s fault, but it made me wonder exactly what those white coats were up to.

“What about yourself?”

I scratched my head. I waited for a car to pass before crossing the street. With one rule broken, what would be one more? Earth Mom had been clear that humans wouldn’t understand. What if she had been wrong all this time?

“It’s kind of hard to explain.”

“That you’re an alien?”

I choked back a cough. “What?”

“That or you’re from another dimension.”

“Alien,” I admitted. “Halorian.”

I expected Dustin to scream and run away. Everybody had made such a big deal about my origins. The more I thought about it, those who knew didn’t think less of me. Had I lived in fear for no reason?

“So you don’t have powers; that’s just part of you?”

I nodded.

“Thank you.”

“For what?”

We had reached my stoop. I turned to study his face. There was no fear nor terror. Maybe others would be frightened, but not Dustin. His face remained stoic, even as he stepped closer.

“In our business, honesty is hard to come by.”

I was about to agree when he leaned in, pausing just inches from my lips. There was no amount of willpower to resist closing the distance. I kissed Dustin, and his arms wrapped around my waist, mushing our bodies against one another. He knew my secret, and he stayed. I didn’t understand why, but it made him more endearing.

He stopped kissing, leaning in so his chin rested on my shoulder. I didn’t want it to end. When he kissed my neck, a shiver traveled down my spine. It appeared that Dustin wanted the same thing. As his hands dipped below my waist, giving my ass a firm squeeze, it reminded me of the videos I watched. Did this mean we were about to get naked… on the street?

“We can’t get naked here,” I whispered.

His body shook as he laughed. “You’re right.”

And yet, I didn’t want it to end.

“You could always invite me in?”

The only thing missing was the pizza man… or plumber.

“Would you like to come up?”

He turned me toward the door and gave me a slap on the ass. “I thought you’d never ask.”

Walking up the stairs, he followed behind. I had never had another guy in my apartment. If I were being a polite host, I’d brew some tea. If it were going to be like the videos, we’d skip that step.

Why could I hear Janet in the back of my head cheering?

I stood in the living room, unsure of how to proceed. Usually, there’d be a cut scene, and both men would already be half-undressed. They didn’t talk a lot. How did they agree to get naked? I had a thousand questions and nobody to ask without revealing my lack of experience.

“Nice apartment,” he said as he studied a picture of me and Earth Mom baking in the kitchen. He moved about the living room to inspect the artwork.

“I don’t spend much time here. I’m usually… you know.”

“Flying around the city in your spandex?”

I gave a nervous chuckle. “It’s weird talking about it.”

He walked about the living room before taking a seat on the couch. Sitting, I could do that. Plopping myself on the other end, the throw pillows sat between us. I suspected porn might not be real. I put my hands in my lap and twiddled my thumbs.

He turned, his eyes narrow. “You haven’t done this before?”

I shook my head.

Dustin scooted closer, removing the throw pillows. His thigh brushed against mine. When he rested a hand on my leg, he gave me a kiss on the cheek. “Have you had sex before?”

I nodded. “Lots of times.” His left eyebrow rose. “Just not with another person. Sorry.”

He smiled and gave a slight nod. “Nothing to be sorry about. How about this…” He pulled my hands apart and kissed my knuckles. “What have you thought about doing… with me?”

The list had grown long. Every time I played with myself, I added a new activity. I wanted to say everything, but if I had to pick a single place to start, it’d be seeing him out of his uniform.

“I want to touch your chest,” I whispered. It felt foolish saying it out loud. I expected a giggle or a laugh. Nothing on his face suggested he found the statement humorous.

Instead, he stood up, moving between my legs. He tugged at the bottom of the shirt until it came untucked. One by one, he unfastened the buttons, revealing the white undershirt. He tossed his uniform on the couch and pulled his t-shirt off.


He had a crow tattooed on his chest, its wings reaching back across his shoulders and arms. It was fitting the bird had its mouth open in the middle of a screech. I wanted to ask if he had it before his powers or if he got it to memorialize his newfound gifts.

“I want to touch you.” There was no waiting for his response. I leaned forward and ran both hands along his belly until my fingers reached the black ink. My thumb traced the line of feathers until he buckled over, laughing.

“Sorry, I’m ticklish.” I’d have to remember that for later.

He pushed my knees together and straddled me on the couch. My hands moved to his back, running up and down his body. By now, my pants had tightened. Each kiss made me hard, but seeing him without his shirt was enough to tear the zipper on my jeans.

I moved forward, kissing his chest. When I reached his nipple, he didn’t pull away. I dragged my tongue over it, and Dustin let out a low groan as he pushed his chest forward. With each breath, I inhaled a mix of citrus and a day of hard work. I took my chances and held his nipple between my teeth, careful to not bite?—


Forget careful. I increased the pressure until a rumble started in the back of his throat. With each moan, hints of his abilities slipped out, vibrating the glass in the frames on my wall. I wasn’t the only one who had to be careful not to destroy everything in his path.

I reached for the button on his jeans and hesitated. “Can I take off your pants?” I had imagined him naked since the day we met. I didn’t know what to expect, and the not knowing had plagued me long enough.

He sat upright, giving me access to his pants. “Want me?—”

“No!” I reached for his belt, a thick black strap with velcro. It peeled away to reveal the silver button hiding the rest of him. I tried unbuttoning it, and no matter how many times I tried, it refused to give. Growling, I grabbed the waistband of his pants and yanked.

“Whoa.” Dustin looked down at the remnants of his pants. The zipper had split and one pant leg held on for dear life. “This will make walking home interesting.”


He put a finger on my lips. “Don’t be. It’s exciting to see how eager you are.”

My eyes focused on the bulge in his red briefs. I wanted to touch it. No, lick it. No… did I have to decide? If I wrote out a list, could we go through and check off all the ideas until we got to the end… then do them again?

I reached for the waistband of his underwear. Dustin pulled back. “Pants okay, but I can’t go home naked.” He hooked his thumbs into the black band and slid them down past his ass. When it caught on his cock, he stopped, teasing with a slight hip wiggle.

I reached out, fingers ready to pull the fabric the rest of the way down. Something went zipping past my face as I jerked down his underwear.

“What was that?”

I glanced down. My zipper had lost a valiant battle. The teeth had separated, and my erection poked through, now waging war with my undies. Had he been an average person, my predicament would be hard to explain.

Dustin laughed. “Super strength problems, am I right?”

I didn’t join him. My eyes were fixated on his cock, exposed and in the open. When he figured out what had my attention, he took my hand and guided it to the shaft, wrapping my fingers around it. For fear of breaking it, I didn’t dare move. He tightened his grip as he moved his hips back and forth in slow, jerking motions.

“It’s hotter than I expected.”

“You’re plenty hot yourself.”

“No, I mean heat. It’s hotter than the rest of you.”

“It’s always like this with you around.”

My jaw hung slack, fascinated with the head pushing past my fist and then vanishing again. Before I realized what was happening, I had my hand in my broken zipper, squeezing my cock. Normally I’d spend the entire evening lazily playing with myself but holding Dustin, my body felt a sense of urgency. I’d come quick if I didn’t watch myself.

“Can I taste it?”

“Only if you take your pants off.”

I let go long enough to tear my pants at the seams. He let out a low whistle. It wasn’t for appreciation. As he held the note, the vibrations tickled along my skin until the fabric deteriorated. He gave me a wink. “Two can play this game.” When there was nothing left but my cock, his eyes widened. I grew self-conscious and covered myself with my hand.

“No,” he said. “I need a second to admire it.”

He stood up and waited for me to slide my hands out of the way. When his eyes grew, I leaned back, putting my hands behind my head. Knowing he found me attractive and that I excited him, I wanted to show off.

“That’s… uhm… huge.”

Back and forth, I hadn’t noticed. I was about to ask if it was a bad thing when he stepped onto the couch and braced his hands on the wall. His cock hung inches from my mouth. Whatever worries I had went poof. The only thing that mattered was tasting the shiny droplet about to fall from the head.

I caught it with my tongue. Sweet and salty. I licked the underside of his cock as it bounced up and down. It was time to see if I enjoyed sucking cock as much as I did watching it on my phone. With a deep inhale, I opened my mouth, sliding down until I had the entirety in my mouth.

“Fuck, that feels good.”

I reached around, a cheek in each hand, and tried pulling him deeper. Dustin howled as I reached the base. I checked that off the list, but I thought it needed a few more checkmarks.

His hips thrust in and out. It was better than the videos. So. Much. Better. I didn’t want it to end, at least not until he came. When he pulled back, I chased, getting one last lick in before he stepped off the couch.

“I don’t want to come.” Odd. I wanted to come multiple times. “Can I add something to your list?”

“Who fucks who?”

He chuckled. “I want your cock inside me. Damn, that’s going to take some work. Can we try something that won’t leave me walking funny?”

I nodded.

Dustin straddled my legs, pushing my cock against my belly. Side by side, I spotted the size difference. He took my hand and guided it to his cock while he wrapped his fingers around mine. We both watched as we stroked up and down. As good as my cock felt, it was the feeling of his skin against mine that excited me. Thick thighs brushed against my legs, and his free hand rested on my shoulder.

“Feel good?” he asked.

I nodded.

“How good?”

“I don’t want you to stop.”

He leaned forward, stealing a kiss as his grip tightened. He held my bottom lip, biting hard enough that I could feel the pressure of teeth. My mind raced, jumping from one sensation to the next. I couldn’t decide what felt best. If this is what sex felt like, I couldn’t fathom how humans did anything else. Why did they bother with clothes?

“I’m getting close.” Dustin’s voice trembled.

I didn’t ask for permission. Super strength had its perks. I lifted him from my lap, sliding his cock back into my mouth. He thrust the entire length until it bumped against the bend of my throat. His breathing turned to low growls, his powers shaking the windows.

“I’m going to come.”

Squeezing his ass, I pulled him all the way into my mouth. His growls turned into a roar. His cock thickened, pulsing as he unloaded. I pulled back just far enough to taste it on the back of my tongue. It was saltier than expected and far more than I usually came. Dustin’s body trembled, his legs giving out until I held him upright.

“That was…” He tried catching his breath. “That was amazing.”

I wanted to nod, but I didn’t want to let his cock slip from my mouth. My tongue continued running along the underside. Could I spend the rest of the day nursing on it? Did I just have to ask him to whip it out whenever I wanted it? I had questions.

He shivered, pulling his cock out. “I get sensitive.”

“Can we do that again?”

He laughed. “With you? Yeah. That’s a certainty.” Sliding down my body, he kissed the tip of my nose before planting his lips on mine. “I promise. Now… about this.” His fingers slid around my shaft, giving it a tight squeeze. “Let me return the favor.”

He returned to straddling my lap as he stroked. Each time my eyes closed, savoring the sensation, I forced them open. I wanted to focus on Dustin as he played with me. He locked eyes with me. His tongue slipped out the corner of his mouth, and the butterflies in my stomach turned to electricity.

“It feels… I don’t have words.” My toes curled.

“Next time, I want your cock in me.” He sped up. “I want to get plowed by Mr. Supreme.” The thought of him on all fours put me over the edge. The electricity didn’t shoot through my body. It surged through every muscle all at once.

“I’m coming,” I shouted.

Dustin pointed my cock toward me as the first shot of cum hit the underside of my chin. The second hit my cheek. My body shook as Dustin’s grip loosened, stroking so that the foreskin bunched around the head. I had reached this point a thousand times, and never had it felt like that .

“Damn.” My body gave one final shudder. “Can we do it again?”

Dustin licked the cum off his hand before leaning in and giving me a kiss. Neither of our cocks softened. As his tongue touched mine, I tasted the saltiness. I’d be thinking of that for the rest of the night.

“You’ll need to give me a little while to recharge.”

“That’s not a no,” I whispered.

“It’s not.”

My cum slicked stomach rumbled loud enough that Dustin glanced down. I had eaten nothing but a chocolate bar since breakfast. My belly rumbled again. “Maybe eat first?”

“Pizza and a shower?”

“At the same time?”

His head tilted to the side. “Now you’re being cheeky. I’ll call. You get the shower ready.”

I wasn’t sure about the protocol. “Together?”

He shrugged. “If we fit.”

Oh, I’d be sure we fit. “Make it a quick call.” I picked him up and set him aside. He laughed as I jumped up and darted to the shower. It’d be a tight fit, but it only meant I’d be able to touch him more. I’d keep doing that as long as he let me.

Dustin snored.

Every time he inhaled, I feared he would choke on his tongue. It was loud enough to keep me awake. On another night, I’d be flustered about losing sleep, but this kept me awake so I could continue admiring the beefy man in my bed.

He had kicked back the sheets. The faint glow of the moon passed through the shades, leaving a lined pattern against his skin. The unicorn lamp on the nightstand cast enough light I could study every curve of his body. After we finished eating pizza, we laid on the couch talking about our favorite parts of Vanguard. He loved the architecture downtown and the number of coffee shops in the Ward. I didn’t get to answer when he guessed my favorites were the candy stores.

I hadn’t wanted the night to end. When he asked if he could spend the night, I tossed him over my shoulder and ran to the bedroom. He bounced as I tossed him onto the bed. I climbed in next to him. Without conversation, he slid onto his side, pushing his back against my chest. I tucked my legs under his and wrapped an arm around his waist.

He snorted, swatting at his nose before returning to the usual snoring. I’d be tired tomorrow, but it’d be worth it. I propped myself up on my elbow, admiring his body. His arm rested on mine, fingers gripping my hand. Every chance I got, I’d try to touch him. I never wanted to put clothes on again.

The snoring subsided, and his breathing returned to a normal volume. I suppressed a gasp as he wiggled his butt back, pressing against my groin. No matter how much I tried to focus on humorous Earth customs, I couldn’t stop my cock from stiffening. It found a home nestled between the cheeks of his ass. Thankfully, it didn’t seem to bother Dustin.

He wiggled again.

I suspected my bedmate had woken. When he pushed back again, he let out a soft moan. Did this mean he recharged? Were we going to have sex again? Did we have to flip a coin to decide who would?—

His hips gently rocked back and forth. I couldn’t think of anything other than this beautiful husky man and how my body responded to his efforts. If I didn’t know better, I’d say Dustin was the weakness I always feared. If that were true, I’d gladly sacrifice myself for more time with him.

He shifted his hips a bit, and the tip of my cock poked at him. This time, the moan wasn’t soft at all. Pushing my hand down, he had an erection sticking straight out. If he wouldn’t object, I think I could amuse myself with that for the rest of the night.

Dustin rolled away for a moment. The sweat between us turned cold, and I considered jerking him back against my body. I watched as he licked his fingers, the saliva shining in the moon's glow. Reaching back, he spread it across the head of my cock, pulling the skin back.

I gasped as he rolled back into place, the head of my cock sliding between his cheeks. It took a moment for me to realize what he intended. When my cock pushed against his hole, we both gasped. I froze, and he put a hand on my hip, preventing me from pushing further.

“Slow,” he whispered. “ Very slow.”

Tightness. I grit my teeth, all attention focused on the heat wrapped around my cock. Every instinct wanted me to buck forward and bury my cock inside this gorgeous man. I restrained myself. The whole scene moved slower than the videos. By now, one guy would be on the other, slamming away with reckless abandon.

“You’re huge,” he whispered.

Dustin leaned his head back. I kissed the back, moving to the side of his head, his ear lobe just out of reach. For the next couple of minutes, he didn’t move. Then, his hips rocked gently, each time taking a little more of my cock. He’d freeze, wait, and repeat the maneuver.

I snaked an arm under him, resting my palm on his chest. I pulled him back, careful not to shove the rest of my cock in him. It felt amazing… beyond amazing, but I wanted him pressed against me.

“You feel wonderful,” I whispered.

He pushed back. “Damn,” he hissed. “It’s so big.” His voice had turned into a whimper. With a final push, I moaned. His ass had returned to my lap, my cock buried inside him.

“Don’t move.”

I’d gladly spend the rest of the night lying here. My cock, however, it twitched inside Dustin. Each pulse made his body stiffen, a soft moan escaping his mouth.

“Sorry,” I whispered. “I can’t help it.”

His cock did the same. While we lay there, I stroked him lazily. I marveled at the way it was both stiff and soft at the same time. After a few strokes, I could feel the wetness as I slid a finger over the head. Dustin gripped the hand I rested in the patch of hair in the middle of his chest.

“Slow,” he repeated.

He wanted me to take over? His ass held my cock like a vice, and I didn’t want to hurt him. Were their rules? Etiquette? How did I know what he wanted? The questions came like a storm.

“I don’t?—”

“Do what feels good,” he said.

Did he understand this was the best feeling I ever experienced? We could stop right now, and I’d go to my grave remembering the thrill of being inside him. When he rocked his hips, my fears vanished, replaced by the sensation of him sliding off my cock.

I pulled him tight to me, pushing back inside. I let go of his cock to take hold of his hip. My hand slid over his ass and down the thickness of his thighs. Every few seconds, I’d pull out and then push in, slow but firm. Compared to earlier, I couldn’t decide which felt better. A tie. I’d want to do them again to compare.

Minutes passed. Each thrust sent a tingling sensation through my body. This was better than I imagined. How long would we have to wait to do it again? Would we switch positions? I’d be doing a lot of internet searches tomorrow at work.

“Harder,” he begged.

My fingers tightened on his hips. I jerked him back, shoving the length of my cock inside him. Dustin moaned, a growl forming in the back of his throat. I slid out and did it again. It wouldn’t take long before I came. Not only did my cock love the heat of his ass, but the thought of being wrapped around this bear of a man was enough to put me over the edge.

“I’m getting close,” I whispered. Did I hold off, or did I?—

“Come in me.”


I gave up on restraint. Bucking my hips forward and back, my eyes clenched shut as I imagined coming in Dustin. I howled as his muscles tensed. My pace quickened. His grip on my hand tightened as he let out a long series of guttural moans. There was no holding back, not with the amazing sensation, and especially not whimpering for me to come.

My toes curled as I shoved forward, burying the length of my cock in Dustin. The sparks ran along my skin, causing my body to tremble. As I shot, his moans turned to groans, but he didn’t pull away. I lost track of the spasms, at least as many as earlier. Maybe more.

“Fuck,” he said.

I collapsed half on top of him, my breath ragged. Kissing his ear, I squeezed him, eliminating any gaps between our bodies.

“Did I do a good job?”

He reached back, patting me on the thigh. “Good. Very good.”

“Your turn?”

He shook his head. “I’m good. I got what I wanted.” Dustin groaned as he moved his hips. “As much as I’d like to fall asleep with you in me…” We both gasped as my cock slid out of him. “It’d never happen with that beast twitching in my ass.”

I smiled as he wiggled into place. There was no way to get more skin contact if we tried. “Now, maybe you’ll finally get some sleep.”

“Not with that snoring.”

He turned his head. “Hey!”

I kissed him on the cheek. “It’s okay. Just don’t blast a hole in the side of my apartment.”

Dustin chuckled. “No promises.”

Sex. Twice in one night. I’d like to do that again, with Dustin. A lot. As I rested my head on the pillow, breathing in the scent of sweat and satisfaction, my eyes grew heavy. The only good thing about falling asleep would be seeing him first thing in the morning.

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