Broken Saint (Seattle Saints #1) Epilogue 99%
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“ A re we nearly there?” I ask, making Colt chuckle.

We touched down on Seattle soil a little over an hour ago. Or at least, that's how long I think it was. No sooner had he whisked me through the airport than he was he lifting me into his truck and pulling a blindfold down over my eyes.

That was…a while ago, and I’m still sitting here in the dark.

I get it. I’m excited. But I’m also scared as hell.

Memories of the last time I was here linger in the back of my mind. The sadness, the desperation, the utter life-changing heartbreak.

But I don’t want to dwell on that. We’re two very different people now.

No, we’re not just two people.

We’re a couple. A unit. A family.

I feel it in every single one of Colt’s touches, in his kisses, in the way he looks at me.

“Yes,” he says with a sigh as if he’s talking to a small child who’s asked every five minutes.

“You could have just let me see,” I mutter dejectedly.

“Where’s the fun in that?”

Over the past few weeks, he’s told me so much about this place and the work that’s happening, whether it’s been in person when he’s been in Texas or over the phone while we’ve been separated. But he’s never gone into detail, so what I’ve made up in my head could be completely wrong.

As nervous as I am being back here, I’m also incredibly excited. Not only am I back here in the city where my closest friends are, I’m also going to get to spend tomorrow with those I love the most.

Mom flew out with us, but Colt arranged for her to go to his apartment so she could chill out and ready for Benny’s arrival in a few hours. She’s being well looked after by Letty right now.

I smile as I think of my best friend. I may not have seen her in person since leaving here, but man, she’s been my rock since I reached back out.

When Colt has been back here, he’s been incredibly busy, so to have her at the end of the phone when I’ve felt a little vulnerable has been everything.

I can’t wait to see her in person.

“Okay,” Colt says as we go over a bump before the truck comes to a stop.

My stomach summersaults.

We’re here.

His home. Our home.

“Are you okay?” Colt asks. “All the blood has just drained out of your face.”

“Y-yeah, I’m okay. Just…”

“Scared?” he asks when my words trail off.

“Yeah, a little. Mostly, I’m excited. I want this life we’re creating together so badly.”

“Me too, Bombshell,” he agrees, his voice rough with emotion. “Do you want to see?”

“Yes,” I cry, barely able to contain my excitement.

“Okay,” he breathes before he reaches out and gently pulls the blindfold from my face.

But I don’t look. Instead, I keep my eyes shut for a few seconds longer.

“Ella, you need to open your eyes.”

Slowly, I do as I’m told.

The most beautiful Victorian house is revealed before me, and I sag in the passenger seat as my eyes fill with tears.

That is it. That is our home. It’s where we’re going to start our lives together, where we’re going to watch our family grow.

I press my hand to my stomach as butterflies continue to flutter wildly.

“Do you like it?” Colt asks nervously.

“It’s…incredible,” I whisper, my eyes darting everywhere. It has a white and gray facade with a deck that’s almost as big as the one in Texas. The cutest front yard with colorful flowers and a cute little picket fence. It really is the thing dreams are made of.

It’s not new and modern like Kane and Letty’s place. It’s also not as big. But even before stepping inside, I know it’s perfect.

Instantly, I understand why Colt bought it. As I look around, I find nothing but peace and tranquility. It’s so different from being in the middle of the hustle and bustle of the city. It’s the perfect place to relax and unwind. Exactly what he needs when he’s in the middle of a hectic season. A place where he can just breathe.

“Ready to see inside?”

“Hell, yeah,” I say, eagerly rushing toward the dark front door.

“Here you go,” Colt says, dangling something over my shoulder.

My keys.

My keys to our house.

Our first home.

Reaching out, I notice the keyring. It’s his jersey.

“Just in case you forget who you belong to,” he explains.

“As if that’ll ever happen.”

“Go on then. Do the honors.”

My hand trembles as I lift the key to the lock, and it only gets worse when I push the door open, revealing the inside.

“Oh my god, Colt,” I gasp as I step into the entrance. “This is beautiful.”

He hasn’t just renovated this place; he’s restored it, too.

The patterned floor tiles are beautiful, as is the chunky dark wood furniture that fills the room. It’s totally in keeping with the style of the house.

I am in love.

Colt leads me through every room, explaining how it used to be and all the ways it’s changed in the last few weeks.

I’m in awe. How he’s managed to oversee this project, train, and spend half his time with me in Texas, I’ve got no idea. But he’s killed it. This place is just amazing.

“Want to see the best part?” he asks, guiding me back toward the staircase in the entrance way.

“It gets better?”

“Uh-huh. Up you go.”

His stare burns into my back as I climb.

“I know you’re staring at my ass, Rogers.”

“Too fucking right, I am, Mrs. Rogers.”

The name gives me pause, and I almost trip up the stairs.

“Careful,” he warns, his large hands wrapping around my waist to steady me. “You’re carrying precious cargo. Speaking of…check this out,” he says, throwing a door open almost right at the top of the stairs.

“Oh my god,” I sob as emotion clogs my throat and burns the backs of my eyes. “You’ve made a nursery.”

My vision is blurry as I step into the room. It’s painted in a soft caramel color. All the furniture is white, and all the decorations are neutral. The only hint of a color is a stuffie sitting on the dresser in a Seattle Saints jersey.

“Do you like it?”

“Colt, I love it. It’s so beautiful.”

“You’re not mad?”

“Mad? Why would I be mad?”

“Because you didn’t choose it.”

I shake my head as I close the space between us and take his hands in mine. Staring up into his eyes, I make sure he can see how much I mean the words I’m about to say.

“I love it, Colt. I love that you’ve taken the time to select everything for our little one. I love you. This house…everything you’ve done. It’s unbelievable. I-It’s—” I choke out, overcome with emotion.

“I love you too,” he whispers.

“I think it’s time you showed me our new bedroom, don’t you?”

“I thought you’d never ask, Bombshell,” he says, tugging me out of the room with a wicked glint in his eye.

“ H appy Thanksgiving.”

My heart jumps into my throat at the familiar voice, and I race toward the front door as Kane, Letty, and Kyan invite themselves in.

“You’re here,” I cry, racing toward my best friend and throwing my arms around her.

“I missed you,” she whispers in my ear.

“Me too. I’m sorry I?—”

“Hey, nope. None of that nonsense. We’re here. It’s Thanksgiving. We’re celebrating everything awesome that we have in our lives.”

I nod, wiping away the tears as we part.

“Come on. Mom, Benny and West are already here.”

As we descend into the kitchen, everyone gets up and greets each other. The sight of them fills my heart with so much joy.

Just as I’m getting myself together, the doorbell rings.

Rushing to answer it, I almost start crying all over again at the sight of Luca, Peyton, Leon, Macie and Brax standing on my doorstep.

This is it. I have my whole family under one roof.

I never in a million years thought it would ever happen.

I think back over the last few years. The pain, the heartache, but most importantly the love and laughter.

Life right now, is everything I’ve ever wanted.

I’ve left the painful past behind me, sure, I’ll forever have my battles to fight, but I’m no longer alone. We take it on together. Or at least we can let Colt’s lawyer handle it like it did with Chad.

As we gather in the kitchen, Mom and Letty hand out mimosas for everyone—just an orange juice for me, sadly—and the conversation around us trails off.

I clear my throat, ensuring everyone turns my way.

“Th-thank you,” I stutter. “Thank you for being here with us today.” I wrap my arm around Colt’s waist and hold him tight the moment he moves closer. “And thank you for being there for us whether together or apart. I know I speak for both of us when I say that we couldn’t have done it without you.

“You’re not just the best friends in the world. You’re family. Our family.

“And, for those of you who don’t already know,” I say glancing at Letty, “we feel that now would be a good time to announce that we’re adding another member to it.”

I pull our recent scan picture from my back pocket and hold it up. “Baby Rogers is coming soon.”

Excitement erupts, and we’re surrounded by our friends and family as they celebrate this milestone with us.

It might not have been planned. But then nothing to do with Colt and me has ever been planned. Things would have turned out very differently if I could have got what I wanted all those years ago. But hey, what’s the fun in things being easy?

Colton Rogers was always my endgame. I knew it from day one.

It just took us a little while to become the people we needed to be so that we could be together.

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