Burned (Drake Security #5) Chapter 10 42%
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Chapter 10




M y eyes burn from the need for sleep, but I refuse to take them off my sleeping mate. Ever since we lay down, I’ve had the distinct feeling of someone watching us. I can’t smell anything or anyone though, aside from the usual forest animals, and I’m not about to wander away from Alrick to find out. It’s likely my dragon is just on high alert and that there’s no real danger to worry about.

Alrick’s breathing is slow and steady, completely relaxed. It’s like a lullaby for me, but as much as I want to cuddle against his strong body, I must stay vigilant. Who knows what threats lurk in the dark.

I dart my tongue over my lips for the hundredth time, desperate to catch his lingering taste. He’s so beautiful right now as the glow of the fire flickers across his face, catching the sun-kissed bits of his hair and the sharp features of his ancestors. Stunning.

His kiss was everything I didn’t know I needed, and now I’m only hungry for more. A tendril of smoke sneaks from between my lips, my dragon more content than ever before, but it’s not to be. This Viking, this beautiful man, is not mine to keep.

My dragon’s reaction to that thought is swift and powerful, taking my breath away as he thrashes inside me. There’s no reasoning with a lust-drunk beast. Gods of fire, I want to give him what he wants, what we both want, but it would be a betrayal for both of us. How could I face my brothers, my friends, Judre’s loved ones, with a dragon slayer on my arm?

It’s impossible, and that’s devastating.

Alrick stirs in his sleep, mumbling words too soft even for my dragon hearing to make out, but there’s something comforting in them, and I just know they’re about me. He reaches his arm out then huffs, pulling it close to his body again. Is he looking for me?

“I’m here, mate,” I whisper, hoping the bond inside him feels comforted.

Alrick hums before mumbling again. It’s almost astonishing how cute and unguarded he is when he sleeps, given his bold presence when he’s awake. I’d like to think he feels safe with me.

I glance at the pile of unpacked items I brought, including the tent. Alrick nearly collapsed with exhaustion after our heated interlude up against a tree, so I simply laid him down on a sleeping bag, sheltered only by the canopy of trees and stars above us. The air is pleasantly cool, and he seems comfortable, which is all that matters to me, regardless of my flagging energy. Tomorrow’s journey will be harder, but I am a dragon after all. I’ve dealt with worse situations.

“Lord,” Alrick mumbles, his voice thick and groggy.

“I’m here.”

He opens his eyes just a bit, a slight smile tugging at his lips. “Why aren’t you sleeping?”

“I’m rested well enough.”

He scoffs, sitting up on his elbow. “Bullshit. I can feel you, remember?”

I inwardly cringe, now aware that my storm of emotions disturbed his sleep. “Apologies. I’m just thinking a lot. It’s what I do.”

“Yeah, well, you’re not a vampire, and I happen to know dragons need to sleep too.”

I glance around the pitch-dark forest. What if my dragon isn’t acting paranoid? What if there really is a threat lurking out there in the dark? It’s my job to protect my mate. If something happened to him?—

“Fuck,” Alrick groans, rubbing his sternum. “You’re worried.”

“Alert more than worried. Go back to sleep.”

“Nah.” He pulls himself upright. “I’ve been asleep for hours, right?”

“Yes, but you’re also still healing.”

He levels his hard gaze on me, his sharp jaw set as he studies my face. My dragon stirs, pushing forward and shifting my eyes to get a better look at our Viking.

His breath hitches. “He’s looking at me, isn’t he?”

I nod. “Yes.”

“Can you feel it when it happens?”

“Definitely, but I’m used to it.”

“Does it… hurt?”

“It isn’t painful, but it isn’t pleasant either. A full shift is dramatic, and I feel pulled in a thousand directions, but typically these days it only happens when I’m under threat, and therefore, my emotions override the physical discomfort.”

Alrick nods as his eyes roam over me. “The wings were so large.”

“Large enough to carry me in my full shift. Now those feel amazing when they release, like a much-needed deep stretch.” I fight back a yawn, but I’m powerless against it.

“Lord.” He puts his hand on my knee. “You need to sleep. I’ll keep watch.”

“No, I’m fine. You need the rest more than I do.”

“Really? Do you think it’ll be good for me when I have to throw you over my shoulder and carry you through the mountains because you’re exhausted?”

I chuckle even though the thought warms my chest. “I doubt it will come to that.”

“But why tempt fate?”

Do I admit that I have no idea how to rest in a situation like this? Anytime something or someone I care about is in potential danger, it’s impossible for me to let my guard down.

“Oh, I get it. You don’t think I’m capable of taking care of us if something happens?”

I pull my head back. “No, that’s not it.”

“No?” He tilts his head. “Then maybe it’s that you don’t trust me.”

“I do, Alrick. I do.” I put my hand over his where it’s still resting on my knee. “It’s a bad habit. Older brother syndrome, if you will.”

His expression softens and he nods. “Oldest sibling and youngest. Makes a lot of sense now, doesn’t it?”

“If it helps, I dote on all my brothers. It’s just what I do when I ca—” I stop myself from admitting too much, but judging from the soft smile on his lips, he caught it anyway.

“How about, just for tonight or this journey, you let me step up too? Is that a deal?”

The control freak part of my brain tries to object, but the rest of me, including my dragon, is too damn tired to argue. “A few hours of sleep would probably help.”

“Of course it would. I got this, Lord.” He pats the sleeping bag he’s lying on. “Come take my spot. I need to piss and stretch my legs.”

I nod, all too aware that if he wanted to, he could attack me as I slept, but with what? A rock? A tree branch? He’s a benign threat in this setting, and I really could use the sleep. We trade places, and as soon as I’m horizontal, I can no longer keep my eyes open from the weight of exhaustion.

After what we shared earlier, surely I deserve a few hours of rest.


After relieving myself, I shuffle back to the camp, carrying a few sticks and branches to add to the fire. Lord is sound asleep, his face completely lax. Relaxed like this, he looks like an old painting. Maybe that’s where he gets his name. He’s like a high-ranking lord from renaissance Italy or France or some shit.

Gods, he’s beautiful.

The thought tightens my chest instantly, and he stirs. Can he feel my emotions as strongly as I can feel his?

His slip a few minutes ago made it clear he cares about me, but it’s not clear why. He should hate me, but he doesn’t. I should hate him too, but yeah, I definitely don’t. I can’t stop thinking about the fiery kiss we shared. Literal fire. I don’t know why it didn’t hurt or burn me, and I kind of don’t care. I just want more. And that’s so fucked up.

How could I possibly face my brothers with Lord by my side? Would they know right away what he is? Digby would. His ability to sniff out dragons is how we ended up in that region in the first place.

I watch Lord sleep, his eyelids fluttering and tendrils of smoke rising every time he exhales through his nose. How could someone look at this man and think about killing him? No fucking way.

Maybe Digby doesn’t know that they can be so… charismatic. And sexy and elegant. He thinks of them as beasts, but Lord isn’t anything like that. Even in dragon form, there was something so alluring I couldn’t take my eyes off him. I wasn’t scared of him. I only wanted to touch him.

Stoking the fire, I poke at it with a stick, smiling as embers light the night. Just like Lord’s kiss.

If he was my man, I’d crawl over there and lie on top of him, undress him and feel the heat of his skin against mine as I lick and kiss every bit of his flesh. I’d rub against him, drawing his dragon to the surface so I could see his eyes again and taste his fire. I’d rub all over his scales too.

I’d make my way down his body and take him into my mouth before offering my body. I’d let him own me.

Swallowing hard, I shift as my cock swells, rallying again for another hit of the sexy man. For the first time in a very long time, I want things I don’t allow myself to think about anymore.

A home of my own. A life that doesn’t include hunting and killing something that never did anything to me. A man who loves me.

I blow out a breath, blinking back the tears stinging my eyes and threatening to fall.

Vikings don’t cry, we don’t feel, and we damn sure don’t get emotional about killing dragons. I’ve just honestly never seen a reason other than tradition. Sure, hundreds of years ago dragons flew into villages and destroyed them, taking what they wanted for their hoards, but it’s not like that anymore.

Digby and my dad would remind me that many of those dragons are still alive today and therefore deserve to taste the metal of our swords, but I’m still not on board. I know my dad’s patience with me is running thin too. If I don’t get a kill soon, he’ll consider me a disgrace.

Shaking my head to rid myself of those useless thoughts, I focus on the fire. I have to do it. Otherwise, I’ll be disowned and have nowhere to go. No family to care about me.

But not Lord.

He’s safe with me.

After a few hours, the dark sky shifts to light gray, and I dig around in Lord’s bag, finding tea bags and instant coffee. That’ll do.

He has a few bottles of water too, and I realize how much weight he was carrying. I think that’s true both physically and metaphorically. Maybe just for a few hours or days, however long this journey is, I can indulge myself in fantasies I’ll never have, and I can… care for him too.

I chuckle when I locate mugs and a small pot. The man is prepared, you gotta give him that. I busy myself heating the water and making tea for him and coffee for me. When he opens his eyes, it’s the dragon gazing at me, and my heart jumps in my chest. Why do I like that so much?

Lord blinks and the dragon is gone, replaced by his still-pretty, but very human eyes. “Is it morning?”

I nod. “Early still, but yeah, it’s morning. I made you some tea.”

A deep crease appears in his brow as he sits up. “Thank you.”

“No problem. Thanks for bringing coffee.”

He chuckles. “Habit. Two of my brothers would rather gnaw off a paw than drink tea.”

“Yeah? Which ones?”

“Arson and Valentino. The others tolerate my tea habit, but if given the choice would probably choose coffee.”

“How many brothers do you have?”

“Four in the same clutch. Nico, Hemingway, Arson, Valentino, and me.”

“Cool names.”

“Chosen. Our dragon names are not for a modern world.”

He has a dragon name? I want to ask what it is, but something in me understands it may be sacred to him.

“I did okay in the name game. My brothers are Digby and Viggo. Dad’s name is Njord.”

“True to your heritage.”


He takes his mug from me and sips, closing his eyes as he breathes a bit of fire across the top of the liquid. It bubbles and scorches the side of the ceramic container.

“Not hot enough?”

“Nothing ever is.” Lord gifts me a smile, and it truly feels like a present. It’s soft and kind, and more than a little sexy, reminding me of the kiss that seems made up now. “Thank you for encouraging me to sleep. I feel better now.”

“Good.” I sip my coffee as awkward silence settles between us.

Maybe it’s just awkward for me because I want to close the space between us and taste the tea on his tongue. I want to rub against him again, and gods, how I want to feel his girth in my mouth.

He chokes on a breath, raising his wide eyes to me and answering my unspoken question from earlier. He can feel my emotions too.

A sudden wave of heat spreads through me, pushing away the coolness of the morning and swelling my cock. I know it came from him.

“Alrick,” he pants, rubbing his forehead.


“We shouldn’t…” He shakes his head.

“I know. Gods, how I know.”

He blows out a breath and seems to steady himself. “We should focus on the journey ahead. We still have a long way to go.”

I nod, clearing my throat and desperately searching for some chill. “Yeah. Totally.”

By the time we’ve finished our drinks, packed up, and headed out into the forest, I’m feeling steadier on my feet, but with every brush of his fingers against mine, or bump of his arm, a tendril of heat ripples through me, heading straight to my dick.

Good to know I don’t want to kill a dragon, but I sure do want to fuck him, and I’m not convinced that’s better.

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