S unday morning arrives and it is peeing down, not just raining but the heaviest of heavy rain.
“Do we have to call the BBQ off?” Nora asks generally.
“Not if the witches here don’t mind creating a large marquee for the garden,” Adhan says.
“Pretty sure we might need space heaters as well to keep the damp off and flooring so no one is knee-deep in mud,” Temp says. “We can get on with creating everything needed after breakfast.”
“Can I help?” Nora asks.
“I’m sure we can find something for you to do,” Temp tells her.
Nora beams. “Thank you, Temp.”
“I can help as well,” Justice says. “I’m sure I can create killer space heaters or some such things.”
We all laugh at that. I love the way Justice can laugh at himself now. Plus the fact that no one can bespell him into turning bad again. I did wonder how going bad would affect him, but probably through Alfred’s love and our friendship, he’s fine.
I’m working at the bookshop this morning, Alfred is working this afternoon and closing and Pa has the day off. Truthfully I’m glad to be out of the rain. I know the others will be creating a tent and space heaters, but it’s still wet, so very wet. Still, it will be nice to see Madam Cleo and the others again.
The shop is quiet for the moment, so I walk into the tearoom. There are a few people sat having what looks like an informal meeting. I say informal as we don’t usually have meetings on a Sunday. I was surprised when I first started working at the bookshop, how many meetings were held here, both in the meeting rooms upstairs and the teashop.
“Hey Cal,” I say, smiling at him.
“If you want coffee and cake, have cake quickly as Clarence is in the back stock taking,” he tells me with a grin.
My delightful Ma spoke to Clarence a while ago about restricting my cake intake. I can now only have two small slices a day, and when I say small, they really are, they are slithers, basically crumbs on a plate, so small you can see daylight through them. Okay maybe not that bad but close enough.
“In that case, a slice of lemon cake please and a latte.”
Cal laughs and serves me up a large slice and makes me a large latte.
“Can you join me?” I ask him, as I pick my refreshments up.
He nods and makes himself a drink and we walk to an empty table, sitting down.
“So what’s new?” I ask him.
Cal laughs. “Not much thank goodness. Do you like the lemon cake? It’s the first time I’ve made it.”
I swallow the bite I had just taken. The lemon flavour burst over my tongue. “It’s lovely. You sure can make good cakes.”
Cal smiles. “I want to try cake decoration. I’m watching these videos online, some look complicated. I want to give them a try. But what if I can’t do it?”
I look at Callum. “Did you ever think you’d be able to make cakes?”
He shakes his head. “No, I never gave it a thought until I saw Clarence making one and asked if I could try.”
“And your cakes are amazing. I know full well that if you try cake decoration you’ll be just as amazing.”
“Thanks, Ernest.”
“Just try it, baby boy. You’ll never know what you can do until you try,” Clarence said, walking over to join us, laying a hand on Callum’s shoulder, and dropping a kiss on his head, before sitting down next to him.
Cal nods. “Okay, I’ll order the basics online tonight and give it a go.”
“And you know, if you can do cake decoration you could always sell your cakes, for weddings and birthday parties and the like,” I tell him.
Cal grins. “Let me just see if I can do anything recognisable first.”
Clarence looks at my plate frowning. “How big was that slice?”
“Tiny,” I say, eating the last bit. “I’m cake restricted remember.”
Cal laughs and before Clarence can say anything the bookshop bell jingles.
“Got to go. See you later,” and quick as a flash, I pick my drink up and practically run back into the bookshop before Clarence bans me from any more cake this week.
I’m busy serving customers when Alfred and Adhan come walking in, both wet as it’s still raining. I smile Adhan’s way and Alfred spying the queue, rushes over to help, taking his wet coat off and hanging it on the coat stand behind us. It doesn’t take us long to serve those waiting, but there are more people looking around. This shop is always busy, no matter the day of the week.
“You arrived just in time,” I say to Alfred.
“Glad I could help, Pops,” he replies grinning.
I groan and look at Alfred. “Are you going to keep calling me that?”
Alfred laughs. “I think I will. You did claim me as your stepson after all.”
I shake my head. “My bad. It was a moment of weakness.”
“Bad luck, sweetheart, I think you’ll have to get used to it,” Adhan says, walking over to me, before kissing me hello.
I pull back and sigh. “Tell him, babe.”
He flicks my nose and grins. “Sorry sweetheart.”
Alfred the annoying puppy just laughs.
“I've come to take you to lunch,” Adhan says.
“Can we eat here? The shop is busy today and I don’t want to leave our son struggling alone.”
See I can be nice even if Alfred can’t.
“Are you sure? You were only working half day today,” Alfred says with a frown.
“You want to deal with the credit card machine alone?” I ask in surprise.
“Not really, but if I need to I can,” he assures me.
I laugh. “I don’t mind helping for as long as I’m needed.”
“No,” Alfred says suddenly.
“What?” I go for the innocent look.
“You just want to stay out of the rain and only go home when everything is ready.”
“Umm no, I want to stay and help,” I say, even to my own ears I don’t sound convincing, but it’s still raining heavily
“Pretty much everything is ready for the BBQ later,” Adhan tells me. “But we can eat here if you want to.”
Just then the door opens and Justice stands there closing his umbrella before entering.
The smile Alfred gives him lights up the room. He walks over to Justice and kisses his cheek. “What are you doing here?”
“I knew Ernest was only working this morning and John was off today, so I thought I’d come and join you this afternoon.”
“Thank you, my Doc,” Alfred says before turning to grin at me. “You can take off now Pops.”
I shake my head and look at Adhan. “Pennicks?”