P earl made her way back to the boardinghouse, disappointment just edging out the exhaustion she was feeling. She had thought it would have been all over by now. Either she’d have staked the vampire, or they’d be making plans to get him safely back to the Missouri headquarters. As she approached the boardinghouse, the same group of rough-looking men lounged on the porch.
"Look what the wind blew in," drawled one of them, his voice thick with mockery. "A Pinkerton lady."
"Your kind ain't welcome here," another sneered, spitting tobacco juice onto the wooden planks beneath him.
“Glad to see you guys are consistent,” she said, her stride unwavering as she stepped onto the porch.
With her key in hand, she made her way to the room and carefully locked the door behind her. Taking extra precaution, she pushed a chair against it, the legs scraping across the wooden floor. She got undressed and lay down on the creaky bed. Sleep claimed her quickly, but her dreams were plagued by shadowy figures and whispered threats.
A few hours later, Pearl's sleep was broken by a sudden chill that dropped the temperature of the room. The scent of damp earth and something metallic filled the air, making the hair on the back of her neck stand on end.
She reached instinctively for her guns, pointing them at the shadowy figures filling her room. Adrenaline chased the cobwebs from her brain as she recognized the man standing at the foot of her bed, arms crossed and a sardonic smile playing about his lips.
"Evening, Pearl. Thought we'd pick up that conversation from earlier." Maverick's voice was a lazy drawl, but his eyes glittered with predatory intent in the moonlight seeping through the curtains.
Pearl kept her revolvers trained on him, gaze flicking to the others behind. There were three of them, hard-eyed and coiled with menace. The silver bullets wouldn’t be enough to stop all of them, but it might slow them down while she reached for her stakes. "How the hell did you get in here?"
Maverick's grin widened, flashing a glimpse of too-sharp canines. "I have my ways. Vampiric perks, you might say."
A chill skittered down Pearl's spine that had nothing to do with the night air. She jutted her chin toward the door, still closed and locked tight. "Let me guess. Turned to mist and slipped right under?"
He inclined his head, dark hair falling across his brow. "Can’t fool a Pinkerton.”
"Get out," she demanded, her voice unwavering despite the fear coiling in her chest.
“I've considered your offer. Might be willing to hear you out, if you can convince me it's worth my while and that you can be trusted."
Pearl snorted, not lowering her guns an inch. "And how exactly am I supposed to do that?"
"Simple. Help me and my gang out with a few jobs. Nothing illegal, I assure you." He spread his hands, as if that made it perfectly reasonable.
The room seemed to close in around Pearl, the weight of her decision pressing down on her shoulders. She exhaled slowly, her mind racing as she weighed the odds and considered the potential consequences. Could she trust a vampire? And if she agreed, would it bring her closer to completing her mission or was she damning herself in the process?
"Not a chance." Pearl's finger tightened imperceptibly on the trigger. Like hell was she going to be strong-armed into doing an outlaw's bidding, even one with a handsome face and the allure of the forbidden clinging to him like a second skin.
Maverick stepped closer, movements fluid and graceful. Predatory. Pearl's heart thudded traitorously against her rib cage as he leaned in, his cool breath ghosting across her cheek.
"No? Pity. And here I thought we might come to a mutually beneficial arrangement."
Pearl gritted her teeth, fighting the inexplicable pull that seemed to spark between them. There was more to Maverick than met the eye, and if she played this right, she might just convince him to come back with her.
“Are you sure this is how you want to end things?” he said.
They outnumbered her. She’d have a hard time surviving just one vampire, but four of them was suicide.
"No," she bit out, slowly lowering her revolvers, but keeping them in hand. "The Pinkertons need a vampire for what’s coming up."
His lips quirked, eyes dancing with amusement and something sharper. Darker. "What’s coming up?"
“You get that information when you come back to headquarters with me.”
As Pearl stared into his too-blue gaze, she couldn't shake the feeling she'd just made a deal with the devil. But if it got her closer to completing her mission, she'd dance with the devil himself. In the shadows, she sensed as much as saw Maverick's smile widen, a flash of fang in the dark.
Pearl shifted uneasily, the weight of her revolvers a cold comfort against the prickling sensation at her nape. Maverick's gaze seemed to pierce right through her, unsettling in its intensity. She'd tangled with outlaws and renegades aplenty, but something about this vampire set her on edge in a way she couldn't quite define.
"Meet me at the old mine, just west of town," Maverick drawled, his voice a smooth, dark rumble. "Sundown tomorrow. Come alone."
A flicker of unease threaded through her, but Pearl forced it down. This was her only chance to get Maverick to come peacefully. She'd be a fool to waste it, even if every instinct screamed at her to run.
"I'll be there," she said, the words tasting like ashes on her tongue.
Maverick inclined his head, a king granting a favor. Then, between one blink and the next, he and his friends vanished, melting into the shadows as if they’d never been there. Only the faint scent of smoke and spice lingered, a ghost of his presence. Pearl released a shaky breath as the tension slowly bled from her frame.
Sleep proved elusive the rest of the night, her mind churning with questions and possibilities. By the time dawn crept over the horizon, painting the sky in hues of fire and gold, Pearl was already up and dressed, her saddlebags packed. She'd need every advantage she could get if she was going to pull this off.
T HE DAY CRAWLED BY with agonizing slowness, each minute feeling like an eternity. Pearl used the time to scout the town, committing the layout to memory and noting potential escape routes. Just in case. As the sun began its inexorable descent, she mounted up and rode out, the old mine looming like a specter in the distance.
Pearl dismounted at the entrance. The air felt different out here, charged with an energy that raised the fine hairs on her arms. She was being watched. She could feel it in her bones. She walked into the mine shaft, pausing to let her eyes adjust to the darkness. It was empty save for a few crates and a mining cart on a set of tracks that led deeper into the mine.
“Hello?” she called. It was a perfect place for a nest of vampires to hide out. As she moved farther down into the mine, the light of the fading sun disappeared. She couldn’t see a foot in front of her.
Now what?
Suddenly four lanterns lit at the same time, and Pearl whirled, hand flying to her stakes. Maverick materialized from the deepening shadows, a ghost made flesh. Behind him, three figures emerged, solidifying into the same vampires from the boardinghouse, their eyes glinting with a predatory light.
"Pearl Thompkins." Maverick spread his hands, a showman presenting his troupe. "Meet the gang. That’s Clyde, Esmerelda, and Harlan." He pointed to each one and then hung up his lantern on a hook installed in the mine shaft’s wall.
Clyde smirked, lips curling to reveal a hint of fang. "Look what the cat dragged in."
"I don't like this, Mav," Harlan growled. "We can't trust her."
Maverick's eyes cut to him, sharp as flint. "I didn't ask for your opinion, Harley."
The use of the nickname seemed to defuse some of the tension, but Pearl could still feel it simmering beneath the surface. Harlan subsided with a scowl, but the challenge in his gaze remained. Pearl got the distinct impression that he was used to being the one giving orders, not taking them.
Esmerelda merely smiled mockingly at her.
"Pearl here is going to help us with a little problem we've been having,” Maverick said. “A nest of vampire hunters sticking their noses where they don't belong."
“Another one?” Esmerelda asked.
Harlan scoffed. "We should just slaughter them and be done with it."
"And bring the full force of the Guild down on our heads?" Maverick shook his head. "Use your head for once, Harley. We need a scalpel, not a sledgehammer."
The two vampires locked stares, a silent battle of wills. After a long moment, Harlan looked away, jaw clenched. Maverick's lips twitched, a ghost of a smile, before he turned his attention back to Pearl.
"This is where you come in, darlin'. I need you to convince those hunters to move along, peaceful-like."
Pearl arched a brow. "And if they don't?"
Maverick's smile widened, sharp and full of teeth. "Well now, that's when things get interesting."
“The Pinkertons are prepared to offer you full immunity—” Pearl stopped when Maverick held up a hand.
“Prove yourself first with the vampire hunters. Then we’ll talk.”
She resisted the urge to grind her teeth. Maverick spent the next few hours giving her a tour of the mine shafts. She didn’t see any of their coffins, but she didn’t expect to be trusted with that information right away.
As she watched, Maverick move among his gang, dispensing orders and reassurances. He had a way about him, a natural charisma that made him the obvious choice for the leader of this gang. It was a far cry from the ruthless outlaw she'd expected.
As they walked deeper into the mine, Esmerelda approached them. She gave Pearl a suspicious look. “Can I talk to you alone, Mav?”
“Talk in front of her. We’ve got to know if we can trust her.”
Pearl bristled. “I’m a Pinkerton.”
“Exactly,” Maverick said.
“We're running low on blood. The last batch we got from the butcher was tainted."
Blood from a butcher? Not a human? That was interesting.
Maverick frowned. "Tainted how?"
"It was like it had been mixed with something. I just took a sip because it smelled off, and it made me powerful sick."
Clyde chimed in. "I say we pay that butcher a visit, teach him a lesson about crossing us."
"We're not going to start a war with the locals, Clyde. That's not how we operate. Esmerelda, go into town, talk to the butcher. Find out what happened with that last batch. If it was a mistake, we'll let it go. If it was deliberate..." Mav trailed off, letting the implication hang in the air.
"Will do."
As she turned to go, Harlan stepped forward, his face twisted with frustration. "This is a waste of time. We should be focusing on the hunters, not playing nice with the cattle."
"The 'cattle,' as you call them, are our best source of sustenance. Without them, we starve. Or worse, we start hunting indiscriminately and get the Guild all riled up."
He stepped closer to Harlan, his presence suddenly looming and intimidating. "We are not mindless beasts, Harley. We are survivors. And sometimes, survival means playing the long game."
Harlan held his gaze for a moment, then looked away, his shoulders slumping. "I just don't like being cooped up in here, Mav. It's not natural."
Maverick's expression softened and he clapped Harlan on the shoulder. "I know, brother. But it's necessary, at least for now. Once we deal with these hunters, we'll have more freedom to move about. But until then, we need to be smart. We need to be careful."
As the group dispersed to attend to their various tasks, Maverick turned to Pearl, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Impressed yet, darlin'?"
Pearl schooled her features into a neutral expression. "Let's just say I'm beginning to understand why you're the one in charge."
Maverick chuckled, low and rich. "Stick around long enough and you might even start to like me."
Pearl raised an eyebrow, fighting back a smile. "Don't push your luck, Richman."
But even as she said it, she could feel something shifting inside her, a grudging respect taking root. Maverick was no ordinary outlaw, that much was clear. He had a code, a sense of honor that set him apart from the ruthless killers she'd encountered in the past.
The hours ticked by, and despite her best efforts, Pearl found herself struggling to keep her eyes open. The events of the past few days were catching up with her, the adrenaline that had sustained her finally running out.
Maverick noticed, of course. He always seemed to notice everything. "You should head back to town, get some rest. Come back tomorrow night and report on your success with the vampire hunters, and then maybe we’ll talk about what the Pinkertons really want."
Pearl hesitated, torn between the desire to stay and gather more information and the bone-deep exhaustion that threatened to overwhelm her. In the end, practicality won out. She couldn't do her job if she was dead on her feet.
She pushed herself up from the rock she'd been sitting on, swaying slightly as a wave of dizziness washed over her. Strong hands gripped her shoulders, steadying her. Maverick's hands.
His touch seemed to burn through the fabric of her shirt, and she jerked away, heart pounding. If he was offended by her reaction, he didn't show it.
"I'll ride back with you." His tone brooked no argument.
Part of her wanted to protest, to insist that she could take care of herself. But the rational part of her brain knew that arguing would only waste time and energy she couldn't spare. So she simply nodded, not trusting herself to speak.
The moon cast a silver glow over the desert landscape as Pearl and Maverick rode side by side, their horses' hooves stirring up clouds of dust. The quiet of the night was punctuated only by the distant hoot of an owl and the rhythmic creaking of saddle leather. Despite her weariness, Pearl couldn't help but feel invigorated by the cool air and the frisson of awareness that seemed to arc between her and Maverick.
"So," Maverick said, breaking the silence, "what made you choose the life of a Pinkerton agent?"
Pearl hesitated for a moment, considering how much to reveal. Finally, she took a deep breath and shared her truth. "My parents were killed by outlaws. I was raised in an orphanage. I was saved from being trampled to death from a runaway horse by a Pinkerton agent. Sarah Quinn."
Maverick nodded, his eyes fixed on the horizon. "I’ve heard of her. Tough lady.”
“She kind of took me under her wing. How about you? Did you choose to become a vampire?”
“No,” he said curtly.
Pearl winced. “Sorry. Did you get him?”
“Did you stake him?”
“No, he’s still out there.”
“I’m sure the Pinkertons can help you find him,” Pearl said.
“I know where he is.”
“Where is he?” she asked.
“England. And I will go after him eventually, but for right now, he’s too powerful.”
Pearl nodded. "Fair enough. When you decide to go after him, I’ll help. If you’re a Pinkerton, that is."
“Sweetening the pot, darlin’?”
Pearl studied him, noting the vulnerability that seemed to crack through his hardened exterior. "You didn't choose to become a vampire," she said carefully. "But you did choose to protect your gang and carve out a life for yourselves, even when the odds were against you. That shows strength and loyalty."
Maverick’s lips quirked into a half-smile. "But it doesn't change the fact that I'm an outlaw, a creature of the night."
"Which is why you should consider working for the Pinkertons," Pearl said. "Your skills and unique abilities would be invaluable to us."
“I’ve done things that the Pinkertons couldn’t possibly forgive,” he said.
"That’s above my pay grade, but according to the contract I have, they are willing to work with you. Redemption is possible," Pearl said, "if you want it bad enough."
His eyes held hers for a long moment, searching for any hint of falsehood in her words. Finally, he nodded slowly, as if coming to some sort of decision. "I'll think about it," he said quietly.
When they reached the boardinghouse, Maverick dismounted first, holding out a hand to help her down. His black duster flapped behind him like the wings of a bat . She ignored his hand, gritting her teeth as she swung her leg over the saddle and dropped to the ground.
The world tilted alarmingly and she reached out to steady herself against the horse's flank. Maverick watched her, his expression unreadable.
"You're no good to anyone if you run yourself into the ground."
Pearl straightened, meeting his gaze head-on. "I can take care of myself."
"I don't doubt it. But even the strongest of us need help sometimes."
She wanted to argue, to tell him that she didn't need his help or anyone else's. But the words stuck in her throat, held back by a lifetime of stubborn pride.
As they stopped before the wooden steps, Maverick glanced around and murmured, "I should take another form to avoid drawing attention."
In an instant, he transformed into a sleek black cat, his blue eyes now gleaming in the shadows. Pearl blinked in surprise.
"Come on, then," she whispered to him, and the cat that was Maverick followed her up the creaking stairs, its soft paws barely making a sound. Once inside her room, Pearl closed the door, and Maverick shifted back into his human form.
"Thank you for accompanying me," she said, her voice subdued as she stared at the worn floorboards.
"Of course," he replied, his gaze lingering on her face. "Make sure to sleep late tomorrow morning. You'll need your rest."
Pearl nodded, suddenly aware of the tension humming between them. It was as if the air had thickened, charged with an unspoken longing that neither of them dared to acknowledge. And yet, as Maverick's hand cupped her cheek and drew her closer, it was impossible to ignore the magnetic pull that seemed to draw them inexorably together.
Maverick kissed her then. Every nerve ending came alive as their mouths moved in sync, the taste of him intoxicating and wild. It was sweet and sexy—and completely inappropriate. But she didn’t push him away. Not until she realized he wasn’t going to stop and that she didn’t want him to.
As they broke apart, Pearl gasped for breath and tried to get a handle on her rampaging hormones. Was this a vampire trick?
"Good night, Pearl," he murmured before going into mist and wisping out under the door.
“What the hell?” Pearl sank onto the edge of her bed, her mind racing with the confusing mix of emotions that now swirled within her. She never responded to men like that. Never even considered that a vampire was anything but a wild animal to be put down. Now she was kissing one? There was something about him, something that called to her on a level she couldn't quite understand.
It wasn't just a physical attraction, though there was plenty of that. No, it was something deeper, a connection that went beyond the surface. And it scared the hell out of her.