Cauldrons and Cat Tails (Moonvale Matches #2) 14. Tandor 35%
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14. Tandor



D ry tendrils of a broom wisped across the floor with a scratchy, comforting rhythm. My hands were now completely healed, no longer needing any bandages. I could clutch the broomstick without any trouble. I swept the day’s dirt through the propped-open door, wishing it a silent farewell as it went.

It wouldn’t stay outside the pub for long—it would quickly come back in tracked under clogs and boots—but it was satisfying to see it go, even briefly.

The crisp outside air drifted in, cooling the room to a temperature that tempted me to tug down my scrunched sleeves. I didn’t catch a chill easily, but I wasn’t impervious to the cold.

I continued to sweep.

Kizzi fluttered in the door, tracking spots of dirt onto the clean floor. A breeze followed her in. It carried the smell of falling leaves and toasted apples. I inhaled greedily. The witch was wearing a black tunic tucked into a long, flowing skirt that kissed the ground as she walked. Her boot-clad toes barely peeked out from below the billowing fabric. Her hair was down and wild, settled around her shoulders and curling at the ends, hiding her ears from view.

Every folk in the room turned their head when she walked in, some openly gaping. I couldn’t blame them. I felt the same way.

That didn’t stop the twinge of jealousy from twisting my stomach, though. Of course they would stare—she was magnificent—but irrationally, I wanted to be the only one to lay eyes on her.

I set the broom aside. “Hey there, Kizzi. Here for lunch?” I asked hopefully.

She shook her head. “I’m actually here to ask a favor.”

I nodded quickly. “Sure. Anything.”

Her eyes darted to my face. She tilted her head. “Hmm…” She stepped closer to me, examining my expression with a strange intensity. I gulped, nervous under her scrutiny. A bead of sweat trickled down the side of my forehead and I hastily swiped it away. I scrubbed an irritating speck of dust out of my eye. Still, she watched me.

“Is… everything okay?” I asked.

“That depends. Did you eat any of my chili at the potluck?”

I met her gaze abruptly, confused by the random question. “Did I eat any of your chili?”

She nodded, stepping closer and inspecting my face even more intensely. My skin tingled at her proximity.

“Uh… I sure did. It was delicious!” I grinned tightly, hoping she couldn’t read the lie on my lips. I would die before I admitted to her that I had refused to try her chili because it had a dirty feather in it, and I was positive it would have made me vomit.

I would never admit to having such a weak stomach. Orcs were supposed to be tough, not squeamish.

I would never risk offending her, either.

She dropped her head back and groaned. “Old Gods be damned!”

Huh. That’s not the reaction I expected.

“Was I… not supposed to?” I asked, dumbfounded.

She scrubbed her hands over her face. “No, no, it’s not that.” She dropped her hands and looked at me again. “Are you feeling okay?”

My stomach roiled. Were folk sick from her chili? I couldn’t say that was surprising.

I shrugged, unsure of what the correct answer was. “I feel fine, more or less. Maybe a bit warm?”

“And are you itching to jump my bones right now? Confess your undying love for me?” she asked matter-of-factly, watching for my reaction.

My blood thundered in my ears. All of a sudden, I was achingly aware of how tight my trousers were. “Um… No?” I gulped. “I mean, not no. I didn’t mean no. But I don’t mean yes, either.” This had to be some sort of trap.

She squinted her eyes and nodded hesitantly. “Okay. That’s… fine. We can make that work.”

I nodded too, unsure of what I was agreeing with but agreeing, nonetheless. “You said you had a favor to ask?” I reminded her. I subtly adjusted my apron, making sure it covered my nether regions properly.

“Oh, right. The favor.” She looked nervous. “You’re allowed to say no.”

“Just spit it out—it can’t be that bad.”

She exhaled heavily. “Will you go on a trip with me?”

I waited to hear the rest, but she didn’t continue. She just stared at me beseechingly. A little pleadingly. This was too good to be true. There had to be some sort of catch. “Sure. Yes. Where to, princess?”

“The problem is… I’m not really sure. Again, you’re allowed to say no.”

“Now I’m intrigued.” I turned and faced Kizzi fully, crossing my arms over my chest so they wouldn’t hang awkwardly by my sides. “You want to gallivant through the realm with me? That sounds rather romantic.”

She snorted out an awkward laugh. “I need you and your big muscles.”

My eyebrows reached for my hairline. “Kizzi, wow. I didn’t realize you were so interested in my physique.”

She groaned and ran a hand over her face. “This is not coming out right. Tandor, will you just come with me to a few towns so I can buy a new cauldron? And something secret that I can’t tell you about. I need you to help me carry the cauldron—I won’t be able to move it. I can ask someone else, but?—”

“Yes. I’ll do it!” I interrupted.

“You will? That easy?” she asked. She squinted at me again. “How much of my chili did you eat?”

I shrugged, waving a hand to brush away her chili comment. I wiped my sweaty palms on my trousers. “I’ve been meaning to pick up some fruits and herbs anyway. I’ve got more cider ideas to try, and the traveling salesman won’t be back for a while. Besides, like you said—you need me.” I winked at her, cracking a grin. My heart pounded in my chest.

The corner of her mouth lifted. “When can you leave? I have a few orders to prepare, but that shouldn’t take too long.”

“How about a few days? I have to start a few new batches of cider and make sure Ginger will be alright here without me for a little while.” I hesitated, thinking. “How long will we be gone for?”

She chewed on her bottom lip. “It could be a few days… It could be a few weeks. I’m not sure how far we’ll have to go.”

I considered that. A few weeks on the road with Kizzi—I honestly couldn’t think of anything I’d rather do more. Only one problem held me back. “Will we return in time for Hallow’s Eve?” I would be disappointed if I had to miss out on celebrating Hallow’s Eve here in Moonvale, but if I had to spend it on the road, it wouldn’t be the worst thing…

“Oh, absolutely. I wouldn’t miss Hallow’s Eve. If I have to set out on another trip, I will, but I’ll be damned if I miss out on celebrating with the coven.”

I sighed in relief. “It sounds like we’re on the same page, then.”

“It sure does.” She stared at me for a few moments before she subtly shook her head, resting a hand over her satchel at her side. “I better start preparing, then. Leave in five days’ time?”

“I’ll be ready,” I promised.

She hesitated. “Do you have any of those spiced pumpkin ciders left?”

I snorted out a laugh. “I’ve been waiting for you to ask. Yes, actually, I have another small batch I set aside. Let me pour you one.” I retreated to the cellar. I couldn’t help the smile that pulled at my cheeks. I returned with two full goblets—one for her and one for myself.

“For you, pumpkin princess.” I handed her a goblet and lifted the other out in front of me.

Kizzi smiled and tapped her goblet to mine. “I’ll let the princess thing slide, just because I love this cider so much.” She took a long gulp and hummed quietly. A drop of the liquid dripped from her bottom lip, trickled down her chin.

Hand trembling, pulse racing, I reached out and collected the drop on a fingertip, popping it in my mouth. I grinned when her jaw dropped open in surprise.

“Too good to waste even a drop,” I murmured before lifting my own goblet to my lips and swallowing deeply.

Gods, I really outdid myself with this one. This is fucking delicious .

It tasted even better coming straight from Kizzi’s skin.

We finished our ciders in companionable quiet, only speaking briefly about where our travels might take us and items we should bring. She requested that I bring a barrel of cider, but I had to turn that idea down, much to her dismay.

When she finally left, my stomach was feeling bubbly and warm, and not just from the cider.

Again, she snagged attention as she crossed the room. One man even started to follow her out before changing his mind and sitting back down.

It really was understandable. Of course everyone admired her. Kizzi was not only distractingly gorgeous, but she was also hard-working, and smart, and extremely loyal to the folk she cared about. She was the best this town had to offer. The whole realm, surely.

Many times, I had nearly gathered the courage to tell her how I felt. To take a leap. But I always lost my nerve, or she simply laughed off my attempted flirty comments.

She would never see me the way I saw her. To her, I would always just be the orc at the pub serving her drinks. The orc willing to lend a helping hand.

The warmth in my stomach soured as I got back to work.

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