Cauldrons and Cat Tails (Moonvale Matches #2) 20. Tandor 50%
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20. Tandor



M y cock throbbed with an incessant ache that was almost painful. I hunched over the sink in the tiny washroom, debating if I could spend any more time in the room without drawing suspicion.

I had already rubbed myself to release once, but that wasn’t enough.

I kept thinking about Kizzi and her soft, malleable thighs, the way they cradled my hips so perfectly… The way she rubbed herself against my?—

I groaned and scrubbed my hands over my face. The heated thoughts were not helping.

I had heard the door open and shut a few minutes ago—hopefully that meant Kizzi left the room to go find herself some breakfast. Maybe with the distraction, she wouldn’t notice how much time had passed… I could go for one more…

No. I slapped my cheeks to focus myself.

It was just a dream. She wasn’t thinking about me . She must have been thinking of some other man.

The thought settled like a stone in my stomach, heavy and uncomfortable.

But she had said my name, in a breathy, decadent whisper… The sound replayed over and over in my head. The way my name had sounded like a prayer on her tongue, the way it slipped between her lips on a heated exhale?—

I splashed a handful of water over my face.

We were just two folk, traveling together, who had to share a bed.

She needed my help. It was nothing more than that.

But I desperately wanted it to be…

When I finally wrangled my body into submission and got myself ready for the day, I slipped out of the room in search of a bright head of green hair. Kizzi had gotten herself ready before I did, and her hair had been twisted into a messy knot on top of her head.

I liked her hair up like that. It showed off her pretty ears, her soft-looking neck. And it kept her from hiding.

I spotted the witch quickly, seated on a fluffy chair in the inn’s common room with her feet tucked under her. She was buried in a book that she must have pulled from the shelf on the far wall. She didn’t notice me as I entered the room.

I took a detour to the kitchen to find some tea. It was my turn to repay the favor.

A shifter was working the kitchen with a bright white apron tied around his waist. He perked up when I entered. “Good morning, sir! Searching for something to eat?”

I smiled politely. “Good morning! Tea would be amazing, if you have it. And maybe a few pastries?”

He nodded and began pulling out glasses. “Of course. We have a new seasonal variety—apple and cinnamon. It’s delightful.” He poured the glasses only halfway full and then retreated to a large box in the corner of the kitchen. He returned with two handfuls of ice cubes. He plopped the ice into the tea and then smiled broadly, handing them to me.

I forgot that the folk of Sunhaven preferred their drinks cold. It felt entirely backwards to me—we always sipped on hot drinks in Moonvale to help fight off the constant chill. But it wasn’t chilly here.

I accepted the drinks gratefully, along with a couple of sticky honey buns.

Kizzi was in the exact same spot when I returned, but I could tell she had made it a few pages further in her book. It was cute, how absorbed she was in the story. She was entirely oblivious to her surroundings.

I stopped to watch her for a moment, and a gentle warmth bloomed in my chest. I squashed it before it could become much more.

“Good morning, Kizzi!” I declared loudly as I stepped up beside her.

She jumped, almost dropping the book onto the floor. “Gods! You just scared a few years off my life.”

“I wasn’t quiet, you just weren’t paying attention.” I held out a glass of tea and a sticky bun. “Are you hungry?”

A smile stretched across her beautiful face. “Starving.” She reached for the dishes greedily. I plopped down in the chair beside her, grateful that the common area wasn’t as crowded as it had been yesterday evening.

I kicked my feet up on the low ottoman in front of me and examined the sticky honey bun. It was a little soft, but it was baked to a golden sheen. Perfectly cooked. The honey glaze sparkled in the firelight from the sconces, and a thick icing settled gracefully on top. The whole pastry was twisted into a swirl. I lifted it to my face and inhaled. The scent of warm, sweet bread with a sweet tang of honey flooded my senses. My mouth watered.

I took a slow bite, allowing my teeth to sink into the gooey center. Flavor exploded over my tongue. I had to swallow an indecent moan. The perfect balance of sweet, soft bread with a contrast from the honey. Incredible. I savored every morsel, careful to catch any dripping crumbs or icing with my tongue so they wouldn’t be wasted on the grimy inn floor.

I glanced at Kizzi to find that she had already finished her bun. She was watching me with a glint in her eye. She licked her finger, pulling the last bit of icing into her mouth. My eyes traced the movement, latched onto her cute pink tongue.

“Good?” I asked. My voice came out rough.

“Delicious.” Her eyes flicked to the rest of the bun in my hand.

Chuckling under my breath, I took another bite before I offered her the last of the honey bun. It was the center of the swirl—the softest part.

“Oh, no, you eat it.” She argued.

I just held it aloft and quirked my eyebrow.

“Okay fine, if you insist. You don’t have to twist my leg.” She snatched the center of the bun and popped it into her mouth. She hummed happily as she chewed. A bit of icing lingered on her bottom lip. I waited for her to notice it, to wipe it away, to capture it with that pink tongue of hers.

She didn’t.

“You’ve got a little…” I gestured to my own face.

“Huh?” She brushed her hands against her cheeks, looking confused.

I saw the opportunity in front of me. “I’ll get it.” I leaned forward, slowly reaching for her face. She held still.

I swiped the pad of my thumb along her plush lower lip. I lingered a moment longer than necessary, just enjoying the feel of her skin under my fingers.

And then I sat back. Slipped my thumb between my lips. Sucked the drop of icing from my skin.

A lovely flush crawled up her neck. I couldn’t help it—I smiled in satisfaction.

Kizzi cleared her throat before slipping out a quiet, “thanks.”

I enjoyed watching the way her flush crept up her jaw, over her cheeks, to the tips of her ears. I watched her from the corner of my eye as we drank our apple cinnamon teas, long enough for the flush to fade from her skin.

“Ready to continue our journey, or would you like to linger in Sunhaven for a while longer?” I asked.

“I’d like to make a stop or two, and then I’m ready to move on if you are.”

I nodded. “I was thinking the exact same thing—lead the way.”

L ater, after visiting three different shops and securing a few parcels, we returned to the inn to grab our bags and head on our way.

I had purchased a bundle of cinnamon sticks, a few jars of honey, and a bag of dried mint leaves. All ingredients I was excited to introduce to my cider brews.

Kizzi had spoken with the shopkeepers in hushed tones, whispering into their ears as she asked for her ingredients. I wasn’t quite sure what she purchased, but it looked like some sort of insect. As well as a vial of honey that was much thicker than the stuff I bought.


The carriage was exactly where we had left it, and it looked even worse in the glaring bright light of Sunhaven.

Daisy neighed happily when she saw us. Her belly was full, and she was prepared for another journey. I stroked her mane, letting the coarse hairs slip through my fingers. “You ready for another journey, pretty lady?”

She whinnied quietly.

After tossing a few silvers at the stable keep, we were on our way.

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