“N O more foreplay,” she murmured. “We’ve been doing that all day.”
His gaze locked with hers and she saw the question in his eyes. “Tell me what you want, Freddy. And I’ll move heaven and earth to give it to you.”
“I want you. All of you.” She spoke her deepest secret aloud.
Admitted it to him.
To herself.
And no flames shot from the sky.
No avenging angels accused her of double-crossing the Fates.
The time for doubting was over. This was their night. The one that had gotten away from them all those years ago.
He tangled his fingers into her hair and lowered his forehead to hers. “You’ve bewitched me. You’ve cast me in a spell that I can’t break. I’m here to give you everything you want, Freddy. Any way you want it.”
She wanted to remember every minute of their time together. Wanted to feel him inside her. To make up for all the time they’d wasted because of her. She didn’t doubt for a minute that she could make up the lost years between them. But she could control the here and now.
She met his gaze unflinchingly. “No condom.”
The storm grey of his eyes darkened a shade. “Are you sure?”
“You mean am I going to get pregnant.” She smiled. “I'm a bit old for that, don't you think?”
“If that's what the lady wants.” With one swift thrust he was inside her, filling her in a way she imagined, but left her craving more of him.
She hitched her legs higher, straining forward to meet him.
“I suggest you don’t move like that again,” he ground out. “It’ll be all over before we get started. And all that teasing you did today will be for nothing.”
“Me, teasing?” She shifted slightly to take the full length of him. “You were the one doing the touching. You rubbed the back of my hand.”
She reached under them and cupped his balls in her fingers. And began to massage him with slow circular movements. At the same time, she squeezed her core around his cock, the grip of her fingers firming on his balls. “I seem to remember your thumb pressing against my skin like you were fucking my hand in that crowded bar today.”
He groaned. “If that’s what you thought I was doing, then you were close.” He drew back on his elbows and thrust his cock into her once more. “I was imagining my mouth on your opening—”
Rika reminded herself to breathe as he sank his cock deep inside her.
“—and my tongue licking its way to your clit.” Rika sucked in a breath. “You opening up for me. I remember you like it slow, Freddy.”
She opened her eyes and found herself drowning into the dark storm of his fantasy. She didn’t know whether to focus on the movement of his cock or the seductive sound of his words.
He didn’t give her the chance to choose.
As his cock began to move inside her, the pace of his words quickened. “My mouth sucking at the core of you. Tasting you.”
She focused on his words. “Biting. Taking tiny nips. Making circles with my tongue. Until you’re begging.”
No, not his words. A mistake. Feel him move. His words too vivid. The pressure on her clit too much. As if he knew what he was doing to her, he slid his hand between their joined bodies and pressed against her sensitive core.
“You’re wet. Dripping. Just like in my fantasy where your vulva is pressed against my tongue. Can you feel my tongue on you, Freddy? Are you ready to come for me with my cock inside you and my fingers where my mouth wants to be? Let it go, baby. Come all over me like I know you want to.”
“No.” She clung to him as she matched the rhythm of his body, the pressure of his hand pressing against her clit as he whispered the words of his fantasy into her ear. And she knew she was past the point of no return. It was too much. “No.”
He pressed the heel of his hand against her as his cock withdrew and crashed into her. His pace quickening even more. “No what, Freddy? You don’t want to come all over my tongue in my fantasy or do you want me to stop fucking you? Tell me,” he ordered softly. “Tell me what you want. And I’ll give it to you. All of it.”
She knew what he was asking. But she wasn’t sure how to answer. Once, she wouldn’t have hesitated. She would have pulled him against her, slapped her hands over his ass, and begged him to fill her with his need until she thought of nothing but where she ended, and he began.
But that required trust. A total giving of herself to the man whose body towered over the length of hers with nothing between them except their mutual self-control. It wasn’t enough and they both knew it.
She could feel him in the depths of her being as he waited for her answer. Her body at one with his. His shape filling her till there was room for nothing else. The feel of his straining patience.
And she knew he would accept her answer. Whatever it was. He was giving her the power to decide.
Her gaze sank into the depth of his storm. She brought her hands to his face and ran her fingers lightly over his lips.
He opened his mouth and took the finger she offered and sucked it gently. One by one she offered her fingers. He kissed each one with a reverence that told her what no words could.
And still, their gazes locked.
She reached up and pressed her lips to his and he took what she offered. Their tongues met. He tasted like the fruits they had shared. No longer forbidden. Because at last she truly knew they were equal in every way.
She drew away momentarily. “I want everything you have to give.”
They were the words he was waiting for. His mouth crashed against hers and he thrust his cock hard into her. She met him thrust for thrust. And reveled in the power he gave her while asking nothing in return.
She hurtled over the edge with a force that had her crying out his name. So many years of pent-up feelings came flowing to the surface. He held her through the storm. Then began to move once more.
She didn’t think there could be anything more perfect, but he took her there again, and as the pressure inside her built once more she opened her eyes and found him watching her. His feelings mirrored hers. But to speak the words aloud would ruin the fantasy, so she focused on the length of him as he slid into her and back.
As their tempo built, she accepted that Richard Buchanan had held her heart forever. And this time when she toppled over the edge, he came with her.
“You feel so damn good. I don’t want to move.”
She traced her fingers down his back, feeling every muscle until she reached the apex of his ass. She let her fingers spread out and feel the shape of him. “A night to remember,” she said softly.
She felt him look at her as if he was about to say something, but he didn’t, and she was thankful.
Tonight was enough. It had to be. She was too old for happily ever after. She liked who she was, and she didn't think she had any compromise left in her to share her life.
Not even with the man her body had never forgotten.
She let her fingers move over his ass, feeling the firm shape of him as slowly he started their dance again, and her body responded as if they’d never been apart.
She had buried the hurt, the loneliness, but it had never gone away.
Right now, none of it mattered.
He was here.
With her.
And they had the whole night ahead of them.
She linked her hands around his neck, pressing soft kisses over his chest, and held him like she would never let him go.
He rolled onto his side and pulled her close, murmuring intelligible words. She turned into his body and his arms wrapped around her.
He held her against him, and brushed feather-soft kisses on her forehead and down her face. “We might have to rest awhile before we do that again.”
She opened her eyes. “If you keep rubbing my back and holding me like this, I may fall asleep on you.”
“Then I’ll get to wake up beside you. Another fantasy of mine.”
“No promises,” she murmured drowsily.
“Give me five minutes to recover.”
But she hardly heard him.
She felt the vibration of his chest as he chuckled. “On second thoughts let's sleep on it and see what happens when we wake up.”
Her last thoughts as she tumbled into sleep were that she felt safe and cherished in his arms.
She’d given Richard his night, just as he’d given her the day.
Which made them even, with their happily ever after tucked safely back in fairytale-land where it belonged.