Christmas Wishes at Cranberry (Apple Hill Bay #3) Chapter 7 25%
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Chapter 7


Present day

Shay watched in horror as water poured in the passenger side, sloshing over Orla’s limp, unconscious body. She was alive, she had to be – he couldn’t bear the thought that she was dead. Waves pounded against the car, flipping it upside down as easily as if it was a toy car. They had to get out.

He opened the car door, undid his seatbelt and he hit the roof of the car hard. He rearranged himself, undid Orla’s seatbelt and caught her before she hit the roof too. Cradling her head against his chest, he managed to manoeuvre himself backwards out of the car as it was battered against the waves.

She flopped uselessly in his arms as he dragged her out of the sea up onto the sand that was, as yet, not reached by the tide. But it was on its way in, they didn’t have long. He lay her down carefully on the sand, hoping that he hadn’t done more damage to her body manhandling her out of the car. She was soaked, they both were, and the snow was continuing to fall. He leaned over her and could feel her breath on the side of his face. He crumpled with relief.

He grabbed his phone from his back pocket, but it was dripping with water and not working.

He needed to call for help. He looked around desperately. The stairs up to his cottage weren’t far away, but he couldn’t leave her alone and he didn’t want to carry her and potentially cause more injuries to her.

He shook her shoulder, trying to rouse her but she didn’t stir. He stroked her face.

‘Come on baby, please wake up.’

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