Orla smiled as she walked down to the harbour, the town looking so pretty wrapped in a glittery blanket. There were Christmas lights everywhere. People’s houses were lit up inside and outside with trees, lights, dancing snowmen on the lawns or Santas on their sleighs, stars sparkled in the windows and around the doors. Some had gone all out with festive flamingos or peacocks, which didn’t seem that Christmassy but somehow worked. The shops looked spectacular with their window displays twinkling and showing off their festive wares.
She looked up at Shay, who was holding her hand. Her heart felt so full of him. She couldn’t be any happier right now. Ivy lolloped by his side, chewing on the lead, stomping through the snow, trying to catch the snowflakes.
The harbour was surrounded by strings of multicoloured lights and many of the boats were decorated and lit up too. Theo had organised the boat parade to help raise money for Little Paws, the wildlife animal sanctuary he owned. All the passenger boats that ordinarily did coastal tours, wildlife or dolphin spotting trips in the summer had donated their boats for the night for people to watch the procession of sailing boats, and tickets to go on board had sold out with all the proceeds going towards Little Paws. Other locals that hadn’t made it onto the boats lined the long breakwater that protected the harbour from the waves and storms, to see the procession from dry land, and they’d paid an entrance fee to enter the breakwater too. There were stalls set up too, selling Christmassy goods and foods with a percentage of their sales going towards Little Paws.
As they approached the hordes of people joining the queue for the boats, she spotted Roo, Theo and their puppy Clarke. Roo waved and as her eyes fell on Orla and Shay’s joined hands, a smile filled her face. Ivy launched herself at Clarke, squealing in delight. Roo came hurrying over and gave Orla a big hug, which caused her to drop Shay’s hand for a second, and Roo used the distraction to her advantage, linking her arm and walking her away from Shay. Orla looked back at Shay helplessly and he just smiled and shook his head – he knew what her friends were like.
‘What’s going on?’ Roo said, making sure Shay was no longer in hearing distance.
‘We’re here to see the lights,’ Orla said, innocently.
‘You’re holding hands.’
Orla relented, partly because her friends should know, and partly because she was so happy she wanted to shout it from the rooftops. ‘OK, we had a big honest chat, told each other everything and we’re giving it a go.’
‘You’re dating?’ Roo squeaked excitedly.
Orla smiled. ‘Yeah, we are.’
‘Oh wow, I’m so happy for you. I always thought you were made for each other. I think pretty much everyone has been waiting for you two to realise it too. This is so exciting.’
‘We’re taking it slow,’ Orla said, knowing that wasn’t exactly true since they’d already made love three times since the chat, but what she actually meant was that she was taking things slow by trying to hold back her feelings for him, which didn’t seem particularly fair as Shay had already told her he loved her twice now.
‘Well, maybe don’t tell Carrie – she’ll be planning the wedding before the New Year.’
Orla wondered what Carrie would make of it. She’d known Orla as long as Shay had – she’d practically been a second mum to her. Would she think it was weird that they’d got together after all this time? How would she feel if she ever found out that Orla had persuaded Shay to sleep with her when they were younger, or that they’d had a whole weekend of sex? Would she look at her differently? Carrie had never asked Orla why she had cut Shay out of her life either. Would she be happy that they were finally together or would she worry that Orla would hurt Shay again?
She bit her lip as she thought. She had hurt Shay, probably as much as he’d hurt her. It wasn’t just Shay that had to prove he wasn’t going to hurt her again, she had to prove that too, that she wasn’t going to run away again at the slightest hint of trouble. They certainly had a lot of baggage and history to get past if they were going to have any kind of future.
‘I can see that frown, what are you worried about?’ Roo said.
‘I’m not.’ Orla silently cursed that Roo knew her so well.
‘Just enjoy it for what it is now, stop worrying about the what ifs and the future.’
Orla nodded. ‘I definitely intend to enjoy it.’
Roo laughed. ‘The fun stuff, the excitement, the thrill, and let’s face it, the sex, is always the best part in any new relationship. Embrace it, relish in it. You’ve waited a very long time for this, wring out every last drop of joy from it. And then if it ends you can look back on it with fondness, not regret.’
‘You’re right of course, you always are.’
They looked back at Shay who was chatting to Theo.
‘Come on, let’s get some hot chocolate and let them have a chance to talk. I hear there’s a stand over there that sells churros too,’ Roo said.
‘Well, I’m definitely getting some of those.’
‘Well, how’s it going with Orla?’ Theo asked after Shay had deliberately got Theo talking about the boat parade to try and distract his brother from the incoming inquisition.
He focused on Ivy and Clarke playing together for a moment while he played for time. He wanted to talk about it – God knows he could probably do with some advice from his brother about it –but he also wanted to protect what he and Orla had. It was so new and it still felt so tentative. He dreaded the idea of their mum finding out because he knew she would go completely over the top with her enthusiasm. When Fern had been dating Fletcher, Carrie only had to get a whiff of an impending proposal for her to march Fern down the wedding dress shop and insist on buying her a dress. He really wanted to protect Orla from that.
‘We talked, honestly, probably for the first time ever. She did love me when we were younger, I did break her heart, which I hate, but at least we’re starting from a place of truth and hopefully we can move forward from that. She’s decided to give us a chance.’
‘Mate, I’m over the moon for you. I know this has been a long time coming but you really deserve this happiness.’
Shay smiled. ‘I can’t tell you how happy I am. I’ve been in love with her for sixteen years, but I’ve always been too scared to make a move, especially after what happened in the past. And now we’re together and it seems… unreal. I’m almost expecting her to change her mind.’
Theo frowned. ‘Why would she change her mind? She loves you too.’
‘I think so. She’s not said that yet. I told her again while we… were cuddling and she just kissed me, she didn’t say it back.’
‘It’s still really early days for you two. I know it doesn’t feel that way when you’ve known each other and been such good friends for so long but this is all new, so you have to take your time. I knew I loved Roo the first time we made love, but I never told her that for at least a week, might have been a bit more. I didn’t want to scare her off. And with what happened the last time Orla told you, I’m not surprised she’s holding back. She needs to know this is something big and life changing for you, that you’re in it for the long haul, that it won’t end in a few weeks. I think deep down she knows that, but you have to give her time to trust in it.’
‘What can I do to get her to trust me?’
‘Just give her time. She’ll soon realise how important this is to you. In the meantime, just enjoy your cuddling. ’
Shay laughed. ‘I intend to.’