Orla was sitting on Shay’s lap the next day at Carrie’s house, watching Ocean chasing Bones, Clarke and Ivy. Her heart fell so full that she thought it might burst. Although that wasn’t the only thing that felt like it could burst. They had eaten so much turkey and trimmings, plus the pre-lunch snacks, the desserts and copious amounts of chocolate. She didn’t think she would need to eat for a week or more, she was so stuffed.
They’d opened presents, played games and watched several Christmas movies and she felt so lucky to be part of this wonderful family. Although right now, she’d quite like to go home with Shay, sleep for a few hours and then spend the rest of Christmas Day making love to the man she loved with all her heart. She wondered when would be an appropriate time to make their excuses and leave.
She’d had a long chat with Fern and told her everything she’d shared with Shay, and Fern couldn’t have been happier for her that she’d finally put away her demons from the past. Carrie had spent every available opportunity talking about marriage and children and subtly and not-so-subtly asking when they were going to tie the knot.
‘Do you want to go?’ Shay whispered in her ear.
She looked at him and saw the dark look in his eyes that left her with no doubt why he wanted to go home. She nodded keenly.
‘Mum, I think we’re going to take off,’ Shay said. ‘We’re both still a bit tired after the accident.’
‘Yes of course, you must get some rest,’ Carrie said.
Orla smirked, knowing rest was the very last thing on Shay’s mind.
‘But before you do, let’s have a toast.’
Carrie spent a few minutes pouring and serving several glasses of sparkling wine and orange juice for those that were either driving or pregnant or too young to drink. Carrie finally held up her own glass. ‘To happy ever afters.’
Carrie held her glass up to Antonio, then Fern, Fletcher and Ocean, then Theo and Roo and finally to Shay and Orla.
And everyone echoed her toast together, ‘To happy ever afters.’
If you enjoyed Christmas Wishes at Cranberry Cove, you’ll love my next gorgeously romantic story, The House on Waterfall Hill . It’s a brand new series set in Lovegrove Bay.