Claimed By the Alien Barbarian (Brides of the Zuldrux Warriors #3) 7. Kerry 18%
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7. Kerry

Chapter 7


I slept on a limb above Nevarn, something I’d insisted on after he scrambled up the tree behind me. He’d jumped me, and if my mom was here, she would’ve chastised me for hours that I’d let down my guard enough to allow it to happen. How had I been lulled into believing he was too injured to cause me harm?

And then his damn cock had started stiffening. While I’d flailed and bucked up against him, shouting for him to release me, something hot and wild had shot to my core. I could feel myself getting wet. It had taken at least a few blinks of my eyes before I could grab onto my sanity and tell him I’d kill him if he tried to do it again.

After a long, sleepless night, dawn cracked open the horizon and released golden light into the sky. Birds started cheeping, and the small, fluffy squirrel-like things began tossing nuts at me, something they’d done each morning. I’d collected them, roasted them, then lifted a toast to the furry beasts as I ate the food they’d provided.

“You’re awake,” Nevarn said from the limb below mine. He looked up with too much cheer on his face. “We should leave soon.”

“This is my home now.” Not really. I still planned to build a shelter, though I wasn’t sure I’d be able to craft something that would keep this world’s predators out. How long would I survive here on my own?

As long as I could.

“Whoever tried to kill me will not give up,” he said.

“I’ve watched, but no one’s come near. Maybe it was a rogue lizard person.”

“I saw their blue skin. Their silver hair. They were Zuldruxian.”

“Why were they trying to kill you?”

“It’s just a suspicion on my part, but I believe whoever killed my first mate, Weela, doesn’t want me returning to my old clan to investigate the crime. If they kill me, they’ll get away with her murder forever.”

“How would they know you were coming?”

“Not long ago, I attended a clan gathering and there, I met with some of my old clan. Now that my banishment has ended, I was told I was welcome to visit. I decided then that it was time I proved my innocence and discovered who murdered her.”

“That sounds like a good thing to do, but how do I come into all that?”

“I want you to . . .” He scowled and swallowed hard. “I ask you to come with me. You’ll be safer with me than remaining here alone.”

I scoffed, though he was probably right. Two sets of eyes keeping watch was better than one. And I was tired. Worn out from stress and struggling to remain alive. Even if I could build a shelter, I was facing inevitable death-by-wild-creature.

My urge to tell him yes had nothing to do with my attraction to him.

“I’ll make sure the one who killed Weela pays with his or her life,” he said.

“Won’t killing someone else get you banished again?”

He shrugged and stared forward; his face resolute. “Perhaps, but I don’t want to live in that clan any longer. I have a new one where I’m welcome, and I’ll remain there forever.”

“Forever is a very long time.” I frowned. If I had known who killed my mom, would I have gone vigilante and sought justice?

There was a good chance I would’ve.

He turned a pensive look my way. “Please come with me. I’ll keep you safe.”

“I’ve done well enough on my own.”

“You have.”

His agreement surprised me.

“However, how long can you keep going with only snatches of sleep while leaning against the trunk of a tree?” he asked.

“I’m going to build a shelter.”

“I have an offer for you.”

“What kind of offer?”

Light sparkled in his gorgeous teal eyes. It wasn’t fair for a guy to have such pretty eyes. “Join me on the ground, and I’ll tell you.” One leap, and he landed squarely on his feet on the forest floor.

Smug pride filled me. He was oozing pus from his belly and slipping into sepsis when he found me three days ago, and I’d healed him with my simple medical kit alone. Look at him now, jumping around without flinching.

It took me longer to climb down, but I soon faced him across my cold fire that wasn’t much of a barrier to this person who was much stronger than me. He’d been bred and raised here. I was a transplant—one much too small for a planet full of enormous, dangerous beasts.

“Come with me to the Dastalon Clan,” he said. “Once I’ve made Weela’s murderer pay, I’ll take you to my clan.”

“Ah yes,” I said with a huff. “Where you’ll be happy to lure me into your bed.”

His head tilted, and he watched my face. “ Could I lure you into my bed?”

“No,” I snapped.

His tusky smile rose, making that same dreamy feeling shoot through me, aiming for my stupid clit who perked up like a puppy in need of pats.

“I mean it,” I said.

His smile only grew slyer. “If I could lure you into my bed, I’d do so. Otherwise, I’ll give you your own tree to live in. We have plenty.”

“You live in treehouses?”

“Our homes are inside the tree trunk, not up in the tree. Helena gifted us with them. I’m sure she’ll craft one for you.”

I’d have to see this to believe it, but I nodded, urging him to finish presenting his bargain.

“What do you want in exchange for offering me a home?” I asked. Sex, sex, sex. Wasn’t that always the way with guys?


The word popped my indignation balloon, but I shored up my spine and met his gaze with a steely scowl. There had to be a catch. “Nothing? Surely there’s something you want.”

“I’d like you to remain with me while I investigated Weela’s murder.”

Had he loved her?

My face overheated at the thought. I was not jealous. How could I be when the poor woman was dead?

The thought that he’d loved her made me sad, but the feelings were generated by sympathy for his loss. I couldn’t imagine loving someone deeply, then losing them, though the feeling might be similar to what I went through with my mom.

Despite only recently meeting him, I knew he hadn’t killed his mate. Maybe it was the honesty and sadness in his eyes when he told me, or maybe I was too trusting, but I would bet anything he hadn’t done it. Which meant an injustice had been done to him. I wanted to help him set this right. My mom had been the secret agent. I had worked as a secretary. But that didn’t mean I wasn’t smart enough to offer good input.

“I don’t have any investigative skills,” I said. “Let alone any other skills that would work in an alien environment.” Just my wide-open heart and determination, things no one should discount, including me.

“I’m not asking for your help,” he said stoically.

My chest pinched. What if I wanted to help?

Argh. I shouldn’t be considering his offer at all. I was doing well enough here with Molly.

But I was lonely. And despite telling myself I would not be handed by “gods” to a random alien as his mate, a tiny spark of interest kept flaming inside me when I looked Nevarn’s way.

I’d always hoped to meet the right guy, and heaven knows I’d tried all the dating apps out there. No one had sparked a fire inside me that made me eager to say I do.

Until Nevarn.

“You really won’t expect me to give you anything in return?” I asked, watching his face. This guy had jumped me last night much too easily. If he wanted to take me against my will, he’d do so.

Yet I suspected he wouldn’t even try. He’d done it to prove a point, and I’d learned a valuable lesson. He could outmaneuver me.

Yet I’d already seen he could be gentle.

“You have my word as traedor of the Celedar Clan that I won’t push you to give me anything you don’t want to offer on your own.” He pressed his clenched fist against his chest. “Come with me, and I’ll ensure you have a safe home. Food. Whatever else you might need.”

What about love?

Growing up, all I’d wanted was what my infrequent friends had, a family who cared for me. My mom did all she could, and I knew she loved me, but she was gone a lot. I spent the time she was away wishing I had someone to go to at night when I was scared, someone to talk with about whatever crossed my mind. Someone who’d stand beside me with pride shining in their eyes.

Aunt Betty had been more of a supervisor than an aunt, and the fact that she didn’t reach out even once after Mom was killed told me she’d never been more than an acquaintance. My mom had hired her to watch me, and something like that rarely came with love.

“Once we reach my clan, you can remain alone or let one of my clansmales woo you,” he said to sweeten the deal.

What if I wanted him to woo me?

A big hole remained inside me, and I’d hoped one day to meet a guy who could fill it. Could that person be Nevarn?

I could remain here and build a shelter. I’d already proven I could find food and the river provided endless water that so far hadn’t made me sick. But how long would it be before my clothing wore out, or I got sick, or a beast slipped past my defenses and seriously hurt me?

Despite being an amazing listener, Molly wasn’t going to patch my wounds or stay beside me while I thrashed with a fever, let alone heft my bow and defend me.

I’d be unwise to face this alone.

Ahh, I was much too impulsive. It was my one downfall, but . . .

“I accept your offer, Nevarn, on one condition,” I said.

“What’s that?” His face filled with hope, and it stabbed through me because I recognized the emotion.

This guy was as lonely as me.

I grunted. “Molly comes with me.”

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