Chapter 18
W hen Kerry placed her lips against mine, I froze.
Then a storm roared through my veins, and I was swept up in its fury. I lifted her and held her against me, drinking in the feel of her tongue gliding along my lips, demanding entry, and the way she wrapped her arms around my shoulders.
My knees gave way, and we tumbled down onto the everlipe still dipping and swaying as it traveled across the ocean’s surface. Water kept sloshing over the front of the everlipe, splashing the outer edges, but it was dry where we laid.
I focused on this lovely human lying beneath me, the way she pressed her body up against mine and the moans working their way up her throat.
If I was wise, I’d pull back, mumble something about how the journey wouldn’t take long, that perhaps we shouldn’t kiss because I might not be able to stop. Instead, I tightened my arms around her, and I let her kiss sink through me.
With a groan, I loosened my hold on her and stroked my fingertips along her side, up to cup her cheek. I held her face in a delicate way, one that I hoped would show her how much I craved her sweetness already.
Warmth pooled deep in my gut and shot to my groin, fusing with my cocks. The larger one stiffened while the smaller one hummed. Lust and affection and a touch of love swamped me, and it was easy to forget about everything but her.
Leaving her mouth, I trailed kisses down her neck while she clung to my shoulders and whimpered. I tugged up her shirt while tracing my tongue across her collarbone.
Unable to resist, I stroked my hand across her breast, pausing to pinch the ripe bud standing out against the fabric.
Moaning, she roamed her fingers across my nipples. Each of the four perked up at her attention, and I released a groan whenever she rolled them.
I slid my hand between her thighs, nudging them apart, and she spread them wider, welcoming me to do whatever I pleased. There was so much I wanted to do. So much I wanted to say. The words would remain trapped inside me for now, but one day soon, I’d set them free. I prayed to the fates she’d welcome them as eagerly as she now did my hand.
I was so lost in her, I didn’t care if I ever found my way back to the present. She was rapidly becoming my home, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about that.
When I sucked on her nipple through the thin fabric of her shirt, she arched her spine and cried out with pleasure.
I slid my hand down her pants, reaching an undergarment I nudged aside. Finding her clit, I stroked it. As she bucked up against me, I rolled it.
The world could consume us, and nothing would drag me away from this woman. She was mine even if she didn’t yet know it, and I was going to show her.
When I slipped a finger deep inside her and curled it around, moving it faster and faster, she groaned and pumped against me. If only I could place my mouth there, drive my tongue inside her.
I slid more fingers inside her, twisting them around while stroking her clit. So wet, I was going to come from touching her alone.
She tightened beneath me, and I moved my fingers faster, coiling deep before pulling them out, only to plunge them back inside her. Her clit was a glorious, engorged thing, and seeing the pleasure suffusing my mate’s face humbled me. I wanted to do this for her all the time, drive her to the edge, then catch her when she tumbled down the other side.
Her gaze met mine, and she whimpered, jerking her knees and spreading them wide to give me complete access.
When her breath caught, I rubbed harder, pushed my hand deeper inside her.
She was a thing of beauty, the only female I’d ever crave.
With a gasp, she exploded, arching up while releasing a guttural cry that shot across the sea. She collapsed, and her inner walls milked my hand as she spasmed through her release.
“Nevarn,” she breathed. “That was . . . amazing.”
I couldn’t hold back my shy smile as I tugged my fingers out of her. Lifting my hand, I delicately licked off her wetness. Sweet. My cocks throbbed, aching to find pleasure within her body. Her exquisite taste on my tongue only made me want her more.
She stroked my shoulders and her lips curled up. “Welcome to Zuldrux, huh?” Her laugh tickled down my spine. “You have the magic touch.”
My chest couldn’t expand with pride any farther, but my grin sure could.
“You’re beautiful when you come, mate. Gorgeous.”
“How dare you?” someone cried out from nearby.
I scrambled to my feet and tugged Kerry up, nudging her behind me while I prepared myself to take on whatever threat was challenging us.
The everlipe had stopped beneath the island roots, and they dangled and swayed around us.
Weela’s mother leaped off the vine she was climbing, landing squarely on the everlipe in front of me.
Her hand snapped out, cracking across my face.