Claimed By the Alien Barbarian (Brides of the Zuldrux Warriors #3) 36. Nevarn 95%
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36. Nevarn

Chapter 36


I waited outside Gilard’s shop while the elder and Firion made their way through the village to approach the building from behind. Once there, they’d stand below the open window on the back of the single-story building.

When I confronted him about murdering Weela, they’d listen, and if I could get him to confess, they’d enter the building and take him away for judgment.

From what Khol said, Gilard and Heldwep had discovered that their daughter was planning to run away with Khol. Fearing the scorn of their fellow villagers, they decided to kill her and ensure I was blamed. They stole one of my knives and waited for her at the spot where she would meet up with Khol. When she arrived, they stabbed her.

Khol had only discovered this when he overheard them arguing a month ago. They’d spoken in hushed voices and hadn’t seen him inside his shop because he’d bent down to look at something on a low shelf and was hidden from view by a large rack.

He’d slunk from the shop and went home to think. When he couldn’t decide what to do about what he’d heard, he waited for me to arrive to tell me first.

Finally, my name would be cleared, and I could move forward with my life. My former clansmales would know I hadn’t killed Weela, and that those who did would be punished for the crime. I was looking forward to traveling to my clan with my mate and settling into my new life, one I could face with my head held high.

When I was confident Firion and the elder were in place, I strode into the shop and all the way to the back where Heldwep worked behind the counter. She looked up, her welcoming smile dissolving into a scowl.

“Get out of here, you murderer,” she shouted.

“You killed Weela,” I said. “And you tried to kill me on my way here to keep me from investigating.”

Khol had named her and her mate.

Her face lost all its color, and her gaze darted to the door. Expecting to find Gilard coming up behind me, I shifted to the side, placing my back close to the wall. But we remained alone inside the shop.

“Go,” she cried. “How dare you come here, to my own shop, after stabbing our daughter?”

“How could you do this to your own daughter?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Her hands fluttered at her throat. “Leave immediately and take your horrifying accusation with you.”

“You learned she and Khol were together.” I tilted my face, watching her expression, though she didn’t even flinch. “Did you see their mating mark and confront her? I’ve seen Khol’s and heard his words.”

“This is all lies. Leave the island now and nothing will happen to—” She slapped her hand over her mouth.

“Nothing will happen to . . .” My heart came to a halt before bursting into a furious rhythm. “What are you planning?”

“If you hadn’t come back, we could’ve put this behind us.”

We? “Murdering your daughter?”

Her chin lifted, and her flinty gaze met mine. “Sneaking off to meet with Khol was bad enough. But mated! They should’ve let it go. We worked hard to arrange her mating with you. Once Firion was dead . . .” Her eyes widened even further. “Go. Leave my shop this instant.”

“Did you plan to kill my brother too?”

“My daughter should’ve been the mate of a traedor, not an embarrassment. Meeting up with Khol! Planning to flee. We couldn’t allow that to happen.”

“So you killed her.” They’d planned it together, though I wasn’t sure who’d driven the blade into Weela’s back.

Her spine stiffened. “I did nothing. Nothing! You can’t prove any of this. Go before I rush out of my shop screaming that you’re trying to kill me as well.”

I splayed my hands wide. “With what blade? Or do you have another of mine hidden somewhere you’ll use to convince everyone I tried to harm you?”

“You’ll regret coming back here, Nevarn. Just wait and see.” The grim smile she gave me sent shivers across my bones. “Accuse us all you want. No one will believe a male who murders not just one, but both his mates.”

“Kerry,” I bellowed, rushing from the shop.

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