Minutes before, the other women had left the hallway, returning to their children, partners, or chores. Kele alone remained. Slumped against the wall, she tried to control the turmoil building within her.
Jacob was alive, healed. It was all that mattered, not him insisting on going back into the room with Zeke and that horrible woman…their enemy.
“Wait for me downstairs,” he’d said just a moment ago, his hand cupping her chin so she had to look at him. “I’ll join you there.”
He hadn’t said when, sending an alarm through Kele, one she didn’t much like, making her bold. “Come with me now.”
Despite the other women’s presence, she’d wrapped her fingers around his, placing his palm on her breast, wanting to entice him to her room. They didn’t share it just yet, though Kele knew that someday they would.
From the time she’d been eight and first noticed him at one of the clan’s meetings, Kele had decided Jacob belonged to her. During summer vacations, she’d bugged him to let her play catch with him and the other boys rather than jumping rope as she would have liked. She gave him her chocolate milk and candy whenever she had it, lying about hating its taste. All through grade school, he’d treated her like a kid sister he hadn’t asked for and didn’t want.
High school changed everything. She’d grown tall and filled out, resembling the woman she was now. Finally, he noticed her but still kept his distance, telling her to hang with kids her own age.
“You know…babies,” he said.
She returned his smile, adoring how he teased her. It took all of her will, but she did as he asked, staying away until her eighteenth birthday, which marked her as an adult even by Anglo standards. That evening, Kele brought Jacob a gift—herself.
On tiptoes, with her mouth to his ear and her hand on his flat belly, she whispered, “Take my virginity.”
He’d been twenty-two at the time and had countless girlfriends his age and older. Wearing an expression that was a mixture of amusement and bewilderment, he’d said, “I have a date tonight.”
Expecting as much, Kele nodded and sat on the sofa in the apartment he shared with three of his buddies. To her relief, none of them was around. “Not a problem. I’ll wait until you get back.”
Jacob argued with her, he tried to reason, but Kele wouldn’t be swayed. In the end, he’d canceled his date, and they talked, or rather Kele talked, and he listened to how much she’d always worshipped him.
“You don’t have to love me right away,” she assured him, touching his cheek, thrilled at the heat of his skin, the bite of his coming beard. It was better than she’d fantasized. “Just say you’ll try. That’s all I ask.”
She’d honored her promise as Jacob had his. He kept trying to love her. Always, he treated her well, never raising his voice or his hand…but he was never fully hers, not even now.
Kele pushed away from the wall and went to the room’s door, resting her hand on it. The heavy wood muted the sounds within rather than blocking them. Listening, she bit her lip at the bedsprings squeaking and Zeke’s rumbling voice, the volume so low she couldn’t catch his words. Jacob spoke next. What he said was also a mystery.
The woman remained silent. Why? Had Zeke already filled her mouth with his cock…or had Jacob?
Kele rolled her forehead against the wood, not able to withstand more pain. It was bad enough to witness Jacob’s hunger for the other women in their clan. To endure his attention to an enemy female wasn’t something she could survive.
Liz, Zeke had called her, claiming she had nothing to do with Jacob’s injuries. Kele pulled her shoulders to her ears and made a face, appalled at the tenderness and familiarity he already showed that bitch.
Kele had seen Zeke with Gabrielle’s mother. Not once had he said her name with the same reverence. He hadn’t looked at her in the same manner either.
And now, Jacob was with Liz too.
Kele sank her teeth deeper into her lip, tasting blood. What was the matter with the Neekoma brothers? She, not Liz, was a member of their clan. She was willing to deliver her pride and soul to Jacob. She’d die for him as Gabrielle’s mother would have done for Zeke.
Neither brother seemed to notice the females who loved them, women of their own blood who were willing to do anything for a shred of attention.
“Hold her,” Zeke ordered, his words now loud and commanding, reaching past the door’s barrier.
“I intend to,” Jacob said.
Kele turned away, bristling at the sound of Liz’s soft, submissive moans, her cry of delight.
Because Jacob was holding her arms behind her back, trapping her so Zeke could suckle her nipples and explore her cunt? Or was Jacob pushing her feet apart and spreading her thighs so his brother would have full access to her pussy, her entrance that Zeke would fill with his fingers, tongue, and eventually his cock? Once he’d had enough of her, he’d offer Liz to Jacob, and he’d—
Kele banged her fists against her thighs, refusing to imagine what her heart couldn’t endure. So Jacob was in there with Liz—so what? He might mount and use her, but he’d do so only to capture more of her healing power. Rumor said he’d recover faster with all of her flesh touching his. He had to assure himself that his body was strong and ready for future battles.
There would be no love in the act, no real passion, certainly not what he’d someday show her. All she had to do was give him more time, lavish him with affection, prove they were destined for each other. Her patience and devotion would win him over.
In a little while, Jacob would join her. With no further need of Liz’s healing power, he and Zeke would return her to where she belonged, where she’d damn well stay. Everything would be the same as it had been.
Liz’s noisy whimper drifted into the hall, followed by Zeke’s command to Jacob.
“Keep her quiet. Fill her mouth.”
The sounds Liz made said he had.
Fighting tears, Kele ran down the corridor toward the stairs, the pounding of her feet masking the carnal noise.
Intense light flooded the sparsely furnished room hidden behind an antechamber. The extreme illumination didn’t allow for any shadows or the possibility of rest. A narrow bed and chair were the only furniture, both painted white to match the walls and floor. The absence of color, sound, scents, and a window that showed whether it was day or night deprived the mind of stimulation, making it less resistant to authority, more malleable.
At least that was what Carreon had heard.
He glared at Liz’s father, furious the ploy hadn’t worked on the man. The wooden door and walls bore claw marks from when Munez had tried to dig his way out. Bloodstains from his broken nails had left brown smears throughout the room. Shackles hung from the head and foot of the bed to keep the man from harming himself. Rather than using them, Willy had opted to pump drugs into Munez, putting him into a stupor.
The man lay on the mattress, hands folded over his torso, positioned as a corpse might be for a wake. In his late sixties, he was tall and thin with a shock of white hair that made his olive complexion seem darker in normal light. In here, his skin was a medium gray, the sickly color adding to the illusion that he was dead rather than unconscious.
Carreon bared his teeth at the intractable old fool, wondering what Liz would think if she saw her father now or the gouges he’d put in the walls.
She definitely wouldn’t like it. He recalled how she’d fought Zeke, her actions telling Carreon what he already knew. Because of her father, she belonged to him, always would. She was his property to do with as he pleased…just as soon as he had her back.
Her homecoming unfurled in his mind.
He saw himself bringing her to the foyer, the most public area of his stronghold. There, in full view of his remaining lieutenants, he bent her over one of the credenzas, ordering Liz to lift her ass. She clutched the lip of the furniture, staring at her reflection in the mirror, watching him push her skirt to her waist. He took his time lowering her thong, wanting her to appreciate what was about to happen, to anticipate his every move.
In the past, expectation had always made her wet and more submissive.
With the underwear at her ankles, he directed Liz to spread her legs, her ankles straining against the thong’s silk. Positioned at her side—so his men had an unrestricted view of the proceedings—Carreon ran his hands over her garters, the lacy tops of her stockings, the dimples above her ass, the furrow between her cheeks.
She gasped. He ordered her to silence.
Each touch, every moment spent preparing her for the inevitable heightened her arousal and apprehension. He knew she was wondering if tonight he’d deliver nothing more than pleasure. Or would there be pain first?
Making her wait for an answer, he separated her vaginal lips, his fingers circling her clit all while listening to the newest sounds she made. That of a helpless female ensnared by her master. Keeping her guessing as to his intent, he concentrated on her anus. His probing of the pink ring was delicate, almost playful. He gripped her cheeks, pulling them apart, inviting his men to regard her tightest opening, to touch it.
One after the other did, growing familiar with the most hidden part of her, adding to Liz’s subservience.
He asked, “Do you like that?”
She regarded his reflection in the mirror, her expression exposing her uncertainty. Should she say yes, would that please him? Or would no be a better answer?
Her silence was always the best response. It proved her unease and vulnerability.
He murmured, “You’ve been bad.”
She dug her nails into the credenza’s wood, a clear sign she knew what was coming.
How satisfying it was to play with her trust, letting Liz know that whatever happened tonight, it would be his decision to make, hers to endure.
Her skin grew increasingly moist with perspiration. Her breathing accelerated.
“You need to be punished,” he said. “Tell me you do. Beg for it.”
She seemed unable to speak.
He pressed his fingers into her ass, demanding an answer.
Head bowed, she whispered, “Yes…please.”
It was a game they played, the words always the same, with Liz feeding Carreon’s need for dominance and her desire for obedience. He demonstrated it as he whipped her, the pain of each blow registering on her face, her mouth hanging open, her chest rising and falling as she gulped air at the resultant stings.
Only when his arm ached did he stop, mounting her in front of his lieutenants, taking her vaginally then anally before turning her over to them. Ordering her to submit, to offer each of her openings to the men until they tired of the acts.
Carreon’s cock thickened with his fantasy. His balls were so sensitive he didn’t risk shifting his weight, not wanting his clothing to brush against his sac. It had been too long since he’d taken Liz. Never again would he allow her to deny him as she had these past months. Never again would he let her leave his sight. She was too valuable to his operation.
Already, he’d lost ten of his men with more to follow because Liz wasn’t here to heal them. Those who weren’t yet dead remained where Zeke’s people had attacked them, lying in their own blood as they waited for a healer.
“Wake up,” Carreon growled at her father, kicking the mattress.
The older man’s body jerked with the assault. His lids parted to mere slits then slid back down.
With no more tolerance, Carreon grabbed Munez’s shoulders, shaking him as he would a disobedient child. The elderly man’s head flopped from side to side, the effects of the drug keeping him from responding.
A cry of frustration tore from Carreon’s throat. Trembling with rage, he stepped back, fighting to control himself before he murdered the man. In time, Munez would wake. Then he’d do whatever Carreon demanded, that was, if he wanted his daughter rescued from Zeke’s clan.
Zeke saw Liz’s desire. Her acceptance of what this night would bring was in her heightened color, parted lips, and blurred expression.
Just the beginning. Zeke intended to do more than simply gratify her lust. He wanted to reach the depths of Liz’s mind, going beyond it to the core of her being. A place Carreon hadn’t touched. One Zeke sensed no man had.
He would and wasn’t about to wonder why it was so important to him. Nor would he dwell on the fact that until now, he’d simply enjoyed women, pairing with Gabrielle’s mother only because she carried his child. It wasn’t that he hadn’t respected or liked her. He had. However, love—at least the version of it that brought a man to his knees, giving him a reason for living—had never been in the equation. Zeke had reserved the intensity of those feelings for his daughter, his parents, Jacob.
His brother sat behind Liz on the bed, holding her wrists to her belly in one hand so her breasts were still bared, accessible to a man’s touch. With his legs, he’d separated hers, keeping them apart, presenting her vulnerable sex to Zeke.
A moment ago, she’d whimpered at Jacob suckling her throat. Although Zeke relished the sound, he wanted to heighten this experience for Liz, and so he’d told Jacob to keep her quiet by filling her mouth.
His baby brother hadn’t needed additional instruction. He slipped his tongue between her lips. Liz’s moans turned to muffled gurgles as Jacob’s kiss grew indecent, drawing her attention away from what Zeke aimed to do.
Moving between her legs, he brushed her delicate curls, watching her buttocks tightening in response. Jacob must have felt Liz’s reaction—he drew his calves back, forcing her thighs to open as much as they could, letting Liz know her body was no longer hers. In this room during the coming hours, it belonged to the Neekoma brothers.
The soft swell of her belly wiggled prettily. Her skin was rosy with carnal need, her vaginal lips pouty and slick, prepared to satisfy a male’s appetite.
Taking what he wanted, giving Liz what he knew she desired, Zeke worked three of his fingers into her cunt.
The world seemed to pause. If heaven existed, Zeke figured this had to be it. He shivered at the wet, tight hold of her body, its astounding heat. She moaned around Jacob’s tongue. Zeke’s brother acknowledged her pleasure by cupping Liz’s breast and squeezing her tender flesh while dragging his thumb over her nipple.
Her panting accelerated, growing noisier.
Zeke wouldn’t be satisfied until the sounds she made were out of control, matching his passion. Leaning down, he inhaled deeply. She smelled sweet from her perfume, musky and shameless from him having already used her. He licked the top of her slit.
She gasped.
Jacob pressed his arms and legs against her, keeping Liz imprisoned.
For me. Only me.
The thought happened without prompting. Again, Zeke had no intention of mulling over it. He lapped her repeatedly, tasting the mild saltiness of her natural lubrication and the remnants of his come. She tightened her sheath around his fingers, coaxing them deeper. She lifted her hips as well as she could to bring her clit closer to his mouth.
With conscious intent, Zeke ignored her nub, licking her folds instead. He pulled at her brown curls with his teeth, playing with her.
Jacob added to her torment, running his hand over her breasts to her belly then back to her nipples, his kiss growing savage, insatiable.
Liz’s chest pumped. Her toes curled. She whimpered and moaned.
Still not enough.
She’d shown Zeke her power and now he had to let her know his. To bring her pleasure in a way she’d never experienced…to prove his gratitude. She’d healed his brother. She’d saved him. She was a good woman, her heart kind, her motives straightforward, needing her father to be safe.
However, she wanted something more…to lie with him, her enemy.
Zeke had no doubt of the unspoken attraction that continued to draw them together. He’d lived it at Carreon’s mansion when he’d been deep within her then on the way here as he held Liz close. Moments he wouldn’t have traded for the promise of safety…the feelings were too precious. Not the wisest choice for him to consider, but there it was. Since Gabrielle’s death, he’d been so lost. So fucking alone. There had been many women to fill his nights, females who would have done anything he asked, desiring him as much as Kele did Jacob.
Zeke had enjoyed their pliant mouths, ripe bodies, heated channels. He’d treated them with kindness but never passion like this. It burned within him for a woman he shouldn’t desire but couldn’t seem to resist. Didn’t want to.
With the tip of his tongue, he touched her clit at last, delighting in its flavor, rigidity, and the small hood above it.
Liz grunted. She wiggled her body as best she could, her agitation telling him she had to have more.
Zeke wasn’t about to deny her or himself. He fastened his mouth on her cunt, suckling and licking her nub while his fingers stretched her sheath, preparing it for his cock. Before dawn arrived, she’d know it better than she could have imagined. He’d make Liz forget her people, everything that had happened before this night. When he was finished with her, she wouldn’t want to go back.
He couldn’t let her.
His gut twisted, snatching his breath at the decision he’d already made. The only one he could. If she returned, Carreon would use her gift to heal his lieutenants and return them to battle so they could annihilate Zeke’s people. How could he allow that? How could he live with the knowledge of Carreon mounting Liz at his leisure, taking everything from her with the empty promise that her obedience would buy her father’s safety? Not forever but for a little while. Then he’d kill her just as Zeke’s visions had shown.
Uh-uh. No damn way. He couldn’t allow anyone to harm Liz. She’d fight him, of course, arguing against him keeping her here, realizing finally that she had no say in the matter. In this stronghold, he ruled. She might end up hating him, perhaps betraying—
A hopeless future wasn’t what Zeke intended to think about now. He wasn’t going to ruin this time with worry. There had to be a way to make this right, to keep both of them happy. For now, though, he had a woman to satisfy. His woman.
Claiming her with his heart and actions, Zeke teased her clit with his tongue, his movements so quick and intense they caught her off guard. Liz stiffened then relaxed only to tense once more, signaling her coming orgasm.
It broke within seconds, her body shuddering with its impact, strengthening their connection.
She’d yielded too readily to Zeke, guessing she was no different from all the women he’d known. Only a remarkable female, or an insane one, would have been able to resist his male appeal. He was so freaking masculine, from his scent to the strength and heat of his body. Having him use her, having both Neekoma brothers take what they willed, was unlike anything Liz had predicted. They both dominated, but Zeke also cherished, desiring her in a way Carreon never had. With him, sex had always been about power and eventually humiliation and pain, not mutual satisfaction.
On her next wanton cry, Jacob deepened his kiss, ensuring her silence.
Fuck that. She made a particularly base sound, determined to push his buttons, see what he would do.
Jacob’s lips moved against hers in what felt like a smile. He certainly wasn’t timid as he fondled her breasts, squeezing each, then pulling on her nipples.
If he thought giving in to his basest desires was going to tame her, he was dead wrong. As long as she felt treasured, Liz liked her sex uncivilized.
Zeke knew. He thumbed her clit harder than before. New sensations coursed through Liz, threatening to overwhelm. It didn’t seem to be enough for Zeke. To make certain he aroused her fully, he worked his fingers in and out of her cunt, mimicking an impassioned screw.
A swarm of feelings rose so fast, they caught Liz by surprise. She tried to close her legs, unable to endure another climax, with this one promising to be more forceful than the last. Jacob wouldn’t allow it. He pushed his calves against her thighs, demanding she remain exposed.
To hell with that. She twisted her wrists within his hand.
He held them more firmly, not enough to leave bruises, but there wasn’t any way Liz could get free. With lazy strokes, Jacob explored her breasts, his palm rubbing her nipples, his hand then dipping to her navel, her bush, her clit.
Oh God no. Together, he and Zeke teased her tiny nub. The top of Liz’s head tingled. Her cunt ached for release. She came again, this orgasm shattering through her. Tearing her mouth from Jacob’s, Liz struggled to breathe.
On a gasp, she begged, “Stop, please.”
Zeke didn’t miss a beat, continuing to use her body, his actions saying he, not she, called the shots. Jacob was no different, suckling her throat, abandoning her clit so he could play with her nipples as though they were his newest toys.
Liz whined, “Dammit, stop.”
“Why?” Zeke asked. “I’m fine. Great, in fact. How about you, Jacob? Are you getting tired?”
His brother plucked at the tip of her left nipple. “Nope. Not even close.”
Bastards. She tried to frown and couldn’t quite manage it.
Zeke straightened but didn’t stop rubbing her clit. Liz’s legs jerked with the residual feelings he generated. With his face close to hers, he murmured, “Is that a smile I see?”
Jacob leaned to the side so he could see her face. “I think it is.”
Liz liked his teasing too, though she wasn’t about to let on. “You’re wrong.”
“Then we’ll have to do something about that.” Zeke removed his fingers from her cunt. “On your hands and knees.”
Jacob released his hold on her and moved to the side so she could follow his brother’s directive.
Liz didn’t, not just yet. She lifted her chin, challenging Zeke’s command.
Rather than argue, he left the bed, shaking the mattress with his departure. For one awful moment, Liz feared he’d walk out the door without a backward glance, leaving her to wonder if he’d come back.
“She doesn’t follow orders very well, does she?” Jacob asked.
Liz ignored him, keeping her attention on Zeke.
He seemed to enjoy that. She saw a flash of deepening interest cross his face and had to wonder what was going through his mind. Was he thinking how he might make her docile? Uh-uh. Somehow, Liz knew Zeke wouldn’t enjoy that type of woman.
She waited for his next command, which she might or might not follow, wanting to continue this game until both of them won.
Zeke allowed the silence to lengthen, with it becoming more intriguing than uncomfortable. And then he stepped back toward the door, renewing her earlier concern that he’d take off. Heat stung her skin. Just as quickly, more uncertainty caused it to go cold. Did he want her to acquiesce? Was he tired of playing? Whether he was or not, Liz wasn’t about to let him leave. All they had was tonight.
Not that she could tell him that or how much she craved him. Whatever road they were going down wasn’t going to last. Torn, she struggled for something to say.
Zeke beat her to it. “No, she doesn’t obey very well,” he said in answer to Jacob’s question. “But she will.” He released the metal button on his jeans and pulled down the zipper, its rasp sounding loud. The denim fell away from his body, revealing the edge of his pubic hair, the promise of his balls and cock.
With one shove, he had the jeans past his knees, the garment falling at his feet, his shaft bouncing out, already erect. Stepping out of the jeans, he cradled his rod, running his thumb over the mouthwatering head. Pre-come gleamed within the tiny slit at the top.
“You do what I say,” he warned, “or you don’t get this.”
He stood before her as a marauder would from ancient times. A man who suffered no disobedience from his woman, who bent her to his will and kept her beneath his body at night, a prisoner to his lust.
With each new wave of warmth that battered her, Liz knew she was blushing badly, though not from embarrassment. Everything that made her female responded to Zeke’s nudity, the effortless power he exuded, the kindness she recognized beneath his intimidating exterior.
Like a good girl who’s not about to push her man too far, Liz went to her hands and knees, facing Zeke, unwilling to let him out of her sight for a minute.
He watched her breasts sway with her movements. He studied her expression, no doubt wanting to read her thoughts. How much she hungered for him.
Jacob didn’t seem to notice the dynamics going on between them. If he did, he pretended not to care. The bedsprings squealed as he moved behind her.
“No,” Zeke said, more a reprimand than an order.
Jacob went still then huffed. “No?”
Zeke approached the bed, tension evident in his powerful body and each of his steps. “I mount her first.”
“And why is that?” Jacob asked.
Sensing a fight coming on, Liz answered, “Because I’m going to suck your balls and cock while your brother’s inside me, preparing me for your use.”
Zeke studied her, his expression unreadable, and then he spoke to Jacob. “Would you deny the lady?”
“Please don’t,” Liz said, glancing at him.
Jacob’s irritation hung on for a moment then drained away. He left the bed but remained at its side, his knees touching the mattress. “Turn around and face me,” he ordered her.
She obeyed, wanting what he did. He was so beautiful and yet so unsure, having to live in his brother’s shadow. Always Zeke would be the oldest, the most commanding, the one his people and women looked up to.
So why was he behaving so oddly? He almost seemed jealous of Jacob’s interest in her…as though Zeke didn’t want to share. At least not on an emotional level. He seemed fine as long as she was healing his brother, but beyond that…
Zeke joined her on the bed, jiggling it with his weight. He made no move to be delicate or to hide his impatience for this to begin.
“I want your ass higher.” He pressed his palm on her waist, directing Liz to obey, to please him and no one else. “Spread your legs more.”
She did her best, her attention compromised by Jacob’s demand that she also tend to him. He’d edged closer, his heavy sex near her face, its scent a mingling of soap and pure male. With one hand, he cupped her chin so she couldn’t deny him. With the other, he lifted his cock.
Zeke was of the same mind as his brother. While Jacob drew his crown across Liz’s mouth, teasing her with its velvety warmth, Zeke was doing the same with his rod, running the tip of it from her cunt to her anus as though he wasn’t quite certain which opening to use first.
A coarse moan tore from her.
Jacob used it to his benefit, slipping the head of his cock between her lips. Sounds poured from him, one men make when they’re on their way to contentment. He tasted exactly as she’d imagined…of clean skin with a hint of salt. His plump knob was silkier than chocolate, more inviting than that treat on her tongue. Greedily, Liz sucked him inside, enjoying his halting moans, wanting to hear him shout in delight.
Zeke must have guessed her intent because he took just that moment to enter her sheath, burying himself to the root with one dominant thrust. Liz’s back arched. She dug her fingers into the blanket. Zeke let out a loud sigh, proud as hell. His balls tapped her cunt.
Not to be outdone, Jacob cupped her head and moved closer, demanding she take all of him inside.
With her pussy filled by Zeke’s cock, Liz labored to concentrate on Jacob’s. Inch by inch, she guided him deeper, opening her throat, knowing he wouldn’t be content until her lips touched his dark curls.
Perspiration trickled down her temple and the back of her neck, her hair sticking to it.
Zeke eased out of her a bit and reached down, his fingers searching for and finding her nub.
At his first stroke, she inhaled sharply. With his second, she shuddered at the delicious pleasure, enhanced by having Jacob’s full length inside of her, his bush tickling her nose. Mirroring Zeke, he worked his cock within her.
They operated as competitors, their thrusts measured against each other’s, their goal the same, to drive her fucking wild with need. Not wanting this to end, fearful of what the morning would bring, Liz steeled herself against the plunging of Zeke’s cock, his fingers massaging her clit.
With Jacob, she released his shaft.
“Hey,” he complained.
Liz slapped his hand away from his cock. Moving it to the side, she exposed his sac, lapping his right testicle, easing it into her mouth.
He didn’t say “hey” again. The man was having difficulty breathing, much less speaking.
Pleased, she licked the rough hairs on this ball, exploring its contours with her tongue.
From behind, Zeke made a guttural noise that told her he wasn’t pleased. He demanded that she notice him to the exclusion of everyone else. Compliant, Liz squeezed her cunt around his cock, timing her movements so they coincided with his deep thrusts.
He huffed as Jacob had earlier, his fingers pausing on her clit, forgetting to rub it.
Liz used his distraction to release Jacob’s testicle and take the other one into her mouth, enjoying her command of two virile men.
Zeke was the first to regain his senses, tending to her nub with one hand while his other concentrated on exploring her anus. His wonderfully decadent move brought her to a screeching halt, her mouth sagging open.
Jacob’s testicle rolled out. With it freed, he was the next to regain control of her. He brought his cock back to her mouth, sliding its full length inside, pumping it in and out, expecting relief. Zeke was no different, his body tapping against hers at an increased pace, signaling his approaching orgasm.
Even if she would have wanted to get away—which she did not—Liz no longer had the opportunity. The Neekoma brothers kept her their carnal captive, using her brashly to suit their own desires while also fulfilling hers.
She came before either of them, not caring who heard her raucous moans. Jacob was next, spilling his thick, hot come into her mouth, expecting her to drink it, which she did. Zeke soon followed, his ejaculate filling her pussy. Their bellows filled the room, and their energy finally gave out.
Zeke released himself from her and sagged to the mattress. Jacob climbed on and stretched out, his chest heaving, his cock damp from her saliva and his seed.
Falling to the side, Liz lay between them, panting as they did. No one spoke. Touch was enough. Zeke curled his arm around her waist, pulling Liz closer. Noticing, Jacob scooted over, resting his leg on top of hers, marking his territory.
Both men held on to her and she allowed it, wanted it, worried once more about the inevitable ending of their brief time together, her leaving. Not seeing either of them again…especially Zeke.
She thought about him the most. Never having another chance to be within his arms, to hear his laughter, witness his smile. She tried to push the sorrow away, but it persisted and deepened, making her edgy.
Neither of the brothers was aware. Their breathing had slowed, their bodies relaxing in sleep. The weight of Zeke’s arm and Jacob’s leg pressed down on her. It was a welcomed hardship. One Liz needed to remember in the frightening days still ahead.