No more than thirteen miles separated Carreon’s stronghold from Zeke’s. Liz thought the distance would have been greater. All this time, Zeke and his people had been so close to Carreon but hidden.
It was now dark, the moon fat, drizzling its silver rays over the stark landscape. Warm, dry air poured through the van’s vents, blowing Liz’s hair and tee. Her palms continued to sweat, forcing her to keep wiping them on her jeans.
From behind, there weren’t any lights from vehicles. Not that she’d been worried about anyone following her, except for the man she’d healed. This road was as inaccessible to the average person as Zeke’s stronghold had once been to her clan.
Had he, Jacob, and their men managed to fight off Carreon’s lieutenants? Were they still shooting it out? Had Zeke been—
An anguished sound poured from Liz.
She dug her thumbnails into the steering wheel, ordering herself to concentrate on her driving, not to think about Zeke getting hurt. He was a smart man who knew how to take care of himself—a freaking warrior built for battle. He’d survive.
Carreon wouldn’t.
Liz gritted her teeth, hatred surging through her at the sight of his stronghold, the building and outside lights dirtying the rest of the area. He’d appropriated their clan’s future, their people’s happiness and safety so he could live like a fucking king.
Not anymore.
She pulled up to the front entrance and waited for Carreon’s remaining men to rush out, not having much of a plan if they did.
On a noisy sigh, she realized all of them must have gone to Zeke’s stronghold, risking their lives for their leader who hid here like a frightened child. Carreon was good at jeopardizing everyone’s future except his own.
At the entrance, Liz tried one of the knobs on the off chance of the door opening. The damn thing wouldn’t budge. She went to the control panel hidden behind the shrubbery. Unlike Zeke’s stronghold, there was no need for palm or fingerprints here. There’d always been armed men around, ready to kill.
Not now.
Liz punched in a code she’d used many times when she and Carreon had been lovers.
Nothing happened. Shit.
She tried his birthday, hers… Neither released the lock. Next, she tried her father’s date of birth. The freaking thing remained locked. Perspiration ran into her eyes. With the back of her hand, she wiped it away. Come on, think. Carreon would use a code few would be able to guess, while also being one that held some significance to him. His way of giving the finger to the world, showing everyone how clever he was, how much smarter he could—
Her thoughts paused as a date popped in her mind. She punched in the month, day, and year he’d had his father murdered.
This time, the door opened.
Inside, Liz knew cameras would record every step she took. She didn’t bother trying to hide from the lenses hidden within the ceiling and walls. She wanted Carreon to know she was here, to see her bloodstained clothing. She wanted him to welcome her, so she could get close enough to kill him.
The lights were off, the structure seemingly deserted. Liz knew better. Rather than feeling fear at what she faced, rage pumped through her, making her movements jerky. With all the will she owned, Liz forced herself to recall her mother’s death so tears would fill her eyes. To Carreon, she wanted to appear lost, frantic, desperate to see him after her struggle to escape Zeke.
She hurried through the foyer. Moonlight streamed through the Tiffany glass dome, brightening the gloom, leaving patches of yellow, green, and red on the leaves of numerous plants. Some of the vegetation bobbed with the chilled air pouring from the ceiling. The fountain splashed noisily, making everything else too damn quiet.
Moving deeper into the structure, Liz hesitated between searching for her father to see if he was all right and finding Carreon first so she could murder him.
Her desire to see him dead led her to the series of halls that would end at his safe room. Unlike the other times she’d been here, tonight there were no lights on in this area.
Carreon must have been more afraid than he’d been in times past, hiding in the shadows like the coward he was. Poor baby. He hadn’t a clue what she had in store for him.
Now Liz ran, her feet slapping the pavers. She hoped the sounds would further convince him of her distress.
“Carreon!” she cried, stopping at the metal detector and full-body scanner immediately in front of the reinforced steel door. “Are you in there?”
She moved through the detector. No alarm sounded, proving she had no gun. The body scanner was next. With her arms above her head, she turned a slow circle to show him there was nothing beneath her jeans and tee. No sharp piece of plastic or a makeshift weapon that might harm him.
She’d get that once she was inside. She’d take his gun, pumping every last round into him.
“Let me in, please,” she shouted, pounding on the door. “Your men are dying at Neekoma’s. I tried to heal them, but it was too late.” She touched the bloodstains on her tee from helping Samuel. She forced herself to weep. “The moment I was able to escape Neekoma, I came here. Please, I need to see that you’re all right. I need to see my father. Is he in there with you?”
She swallowed and waited for his response. A moment passed. Then another. Nothing happened.
A thread of doubt then unease worked its way through Liz. Carreon and her father had to be inside. If they’d left, she might never be able to find her father again.
“Please,” she shouted, banging on the door. “You can’t be gone. You can’t be dead. Our people need you. I need you. I know that now.”
Her shoulders rose and fell with her strained breathing. She cried in earnest this time, ragged sobs shaking her body.
Beneath the sounds she made, there was a faint whoosh.
The door swung inward. Carreon stood across the room, holding a Glock.
Liz stared at the muzzle trained on her heart. Zeke’s voice filled her mind.
“I saw you die. I saw your faces and a dim view of what was around you. Maybe a bookcase and a fireplace.”
The hearth was behind Carreon, conical in design, a beige color Zeke hadn’t been able to recall from his vision.
“I saw you die.”
Ignoring the danger, Liz ran to Carreon, putting on a show. “You’re all right. I was so worried Neekoma’s men might have come here and tried to capture or hurt you. He’s an animal, just as you’ve always said. He kept me in his room. He…” She stopped and shuddered, as though it was too painful or repulsive for her to go on.
Carreon remained detached, no emotion crossing his features.
“I didn’t think I’d ever be able to escape,” she cried, trying to get him to trust her. “If not for your men—oh my God, two were already dead by the time I reached them.” She touched the stains on her tee. “I wanted to help, but their wounds were too extensive. The moment Neekoma left me to fight with his men, I broke out of the room he’d kept me in and came here.”
Carreon studied the blood smears on her clothing, her disheveled hair, her tear-dampened cheeks.
Although Liz wanted to go on, she fell silent. He was a murderous prick, not a fool. Quietly, she wept, tears dripping from her chin. She didn’t wipe them away or try to grab his weapon.
Hyperalert, she waited for even the slightest movement from him. The SOB didn’t seem to breathe. He didn’t blink.
How long was he going to continue staring at her without doing—
On a heavy sigh, he lowered his gun, the tension seeming to drain from him. “Welcome back, Liz.”
She let out a sound of happiness that wasn’t all show. Moving into him, she ran her fingertips over his cheek. Next, she’d touch his arm, then his hand, turning the Glock toward him and firing. “I’m so sorry I ever doubted you. What he did to me was so awful.”
“I’ll make him pay for it,” Carreon said. “While Robert tortures him, I’ll let you watch.”
Fighting disgust, Liz snuggled into him. Not only did Carreon allow it, he stroked her hair.
That’s it. Let down your guard. Let me seduce you right into your fucking grave.
She pushed to her toes and kissed his jaw.
He made a sound all men do when a woman’s pleasuring them.
Almost there. Just a little bit more. She licked the seam of his mouth.
Carreon’s lips turned up in a smile. He worked his fingers beneath her hair then grabbed her neck, his thumb on her windpipe.
Liz froze, not understanding what he was doing.
He pressed harder.
She grabbed his hand. “Stop!”
Carreon tossed his gun on a chair to the side and put both hands around her throat, his body forcing hers back, his face contorted in rage. “Bitch,” he growled, “you think I don’t know what you’re trying to do.”
She spoke as well as she could, her words rasped. “I’m not trying to do anything.”
“Liar. Kele was here. She told me how much you love Neekoma. How you willingly gave yourself to him.”
“I saw you die.”
“He’s headed here now with his men,” Liz cried. “If you hurt me, he’ll hunt you down. He’ll—”
Carreon increased his grip, digging his thumbs into her throat. Liz clawed his hands and grabbed his earring, ripping it from his lobe. He wouldn’t let go. His face swam before her, handsome and cruel. His cologne and musk were overwhelming, making Liz sick.
Fighting for every bit of air, she kicked his legs and rammed her heels into his toes. It wasn’t enough. He was too strong.
Her lungs were on fire, her limbs so heavy she couldn’t keep them up. Her thoughts returned to Zeke, her love for him so foolish and hopeless.
The room dimmed. She was aware of sagging to the floor, Carreon shouting something she didn’t hear as he kept strangling her.
Sadness, not fear, overcame Liz for what would never be…living out her life with Zeke, seeing her father free and happy.
Papa, I’m so sorry. Do whatever it takes to save yourself, please. Mama and I will wait for you.
Liz would also wait for Zeke, seeing him again. Along with Gabrielle, she’d welcome him home.
Keep safe, her thoughts whispered to him. Protect Jacob and your people. Know that I love you. That I…
She couldn’t think any longer or hope anymore. Everything went still and black.
Zeke stared at the stronghold’s lights, concentrating on them to the exclusion of everything else. The Jeep bounced over the uneven terrain, the steering wheel shivering in his hands. Until the damn thing fell off, Zeke wasn’t about to slow down. He pressed his foot into the accelerator, urged on by his vision.
It wasn’t what the future was, but what it might be if he didn’t intervene.
Because of what he’d done, Jacob hadn’t been shot in the shoulder and chest. His brother hadn’t died and neither would—
Movement caught Zeke’s attention, interrupting his thoughts. He squinted at the dark shape cutting across the outside lights. Metal gleamed beneath them, revealing the vehicle’s shape. A black Escalade.
There was only one path to the stronghold, with Zeke and Carreon on it, headed toward each other. The Jeep’s headlights were off. However, there was enough moonlight pouring into the SUV to reveal Carreon driving. Next to him sat Liz’s father.
Where was Liz?
Zeke didn’t see her in the back.
Dr. Munez tried to open his door, telling Zeke that Liz wasn’t in the vehicle. Her father would never leave her. Carreon shouted something at the elderly man then saw the Jeep and slammed on his brakes.
Zeke brought his vehicle to a quick halt. Leaning out his window, he aimed his pistol at Carreon’s forehead and fired.
Too late. Carreon had anticipated the shot and was already accelerating in reverse. The SUV went into a skid, the bullet whistling past.
Zeke hit his gas pedal, following.
Carreon spun his SUV to the left until it was on the other side of the Jeep. Dr. Munez’s door flew open. Zeke gaped at Carreon accelerating again while ramming his hand into the elderly man’s shoulder, forcing him from the moving vehicle.
Liz’s father hit the ground, his body rolling toward the Jeep.
Zeke rammed his foot into the brakes. The Jeep fishtailed and shivered as it came to a halt.
The SUV barreled past.
Before Zeke could react, a bullet shattered his back windshield. Another whizzed past his shoulder as he exited. By the time he’d lifted his pistol to return fire, Carreon’s Escalade was kicking up dust on the unimproved road, heading to who-knew-where with the coward’s escape.
At the front of his Jeep, Zeke stopped. His front tires were less than a foot from Dr. Munez’s head. The man was struggling to sit.
Zeke pulled Munez to his feet. “Can you stand? Is anything broken?”
“No,” he panted. “I don’t think so.”
“Where’s Liz?”
Munez stared, his face frozen in horror as though he just now realized who Zeke was.
“Answer me,” Zeke ordered, shaking the man. “Where is she? Did Carreon hurt her?”
“I don’t know. I didn’t hear her. Maybe she’s not here.”
“She drove that vehicle to get to this stronghold,” Zeke said, pointing. “So where is she?”
Her father turned to the building. “She must still be inside.”
And Carreon left her there while he was trying to flee? Oh God.
“Where?” Zeke shouted. “Take me to her. Please. ”
The doctor took a step and winced at his weight on his right ankle. “You’ll have to help me.”
“Can’t you heal yourself?”
“No. It doesn’t work that way.”
With his arm around the man’s waist, Zeke led him into the foyer. There, Dr. Munez held back.
“What?” Zeke said.
“I don’t know where she is. There are dozens of rooms here, not counting the hidden ones.”
“Where would Carreon have been hiding?”
The older man glanced at one of the halls. “His safe room’s down there.”
“Liz,” Zeke kept shouting as he helped Dr. Munez through hall after hall toward it. “Liz, it’s Zeke. Your father’s with me. He’s all right!”
The air-conditioning hummed. A clock chimed. She didn’t respond.
“The door might be shut,” Dr. Munez panted. “If it is, she might not be able to hear any—”
He stopped. The door was open. Liz lay on her side near the fireplace, her face purplish from lack of air, dark bruises on her throat.
A roar of pain rushed from Zeke. Leaving her father, he dropped to his knees at Liz’s side, pulling her into his arms.
She was limp. He pressed his fingers to her throat, searching for a pulse, not finding one.
No. Goddammit no. He couldn’t be too late. His vision couldn’t have come true. He wouldn’t accept that she was gone.
Zeke cradled her lifeless body to him, trying to make her respond. He kissed her cheek and brushed his lips over hers, wanting her back, yearning for what he couldn’t have.
Her father touched his shoulder.
“Go away!” Zeke shouted then cried, “Leave us alone.”
“Put her down.”
“No.” Zeke held her even tighter.
On a pained grunt, Dr. Munez sank to his knees. “Do as I say.”
“Why? You think I wanted this to happen? I love her.” He pulled in a strained breath and whispered, “I would have died for her.”
“Then please, put her down. Let me do what I must.”
And what was that? Say a few words in the hope of easing her journey to the other side? Zeke wanted to scream that it was superstitious nonsense. All that mattered was life. A chance to breathe. To live. Love. Everything Carreon had taken from her.
“There’s nothing you can do,” Munez said.
He spoke with such finality, Zeke had to stop himself from striking the man. He didn’t want to hear the truth that he’d tried to protect Liz and failed. He’d put his clan and brother at risk to see to her safety, and it still had come to this. Losing someone else he loved, just as he had Gabrielle. Being left alone again with nothing to live for.
“Please,” her father begged.
Too weary to fight any longer, Zeke lowered Liz to the floor then took her hand, holding it between his.
Munez cradled her face in his palms. “My dear sweet daughter, I’m so sorry. I never wanted to have to do this. It’s not fair leaving you with this burden.”
Zeke stopped squeezing her fingers. What burden?
Munez continued, “I warned you about our gift. I told you there were things about it that you didn’t understand. Now, I have to show you.”
He stroked her cheeks with his thumbs.
Zeke frowned. Had some of the awful redness drained from her face? No. It wasn’t possible. The lights in here must have gotten brighter.
“Come back,” Munez whispered.
What in the fuck was he talking about? “What are you doing?” Zeke asked then stared at her hand. Had her fingers moved?
“What’s happening?” he shouted at her father. “She’s gone. There was no pulse. She can’t be healed. Why are you doing this?”
“Because I love her too,” Munez said. “I have to bring her back.”
On the other side, Liz hugged her mother. The woman was no more substantial than smoke and yet Liz felt her warmth. She caught the sweet scent of bath powder her mother had always used. It reminded her of warm spring days spent at the park, sitting at the kitchen table, coloring Easter eggs with her parents. Laughing. Feeling safe enough to act with the recklessness of youth.
“Papa wants me to return,” she said, his power coaxing her, sending a flash of pain through her body, followed by ribbons of exquisite heat and comfort.
Her mother smoothed down Liz’s hair. “I know.”
“I died, Mama.” Carreon had killed her. It was over, and yet Liz felt Zeke holding her hand, her fingers curling over his. A sensation more powerful than her father’s gift rushed through her.
“Papa’s bringing you back,” her mother said.
Liz didn’t understand, and then she did, everything falling into place. Not only could her father heal, he could reanimate, which meant, she could too. A secret he’d kept all these years, simply warning her to be careful with her gift, that she didn’t understand everything about it.
“Why didn’t he tell me?” Liz cried.
“Because he loves you.” Her mother eased back and cupped Liz’s chin in her hand. “If Carreon or his father had known the true extent of the power, their attacks would have been even more vicious. They wouldn’t have feared anything, not with Papa and you available to reanimate them. They would have lost all control.” She sighed. “Many times your father lied to keep from healing the fallen, telling Carreon they were too far gone to help or that he could only bring them so far, which left them in a vegetative state. He also lied to protect you. You need to remember that when you’re back.”
Liz clung to her mother, not wanting to leave just yet. “Papa could have at least saved you. Why didn’t he?”
“Oh, baby, they were watching him all the time. If he’d brought me back, Carreon would have understood just how great his power and yours is. He would have imprisoned both of you in order to control it. Your father couldn’t chance that happening. I wouldn’t have wanted him to.”
She buried her face in her mother’s shoulder. “I miss you so much.”
“I’ll always be here. Now go. Your father needs you.”
“Mama, no, not yet!” Just a few more minutes, please.
She started at her father’s voice, gaping at his mussed hair, the abrasions on his cheeks, his torn clothing. “What happened?” she cried, touching him. “Did Carreon do that to you?”
“I’m all right,” he said. “Zeke saved me.”
What? Liz turned, seeing the wonder on his rugged face, the tears glistening in his eyes.
She hadn’t been hallucinating about him holding her hand. “You’re really here.”
“Where else would I be?”
He didn’t give her a chance to answer, pulling her into his arms and hugging her so hard Liz could barely breathe. She pressed her palms against his naked back, loving the smoothness and heat of his skin. “I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.”
“Fuck that,” he whispered. “You and your father are coming with me.”
“Back to your stronghold?”
“Yeah.” He continued to whisper, “Tell your father I’m a good guy and everything’s going to be all right.”
“Is it?”
“Do you have any doubt?”
Liz had to smile at his arrogant tone. “And if I do?”
“I’ll deal with that later, in our bedroom.” He released her. “Go on, hug your father.”
Liz did, telling him that Zeke was one freaking amazing man.
“Well, he did rescue me,” her father said.
“He is so cool,” Liz boasted.
Zeke tried to ignore her, but she saw his blush. He spoke into his two-way radio. “How’s everything?”
There was a bit of static then Jacob’s voice. “The situation’s under control.”
Didn’t sound like it to Liz. Pain laced his words. “Was he hit?” she asked.
Zeke put up his hand, wanting her to be quiet, and spoke to his brother. “What’s been happening?”
“Aaron said we captured two of Carreon’s men. The others are dead. Three escaped.”
Worry flickered across Zeke’s face. He didn’t have to tell Liz that those men were headed here.
“How long ago?” he asked.
“Just a few minutes.”
“I’m at Carreon’s stronghold,” Zeke said. “The prick got away. I have Liz and her father. We’re leaving now. Tell Aaron, Ike, and Paul to be at the tunnel’s entrance, guarding it for our arrival.”
“Is Liz okay?” Jacob asked.
Zeke didn’t answer immediately. Whatever he thought about Jacob still craving her, he kept well hidden. “We’re all good. See you in a bit.”
He secured the radio to one of his waistband’s loops and helped Liz’s father to his feet. Dr. Munez sagged against him.
“What’s wrong with your leg?” Liz asked the man.
“I twisted my ankle, that’s all.”
She sank to her knees and laid her hands on him, healing the injury.
“We need to leave,” Zeke said.
They hurried to the Jeep. Once Dr. Munez was inside, Liz stopped Zeke from opening her door, her palm on his chest.
“We don’t have time for this now,” he said, his gaze darting everywhere, watching for Carreon’s men while his hand went to her ass. Out of her father’s view, of course.
“I wasn’t going to kiss you,” she said, moving into his arms.
“No? That’s too bad.” He slung his arm around her waist, pulled her as close as he could, and captured her mouth, plunging his tongue inside.
Liz’s knees bumped into his. She wrapped her arms around his middle and snuggled even closer. If she could have, Liz would have crawled inside of him.
He finished their kiss and swatted her butt. “Go on, get inside.”
She didn’t. “Carreon has more men than the ones who fought tonight. More than you can imagine.”
“So? My people will continue to fight them. We’ll win. Tell me you believe that.”
She touched the side of his mouth. “I worry about you.”
“Carreon won’t defeat me. Not with you at my side to bring me back.”
“Don’t say that,” she cried. “I don’t want to have to reanimate you.”
“You think I do?”
Liz sighed. “What about Jacob?”
“He was hit, not killed. Once we’re back, you’ll heal him, and he’ll be as good as new.”
“I’m talking about him wanting you to share me.”
Zeke’s expression changed. His shoulders sagged. “He’ll have to understand you’re mine, only mine. Now get in.”
This time, he pushed her inside and slammed the door. Seconds later, he drove them toward his stronghold, using a different route than she had.
Once Liz made certain her father was all right, she didn’t speak. Nor did Zeke. The path he took was indistinct in the moonlight, her future and his unknown and dangerous.
She wouldn’t have had it any other way. Resting her palm on his thigh, she knew only one thing—they’d face tomorrow together.