I wake up to the sound of banging in my kitchen, the smell of fresh baked pastries and bacon filling my senses. My arms and my legs are sore as I get out of bed, finding my boxers on the floor, I step in to them and head in to my en-suite. I look in the mirror, my hair is a mess, there are tiny scratches on my chest from when Summer woke me up in the middle of the night insatiable. I wasn’t going to deny the tiny demon but I sure as hell am feeling it now.
I head out of the bedroom to find the source of the noise and as I get closer I hear a male talking and my steps quicken until I’m standing in the double doors to my kitchen, watching Summer as she takes a tray out of the oven, listening to what I assume is an audio book. I lean against the door frame just watching her work; she’s wearing an over-sized t-shirt and some comfy shorts that I know are not mine but she also did not have them with her last night.
Come to think of it, I didn’t have any of the stuff she’s using to make breakfast in my house last night either.
“Where did you get all this from?” I ask, walking to the island, grabbing a strawberry and popping it in my mouth.
My voice makes her jump, and with the biggest grin on her face that makes my heart stutter in my chest, she says, “Good morning!”
She makes her way over to me, looping her arms around my neck and pressing a sweet kiss to my lips. She has to stand on her toes to reach so I help her out and lift her in my arms and setting her down on the counter top.
“Where did you get this outfit from? All this food?” I murmur against her lips in between planting kisses on her lips, pulling at the hem of her shorts.
“I had to get up early for the cafe, so I went home showered, changed and grabbed some ingredients because I noticed you had nothing in your fridge.” She looks at me accusingly.
“Hey, I haven’t been here,” I say in my defense.
“Yeah, yeah,” she breaths, before capturing my lips in a heated kiss, leveraging herself closer to me until her breasts are pressing against my chest. The feel of her hands sliding down my shoulders to my chest and down to my waist captures my attention and I look down as she hooks her fingers in the waist band of my pants, breathing hard.
“Were the last two rounds not enough for you?” I tease. At my question she starts palming my cock through the material and shaking her head at me, does eyes innocent but she’s far from it. I lean my head on her shoulder and groan.
“What about breakfast?” My restraint is usually spectacular, but she breaks through all defenses with a simple look and now I’m debating how the hell I’m going to get us out the house later for date number two.
Her soft voice whispers, “I can be breakfast.” She punctuates her words with a nip to my ear and it’s over for me.
Before she can blink, I untangle us and have her bent over the counter, her shorts and both our underwear on the ground, her legs spread and I sink into her, the both of us moaning at the feel of being together again.
“Fucking insatiable, Princess,” I growl, pulling her arms behind her back, holding them with one hand. She moans in response and every noise she makes is like a shot straight to my cock.
After a couple minutes, I feel her muscles start to contract a tell tale sign she’s close. I slap her ass, and she squeezes tighter, her moans muffled by the counter.
“Good girl,” I murmur bending forward and placing a kiss on her spine before moving to press a kiss to her cheek.
“Are you going to cum for me, Princess?”
Her words come out in a singular breath, “Yes.”
“Say it.”
“I’m going to cum for you, Brooks.” And it’s the sweetest fucking thing I’ve ever heard, forcing my own orgasm to crash into me.
“Fuck,” I keep thrusting, despite the sensitivity and it seems my orgasm, triggers her own and she’s moaning my name, writhing beneath me.
“Right, Princess.” I slap her on the ass again, lightly this time. “Up and at ‘em.”
“Give me a sec,” she mumbles, breathless.
I laugh, pulling her into a standing position and pressing a lingering kiss on her lips and she sighs, her weight leaning into me. I wrap my arms around her, pressing my lips to her hair as she rests her head against my chest. It feels like this is exactly where I’m meant to be and I’m forcing myself not to think about what happens when I have to go back at the end of the week.
After we get cleaned up, we eat our actual breakfast, taking a seat on the deck outside. Summer sits on my lap, her legs dangling over the arms of the chair while I lean against the back. I’ve not really eaten much I’ve been enjoying watching Summer put strawberry after strawberry in her mouth enjoying watching the waves and the insane people try and surf them.
I’ve thrown a wool pull over jacket over her so she’s warmer but there are still goosebumps over her slim legs as I run my hand up and down over them under the blanket, trying to warm them up although it may just be an excuse to touch her.
“You haven’t eaten anything,” she says, holding out a piece of croissant she ripped off of hers.
I smirk, “I think I’ve eaten just enough, thank you very much.” Referring to our late night rendezvous, though I let her feed me the piece none the less.
A blush covers her cheeks and it makes me think of last night and how beautiful she looked laying there, naked, wearing only that blush.
No. I have to stop thinking like that, we’ll never make it out the fucking house at this rate.
“Right,” I lightly tap the side of her thigh, “finish up, we have other places to be.”
She raises an eyebrow and finishes her mouthful. “Where are we going?”
“Date number two,” I say, grabbing her free hand and pressing a kiss to her palm.
“Another one?”
I nod my head, grabbing a strawberry for myself out of the bowl. “Yes, so hurry otherwise we’ll miss it.”
She squeals, scrambling off my lap, running into the house leaving me sat there stunned .
Once we were both ready to leave the house, I took Summer by the cafe so she could change into something a little warmer than shorts. She kept the pull over on though and it’s nice to see her wearing something of mine out in the open.
As Summer goes upstairs, I wait for her behind the counter and chat with Lennon. Since working here, I’ve not needed to worry so much about her, and from what I hear from Grayson, and surprisingly Archer, she’s been spending more time in town at the pub with her friends from high school than in the city with the group of wasters she was hanging out with although apparently there’s still one guy that’s been causing some worry.
Lennon hands me a takeout coffee and leaves one for Summer next to me. “Summer was glowing just now,” she says, waggling her eyebrows.
I fight the urge to gag, “That’s gross, Lennon. You’re my sister.”
“Ew, I didn’t mean it like that, you’re the gross one.” She does gag, hitting me on the arm as she backs away.
“Then what the fuck else did you mean?”
She throws a cleaning rag at me. “That you must have worked things out, that you’re now together and aren’t just pining after each other anymore.”
“We’re not together… I don’t think,” I say, questioning it myself. I would just assume that we are but neither of us have actually come out and said it.
Lennon scoffs. “You suck.” Before I can answer her, a customer comes to the counter to order.
A couple minutes later, Summer comes down the stairs wearing some jeans and sneakers, much more appropriate for where we’re going.
“You ready?” I ask as she comes to stand in front of me, finding the coffee Lennon made for her and clutching it in her hands. Despite the spread we had at breakfast, coffee was not on the menu, she complained that the coffee I had in the house was subpar and would rather go without.
I grab her hand, leading her out to Grayson’s truck, he’s leting me keep it for the next couple days, thank god, because as we passed through the cafe, the amount of people looking in our direction didn’t sit right with me. I know this is going to be hot gossip by next week and I’m not going to be here to field it, so Summer will have to deal with it alone and I just know the frenzy the town can end up causing.
The rink is on a side road off the main road leading out of town, the one where we first met. It feels like years ago, but it’s really not been that long.
The rink isn’t very big, it’s mainly just used for skating lessons and for kids to learn to play hockey before they’re old enough to go out to the city and play with the bigger kids.
As the tires crunch over the gravel, Summer starts looking around at the surroundings, leaning around to check all angles. “Are you going to kill me?”
I laugh bursts out of my mouth, and she looks at me like I’ve grown two heads. I get why she would think that, its just all forest until we get to the rink.
“No, I’m not going to kill you. Grayson would hate me if I got his truck confiscated as evidence.”
She frowns, unamused.
Eventually the forest clears and the ice rink comes into view and it does nothing to assuage her concerns, “Brooks, seriously what is this?” The building looks like a big unoccupied warehouse. There’s no signage, everyone who lives here knows what it is, and there’s only one beat up car in the parking lot, which looks abandoned but I know is actually just the caretakers car, he’s had it since I was a kid and was coming here daily after school.
“Don’t like surprises, eh?” I joke, parking and getting out the car, coming round to open Summer’s for her.
“Not when it looks like I’m being surprised by my untimely death,” she mutters. Since working with my sister, she’s starting to sound like her. This is exactly the kind of dramatic thing Lennon would say in this situation.
“Shut up, now get inside.” I slap her ass and she yelps, walking quickly to get away from me while I grab the skates from the back seat.
We reach the doors and I push it open for her, following behind her as she takes in her surroundings. It’s the bare minimum for an ice rink, literally just the ice with some seating around it.
“We’re going ice skating?” She asks, turning around to face me, unabashed joy on her face.
I hold up the skates for her to see and she jumps up and down, snatching them away from me and sitting down to put hers on.
“I’m assuming mine are the pink ones?” she calls out, taking her sneakers off, her excitement palpable.
I never thought watching the girl I like put skates on would fill me with such profound happiness and I’m filing this moment away to think back on for when I have to leave.
She gets the skates on, struggling to lace them up properly but the look on her face when she thinks she’s done it is too adorable to break so I don’t tell her and just hope she doesn’t break an ankle. There’ll be a plenty of time to teach how to do it properly in the future.
She stands there in my jacket and Lennon’s old skates with her hands on her hips. “I’m not waiting for you.” Gazing pointedly between the skates on the floor next to her and my feet.
So fucking sassy for someone so tiny.
I put the skates on like its second nature and watch as she stands at the edge of the ice, “Thought you weren’t waiting for me.” I come up behind her, kissing her on the cheek.
“I’ve not skated since I was a kid,” she murmurs.
“Oh so now you’re scared?” I tease, stepping on the ice facing her, holding my hands out for her to grab.
Summer swats them away and rolls her eyes. “No, not scared just… apprehensive.” She says before stepping on the ice with a little wobble, she gets her balance and without a second glance at me, she skates away like a natural leaving me to chase after her.