Coming Home (Pierpoint View #1) Chapter Thirty-Two - Summer 91%
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Chapter Thirty-Two - Summer



In the weeks since Brooks left, I’ve been working non-stop everyday, one to keep my mind off things, but also because Nate and Lennon deserve to have time off too after they had to cover me because of my impromptu date week. They both insisted it wasn’t necessary but it’s my business and no one should have to pick up my slack.

Its now the first week of December, Christmas is just around the corner, which means so is my birthday, and I feel like I’m having withdrawal symptoms from a person. Can that happen? I don’t think medically it can, but it sure as hell feels like it.

Lennon is also fed up of dealing with my shit at work. “Summer, I’ve almost had it up to here,” she holds her hand up above her head, “with you.”

I click my tongue and shake my head. “That’s an awful lot,” I tease.

“It is! You’re mopey, depressed and I can’t believe its because of my brother,” she exclaims dramatically, even going as far to throw a dirty rag at me.

I raise a brow at her dramatics, she’s entirely correct, but it doesn’t mean she has to call me out like that .

“I agree!” Nate calls through from the kitchen. We’ve opted to keep the door open now so that it’s easier for communication, although all it’s done is open the door, literally, for Lennon to gossip all day, everyday.

“Well, I don’t agree!”

“Come on, Summer, you know Nate is going back to Italy tomorrow, and I’m going to the island this weekend, you can’t work and manage the place by yourself, just go and see him, he’d love the surprise!”

Lennon has been persuading me to go and see Brooks this week and everything seemed to line up perfectly, I have to admit. Both of my employees are away and Brooks is in Calgary for all his games which almost never happens, it really would be perfect timing.

“But what if he doesn’t want me there?” I ask.

I hate to sound so weak, especially because Brooks and I are back to calling every evening for hours on end but it still scares me to go out there and surprise the man.

“Brooks will have a heart attack as soon as he sees you, I promise.”

Nate comes over too, leaning against the door frame. “Summer, she’s right. You and him were joined at the hip for almost a week straight and you call every night, you don’t think he’d be excited to see you?”

I may have become too close with my employees.

Between the three of us, we all know each other’s deepest darkest secrets — Nate has been a therapist to Lennon actually which is great for her — but that means they know how to talk me down from overreacting and doubting myself.

“Okay, fine… fine. I’ll go.”

“Jeez, don’t sound too excited. But great, I’m going to set this up for you, don’t worry about a thing.” Lennon claps her hands together, and squeals. “I love it when a plan comes together!”

Lennon did exactly what she said she’d do, with help from Grayson, and the next day I have a business class seat on a flight to Calgary, I’m being picked up by a driver and taken to Brooks’ hockey game, meeting his assistant that I never knew he had and being seated in the friends and family area.

Closing the cafe for the week was not what I had ever really wanted to do, but if I didn’t do this, I would be distracted and as Lennon said — moody — until he came home for Christmas.

The hockey arena is loud, and it’s cold sitting this close to the ice and I’m glad Lennon made me wear a sweater. The fans are all hyped and I have no idea what to expect; it’s completely different being here than it is watching it on a screen and I can’t believe Brooks does this multiple times a week. No wonder he was so bummed when he found out he might not have been able to do this ever again, I would be too. The high the players must get from coming out here to the fans every night has to be an indescribable feeling.

The game is meant to start in 5 minutes and I’m nervous as hell. What if he doesn’t like that I’m here? This is his ‘other’ life after all, there’s a reason he doesn’t let his hockey life coincide with his small town life, and that just adds to my hesitation with him generally. I’ve been secretly doing some research on Brooks in the media and they portray him as a playboy, a bachelor, that’s his brand, what if I ruin that?

I don’t have long to dwell on it though, because the girl in the seat next to me taps me on the arm. “Who are you here for?” she asks.

“Brooks Freeman, it’s my first time watching him in person. What about you?” I don’t know why I asked, I know absolutely zero other players on the team but its only polite.

“Toby Alexander. I’m Leila,” she says holding out her hand, a beautiful smile on her face.

“Summer.” I shake her hand, returning the smile.

Just then the music changes and the lights dim, the announcers start talking over the speakers and the fans start cheering. I’m not paying attention to anything other than my heart beating out of my chest in time with the bass in the music.

“You look nervous,” Leila says, leaning close to be heard.

I grimace. “He doesn’t know I’m here, I’m surprising him and now I’m here, I’m thinking its a bad idea.”

She tuts. “Don’t you worry about it, I’m sure he’ll be ecstatic. You’re his girlfriend?”

“No, just dating.” And now I feel pathetic because what kind of girl goes to surprise the guy when they’re not even together. “Is Toby your boyfriend?” I ask, trying to keep my mind off the fact that I made a stupid, stupid decision.

She shakes her head, her dark curls bouncing around her face as she does, “No, he’s been my best friend since we were kids. Oh look—” she points to the ice, “They’re coming out. You’ll have a great time and I promise you’ll forget how nervous you are.”

As soon as the players skated on to the ice, Leila’s words rang true; I completely forgot about why I was actually here and started enjoying the game, getting in to it, cheering when they scored, booing when the other team scored, shouting out words of encouragement with Leila, spewing insults when a player on our team got sacked, which was a lot .

Hockey is a brutal sport.

The buzzer sounds signaling the end of the game, and the win goes to the Coyotes. I stand, cheering and clapping and Leila engulfs me in a hug, sharing in the excitement.

The buzz in the arena is electrifying and I haven’t felt anything like this before. I can only imagine how it feels for Brooks after he scored the winning point, to hear all these fans calling his name.

As the crowds die down, Leila grabs my arm. “Hey, come with me. I’ll take you to Brooks.” I thank her but I think it got lost in the cacophony.

I follow her down the steps underneath the arena seats, other family and friends heading the same way, until we come to what I imagine would be the entrance to the locker rooms. Some players are already heading out and it shocks me that they haven’t even been off the ice for 10 minutes and they’re already ready to go.

A blond guy emerges from the locker room and even though he’s lacking the kit I can tell that it’s the same person Leila pointed out. Toby is a large guy, not just in height, he’s built like a tank and very hard to miss. As he nears, a figure comes from behind him and I find it crazy that Brooks can be standing behind this guy and not a single part of him could be seen.

Leila nudges me. “Brooks and Toby are good friends, I imagine we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other.” Motioning to the two of the boys laughing, being joined by a third who jumps on top of the two from behind. “And Jax,” she sighs, “Can’t forget Jax.”

“Leila, we’re going out with Brooks for dinner!” Toby calls.

“I don’t think we are,” she answers, stepping into his open arms, he looks down at her in confusion and she points behind her in my direction.

He frowns. “Who’s your friend?”

“Summer?” Brooks finally reaches us too, looking my way after hearing Toby’s question.

I feel awkward, I don’t know what to do with my hands and Brooks’ face doesn’t show any indication as to what he’s feeling.

“Hey,” I say, and I wave. Why did I wave? I push my hands deep into my jeans pocket lest I make more of a fool of myself.

I needn’t have worried though because a massive grin forms on Brooks’ face and he drops his bag off his shoulder and it hits the floor with a thud, and sweeps me up into his arms.

My arms come around his neck and the smell of him hits me and it feels like I’m home, if only there weren’t twenty people watching this happen and whispering between themselves.

He lowers me to the floor, hands coming up to cup my cheeks, “What are you doing here?” he breathes, eyes roaming my face. “I can’t believe you’re here, how did you get here?”

“I wanted to see you.” My voice small but I’m enjoying the mystified look on his face.

“And you didn’t think to tell me you were coming?” he asks.

“Nope,” I say, popping the P, “It wouldn’t be a surprise if I had.”

He shakes his head, bewildered, looking lost for words. “I have so many questions but I also really want to just get you home, Princess.”

“I’m fine with that,” I say, pressing a kiss to his lips.

“Yo, B. Who’s the chick?”

“Jax, shut up,” Brooks says without turning away from me. He picks his bag up from the floor, and takes my hand.

“We’re heading out, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Brooks waves at his friends, dragging me behind him.

“Are you not coming out with us?” Jax shouts from behind us, and then we hear an “Ow” from him and I turn in time to see Toby pulling his hand away and Jax rubbing his arm.

“Your friends are fun,” I say to Brooks as we head out of the arena towards the truck.

“Jax is an asshole but the kind you just have to love, and Toby is a big teddy bear, I guess. He’s been pining for Leila for years, not that he admits it to himself.”

He holds the door open for me and as soon as I’m seated, he leans in devouring me with a kiss.

“Fuck, I missed you,” he breathes.

“I missed you too, now get in the car and take me home.”

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